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Chaos (Bound by Cage #3)

Page 10

by Brittany Crowley

  He looks away, then looks back at me. “He said to tell you Serge isn’t an understanding man. If you miss the fight again…” He looks away without finishing his sentence.


  “It doesn’t matter. I’m not scared of a couple thugs. I can handle my own as you can see.”

  “Fuck me. Kyle, I’m so sorry you got dragged into this.” I lose control as tears form in my eyes. This is my baby brother. He’s lying in a hospital bed because of my carelessness right now.

  “What the hell’s going on Jay? And I want the truth. None of this baby of the family shit. I’m not too young to know why I was jumped by three fucking guys.”

  I feel Georgie shake before she starts talking. “Kyle, this is all my fault. Don’t listen to Jayden, he’s in this mess because of me.” Then she proceeds to tell him every last gory detail of this cluster fuck of a situation. Even about the pact she made to give Skid her virginity. I hold her through all the tears as she explains herself.

  “Jayden. Hey, will you look at me?” Kyle yells.

  I hesitantly meet his stare. “Don’t beat yourself up over this. Does it suck? Hell yes, but we’ll make it through. Just know you now have yourself a gym buddy. I’m gonna help you train. Hell, that’s what saved my ass tonight. I don’t think they anticipated baby Cage, their words not mine, to be able to defend himself. They foolishly underestimated me.”

  “Damn straight bro. No more baby shit, I promise. You’re Kyle, the bad ass Cage.” And we all laugh.

  “What are we looking at? Any internal?” Josh asks.

  “Nope just an ugly mug and a bruised rib.” Kyle smiles.

  “You kind of look like Sloth from The Goonies.” Georgie says.

  “Oh, she has jokes.” Kyle retorts. “Alright, which one of you gets to be the lucky one?”

  “What do you mean?” Josh questions.

  “Who gets to call mom and break the news that her sweet baby boy was jumped?”

  “Not it!” Josh and I yell at the same time.

  “Fine, I’ll fucking do it. Only because I’m the reason you’re in that bed and also, we know I’m moms favorite.”

  I exit the room to my brothers yelling profanities at me.

  Tonight could have ended very differently. I should be the one in the hospital recovering from my fight but instead there lays my baby bro.

  I will not miss another call. That fucker better be ready for me.

  Chapter 14


  “Son of a bitch!”

  “Are you gonna cry big brother?” Kyle taunts.

  “No, but I know that’s gonna leave a mark douchebag. Easy on my face, it’s my prized piece. Besides my cock, of course.”

  That earns me another blow to the side of my torso. Gritting my teeth, I endure it. It’s crazy to say, but Kyle has been kicking my ass. Not just when we spar, but also when he plans our workouts. Since the attack, he’s taken his training and my own crazy serious. If I come out on top of my fight it’s because of him. I suppose Zander and Josh should get a little credit, even though we mostly workout on opposite schedules.

  They try to make my workouts at least 3-4 times a week. Their lives are crazy and I completely get that. Savvy popped out little Danny a month ago and Mia is crawling her ass all around the house.


  And I’m on my back on the mat. Damn that’s gonna hurt tomorrow.

  “Get out of your head Jay, you need to focus!”

  “I’m trying but there are things on my mind. I can’t just leave it at the door.”

  “Sit down.”

  “Huh?” He doesn’t answer me. Ky is now sitting with his legs crossed on the floor.

  I sigh and jump down on the floor with him. “Is this some new leg hold or something?”

  “Nope, we’re meditating.” He places his hands on his knees and takes a few deep breaths.

  “Oh, what the hell. I could use a little woosa in my life.” In the same stance as Ky, a few cleansing breaths I feel fucking great. I’m channeling the earth and all that shit until Georgie pops into my head. Guess she’s my happy place.

  Georgie was a mess after the attack and I don’t blame her. Having a man smack her around isn’t something I would forget anytime soon. That motherfucker, now my bloods boiling and I wanna kick the shit out of something.

  When I open my eyes, the punching bags in my sights. Perfect.

  As I look over at Ky, I make the decision to let him continue on his spiritual journey or whatever he’s hoping to get from this random meditation.

  After my first couple hits Kyle shows up behind the bag holding it steady as throw punch after punch. “So I take it you didn’t clear your mind?” He laughs.

  “That motherfucker was clear, then I started thinking about my girl. Then that led to me thinking about Skid and him putting his dirty fucking paws on my woman so here I am.”

  “I’m not going to try and understand how you’re feeling. I’ve never been there, I don’t know. So if you need to hit a punching bag, crush the shit out of it.”

  I nod my head in understanding and continue pounding away. The anger inside my mind starts to recede and calmness starts taking over my body again. When I’m panting hard and can barely swing my arms I know it’s time to quit for the day.

  As we’re walking to the locker rooms I throw my arm around my baby bro. “Sorry Ky, that meditation shit just isn’t for me. Using my fists has always been my brand of therapy.”

  “Eh, it was on the cover of a magazine at the grocery store. Thought we’d give it a go and see if we got any good results. I couldn’t keep my shit out of my head either. The Cages apparently are ragey motherfuckers.” We both laugh.

  “Not my sweet boy. Mom would flip her lid if she knew her baby boy was having ragey thoughts.” He rolls his eyes as we make our way to the showers. When he turns his back towards me I see some ink along his right rib cage as he’s turning.

  “No fucking way! Say it isn’t so Ky Ky. You were supposed to be ink free out of solidarity to me and my fear of needles! Now you’re making me look like a pussy.”

  “You are a pussy.” He chuckles. “It’s not that bad, your fear makes no sense for a grown man.”

  “Fuck you. You know, I wonder if I can get a fresh bowl of bait at the local gas station?” I sit there pondering as Kyles face falls.

  “You wouldn’t! Worms are creepy as shit Jay, don’t even joke about them. My actions would not be my fault and I sure as hell would be in deep shit with mom after you tattle tale.”

  “She likes to know her favorite son isn’t getting mauled by his psycho brothers. She knows how you guys are.”

  “Mama’s boyyyy.” He sings.

  “Yeah, yeah and proud of it!”


  Talking about my mom has me walking through her front door not even an hour later with a bag full of Chinese food. Just before I called Georgie to let her know what I was up to and that I’d be by later. It was more for my own peace of mind. Lately I find myself checking in with her more throughout the day. A repeat of that horrific night is not likely to happen again. So, I’ll continue to keep tabs on her until my debts are paid to Skid.

  At least twice a week I try to pop in and check on her and Granny. Who am I kidding? I practically live here. But it’s been few and far between lately because I’ve been spending most of my spare time with Georgie. It’s not much and my feet always lead me to her doorstep.

  That’s a first for me. No one has ever mattered to me in life as much as my mom. I love my sister-in-laws, but they aren’t Mama Cage. Hmmm… what was that? Sounds like something just fell down in the kitchen. I bet she’s whipping up one of her famous baking concoctions. Damn I hope it’s her triple fudge brownies. All this gym time has left me insatiable.

  As I round the corner to the kitchen, something stops me dead in my tracks. A fucking dude moaning. Abort mission! I’ve made it 26 years without catching my parents in the act. My mom hasn’t dated si
nce my dad died so I never assumed something like this would be a possibility. Damn it, she’s my mom! She doesn’t have sex!

  Then the unthinkable happens, my cell phone starts to ring loudly in my pocket. I try to will the motherfucker to stop its music but it keeps going and going like the god damn energizer bunny.

  There’s hushed whispers and the clear sound of people scurrying around and clothes whipping through the air. Slowly, my feet start to back me down the hallway until I’m at the front door. Home free thank Christ. When my hands on the door knob I hear a throat clear and hang my head in shame. Busted!

  As I turn to face the new man in my mom’s life I’m startled to be staring at Billy. Oh you don’t know who Billy is? He’s the manager at the gym and Zander’s new coach. He must see something in my face because his hands come up as if trying to calm down a bucking bronco.

  “Jay, this isn’t what it looks like.”

  “So you’re not banging my mom?”


  “Jayden Carlisle knock it off this second!” Mom comes rushing into the room with her clothes askew.

  “You got your buttons wrong for crying out loud. I’m not supposed to know you have S-E-X, I’m scarred for life!” I throw my hands in the air and sink into the couch.

  “You can’t say sex around your mother but you can call me a cockblocker?”

  I look up at her in disbelief. “Don’t say that! You’re supposed to say mom words like penis stopper.”

  “Bill, I’ll call you later. I need to deal with my two-year-old.”

  I scoff at her comment as she walks up to him and kisses the hell outta him. Really it’s just a small peck on the lips, but they might as well have just fucked in front of me.

  “Watch your back Bill.” I’m feeling very Jack Jenks right now. Now I understand the bow and jumpsuit. I wonder if I can stop for one on my way home. Cornering Billy in the gym would probably scare this little lapse in judgement right out of his system.

  “Stop it. Just stop. Follow me.”

  Hesitantly, I stand up and follow my mom to the scene of the crime without thinking about it. “Really mom? Take me to the room where you were just all up on your boy toy?”

  “Act like an adult for one second Jay.”

  “I am an adult.” I mumble.

  “Let me ask you this, how long can you… you know? Go without sex.”

  “Don’t even ask me that. I’ve been in the longest dry spell of my life.”

  “But it was your choice and what you needed to do to be with that sweet girl correct?”

  “Yessss.” I don’t know where she’s going with this.

  “I haven’t so much as looked at another man since your father passed away. Not one.”

  “You’re a mom. I always just assumed it didn’t matter.” I shrug my shoulders.

  “Oh sweet boy, it does matter. I’ve known Bill for years, since he first started working with Zander.”

  This is true. Even though he’s Z’s new coach he’s been on the Cage team for quite some time. Thinking on it, he’s a decent guy and I should be happy she’s not like some of those women out there cougar-ing it up around town with a kid younger than me.

  “Okay, I see your point. But, a warning would have been nice. Jay, I’m seeing a nice man and I’d knock before entering my house from now on would have been real beneficial right about now.”

  “Point taken. We’ll have a nice family dinner so we can all get to know each other.”

  “We already know him.”

  “You know what I mean. Get to know him as my new man.” She walks up to me and pats my cheeks. “He makes me happy baby, try to understand.”

  “You know I love you the most no matter what.” I laugh.

  “Really? I’m under the impression that Georgie has surpassed me in that department, as she should.”

  “Don’t start with the L word, you sound like Josh.”

  She laughs and we sit around eating the food I brought and she tells me about what her and Billy have been up to. There’s a glow to her when she talks about him. She’s beaming like the freaking sun and that makes me okay with it all. My mom’s happiness is always number one for me but I can’t always be around, especially when I start a family.

  Whoa, what happened right there? And why am I not freaked the hell out right now? I push that to the back of my mind for another time.

  “So, at the gym, you’ll never guess what Ky did to me…”

  Chapter 15


  “Give me, give me, give me!” I hold my arms open in waiting.

  “Jesus, I can’t even hold my nephew for a second before he’s taken away.” Ashlyn grumbles.

  “You have your own, now give me!” I reach over and carefully take the baby into my arms. Baby cuddles are the best cuddles.

  “She’s not a baby anymore, she’ll be seven months soon. I’m really starting to get baby fever again.”

  “Really Ash? You’re ready to have another before Mia’s one?” Savvy laughs. “Let me remind you, your vagina parts like the red sea and-”

  “You just tabled my talk with Josh about baby making for a solid month for that.” She pouts her lips.

  “Do you really want to be pregnant for your bachelorette party? Who wants a dry one? I know I don’t. After nine months I’m raring to go!” Savvy plops herself down on the couch next to me.

  “I’m surprised your guard dog isn’t sitting at your feet. We never see you without Jay anymore.”

  I sigh. “I know. But he feels personally responsible for what happened a few weeks ago. Seeing him so wound up makes the guilt set in about this whole situation.”

  “Why would you have guilt? Nobody blames you for all of this.”

  Savvy and Ashlyn found out about the gambling and fight the night I was taken. They demanded answers and I gave it to them. I needed them to know the blame wasn’t to be placed on Jayden like he was telling them to. They didn’t stone me like I thought they were going to. These people in my life, my family, they’re always surprising me. I love them so much.

  “Stop it, I see the wheels turning in your head.”

  “Fine, I won’t say it.” I whine.

  I look back down at Danny and coo to him. “Savvy I swear he gets more adorable every time I see him.”

  “Of course he does, he looks just like me.” Zander says as he waltzes in the room with a giant smile on his face.

  “Really? I don’t see it.” Ash says trying to keep a straight face.

  There is no doubt that Danny’s his child. One of the nurses in the hospital said she could pick out his baby in the nursery without needing them side by side. Poor Savvy, you carry them for nine months and they come out looking like their fathers.

  Zander rolls his eyes and scoops Danny out of my arms. “Hey! I wasn’t done yet!”

  “Can’t you tell? He wants his daddy.” He flashes me a grin and sits down with his son next to Savvy.

  Seeing them together is major #RelationshipGoals. I hope someday to find the love they all have. Some might say I’m almost there, but it’s too early to tell.

  My phone chirps and I see a text message and a missed call from Jayden. I forgot my phone was on vibrate because I didn’t want to startle the baby.

  The Man, The Myth, The Legend: Where are you? You didn’t answer my call.

  I chuckle at his name. He must have just changed it this morning. Then another message comes in.

  The Man, The Myth, The Legend: Call me

  I excuse myself and step into the kitchen before hitting Jayden’s name on my phone. He picks up before it even rings.

  “Are you okay?” He sounds frantic.

  “I’m fine. I told you I was going over to Savvy’s to visit the baby.”

  “Oh yeah I forgot about that. When you didn’t answer…” He doesn’t need to voice what he’s thinking.

  “I’m fine. You need to stop worrying so much. I rarely go anywhere by myself these days. You have to let
it go.”

  “I’ll try baby. You’re working tonight?” He questions.

  “Yup. I’m on to close.”

  “I’ll see you around eight.”

  “See you Jayden.”

  When we hang up I head back to the living room. I really hope he stops giving himself so much anxiety. I’m worried he’s at the breaking point between work, training at the gym and looking out for me. Let’s not forget paranoia over his phone as of late too. His ringer is always on the highest volume and glued to his hip. He also carries like four chargers around with him. I understand his worries, but he needs a time out. There has to be something I can do to take his mind off of everything, and that’s when an idea pops in my brain. I overheard Zander and Josh talking about something a few weeks ago that completely freaked me out, but it might just be the ticket.

  Chapter 16


  As I’m leaving work my phone chimes. I have a text from Georgie asking if I can come over tonight and my reply is instantaneous. Fuck yes, I’m on the way baby.

  It was a late night due to parent teacher conference. What a drag. Listening to parents go on and on about how special their kids are makes me want to stab myself in the eye. I made it through in one piece and I was only hit on by a couple of milfs. Usually I’d be all about it, I love me some cougar action. But now that I’m with Georgie I don’t even look twice at other women, she’s the only one in my sights. Who would have thought Jayden Cage would be all domesticated and shit.

  I shut my car off and head for the house. When I walk through the door of Georgie’s place, I yell out her name. It’s dark and my ears don’t pick up any sounds.

  “In the bedroom!” She shouts.

  Fuck, my dicks hard already and I don’t even know what she’s doing in there. She could be knitting a scarf or folding laundry for all I know.

  I make my way down the hall and stop outside the bedroom. The doors cracked and I hear soft music coming from inside, sexy music. It’s fucking on!


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