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Chaos (Bound by Cage #3)

Page 9

by Brittany Crowley

  “I’m in some trouble.”

  “What kind of trouble?” Josh asks with a worried tone to his voice.

  “Bad trouble, illegal trouble, the I’m in deep shit kind of trouble.”

  “Explain.” Zander states.

  I take a deep breath and tell them everything. About Georgie’s gambling, the deal she made with Skid, all the way leading up to me becoming that ass bags brand new underground fighter. They are completely silent which is surprising me. I’d expect them to yell at me, something.

  “There has to be a way to get out of this. You can’t fight, you’re not skilled enough number one. And number two, have you even been to one of these fights? I’ve heard they’re brutal, guys die right there in the ring. No fucking way will I let you do that to yourself.” Zander puts in his two cents. If only it were that easy.

  “If I don’t do this, give him this one fight, he’ll go after Georgie again. Once he figured out you guys were my brothers it’s like dollar signs flashed in his eyes. He’s not going to let this go, and neither am I. I won’t put Georgie in that situation again, no fucking way.”

  “You love her.” Josh says shocking the living hell out of me.

  “Huh? What? No way. Pshhh.” I can’t even speak words right now.

  “Totally. You love her! I can’t believe it’s finally happened. Jayden Cage is in love, call the tabloids!” Josh laughs.

  “Fuck you. So what if I am? Is that so bad? You guys seem happy.” I’m up and pacing the kitchen now. Shit, am I in love with Sunshine? I turn back to them. “And I’m not saying I am. Don’t twist my words you prick.”

  “Let’s table this discussion until we figure out this fight club fiasco.” Zander says gravely.

  “I need you guys to train me, make me the best I can be when I get that call. We have to start right away, I could be called tomorrow for all I know. If that’s the case I’m screwed. I workout with you guys all the time, but I’m in no way, shape or form ready to take on someone for real in a legit fight.”

  “Done.” My brothers say in unison.

  “All this shits illegal too, no rules. I need you to show me anything and everything I can do to win. I don’t care how dirty the moves are. My main goal is to make it through without getting too banged up so I can get home to my girl. That’s it. I don’t care if I win by the skin of my grundle. It just needs to happen.”

  “You’ll be ready. Also, you let us know when you get that call because we’ll be going with you. No fucking way will you go by yourself.”

  “Now Z…”

  “Fuck that shit. Promise me right now. Swear to us that you will call us the second you hear something so we’ll be there in your corner. Promise.”

  I take a deep breath and mull it over. “I promise. But what if…”

  “No what ifs, we’ll be there. I know what you’re going to say. What if someone sees you there, it’ll hurt your fighting career. I’d give it all up in a second to have your back and I know Josh feels the same way.”

  I look over and Josh nods his head once at me. “Not to go all female on you guys, but I love you. Seriously. I couldn’t have ended up with a better pair of brothers.”

  “And Kyle…”

  “Can’t forget the runt! Of course, Ky too.”

  Josh places his hand on my shoulder causing me to look over at him. Worry evident in his eyes which must mirror my own. I try to put on a mask in front of Georgie because I know she’s constantly worried about this fight hanging over my head. I can tell when I catch her staring at me with a look of guilt written all over her face.

  Truth is… I’m worried too. Who wouldn’t be? This isn’t some romance book where the guy goes in defending his girls honor coming out the big hero in the end. I can only hope I come out victorious, also still in one piece, when all is said and done.

  Chapter 13


  “Where’s lover boy tonight?”

  “He had something to do at school. A spring recital or something.”

  “How parents let that guy teach their children I’ll never know.” Caesar says making me a little annoyed.

  “I’ll have you know he’s a great teacher.” A blush rises up my face thinking about what he taught me last night.

  I’m not lying when I say he’s a great teacher, he’s very… thorough. He’s willing to give his all to make sure you get what he’s teaching. And believe me, I’ve learned everything there is to know about foreplay. Mostly just making out and him touching me intimately. His lessons as of late are all I can think about. Washing my hands free from the cult and giving in to Jayden was the best thing I’ve ever done.

  “I bet he’s a great teacher. Does he use a ruler? Tell me he’s a pro with handling a ruler.” Caesar’s eyes light up.

  “Walking in on this part of the conversation I’m just going to keep my mouth shut.” Victor takes a seat at the bar.

  “Hey Vic. Did you change your mind?”

  I look at Caesar and try to figure out what he’s talking about. They’re making eyes at each other but Victor shakes his head no.

  “Let me know when you do.”

  Caesar walks away and I pounce. “You said nothing was going on. That didn’t look like nothing.”

  “Nothing is going on. But he wants something to be going on. I’m not ready, there’s some things I need to work through before I will be.”

  I totally understand what he’s talking about. When I started dating Jayden I had doubts at every turn. Mostly stupid cult stuff in my head. It took me a while to realized I wasn’t doing anything wrong.

  “I’m off in a few days. Let’s spend the day together, watch movies or hit the beach.” Victor is my best friend and I really need to start making him more of a priority.

  “You won’t be with Jayden?”

  “Nope, I’ll be all yours!”

  “Sounds perfect Georgie.” He smiles at me and I notice some new people take the seats at the bar.

  “I’m gonna go serve those people.” I walk to the newbies and take their order.

  “Oh Georgia Peach, this conversations far from over girl. My fantasies of him always involve a ruler.” Caesar sings to my retreating form. He must have been eaves dropping. I don't blame him, Victor's a tough nut to crack.

  I smile and serve the group a round of beers. The rest of my shift is uneventful and before I know it I’m heading home with my radio cranked up. Music isn’t something we had a lot of growing up. Mostly church music.

  I let the song I’m listening to play through singing at the top of my lungs before shutting off my car and heading inside. I yell out but receive no answer when I make my way through the front door. Victor must be out. Sometimes I like having some peace and quiet to myself. I’m usually always around somebody, so the silence is welcoming.

  I check the clock and it reads 8:30 pm. I’m really surprised Jayden hasn’t called me yet. A school recital for third graders shouldn’t have gone this long. Grabbing my phone I see no calls or texts from him. He did mention going out for some celebratory drinks with some coworkers afterwards. Honestly, I’m exhausted and just want to hit the hay. I shoot a quick text off letting him know I’m heading to bed and that I’ll see him tomorrow.

  After my bedtime rituals, I slide into bed and I’m immediately taken by sleep.

  Knock, knock, knock

  I’m jarred awake and look around my dark bedroom slightly sleep fogged. What the hell was that?

  Knock, knock, knock

  I grab my cell phone and look at the time. 10:00 pm. Who the hell could that be? Maybe it’s Jay? Opening my text inbox I still don’t see anything from him. I pull the blanket back and get out of bed. Once I make it to the front door I unlock the deadbolt and throw it open.

  Two scary as hell guys are standing there with smiles on their faces. I recognize them right away as Skid’s goons.

  And it’s at this point I realize I’m royally screwed.


/>   “You guys rocked it tonight!”

  “Thanks Mr. Cage.” My students say in unison.

  They find their parents and head out of the school. We had our annual end of the year performance tonight and I couldn’t be prouder of all my students. They sang their hearts out and their dance moves were on point. This is why I became a teacher. I love seeing the students thrive.

  “Hey Jay, you coming to grab a beer?” My coworker Rudy asks.

  “Of course, let me call Georgie and see if she wants to come.” I excuse myself.

  Reaching in my bag I pull out my cell and press the main button. Nothing. What the fuck? It’s dead and I didn’t take a charger with me this morning. Guess I’ll have to wait to call her.

  I head to the bar my friends said they were heading to and hope this goes quickly. I get along with my coworkers, don’t get me wrong, but I really want to see my girl tonight. It’s been a long fucking day.

  After a few hours of shooting the shit, I get in my SUV and head home. When I glance at the clock I notice it’s just after ten. Georgie was talking about how tired she was this morning so I decide to forgo seeing her and letting her get a good night’s sleep. God knows if I go over there neither of us will be getting any rest.

  Getting to know Georgie over the past couple months has been surprising. Mostly because I find myself enthralled with her. It’s like I can’t get enough. Surely after two months in a relationship I always assumed you’d get bored of the other person. That’s not the case and I find myself shocked and slightly surprised.

  After pulling in my driveway and cutting the engine, I grab my bag and make my way to the front door. Skillfully unlocking it while balancing tons of shit in my hands, I get in and place it all on my couch. First things first, I need to get my phone on the charger. I plug it in and head for the bathroom to take a quick shower. Walking back into my bedroom with a towel slung around my waist, I fire up my phone. There’s a few missed calls from an unrecognizable number and a text from Georgie saying she’s exhausted and heading to bed.

  There are two voicemails from that mysterious number so I place my phone to my ear and listen.

  “Oh Jayden, Jayden, Jayden. Am I going to need to hunt you down? Your fights in a few hours. I’ll expect a call back within the hour. If I don’t hear from you, I’ll have to take drastic measures. You don’t want to fuck with me.”

  The hairs on my arms are standing on end by the end of the message.

  ”Fuck!” I yell into my room. How could I miss that phone call?

  Slowly, I place my phone back to my ear getting ready for the second voicemail. Something tells me I’m not going to like this one bit.

  “I tried to warn you Mr. Cage. You just cost me a fortune and I don’t take kindly to you making a fool of me. People are expecting you to turn up, now what do I do? I think I’ll pay a visit to that hot little number. What’s her name? Oh yes, that’s right. Georgie. It might be time to collect my payment.”

  “Motherfucker!” I throw on clothes in record time then I’m out the door. I make sure to grab my charger so I can use my phone in the car. I try calling Georgie once I get on the road. Every time I’m met with her voicemail a little more dread seeps into my chest. I know I’ll need back-up if Skid’s threats aren’t empty, I dial my brother.

  “This better be good asshole.” I hear Josh mumble into the phone.

  “I got the call tonight.”

  “Oh shit, give me ten and I’ll go grab Z.”

  “No, I missed it and now I think they’re going after Georgie because I didn’t show.”

  “You think?” He questions.

  “Hang on, I just pulled up to her house. Stay on the phone.” I jump out of my car and run up the stairs and plow through the door. Unlocked. She never leaves her door unlocked, especially when she’s home by herself. She says she’s binge watched one too many America’s Most Wanted.

  “Georgie?” I yell through her house and I’m met with no response.

  “Fuck. She’s not here.”

  “Where would he take her? Think Jay.” Josh says calmly. I can hear rustling in the background and I know he’s getting dressed.

  I sit on the couch and pinch the bridge of my nose with my fingers. “I don’t know. It could be anywhere.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  “Thanks bro, I’ll be waiting outside.”

  Deciding I don’t have that many options, I dial the mystery number.

  “Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to call me back. I’m so happy you fit me into your busy schedule Mr. Cage.” Skid says condescendingly.

  “Cut the shit. Where’s Georgie?” I growl.

  “Georgie is just fine, dare I say ecstatic for being here. Isn’t that right?”


  “What did I say about tears bitch?” I hear a whack. Oh hell no.

  “If you lay a fucking hand on her I’ll kill you.”

  “That ship has sailed my friend. You don’t fuck with me and get away with it. Will you answer the next time I call Jayden?”

  “Yes, just let her fucking go!”

  “Glad to hear it.” Click.

  “Hello? Hello! Fuck!” I pull at my hair with my hands trying to wrack my brain.

  “What’d he say?” Josh asks. I don’t know when he got here or how he got here so fast.

  “He has Georgie and I have no fucking clue where they are. He hit her, I heard him hit her. Christ!” I roar again.

  “Bro, I know it’s pointless to say, but you have to calm down. You need a level head right now to get your girl.”

  “Let’s go to ROW. She has to be there.” I tell him and then we’re running out the door.

  “How far away is it?”

  “From here, maybe a half hour. I’m gonna try to get there in ten, buckle up bro.”

  As I drive my fists clench and unclench around the steering wheel. If it hasn’t been disintegrated into dust by the time we get there I’ll be shocked.

  “I called Zander on my ride over and updated him. He’s going to call around and see if he can find anything out.”


  By the time we pull into the parking lot I’m ready to kill. I don’t know how long they’ve had her or what they’re doing to her. God help him if he messes with Georgie.

  I’m about to open my door when my phone rings. Looking down I see Georgie’s number and immediately answer. “Baby, where are you?”

  “Oh Jayden, I’m at the hospital.” I hear a sob escape her mouth and fuck does it kill me.

  “What the hell did he do to you? We’re on the way Sunshine.” I shut my door, start the engine and head in the direction of the hospital.

  “I’m fine, just a few bruises.” I sigh in relief before my whole worlds turned on its axis.

  “Jayden… it’s Kyle.”


  Motherfucker, I couldn’t get a whole bunch more out of Georgie because she was sobbing and I couldn’t understand her. I hung up after telling her I’d get there as soon as I could.

  As we walk through the entrance to the Emergency Room a million emotions are running through my mind. If anything happens to Kyle, I’ll never forgive myself. We reach the front desk and Josh mentions his name. The nurse cringes, I swear I saw her cringe. What the fuck kind of nurse is she, aren’t they taught in college to have a poker face? What the fuck happened to my baby brother?

  “Right this way. Your sister’s already in there with him.”

  “Sister?” I hear Josh question.


  We’re halted half way down the hall when we hear Zander yelling for us. Josh called him straight away and told him to meet us here.

  “What the fuck happened?”

  “We don’t know yet, we’re on the way to his room now.”

  The closer we get to his room the harder my heart races until I feel like I’m about to pass out. I need to get my shit together, god knows what I’m walking into. Georgie needs me
to be strong and so does Kyle.

  As the nurse pulls back the curtain I immediately take in my surroundings. Georgie’s in a chair next to a hospital bed holding someone’s hand. I follow the arm and meet the eyes of my baby brother. My severely bruised baby brother. One eye is completely swollen shut, the other has a cut high up on the cheek bone and his lip is split down the middle.

  I halt unable to move. “What the fuck happened?” I choke out.

  Georgie’s head pops up from where it was resting on the bed when she hears my voice. “Jayden.” Tears form in her eyes before they start to cascade down her face. She places Kyle’s hand on the bed and runs to me. When her body crashes to mine I hold her so fucking tight.

  Pulling her at arm’s length I survey her face. It takes everything in me to remain calm when I see a cut on her cheekbone. That motherfucker really did hit her.

  I pull her back to me. “I’m here baby and I’m so fucking sorry. It’s my fault, this is all my fault.”

  “No…” I cut her off by placing my finger over her lips.

  “Don’t argue because you know it’s true. I missed the fucking call.”

  Wrapping my arm around her shoulders I direct her towards the bed and take the seat next to it pulling her onto my lap. Josh is sitting in a chair on the other side of the bed as Zander occupies the edge of the hospital bed by Kyle’s feet.

  “Ky, what happened?” I’m praying to whoever’s listening that he tells me this is in no way related to missing my fight tonight.

  “I was leaving the library and halfway back to my dorm I got jumped by three guys. They blindsided me, slammed me in the back of the head with a fucking rock. Before I could fight through the haze they got a few good hits on me. Once I realized what was happening I fought back. Campus security showed up and they all fled. But not before one of them told me to relay a message to you.”

  I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose trying to calm down my emotions waging war in my head. “What’d they say?”


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