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You're What I Want (Y.A Series Book 4)

Page 9

by Sarah Tork

  My jaw dropped, but I snapped it back into place. “I’m your first?”

  He nodded slowly. “Yeah.”

  “How is that possible?” I asked.

  He smiled. “I guess I haven’t found what I wanted until now.”

  “You’re my first too,” I mumbled, feeling dazed. He grinned and touched foreheads with me. I felt as if we were covered in warmth. Everything sparkled and moved slowly around me. It was a moment. You know, one of those moments they talk about in romance novels and movies, where everything slows down.

  “Jenna?” Tom murmured.

  “Yeah?” I whispered, grinning.

  “We should get our food and get out of here; people are staring at us.” Tom smirked.

  I eyed the restaurant and everybody, including the lunch attendants, was chuckling and shaking their heads at us. “Yeah, that would be a good idea.” I chuckled nervously.

  Tom still had a gentle grip on my hand. We ordered two cheeseburgers. He got fries too. Then he did something that made my heat melt and my mind go haywire. He paid for mine too.

  The sun shined, but there were no windows where we were.

  Everyone stared at us, which included a nasty scowl from Stacey Two on our way toward the baseball team’s table. Tom sat down on a bench next to James, who had Annabelle next to him. Roy sat across the table with Dana by his side, and Peter sat beside them with Becky next to him.

  What the hell was going on?

  How’d this happen to me?

  I was in a relationship in less than five minutes? That’s what it felt like, because that’s kind of what… damn it… still not sure what exactly was going on. What happened to not being in a relationship during the swim season?

  I gazed at Tom as he bit into his burger. He caught me looking at him and squeezed my hand, making me feel warm and reminding me why I’d said yes in the restaurant. This was about taking a chance, for the first time in my life.

  Be it good or bad.

  Hopefully good.

  “So, I was like, bro! Stop trying to hug me!” James laughed, high-fiving all his bros around the table. I went into frozen mode, meeting Annabelle’s amused eyes.

  Do not roll your eyes, for the love of God, do not roll your eyes. Just nod. Just nod and act like it’s funny.



  Tom Colleto’s phone number was in my phone. And mine was in his phone.

  Is this really happening?

  After school, Annabelle followed me to my locker with a stupid grin on her face.

  “We didn’t get to talk at lunch.” She giggled as I blanched, opening my locker.

  I hissed, “Maybe it’s because you were too busy sucking James’s face off.” I grabbed a few things and stuffed them in my bag. I took out my duffel bag and shut my locker.

  “What is your problem?” Annabelle snapped. “Snapping at me for no reason. You said you would be good.”

  “This is good.” I smiled bitterly at her. “Gotta go, swim practice.”

  “Whatever, Ms. Grumpy! See if I ever ask you anything again!” She blasted me as I headed toward the pool’s change room. I entered it and found it was empty. I tossed my stuff inside a locker and sat down on the bench, burying my head in my hands.

  I’d been so mean to her.

  I’d have to make it up to her later.

  The door slammed open and I straightened as Tina, Dana, and the rest of the girls strolled in. They all had huge grins on their faces.

  “Oh, Jenna!” they all sang, annoying me in an instant because I knew what was going to follow.

  “What?” I moaned, scowling at the lot of them. Dana and Tina stood in front of me. I eyed them. “Don’t start, it’s not a big deal.”

  Dana and Tina each grabbed one of my shoulders.

  “We just wanted to say….” Tina began.

  “That we’re happy for you,” Dana continued.

  Tina nodded. “We’re all in relationships!” she squeaked, letting go of my shoulder and clapping excitedly.

  Dana dived in and hugged me. “Congratulations,” she squealed. “Finally.”




  After practice, I ran to the showers and got in first before Tina could. Her hair-care needs were never a problem before, but now she was taking extra time. The last few minutes of practice I’d felt anxiety, planning my bolt to the change room as soon as Coach blew the whistle. First one in the showers, first one out, I changed into my clothes and left before anybody else wanted to congratulate me on my first relationship. It shouldn’t be a big deal to anyone and the fact that it was disturbed me. They needed real problems to worry about if they had time to congratulate me for something as menial as a relationship.

  Once outside, I checked my phone and noticed a text from Mom, saying that she couldn’t pick me up today.

  No problem. Walking was good. As I walked down the sidewalk, a car honked from behind, startling me. I turned and faced the car just as it pulled to the curb next to me. It was a blue car, an older model. The window rolled down, revealing… my boyfriend… maybe?

  “Tom?” I asked, feeling a million different confusing emotions. Was I happy, sad, or angry that this was happening to me? “What are you doing here?”

  I knew he had baseball practice, but their practice ended before the swim team’s did. I was surprised to see him, having thought he’d head home right away.

  He grinned, his hair slicked back from probably just showering as well. “Waiting for you, silly. Get in.”

  Did he just call me silly?

  Was that my new nickname?

  This girl right here, she was not, and would never be known as a… SILLY!

  I was a serious athlete.

  If he wanted to give me a nickname it should have been warrior or champ or something powerful like that.

  But not… silly.

  “Hey, it’s going to rain soon, get in before you get soaked,” he stated, and it made me feel warm inside. He cared if I got soaked, even though my hair was already wet.

  “I’m already soaked. I just showered. I’ll probably take another one when I get home.” As I told him this, the smile on his face went away and was replaced with a serious look.

  It made me feel funny.

  What did I say?

  The door lock snapped up and I didn’t hesitate getting in. No walking home for me. Hey, this boyfriend thing might not be so bad after all, if it came with perks like this. I’d never have to walk anywhere ever again. Was this how Annabelle felt? James had a car, so he probably drove her everywhere she wanted.

  “Thanks,” I said, buckling my seat belt after placing my bags in front of me.

  “Anytime,” Tom said.

  “Do you remember where I live?” I asked.

  He started the car and drove away from the curb. “Yeah, I do. But I was hoping we could hang out a little before I have to take you home.”

  “What do you want to do?” I asked, hoping he wasn’t thinking of taking me to his house to make out. “I’m not going to your house and making out with you,” I blurted angrily.

  He burst out laughing. “No. I was thinking more along the lines of getting some frozen yogurt.”

  “Oh,” I mumbled. “I guess that would be okay.”

  Tom chuckled, eyeing me like he thought I was so funny. “Zero to sixty, huh?”

  He didn’t have to explain that to me, because I got it.

  “And don’t you forget it.” I smirked back.

  We drove to Yogurty’s in silence. Well not exactly in silence. The radio was on and we let the music speak for us. When we arrived at Yogurty’s, it was empty except for the cashier. After we filled our bowls, the bill came to exactly twenty dollars. It shocked me how expensive it was, but then I glanced down at Tom’s bowl and realized why. His bowl was over packed, bordering on the Leaning Tower of Pisa. I pulled out my last twenty-dollar bill and before I could hand it to the cashier, Tom nudged m
e out of the way and handed her one. He grabbed both bowls and took a seat in a booth.

  I joined his side. “Why did you do that? You already paid for our lunch today. It’s not fair.”

  “Yes, it is. A gentleman always pays,” he said.

  My heart was a puddle of water. He was so nice. I looped my arm through his and leaned into him, kissing his shoulder. “All right, but next time is on me. Thanks, Big Tom.”

  “You’re welcome, silly,” he said, squeezing my arm with his. We ate in silence and for the first time today, I felt peaceful. Problems at home, problems at school, they didn’t exist there, with us. Whatever we were. I felt like a completely different person. Last week I was complaining about all the relationships around me and how they were nothing but distractions. Now I was in a relationship, sort of, kind of, maybe…?

  “I know we discussed this already, but out of fear that it was done in the heat of the moment, are we actually boyfriend, girlfriend?” I blurted out, and he choked. I grinned and patted his back. “Don’t choke, now.”

  My head fell back and I chuckled, a deep in my belly kind. But before I could open my eyes, two hands grabbed my shoulders and pulled me forward. Just as my eyes were about to open, his lips pressed over mine, taking them hostage.

  Oh, okay.

  There was no room for talking. His kissing technique wouldn’t allow it. He also tasted like cherry cheesecake, dark chocolate, peanut butter, and jelly frozen yogurt. What a combination.

  After a bit, he pulled back. “Does that answer your question?” he murmured.

  I blinked repeatedly and cleared my throat. “Not really.” I slapped his shoulder. “I told you I wasn’t going to make out with you.”

  He ate another spoonful of a new combination of frozen yogurt and gave me a cheeky grin. “Sorry,” he offered.

  I shook my head at him and grabbed my spoon, dipping it in my bowl. “Sure you are.”



  Thunder struck and rain poured right after we left Yogurty’s and got into his car, just missing the first drop of rain. Tom turned on the car and dialed the radio, settling on a station playing old-school music. I wiped sweat off my forehead and fanned myself.

  “Sorry, the A/C’s broken,” he said, opening the window a little. I copied him and lowered mine too. It was still hot, but a few drops found their way in. It was good enough.

  “It’s okay,” I said, adjusting the seat as well. We listened to fifties music. Ten minutes later, Tom turned to his side and looked at me, all relaxed. I felt the same. This was nice. I could do this more often. Maybe after the swim season.

  “Tell me something about yourself?” Tom asked, adjusting his seat back. “Something nobody knows.”

  I exhaled and began. “I think every swim meet will be the last one I ever swim in.”

  “Like they’re all championships?” Tom suggested.

  I nodded. “Yeah. Athletes leave it all on the table when they know that’s it. They fail in that competition, there’s no coming back and trying again, so you have to try your absolute best.”

  “And if you aren’t successful?” he asked.

  “Then it’ll be like I failed.” I sighed. “Ruining everything I’d worked for.”

  We were silent for a few minutes, until Tom began chuckling. Damn it, his smile was so cute.

  That’s it, there must have been an alien invasion, landing on my house this past week and using my body as a vessel, making me do these… ugh… cutie-pie, sparkly eye, warm kisses… things.

  Yep… a total alien invasion.

  I gulped. “It’s happening so fast.”

  “I guess we connected.” He shrugged with another blasted cute smile.

  Why was he doing this to me!

  “At lightning speed,” I added.

  “No other way but,” he continued.

  I shook my head slowly. None of this made sense. “It’s not common.”

  “Isn’t it though?” Tom wagged his eyebrows, grinning slyly. “Think of every famous couple throughout history.”

  I cringed. “That’s a little cheesy.”

  He chuckled. “Damn it. Thought that line would have worked.”

  I chuckled. “Nice try, but I’m immune to sappy stuff like that.”

  I was trying to act cool. I couldn’t give everything away.

  “Sappy stuff?” He suppressed his grin and picked up my hand, kissing my palm. “How’s that for sappy?”

  Air got caught in my throat. “It’s okay,” I squeaked.

  My response brought out the sneaky grin. “How about this, then?” He licked my palm, shocking me.

  “Ew,” I yelped, pulling my hand away and slapping his shoulder as he howled, laughing. “That’s gross. And it definitely wasn’t sappy. It was slimy, that’s what it was.”

  “Sorry.” He smiled timidly. He started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. “It must have been a misunderstanding.”

  I rolled my eyes and put on my seat belt. “Suuuure.”

  “So, are you actually my girlfriend?” Tom asked, close to home.

  “How about if say I won’t kiss anyone else while we’re together?” I suggested, motioning him to pull over.

  He parked the car in front of my neighbor’s house and turned it off.

  “And how about if I say I’m actually your boyfriend and you’re actually my girlfriend,” Tom stated.

  I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. “Okay,” I said and quickly pecked him on the lips. I pulled back, but only a few inches. “I like our quiet moments, by the way.”

  He smiled. “Well, I love our quiet moments.”

  I let go of his shoulders and exhaled. “All right, I’m going now.”

  “If you must,” he said, kissing my hand once more.

  “Ugh,” I grumbled, making a face when what I really wanted to do was giggle. “Bye, Big Tom.” I opened the door, picked up my bags and got out.

  “Later, silly.” I shook my head and closed the car door. After unlocking and opening my front door, I heard him drive away. He waited until I was safe…. A stupid grin broke out on my face, but I quickly shook it off and entered the house.

  “I’m home,” I yelled, closing the door and knocking off my shoes. It smelled like tomato sauce and garlic.

  “We’re in the kitchen,” Mom yelled. I went into the kitchen and found Mom at the stove, stirring the pot.

  “Hey,” I said to her and looked at the kitchen table where Dad was sitting. The table was full of poster boards and markers. There was one poster board with words on it and he was finishing writing the second one. It said Garage Sale.

  “Hey Dad,” I said, taking the seat next to him. He kissed my cheek and handed me a marker and a poster board.

  “Five more to go,” he sang.



  Jenna: Don’t be mad at me. I’m sorry.

  Annabelle: Busy now, I don’t want to hear it.

  Jenna: All I’m going to say is… secret relationship anyone?

  Annabelle: Fine, but we’re even now.

  Jenna: Amazing, see you tomorrow best buddy!

  I tossed my phone onto my bed and stretched my arms out, feeling the stress leave me. Annabelle’s forgiven me, Tom turned out to be not such a bad guy, and Mom was apparently okay with us having a garage sale to off-load some stuff we didn’t need anymore. Apparently Mom was promised the world and back if she agreed with the garage sale.

  New stuff.


  My mom liked to shop.


  I sat in front of my desk and turned on my laptop, opening the text my brother sent on the first day of school and reading it for millionth time. His words calmed me and as always, big brother had some good advice to give.

  Robby: Take a chance, Jenna….

  When I got to the last sentence, my phone chimed with an incoming text. A fool’s grin broke out. If the old me from two weeks ago saw
this me, grinning like this, old me would have slapped the new me.

  Tom: Can I be sweet to you?

  Jenna: If you must… Big Tom.

  Tom: Oh, but I must… silly.

  For the love of God… I would not squeal like a giggly girl in… something unlike a warrior would ever experience. Whatever this was, I was going in headfirst. Maybe I could handle everything after all.



  My brain told me to ditch homework and dinner and find somewhere quiet to continue my conversation with Jenna. I wasn’t ready for it to end.

  Jenna: See you tomorrow.

  Saying goodbye to Jenna seemed like torture and my attitude about the whole thing kind of made me sick. I needed my spine back.

  Tom: See you tomorrow.

  My uncle snaked around me and grabbed the phone from my grip. He smirked reading the screen and tossed the phone back, shaking his head in disbelief. “And you’re worse than I thought. Jesus, Tommy boy, its only day two and you’re already this whipped. You need to be saved, bro, and I know just how. There’s a new rule, I’m calling it now.”

  I slipped my phone in my pocket and took a seat at the kitchen table. “Oh yeah, what’s that?”

  “It’s simple. No Shakespeare talk before dinner.” he declared, grabbing homemade pizza from the oven. “Remember, you need to play it cool. None of this, oh Jenna, but I must see you again before the night is over, say it isn’t so for I might die and parish. My love is real, baby cakes, love your hunky stud.” my uncle bursts out laughing while he sliced the pizza.


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