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Holly's Awakening

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  Steven let out a curse. “Is there anything I can say to stop you?”

  “Nope, you better leave this shit to me. I’m not backing down. Her father has already tried to break her, Steven. Without us she would end up broken. I’m not letting him risk the lives of her five other siblings. It’s not happening. The sooner I know they’re safe, the better.”

  Kade eased out of the bed. He knew Steven wouldn’t risk waking Holly up, and he’d made sure his lover was cuddled up against their woman. Holly was their woman as far as Kade was concerned.

  “This is not good, Kade.”

  He pulled on a shirt and a pair of jeans. “I’m taking the sheriff with me. As far as I’m concerned there’s nothing going to go wrong.” Kade glanced at Holly. “They use their power against her and John. They’re used to being beat down. I’m not. You are not, Steven. Those kids need a better life and a better future. This ends now.”

  Before Steven could say anything, Kade made his way to the bathroom. He did his business, brushed his teeth, then made his way outside to his waiting truck.

  In no time at all he was on the way to the sheriff’s office. Matt was always in on Saturday and early. Going through the reception area, Kade knocked on the door even though it was opened.

  Matt looked up at him. “Why do I feel I’m not going to like this visit?” Matt said in greeting.

  “Because you’re not.” Kade took a seat opposite him. “I need a favour.”

  “I’m the sheriff of Creek Valley. I don’t do favours to guys about to cause trouble.”

  Kade rolled his eyes. “I’m not going to cause a lot of trouble. I need to sort something out for my woman and for Creek Valley as a whole.”

  “This has got something to do with Holly Walker and the Walker clan?”

  “Yes,” Kade said, not beating around the bush.

  “I’ve had Steven’s lawyer around here asking questions. You’ve stepped this thing up then.”

  “Her parents are fuckers, Matt. Holly came into work with a bruised eye early in the week. Her brother has told us she won’t file a complaint.”

  Matt shook his head. “I had no idea. I’ve not had many complaints lately about the head Walker.”

  Kade cursed. “Has he ever been brought in for domestic violence?”


  “Why the fuck not?”

  “Because some people are afraid of the bastard. He lives out in that trailer park, and back in the day he was a tough nut to crack. There was a time when William was a good man, Kade. Then he got mixed up with that woman, Anita, and she’s the one who turned his head to drink.”

  “Are you seriously making excuses for him?” Kade asked.

  “No. I’m not. No matter the cause he shouldn’t have let himself turn to drink. What do you need from me?”

  “I’m not letting Holly go back there. He’s hurt her one too many times, and she’s mine and Steven’s now. We’re going to protect her.”

  Matt nodded. “That’s good. It’s about time someone took care of that girl.”

  “Her father takes her money. I’m guessing he’s not going to like losing an income.” Kade saw the sheriff getting angry. “The rest of her brothers and sisters are in danger when he finds out.”

  “And you want to take them out of harm’s way?”

  Kade nodded. “I was thinking we could go together to get Holly’s stuff. You see how he reacts and deem whether or not he’s a threat to her family.”

  “This could cause some problems, Kade. I’m not going to lie. William can be a hard man.”

  “Do I look like I give a fuck?”

  Matt let out a sigh. “Okay, let me grab my things.”

  In a matter of minutes both men were leaving the station. Kade took his truck while Matt took his cruiser. Kade phoned through to John and warned him of what he was doing.

  “I’m guessing Holly doesn’t know,” John said. “She doesn’t like to cause trouble.”

  “Well I do. William is not hurting my woman anymore, John. I’ll handle him the way I see fit.”

  John cursed but agreed to meet. Kade heard Eric whooping down the line. He smiled. At least one of the Walkers was happy with his plan.

  When they pulled up outside of the trailer, four children from the ages of seven through to twelve sat outside. They appeared to be in their night clothes. Seconds after Kade cut the power from his truck, Matt turned up.

  The kids looked scared, and there was shouting coming from the inside the trailer.



  When Kade got home Steven was going to kill him. For the first time in his life, he was considering murder. His friend and lover was not known for acting rationally. Even as Steven cursed him in his head, he knew Kade was doing the right thing. There was no way they could let Holly go back there, and she wouldn’t stay with them with her family at risk.

  The only solution was to get her family out of harm’s way. The only consolation Steven could find was the fact Holly was curled up beside him.

  He hoped she woke up soon. He really needed to use the bathroom.

  As if she heard his thoughts, Holly let out a sigh and rolled over. Her hand rested on his chest, and her eyes opened.

  “Hey,” she said.

  “Good morning, beautiful.” He leaned forward and claimed her lips. Her head still rested on her arm. “I really hate to do this, but I got to use the bathroom, babe, and you’re stopping me.” He pointed to his arm, and she lifted up.


  “Don’t be sorry, and don’t move. I want you here when I get back.” He moved out of the bed, went to the bathroom and completed his business in world record timing. Holly was where he left her when he came back.

  She lay against the pillows watching him.

  “How are you?” he asked.

  “I’m good. Where’s Kade?”

  Steven was going to give him the benefit of the doubt when it came to what he was doing.

  “He had to run an errand. Kade didn’t want to wake you.”

  Holly nodded and smiled at him. “I enjoyed last night.” Her hand rested on his chest. The sweetness of her smile caught at him, and in that moment he hated lying to her.

  “Me, too. You’re not bothered by Kade and me together?”

  “No, I thought it was hot.”

  “And before last night you’d never achieved orgasm?” he asked.

  “No, never.”

  “Holly, baby, you know that’s going to change, don’t you?”

  Her cheeks were a lovely red hue. “I think I get that now.”

  He was about to say something else when the phone rang. “I’ve got to get that. Put on one of mine or Kade’s shirts and come down to the kitchen.”

  “What about the ranch hands?” she asked, nervously.

  “They know not to come through to the main house. They’ll start work. I’m sure Kade has left a list of jobs to do. He’s like that as a guy.” Steven claimed her lips and then groaned as the phone continued to ring. “I think I need to get an answering machine.”

  She chuckled as he walked out of the room. The sound eased his thoughts. Holly didn’t laugh a lot. He couldn’t recall a time while working when she’d been carefree enough to laugh.

  He answered the phone in the kitchen. “Kade, this better be you.”

  “It is.”

  Steven let out a sigh of relief. He filled the kettle with water as he held the phone between his shoulder and head.

  “What’s going on?”

  “We’re at the trailer. William Walker is not a happy man. He’s ranting and raving about Holly and that she’s good for nothing,” Kade said.

  “Why are you phoning me?” Steven asked.

  “Because Matt has warned me that if I start a fight, he’ll arrest me and won’t allow you to post bail. He doesn’t want any fighting to happen during this. I’ve got William outside while the kids are getting their stuff and Holly’s. I’m waiting for John to
turn up, and I needed to hear your voice.”

  “And why did you need to hear my voice?” Steven checked to make sure Holly wasn’t on her way down.

  “So I can remember why I don’t want to land my ass in jail. Is Holly awake?”

  Steven was touched by his words. “I’m waiting for her in the kitchen. She asked after you, and she looked happy.”

  “Good. I’m hoping to be there soon.”

  There was silence over the line, and Steven heard William’s voice ranting.

  “She’s a fucking whore. Only good for the money she has. It’s my fucking money. I raised her. It’s mine.”

  “I hear why you need to talk to me.”

  “If he doesn’t shut up I’m going to spend time in the cell,” Kade said.

  Glancing at the stairwell again, Steven started talking in a rush. “Well think about this every time he starts ranting at you. While you’re there listening to him I’m going to cook Holly breakfast, and then I’m going to take her upstairs and try those clamps out I found last night.”

  Kade let out a groan.

  “Also, I’m going to have a taste of her sweet pussy, and if you’re in jail I’m going to claim her virgin pussy tonight without you, and I thought you’d be the one to claim her pussy. I want her ass.”

  “You always were an ass man,” Kade said.

  “Think about that. I’ve got to go.”

  “Okay, treat her right, and I’ll be home soon.”

  Steven hung up the phone as Holly appeared around the corner. She was wearing one of Kade’s shirts. He didn’t blame her. Kade was a large man, and he knew how to fill out a shirt. Steven, most of the time, liked to take Kade out of a shirt.

  “It’s the only one I could find.”

  There were a few stains on the front that Steven hadn’t been able to get out during the laundry. Kade only wore the shirt to do odd jobs around the house that would get him messy.

  “You didn’t have to wear a stained shirt. Kade’s got plenty of shirts, and he likes me to buy him plenty.” Even though he spends a great deal of time naked rather than in clothes. Steven didn’t voice the last part.

  “I didn’t want to ruin any shirts. This is fine. I’m happy with it.”

  Steven shook his head. “What do you want for breakfast?” He poured them both a coffee and handed her one. She’d tied her hair back in a messy bun.

  “Thank you.” Their fingers brushed, and Steven let out a groan.


  Tingles travelled up her arm from where they touched. Holly smiled up at him taking the cup he offered. “Toast would be good,” she said, answering him.

  “Toast? What about bacon, eggs and toast or something else?” Steven asked. “I’m a growing man. I can’t just have toast.”

  She laughed. “Okay, cook me the same as you. What will you be cooking for Kade?”

  “The same, only his will be going in the oven on low to keep warm.”

  Holly stayed seated while Steven worked his magic. From him leaving the bedroom to getting down stairs he’d pulled on some sweat pants. She took sips of her coffee while she watched him working.

  He really knew his way around the kitchen, and she couldn’t stop looking at his cute ass. She’d seen him naked last night, but even in the sweatpants he wore, his ass looked mouth-watering.

  “You’re checking out my ass,” he said.

  “How do you know?”

  “I can see everything you’re doing, and I can feel your eyes on me.”

  She kept her lips sealed and kept watching him.

  Once they finished breakfast, Holly helped with the dishes. He took her hand as she placed the last dish away. She liked his home. It was nice to put dishes away on display and not worry about them being broken. In the trailer her father enjoyed destroying everything they owned. Holly had taken to buying plastic dishes and cups so he couldn’t smash them.

  Steven led her back upstairs to the bathroom. He handed her a spare toothbrush and left her to it.

  She washed her teeth, brushed her hair, and splashed her face with cold water.

  When she was done, Holly went to the bedroom to find the bed made and two butterfly clips on the bed. Steven was completely naked waiting for her.

  Heat slammed into her from the wanton look on his face.

  She glanced at the bed then at him.

  “I want to try something. I never got a true taste of you last night,” he said.

  “I know. What about Kade?” she asked. She didn’t know how this was going to work with all three of them.

  “He knows what I’m about to do. I’m hoping he’ll try to get back to us a lot quicker. Come here, Holly.”

  She went to him without hesitating and stopped right in front of him. He lifted the shirt she wore over her head, baring her completely.

  “You’re so beautiful.” His hand rested on her hip as he brought her tightly against his body. “I can’t wait to taste you.”

  Steven didn’t do anything else. He rested his hands on her hips and stared deep into her eyes. “I’m not like Kade,” he said.

  “What do you mean?” She was confused.

  “I’m a dominant man, but I’m not like him. Kade likes to always be in control, and for the last three years he’s been trying to control me. He needs a woman who’ll submit to him completely.”

  Holly listened to him. His words sounded important.

  “You’re that woman, Holly. He needs a woman to submit to him just as you need a man to control you.”

  “I don’t know if that’s the case,” she said, even though she doubted her own words.

  “All your life you’ve been the one in control. No one has been there for you. John has, but he’s your brother and he left you alone to deal with it. In the last two years you could have left, but you didn’t. I’m telling you, baby, you need Kade just as much as he needs you.” Steven cupped her cheek, caressing her skin.

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “There is nothing to say. I only need you to listen to me.”

  Holly nodded. “I’m listening.”

  “Good. Kade will always be the man in control. There’s no stopping that about him. He likes to be the man with the final word. I also like that, but I also like being equal. There will be times I only want to make love to you.”

  His words soothed her. “I like that,” she said.

  “Right now, I want to see what your tits look like in those nipple clamps.”

  She shouldn’t respond to his crass words, but she couldn’t stop her reaction. Holly wanted him badly.

  She glanced at the clamps and wished the floor would open up and swallow her. “I don’t know if I can do that,” she said.

  “You can do it, and you will. You’ll love the feel of them.”

  “How do you know?”

  “When Kade pinched your nipples last night you got turned on by it. You like the edge of pain, and that’s okay. It’s a good thing, actually, because Kade likes a little pain with his pleasure.”

  Steven reached down to take one of the clips in his hands. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll get you all worked up first.”

  He showed the clips, letting her feel them in her hands, and he turned them over. “See, no harm.”

  When she was satisfied, Steven gripped her hip tightly and tugged her close. In the next breath his lips were on her, and Holly couldn’t do anything other than accept the kiss he gave. Closing her eyes, she let out a moan as his tongue plundered her mouth.

  One of his hands moved down to the juncture of her thighs as the other cupped her breasts. His thumb stroked her nipple as his other teased between her bare pussy lips.

  She liked being without hair and knew she’d be more than happy for Kade to sort her out.

  “You’re so wet for me,” Steven said, muttering the words against her lips.

  Holly couldn’t deny it. Kade and Steven made her hot inside and out. The feelings each of the men inspired had begun from the moment s
he worked for them. She’d felt the heat stirring inside her whenever Steven waited in line for her to serve him. The days she saw him were the best moments of her life. She’d developed an idiotic crush on him even before he asked her to work for him.

  Chapter Six

  After the phone call Kade made it home as fast as he could. John had taken the other four kids and was looking at renting a bigger apartment. Kade told him not to worry about money. He and Steven would work something out. Her father had back down when Kade had gotten close enough to issue his threat. Kade warned the man that he’d make his life a hell of a lot worse if he didn’t back the fuck down. The lawyer had told them Holly’s parents were already on shaky ground. They were not responsible, and the children were in more danger. It was only a matter of time before the kids got taken away.

  The news was welcome for Kade, and he was able to walk home feeling better about what he’d done.

  He needed to get home. The image of the butterfly clips on Holly’s nipples was too much for him. The only way to calm him down was to see for himself.

  Parking the truck, he waved at some of his men then made his way into the house.

  The moment he closed the door, he heard the moaning coming from upstairs.

  His cock thickened in response. Holly’s moans were a thing of beauty. Taking the stairs two at a time he went straight to their bedroom.

  Kade paused at the sight that met him. Holly lay back on the bed. The clamps looked stunning on her nipples. Her hands fisted the bed sheet underneath her. Steven held her legs open wide and was licking that beautiful, firm pussy.

  Steven looked up at him. “I’ve given her two orgasms. She loves it when you remove the clamps from her breasts.”

  “Good, I want to see.” He sat on the edge of the bed.

  “I missed you,” Holly said, panting.

  “I missed you, too.” He stroked a hand up her body and fingered the clamp. She moaned, squirming on the bed.

  Leaning down, he took the clamp off then sucked her breast into his mouth. Her scream rose, and Kade glanced down to see his lover sucking her clit into his mouth.

  “She’s ready for us, Kade.”

  He released the other clamp and sucked her nipple into his mouth.


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