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Chaos (Bound by Cage #3)

Page 5

by Brittany Crowley

  I throw some money on the bar to pay for my drink and head outside towards the gym. Looking at my watch I know that Josh and Zander are training right now. I could go for a good gym session to release some of this pent up energy.

  I haven’t been with a woman in over a month and my dick is feeling the effects. Knowing what I do about Georgie, sexy time is still far off, even with what Savvy just said. She needs to be able to trust me enough not to fuck up after I take her V-card. I refuse to be another fucked up aspect of her life.

  This fucking boner can hit the road though. Not that I don’t normally get them, I get them aplenty. But I can usually do something about it. Lately it’s just me and the ol’ righty.

  As I walk through the door I see Z and Josh sparring in the ring.

  “Excuse me ladies, may I cut in?” I yell across the gym.

  “You sure you can handle sparring with the big boys? Or are you gonna call mom like a pussy again?” Z replies while circling Josh.

  “You get bruised once and you don’t ever let a man live it down. Mom explained the situation asshole, she knows.”

  “Suit up bro, I’ll take you on.” Josh yells.

  I make my way to the locker room and within five minutes I’m changed and raring to go a few rounds with my twin. In the back of my mind I keep thinking about what’s hanging over my head. Fuck, how did I become an illegal underground fighter? The crazy thing is, I’d do it again in a heartbeat to protect Georgie.

  Making my way out front I hear my brother’s ragging on each other.

  “Let’s do this Josh, I hope you warned Ash you’ll be coming home a little banged up today. Hopefully you’ll be able to get it up later.” I bounce around the ring and take on a defensive stance.

  “Don’t you worry about me or my dick Jay. Worry about calling mom when we’re done because I’m going to fuck you up pretty boy.”

  I drop my arms and look pointedly at my brother. “Don’t be angry I got all the good genes Josh. We all can’t be devastatingly handsome with a big womb broom. Sorry boys, that trait is mine and mine alone. But look on the bright side, your girls see what’s deep down inside of you. They love your personalities.”

  “Shut the fuck up man. Let’s do this.” Josh starts circling me.

  Twenty minutes later we’re both panting and there is no clear winner. At least this is boosting my ego for my fight. If I can hang with Josh in the ring I’m feeling pretty good about myself.

  “Good job man. Do I need to speed dial mom for you?” Z asks me.

  “Fuck you.” I grit out.

  “You guys up for grabbing a beer after this? If I have to look at one more color swatch or tell Ash I care just as much about flowers as she does, I’m going to lose it. Z, you got it right with surprising Savvy with a wedding. It cuts out all this middle bullshit.” Josh whines.

  “No can do J baby. I have a date tonight.”

  “Shut the fuck up. Jayden Cage has a date… with an actual woman?” Josh asks.

  “What the fuck ever. Last I checked Georgie counted as a real woman, asshole.”

  “Jay, why couldn’t you pick someone else? Possibly someone not related to Ash. When this goes bad, me and my balls will feel it.” Josh shakes his head.

  “As if I’d do anything to hurt your balls. Don’t forget we’re twins, I get sympathy pain. And ah… no worries. I don’t plan on hurting her.” I look down as a blush heats my skin. Fuck! Jayden Cage doesn’t blush.

  “She’s different, I can see the way he looks at her. Josh, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised that our boy here has grown up. What’d I tell you man, when you meet the right person you just know. Kablam!” He fakes an explosion with his hands.

  “Yeah, yeah, boom and all that sappy shit. If you don’t mind, I’m going to excuse myself so I have some time to properly shower at home.” I grab my towel, wipe down my face and head out of the ring.

  “What the hells a proper shower?” Zander asks Jay.

  “A shower where I can make sure my balls are so fresh and so clean, clean.” I laugh.

  I said it would be a while before she was ready to sex it up. However, I’m hoping for some over the pants action. A little fondle and caress situation. The night is our oyster and my lady will be swooning so hard she won’t know what hit her.

  Chapter 7


  I rub the mirror of all the fog my shower created. Saying I’m nervous is definitely an understatement. I’ve never been on a date before, let alone with someone like Jayden. Calling him handsome is a serious lack of truth. The guy is gorgeous! Wait, can guys be gorgeous? I don’t care because he is, like a movie star.

  I look at my reflection and smile. The last few months have been a trip and for the most part I’ve made it out just fine. Well, except for getting Jayden involved in the whole illegal fighting thing. The smile vanishes from my face. How can he honestly want to go on a date with me when I put his life in danger? He could die and hearing Skid explain the fights scared the hell out of me. How could Jayden so easily say yes?

  I reach over and dump out the drug store bag on my vanity. The makeup I bought earlier slides out and litters the top. I’ve never really worn makeup before but I paid a little visit to Ash earlier and she gave me the run down. I know the basics, well, enough to get by.

  My sister wasn’t that thrilled when I told her I’d be going on a date with the manwhore himself. Her words, not mine. Why does everyone I know feel the need to explain how many women Jayden’s been with. How do they even know? Have they stalked him and caught him in the act? I sigh. This is exactly what I shouldn’t be thinking about because it’s getting the best of me.

  Once I’m done blow drying my hair and styling it to fall in waves down my back, I apply my makeup. As I look back up into the mirror I barely recognize myself. Sometimes I still expect to see Georgette. A plain Jane that never stood out, hiding under her bonnet. It’s a daily struggle to wake up and remember that I’m not back there, at the compound. I’m free. No one to answer to and finally able to live my life the way I want. The strong confident woman staring back at me brings moisture to my eyes. I owe Ashlyn everything for setting forth the events that led me to freedom.

  Shaking thoughts of my prior life from my head, I need to get to my bedroom and figure out what the heck I’m wearing for my date.

  I wrap a towel around my body and exit the bathroom and shriek when I find Victor, Savvy and Ash are all sitting on my bed.

  “Holy cow guys, you scared the life outta me.” I clutch my hand to my chest and try to slow down my erratic heart palpitations.

  Ashlyn jumps off the bed squealing. “Did you really think you’d have to get ready for your first date by yourself? Honestly Georgie, what kind of sister do you take me for?”

  Savvy ever so slowly rolls herself off the bed then stands upright clutching her back. “Seriously George, let’s do this shit!”

  I look over at a smiling Victor and know exactly what he’s thinking. Family.

  After twenty minutes of Ash trying to get me to wear some skimpy scraps of fabric and Savvy trying to put me in a hoody and jeans, we finally meet a common ground.

  “Girl, you look hot!”


  “Really pretty.” They all say at the same time.

  As I stare at myself in the floor length mirror I breathe a sigh of relief. I’m wearing a beautiful maxi skirt, black tank top that does wonders for my boobs and a jean jacket. Having my boobs out isn’t making me too comfortable, but Vic swears they aren’t out at all. So I go with it. Ash was wearing the skirt but demanded I put it on because it’d make my eyes pop. Who am I to argue?

  “Thank you, guys, so much.” I feel the tears build again.

  “Don’t even! Your makeup… my makeup… just stop!” I stop for fear of Savvy’s wrath, but start laughing. “You guys are the best. What time is it?”

  The doorbell rings as I finish asking my question. I must get a look of terror on my face bec
ause Victor rushes up to me telling me to take deep breaths as the girls make their way to get the door.

  “Who would have thought you’d be the first one to go on a date.” He nudges me with his shoulder.

  “Not true! You’ve been seeing Caesar.”

  “No dates for me Georgie, I’m not ready yet. We’re just friends.”

  “That makes me sad. You deserve to be taken out, so much Vic. I just wish you’d see it.” I pull him in for a hug.

  “We’ll figure out my love life another time. Preferably when a gorgeous man isn’t waiting in our living room to take you out!” We silently jump up and down together.

  After calming down and gathering my composure, I make my way out to where I hear the girls and Jayden talking. These shoes are going to be heck to walk in tonight but Ash told me if I didn’t wear heels she’d disown me. I argued that he can’t even see my feet but she just scoffed at me. Little does she know Savvy snuck a pair of flip flops in my purse when she wasn’t looking. She’s a saint!

  When I round the corner, Jayden has his back to me, giving me an extra moment to school my emotions. Do all girls get this nervous for their first dates? The only difference is I’m 21 and I’m not worried about him only wanting to kiss me. Stop thinking about sex, Georgie!

  My eyes roam over his form as he continues talking to the girls. He’s wearing a black form fitting button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a pair of dark wash jeans that do wonders for his butt and I find it so charming he’s wearing a pair of cowboy boots. You would never know he’s from Texas until his accent pops up or little touches like this come out.

  Victor clears his throat behind me, clearly trying to get Jayden’s attention. And he succeeds. As he turns around the smile on his face turns into an open mouth fish gaping thing. I hope that’s a good sign.

  We stare intently into one another’s eyes. I’m completely lost in his sweet baby blues when he walks towards me.

  “Alright let’s go.” Jayden grabs my hand and pulls me towards the door.

  That’s it? I look back towards the three of them and they all shrug their shoulders looking just as confused as I am. When we get to the stairs I warn Jayden to go slow due to my poor footwear selection. Like a gentleman, he holds my hand and makes sure I get to the bottom unscathed.

  When he opens the door for me I internally cheer, it’s just like the movies! I slide inside before he closes the door and makes his way towards the driver’s side.

  When he gets in he makes no move to start it. He shuts the door and faces me, placing his hand on the side of my face.

  “Holy fuck Sunshine, you took my breath away.”

  Heat creeps up my face and I look down at my lap with a smile on my face. The fingers under my chin tip my face upwards, putting me mere inches from him.

  “Don’t be mad.” He whispers, confusing me as to why I’d ever be mad at him.

  With that he leans in and presses his lips to my own. He starts out slow, almost too slow. Cautious even. When I feel his tongue slide along my bottom lip, I gasp and he takes advantage, sliding his tongue inside. At the first touch, it reminds me that I’m supposed to be involved in this kiss too. Moving my tongue with his, heat builds in a part of my body that’s foreign and craving his touch.

  After another moment of his tongue tangling with mine he pulls back, but not all the way. Our foreheads remain pressed together, both of us breathing heavy.

  “You mad?” He breathes out.

  “Not even a little.” A smile lights up my face.

  Jayden grabs my hand and brings it to his mouth, kissing my knuckles.

  “Are you ready?” Staring into his eyes I know I am. I’m ready for my first date and find myself completely excited for what’s to come.

  “Let’s do this!”

  Bringing my hand slowly to my face, I rub my lips. The delicious feel of his lips on mine, his beard scraping against my skin… I’m gonna picture this moment, my first kiss, for the rest of my life. And I find myself praying there will be a thousand more kisses.


  Huh. That’s the third time he’s grabbed his man bag and excused himself to the bathroom. When we got out of his car, he reached into the backseat grabbing a black leather bag. I thought maybe it was a briefcase. But why would he need his laptop on a date?

  Jayden returns and stashes his murse under the table. He flashes me his gorgeous smile and leans in, breaths on my mouth a bit before pressing his lips to mine. He has also been doing this every time he gets back from the bathroom and I have no freaking idea why. The date’s going awesome, other than this one weird quirk. I have to know what’s in his freaking bag.

  “How’s it going at the bar?”

  “It’s great, I love it there. I’m really starting to get the hang of it all too. No more foamy beer for the patrons.” I narrow my eyes at him pretending to be angry.

  “I thought we moved passed this Sunshine. I’m sorry, it was funny, no, it was fucking hysterical. In no way, shape or form did I mean to hurt your feelings.”

  I smile. “I know, but that was the old Georgie. The new Georgie’s a maneater.” I wink.

  “A maneater huh?”

  “Oh yeah. I…” The waiter brings our entrees and I don’t get to finish my sentence. I was going to say something stupid about eating men, but now thinking about it, thank god the waiter showed up. When I’m nervous I ramble and Jayden definitely amps up my nerves.

  Once the waiter clears our plates, surprise, surprise, Jayden excuses himself to the restroom with his dude bag. It’s at this point where I know cooking up a plan to get my hands on that bag is a must. What if he has condoms in there? What if it’s a recording device to get incriminating evidence on me? Oh no, what if he has zip ties, lube and a whip just waiting for the chance to go 50 shades of crazy on me? I just saw those movies and I’m definitely nowhere near ready for a Christian Grey experience. If ever.

  “What’s the matter?” Jayden questions as he sits back down.

  “Nothing.” I smile noticing he slid his satchel closer to my side of the table this time.

  “Didn’t look like nothing. You looked worried just now.” His brow furrows.

  “Everything is fine.” I reach my hand across the table covering his with my own.

  “If you say so. Are you feeling like dessert?”

  I’m moving my foot around under the table trying to find this damn bag. “Oh, I saw a chocolate cheesecake!”

  “You may just do me in with your adorable nature, Georgie McNamara.” He winks at me when my foot rubs over his. I’d act like it didn’t happen but a little shock hits his face before it lights up. He thinks I’m flirting and is it wrong that I totally want to? I wanna be forward and put that look on his face again. What would a maneater do?

  I slip off my shoe and start rubbing my bare foot up his leg trying to massage him. Is this weird? It feels weird and very awkward. My foot goes higher and my leg starts getting tired so I rest my heel on his seat in between his legs. My toes begin to massage his inner thigh. I clearly didn’t think this through or what message it would send to him.

  Looking up at his face I notice a look of hunger and intensity. I continue rubbing his inner thigh trying to wrap this up. How the hell did I just turn this date into a porn video?

  “Do you know what you do to me?” His voice is all sorts of gritty and raw. I freaking love it, I wasn’t expecting this reaction.

  I shake my head as I squirm in my seat. A tingle between my legs I’ve grown accustomed to getting only from Jayden starts and my skin heats.

  He grabs my foot and places it against his very hard erection, so I go with it. If I were a normal girl, no, a woman. If I were a normal woman that hasn’t been sheltered her whole life, what would I do in this situation? That’s when I rub my foot along his cock, just saying that word in my head makes me cringe. Clearly I catch him off guard because he startles and coughs loudly into his hand. I don’t think he believed me when I said
I was the new Georgie. Well, I’m trying to be. Fake it til you make it and all that jazz.

  I find that I love surprising him, so I continue. A groan escapes his lips when I lift my other foot and double team his penis.

  “Ah, here we are with your dessert.” The waiter comes back and it all happens so fast, like a car wreck.

  The waiter showing up startles me and it hits me that I’m getting Jayden off in public with my feet! They kick forward in surprise causing him to shriek, loudly. Oh no! I just kicked him in the junk!

  “Sir, are you okay?” The waiter questions at the same time I say, “I’m so sorry!”

  His hands are under the table cupping his manhood and his eyes are squeezed tight together. “Fine, I’m fine. I just need a minute.”

  When I hear his voice a few notches higher it makes me cringe. And that’s when I feel my foot catch the strap of the bag. This couldn’t have happened at a more opportune time. I’m mortified and I need a moment to myself. Alone with his pocketbook.

  The bags small enough to conceal at my side as I quickly excuse myself for the lady’s room. I keep it at my hip and slide it to my front when I walk away, hoping he doesn’t notice it missing. That’s silly, his ball pain is priority one right now, I think I saw tears in his eyes.

  When I enter the bathroom, I head straight for the big stall thinking I needed the extra space. What if I pull out a giant vibrating dildo and things get crazy? Please don’t be a giant glitter dildo like the one I found in my garage.

  Opening the bag is anticlimactic because all I find is a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss and mouthwash. Does he have a weird dental fetish? Is he hoping for me to floss him and bathe myself in winter green mouth freshener? Is it horrible that I’d think about doing it? Well, not tonight, it is our first date after all and I’m not that forward of a girl. And I doubt he’d want to do anything tonight because of his bruised crotchal region. But down the road… maybe?

  What is wrong with me? This isn’t me. Bathing in mouth freshener, rubbing a guy’s penis under the table. Fear sets in. It’s not logical, but doing these things would have gotten me punished and it’s hard to turn that off. Thinking like I’m still there. Back at the cult.


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