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surrender to darkness

Page 18

by E. M. Moore

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  I awoke in Christian’s arms. The familiar fresh scent of the comforter filled my nostrils along with the inexplicable, overwhelming feeling of safety that Christian’s presence always brought. I blinked my eyes open first and looked around. The sun was already high in the sky, shining through the windows as if it didn’t have a care in the world. Today was one of those days that reminded me of the subtle differences between my princes and me. Outside, the servants were hefting up their safety UV light net and little by little, the pure brilliance of the sun faded in the room. I lifted my head to watch it subside.

  “You’re awake,” Christian said, his voice tired and half groggy.

  I looked down to find myself still in the clothes Connor brought me last night. “How late did we stay up?” I asked, turning toward him.

  His gaze flitted over my face before focusing on my own eyes. “Do you mean how late everyone but you stayed up?” he teased.

  I grinned. “Yeah, I guess that’s what I mean.” I bit my lip. “I’m sorry. I hope your parents weren’t mad. I can’t explain to you how exhausted I was.”

  His lips thinned. “There’s no need to explain yourself.”

  His change in demeanor caught me off guard. I just blinked at him.

  He brought his lips to my forehead and kissed me gently. “I realized yesterday that getting mad at you was like being furious with myself. It doesn’t matter what you did. Everything turned out fine, and even if it didn’t, even if the inexcusable happened, it would never change my feelings for you. To stay angry with you about something you did based on who you are is entirely unnecessary and I apologize for even feeling that way.”

  “You don’t—”

  He squeezed me, breaking my thought off mid-sentence.

  “I mean it, Ariana. I was wrong, and I can now say with absolute certainty that there is not a thing in this world that you could do that would change my feelings for you.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “That’s quite a statement, Prince.”

  He relaxed, his voice growing heavy again. “It’s nothing but the truth.”

  “I’m going to have to hold you to it then.”

  “Be my guest.” He turned, bringing me in his arms until I straddled him. I sat up, working the muscles in my neck and back. “Did I hurt you? Stephan put some cream on you before he left earlier. I thought you might be feeling better.”

  I took a look around the room, for the first time realizing the extreme quiet the room wasn’t usually filled with. “Where is everyone anyway?”

  “They went down to see Gregor. He wants to meet with each of us individually before the fight, but we also didn’t want to leave you alone.”

  “I’ll be fine,” I told him. “I can stand to be alone for a little while if you need to leave.”

  I tried to move off him, but he stayed my hips, centering me above him.

  I sucked in a breath at the firm pressure pressing against me. He stilled, watching my face. This day was like a new breath of fresh air. It held the hopes of everything I’d worked for. I smiled, taking it all in before I leaned over and sealed my lips to his. He reciprocated, biting down on my lip before running his tongue over the sting and kissing me until I was breathless. “Are you okay to do this?” he asked. “You’re not hurt?”

  It didn’t matter if I was in a wheelchair like T.J., I’d still want this. Instead of telling him so, I lifted my shirt over my head. Christian stared wide-eyed at me. It was evident he had no preconceived notions about what might happen when I woke up. I liked surprising him. I liked the look of complete and utter awe as he stared at me like it was the first time. I helped him with his shirt and pants until his clothes were all on the floor and he did the same for me. I positioned myself on top of him and lowered until he was fully inside. Taking him into me soothed any of the leftover aching muscles and the tired, draining thoughts following along since yesterday. With slow movements, I gauged his reaction until I couldn’t stand it anymore. I didn’t want slow and steady and drawn out. I wanted quick and heady. I wanted the excitement of it.

  I leaned over the taut muscles of his chest and quickened my movements. His hard ridges massaged my insides, beckoning me to take him deeper and quicker.

  “God, Ariana,” Christian said. His thumbs massaged my nipples when he could get ahold of them. He arched into me, and I let out a grateful cry.

  I wanted relief. I wanted his relief inside me, bringing us close together again. I moaned as he leaned up, taking my nipple into his hot mouth. “Oh, Christian, I want to come. Come with me.”

  He put a hand on the small of my back as he continued to tease my nipple, sucking and kissing in rhythm with our hips. He pressed down on my back, and I fought against him, taking more and more of him until the pressure built.

  “Yes,” I called out. “Soon.”

  He nodded, his lips still around my sensitive skin.

  The door creaked open and my heart skipped a beat. Christian put his hand on my chin before I could look away, making me focus entirely on him. “Don’t stop. You said you wanted to come.”

  At his words, and the burning feel of another set of eyes on me, I came hard and fast. My insides clenched Christian again and again, and then he pumped into me, a quick burst as he lost himself. Caught up in the moment, I collapsed on top of him. Our chests brushed against one another's as we tried to regain focus. “Oh, God,” I said.

  Two hands picked me up from behind. Startled, I blinked over at a mess of dark hair and even darker eyes. He pressed my chin into the air and kissed me. His lips consumed my own, demanding and raw. Christian pushed my hips back to slide out of me and Nicolai pulled me to him, his hand on my ass, kneading it with his skilled fingers.

  The bed creaked, and I looked over at Christian. He smiled, his eyes dancing with enjoyment. He leaned over and kissed my cheek. “Have fun.”

  I gasped, reaching out for him, but he was already retreating, pulling his pants up as he headed for the door. Nic’s kisses were never-ending, forcing gasps and sighs from me as they explored. The evidence of his pleasure was already thick and hard against my bare stomach.

  “I’m not going to lie,” Nic said. “That was fucking hot. You were riding him like,” he bit his lip. “Christ, Ri. I can’t control myself. I want some of that.”

  He lowered my feet to the ground while he tore his shirt off. His rippled muscles were on full vampire hotness display. His pants tented in front of him. His hand immediately went there, squeezing his hardness. I dropped to my knees, my fingers automatically reaching for the button of his jeans. I pulled it through the hole, then unzipped his pants before yanking down on the waistband. His boxers went next until his dick sprung free. A liquid bead formed on top. On my knees, I inched closer, wrapping the base of him in my hands before putting him in my mouth. His hands curled into my hair until they moved to the back of my head. I didn’t need his help, they stayed there only to steady me as I took him in as far as he could go and sealed my lips around him as I pulled away.

  “Fuck, Ri,” he groaned.

  My arousal was back, pooling just at my center. I sucked and sucked and sucked, keeping up with his strokes until he pushed my shoulders away and lifted me up. He turned me around and bent me over the bed. I let out a quick cry of surprise as I bounced there before his hand kneaded my ass again.

  “Put your ass in the air for me, Ri.”

  I was aching for him. I’d do anything for relief. After I complied, he widened my stance and slid his dick toward my entrance. I lifted higher and higher until he squeezed inside. We both moaned until his hips were flat against my ass.

  I trembled against him, so much pent up desire flowing through me. The thought of being caught with Christian. How that seemed to set Nic off, making him want me even more. He rubbed the top of my ass and up onto my lower back as he made exploratory strokes. Every time he brought me back, I pressed against him hard, sending a jolt of pleasure through me.

; “You want it like that, Beautiful?” He quickened the pace.

  I wrapped my hands in the comforter as I took his strokes in stride, bracing myself against his power. “More,” I croaked out.

  His left hand moved over my back as his right held onto my hips. “You fuck my brother, I’m going to fuck you, Ri. I’m going to take you hard and fast until you can’t take it anymore.”

  “Ohh,” I moaned. His strokes and his words collided, sending me in a swirling frenzy. There was nothing but the all-encompassing feel of his dick sliding through me, and the acute pleasure. I bit my lip. “I’m going to have Stephan, too. And Connor. I’m going to take them inside me until they come.”

  Nic growled. My thoughts expanded. I pictured all my princes in one beautiful moment of ecstasy.

  Nic’s hand followed the line of my hips until it came to rest against my clit. “All of them? Not before me.” His finger teased my sensitive skin in tune with his pumps. I cried out from the pleasure, and he did it again and again.

  “Oh, Nic.”

  I tried to move his hand. Not because it didn’t feel good, but because it was all too much. I was being bombarded from all sides.

  “Hands on the bed,” he ordered.

  I did as instructed, bearing down on my teeth as I took his pumping hips like I was his plaything. Call me crazy, but I liked being his plaything. “More!”

  He grunted, his pace becoming almost unbearably fast until there was no end and beginning, just one long string of arousal.

  “Please,” I cried. “Please.”

  Nicolai flitted his finger back and forth over my clit until the pleasure was too much. It mounted until it could go nowhere, but over the edge. I cried out, the orgasm hitting me like a freight train. Or maybe that was Nic’s groan of approval and delight as he came into me at the same time, his strokes only softening minutely until there was nothing left of himself to fill me with. He molded his body to mine, kissing my neck and shoulders. “Are you okay?”

  I nodded, too breathless and overcome to get any words out.

  He pulled me up and turned me around. “Are you sure? I know you had a rough day yesterday.” His eyes were like intense chestnut discs as they scoured every inch of my body.

  I swallowed. “I’m fine, Nic.” I took a deep breath to try to calm myself, opened my mouth to say something, and then shut it again. ‘Wow’, came to mind, but I certainly wasn’t saying that out loud. Nic didn’t need a bigger head in the bedroom department.

  He smirked anyway as if he already knew what I was thinking. He kissed my temple and brought a sheet from the bed around my shoulders. “Why don’t we get you in the shower? Today’s a big day.”

  That was an understatement.

  He patted my butt as I trotted to the bathroom. Just before I stepped through the entryway, I dropped the sheet and looked back at him. “Don’t you want to help?”

  He narrowed his eyes, and I winked. He charged after me and I went squealing for shelter. At least, that’s what I pretended. Nic was part of my shelter. I would never run from him.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  If I’d thought yesterday felt like everyone had drunk too much Red Bull, today was on a whole other level. It was like Red Bull, Five-Hour Energy, and Sport Beans had a baby—and that baby also had ADHD. The pure adrenaline bouncing around the interior of the estate made the hair rise on my arms and my throat go dry. Through it all, the only person who was completely calm was Gregor. Though he was only a few minutes away from putting his life on the line for the good of his clan, he stood tall and wore his regular suit—all while his hair was gelled to perfection. It was like watching a cover model being thrown into a dogfight.

  Nicolai shrugged when I walked in, more than likely noticing my mouth drop at his appearance. I wasn’t going to tell him he couldn’t wear that. As long as he could move in it, I didn’t care. He could go naked as far as I was concerned as long as he won the fight.

  Soren came over and stood next to me as soon as I walked in. He lowered his voice, and bent over slightly. “One last fight, Young One. How do you feel?”

  Surprisingly, there were no nerves when I thought about the outcome. Maybe it was Isabelle’s belief that all would be fine, but I truly believed myself that Gregor would win. I wasn’t sure about what kind of shape he would be in when he won, but I had faith he would be the victor. “Feeling surprisingly well, Soren.”

  He nodded, appraising my features as if he was searching for the lie. “Good,” he said, finally agreeing. “Dumont is a bit of a mystery, even to those who knew him as well as I once did. I’ve already discussed with Gregor that there is nothing I can give him about his fighting style that might help. He doesn’t seem perturbed by this.”

  I shrugged. “If you don’t know, you don’t know. Why would he get upset?”

  Soren blinked. When he spoke, his voice came out slow and soft as if he was in the midst of thinking about something in a memory. “I don’t know, Young One. I guess I don’t know.” He stared back at the scene before us. Gregor and Isabelle sat on the bench I’d occupied only yesterday. All four princes stood in front of them. Nic had assured me they’d warmed Gregor up before anyone else got there. I was hoping that was true. The last thing we needed was for Gregor to injure himself and not be able to fight back. Soren leaned over again. “The only thing I did tell Gregor was that he shouldn’t be surprised to see anything. I can’t say I wouldn’t be surprised if Dumont did something…underhanded.”

  A pit opened in my stomach. If he cheated, I’d kill him myself. I wondered what the punishment would be for that one? It didn’t matter. I’d take all of it, and with pride. If Gregor was going to lose, I wanted him to do so with dignity and respect. Cheaters didn’t respect their opponents, they were selfish and entitled. Then again, that encompassed everything Dumont was and Gregor wasn’t.

  Before I could make an intelligent reply, Soren put his hand on my shoulder. “I’ll go out to the arena now.”

  Gregor stood. “No need. We all know who my opponent’s going to be. I’m ready to take my place.”

  Isabelle swallowed, then stood to take her place next to her husband. The princes all flanked in behind their father as he walked through the exit. T.J. gave me a smile as Connor pulled my hand to put me in front of him in line. “This is your spot,” he said, holding me firmly by the shoulders.

  Pride swept through me as if pixie dust was spread upward from my toes all the way to my head. I was a Ravana. Mimicking Isabelle, I inclined my head. Not to look down on others, but to show them what courage looked like. To show them what respect for oneself looked like. I breathed in normal air, and it came out like fire. Energy sizzled in my veins, more so than even before the beginning of my own fight. Everything hinged on this.

  Our steps echoed as we made our way through the hall and then into the small vestibule that opened up to the side lawn where the makeshift arena had been quickly built less than a week ago. Instead of the uproarious frenzy of yesterday, the Ravana clan members stood quietly. Not out of concern or fear, but out of respect. I latched eyes with some as we walked the short path. My gaze flitted from one to the other as I noticed a pattern. There was a sea of burgundy on our side with little blips of yellow. Everywhere I looked, people wore that color, that same insignia. I tried to make it out, but before long, our line stopped. I halted just a breath away from walking into Stephan in front of me.

  Up ahead, Gregor leaned down to kiss Isabelle on the lips. He took her chin in his hands and said something I couldn’t hear. She nodded, a small smile gracing her face. Then, it was Christian’s turn. He and his father exchanged a hug and words, and on down the line he went, saying something to each of us. When he got to me, he cupped the side of my head. “My daughter, if your actions yesterday gave me anything, it was that bravery is an act to be admired. I’ll try to be like you out there, Ariana.” He smiled and then moved to Connor before I could even respond. My mouth dropped, his words still ringing around in my head
. Daughter. Bravery. Daughter. I swallowed, trying to hold back the sudden emotion threatening to break free. If Isabelle wasn’t going to cry, neither was I.

  As we moved into the first row, Connor dropped a piece of fabric around my head. I pulled it out, noticing the royal burgundy color and the familiar insignia from what everyone else wore. My finger stroked the emblem, a fierce bird, its wings unfurled to their full width as orange and yellow fire roared from its mouth. I lifted a confused glance to Connor. “A dragon?”

  He shook his head. “No, a firebird. In mythology, a firebird can raise from the ashes after death.”

  “Everyone else is wearing these, too.”

  He put his fingers through mine and squeezed. “It’s the Ravana family crest, Princess. You should get used to it.”

  I sucked in a breath. How had I not known that before? My mind raced, throwing picture after picture at me in an instant. In the grand hall, the fine adornments near the ceiling, statues… But, they weren’t obscure statues at all, they were of the firebird. And in the family room above the mantle, there was a large bird with outstretched wings. Also, a firebird. My mind hadn’t focused on it because it didn’t know what it was, but if I’d only looked a little harder, I would’ve seen the family crest throughout all the workings of the estate.

  I pulled the scarf lower and rearranged it so the firebird was on display. Out of the ashes, a phoenix will rise…

  Gregor headed into the arena, his steps careful yet purposeful as they moved toward the center. The crowd hushed. In my mind, thoughts filtered in and out. Where had he put his stakes? Did he have any other weapons? Why hadn’t I paid attention?


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