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Holly's Awakening

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  She lay on the bed, panting.

  “You’re damn sexy,” Kade said, claiming her lips next.

  “Steven’s been keeping me company,” she said.

  “I know. I can see.”

  Her cheeks bloomed from embarrassment. He smiled, stroking the redness. “Don’t be embarrassed, baby. I love the way you’re so open with us.”

  Standing away from the bed, he watched as Steven eased up beside her on the bed. “Taste yourself.” His lover claimed her lips. Steven’s chin was slick with her cream.

  Removing his clothes, Kade went to the drawer by the far wall. He pulled out a tube of lubrication and a condom. More than anything else he wanted to be bare, but he didn’t know if Holly was protected against pregnancy. Until he knew her situation he wasn’t going without a condom. The lube was to help ease his way inside her.

  The last thing he needed was to hurt her unnecessarily. Taking hold of her ankles, Kade tugged her to the edge of the bed. She squealed while he chuckled. Steven followed her down.

  “Are you ready for this?” Kade asked.

  “Yes, I’m ready.”

  He tore open the condom and placed it over his aching cock. Opening the tube of lube he smeared a good amount over the condom.

  “I’m going to take you now, Holly.”

  “Yes, I want this,” she said, smiling up at him.

  She had no idea how much he wanted her. Leaning over her, he kissed her hard on the lips and then turned to look at Steven. Kade took his lips as well, and he heard Holly gasp.

  “I think our woman like watching us together,” Kade said.

  “I think you’re right.”

  Settling between her thighs, Kade pressed the head of his cock to her entrance. She looked so ripe and swollen. The lips of her pussy were coated in her cream. Watching his actions, he pressed inside her and felt the barrier of her virginity.

  Glancing up into her eyes, he took hold of her hips and thrust deep. She cried out. Her hands clawed at him, but Steven took her hands and pinned them to the bed, stopping her.

  “It hurts.”

  “I’ve got you.” Slamming his lips down on hers, Kade absorbed her pain, drinking it down.

  She tried to push him off, and after a few hard tries she gave up.

  Steven whispered against her ear.

  “He’s inside you. The first time hurts for most women, baby. It’s okay. I’ve got you.” Steven stroked her hair, and Kade witnessed the first tear fall from her eyes. “Do you feel him?”

  “Yes,” she said.

  Her throat sounded dry. Kissing down to her neck, Kade sucked on the area where her pulse pounded.

  “How does she feel, baby?” Steven asked.

  “She’s so soft and warm.” Kade closed his eyes feeling her all around him. “I want to slam deep, but I’m giving her time to get used to the feel of me.”

  Kade kissed down to her nipples. They were rock hard and reddened from the clamps. When he’d given her enough time to get used to him Kade held onto her hip and pulled out of her body.

  Holly cried out. Her legs circled around his waist.

  The tight grip of her cunt made it hard for him to leave. Unable to stop, he plunged back inside her.

  Her cries turned to guttural groans that went straight to his head. There was no other place he’d rather be than with Holly. Feeling her heat pulse around him was something he’d never forget.

  Holding onto her hips, Kade stared down at where they were connected and watched his thick shaft riding her pussy. The condom was coated in the lubricant and her cream. There were specks of blood but nothing to be concerned about.

  “I’m going to touch myself, Holly. Watching you and Kade together is amazing. He looks so beautiful fucking you, loving you.” Steven’s hand went to his cock.

  Kade glanced up to watch his other lover work his shaft. His strokes were slow, and with his free hand he held Holly’s, keeping her down on the bed.

  “That’s it, baby, watch him. He’s so hard for you right now,” Kade said, watching.

  Steven’s cock leaked pre-cum over her stomach. He knelt at the side of the bed, holding her down as he masturbated. Kade didn’t know how long he was going to last.


  Holly couldn’t believe two men were getting off over her. Steven looked so damn sexy fucking his fist, and Kade was a large man as he pounded inside her. Both men were good looking, powerful, and they wanted her. She didn’t know when she’d slipped into an alternative universe, but she never wanted to wake up. Throughout all of her life she’d been the one in charge. She was the responsible one, making sure her brothers and sisters were fed, ready for school.

  No one took the time to help her. John helped her when he could, but together they looked after the younger ones. They agreed to always help the others as they could survive no matter what. The past few years, she’d not been living, only surviving. She’d stopped feeling. Working, avoiding her father, and then trying to make ends meet had been how she’d lived her life for so long. Kade and Steven were the only highlight of her life, sad but true. When she was around them, they made her feel alive.

  Kade opened the folds of her pussy and stroked her clit. “I want to feel you come around my cock,” he said.

  His words were so damn explicit, and yet they turned her on.

  Steven released his cock to stroke her breasts. His fingers pinched her nipples, and she felt the tightening build low in her belly. There was nothing else for her to do other than feel what her two men were doing to her. She liked that, having two men all to herself.

  “She’s tightening around me. Feels so fucking good,” Kade said. With each word he spoke, he pounded his hips in turn inside her.

  Holly tightened her grip on Steven as her other hand found the sheets. She needed something to hold onto. There was no sanity left as both men took control. Steven’s hand returned to his cock.

  “I’m not going to last. Wish I wasn’t wearing a condom.”

  The grip on her hips tightened, and his thrusts increased with every jerk of his hips. She felt him hitting a part deep inside her that verged on pain. It was too much and not enough.

  “Fuck, she’s coming.”

  Seconds later Holly screamed as another orgasm hit her. Kade rode her body harder than before, taking all of her.

  She heard his growl of completion and then she heard Steven follow after that.

  They collapsed to the bed. Steven was on one side and Kade the other, and he was still buried in her pussy. His cock continued to pulse inside the condom. She was pleased he’d used a condom as she couldn’t afford the pill to protect against pregnancy.

  “That was amazing,” she said, voicing her thoughts.

  “You’re ours now, Holly,” Kade said.

  She frowned, staring up at the ceiling. Her body hummed from the caress. She’d never known sex could be so amazing.

  “What does that mean?” she asked.

  Steven cupped her cheek. “What does what mean?”

  “Me being yours? I don’t understand it. Is it some kind of code?” She looked between the two.

  “Are you doing to answer her, or should I?” Steven asked.

  “I’ll answer.” Kade cupped her cheek and turned her to face him. “What it means, baby, is we’ve taken your virginity, and we’ve claimed you as our woman.”

  “The words are the same, but they’re not making any sense.” Why did her virginity mean so much? During high school plenty of girls lost their V-card. She didn’t understand what was so important about it.

  “Gavin and Landon claimed their woman, Heidi, and we’re going to do the same with you.”

  She knew Gavin, Landon, and Heidi. They were a nice family, and Heidi was due to give birth in a matter of months. She’d seen them around Creek Valley, and she’d been struck by the happiness that radiated out of them.

  “We want that for us,” Steven said.

  Staring between them she saw the sincerity on thei
r faces.

  “Really?” she asked.

  “Really. I claimed your virginity, Holly. As far as I’m concerned no other man is going to know how amazing you are and feel.”

  There was no chance of her being with another man. No one else had ever left her feeling like this. Only Kade and Steven left her yearning for something more, something deeper than ever before.

  “Would you like that, Holly? To be our woman?” Steven asked.

  “Yes, I would.” Then her family invaded her thoughts. Biting her lip she looked down at where she and Kade were still joined. He didn’t look like he wanted to leave her body.

  “What’s the matter?” Kade asked. “I see the cogs in your brain working overtime.”

  “I can’t leave my brothers and sisters behind. They don’t deserve to deal with my dad. He’ll hurt them.”

  Her two men shared a look.

  “What? What is it?”

  “I’m going to let you handle this,” Steven said.

  “Handle what? What’s happened?” Panic replaced the peace that had come over her.

  “John has your family at his apartment. He’s looking for a new place to live,” Kade said.

  “What? How?” When she and John had tried to take the kids the last time her father had threatened them both. She couldn’t risk them all being separated and in care, and that’s where they’d be, with either her or John in jail.

  “I’ve sorted everything out. Matt was there, and I’ll tell you about it later.” Kade moved over her, trapping her against his hard body and the bed.

  “You don’t know my father,” she said. “He’ll find a reason to cause trouble.”

  “Let me handle William.”

  “Kade!” Steven’s voice caught her attention. He wasn’t looking at her but at Kade in warning.

  “I swear to both of you I’d never put either of you at risk. Let me handle William and also handle your brother. He doesn’t mind having your brothers and sisters. We can help them all settle down.”

  Kade pulled out of her body after he’d stared down at her for a long time.

  “I’m going to clean you, and then you’re going to rest. No arguments.”


  Several hours later Steven sat behind his desk while Kade was out in the fields handling the ranching side of things. Holly was sleeping off their activities in the main house. After Kade had helped clean away their lovemaking, he’d ordered her in the bath and thoroughly washed her. All the time Kade had talked and soothed her as Steven watched.

  Steven was a true voyeur and loved watching his lover and his woman. Glancing at the clock he saw it was a little after five, and some of the ranch hands were leaving.

  Kade walked into the office ten minutes later.

  “You’re still working,” Kade said.

  “I want to make sure I can take the time off tomorrow. And spend as much time with Holly as I can.” Steven filed away some paperwork and then turned to look at Kade. “I didn’t like you leaving like that. You knew what you were going to do last night, didn’t you?”

  “I knew what I was going to do the instant she walked in here with a bruise around her eye.”

  “At least you’re not lying about it,” Steven said, still pissed at him.

  “You would do it as well.”

  He couldn’t argue with Kade. The difference between the two was the fact Steven would have gone through a lawyer while Kade was more than happy to use his fists.

  “This is not right. Holly is at a tender stage, and I don’t want us to push her.”

  “We’re not pushing her. If we let her leave to go back to him then he’s going to hurt her. Do you really want to live every night wondering if he’s using his fists?” Kade asked.

  Steven shook his head. He’d not thought about letting her go back home.

  “You should have consulted with me.”

  “No, we’re a couple, Steven and soon to be a threesome, but I don’t have to ask you what to do.”

  “It’s polite to do so.”

  “Are we really going to argue about this?” Kade asked. “I did what was best for all of us.”

  Steven turned around and shut the computer down. “I hope for all of our sakes that this doesn’t come back to bite us in the ass.” He felt like something was going to happen. William had been in charge of the Walker household for a long time. Steven doubted he was just going to sit down and let Kade walk all over him.

  “I don’t see why it will. I’ll handle everything that comes our way.”

  Steven nodded and followed Kade through to the main house.

  There was no sign of Holly in the living area. Going upstairs, Steven checked the bathroom as Kade checked the bedroom. There was no sign of her at all.

  “Where could she have gone?” Kade asked.

  Going downstairs, Steven saw the note lying against the phone.

  “Gone to see John. I need to know everything is all right, Holly,” Steven said, reading the note aloud.

  “Why can’t she take our word for it?” Kade asked, growling. “I’m going to fucking tan her ass when she gets home.”

  “No, you’re not. All of her life she’s only counted on herself and John. No one has stepped in, and her father has instilled this fear that she can’t just get over because you say so.” Steven tore the note up and grabbed his keys.

  “Where are you going?” Kade asked.

  “I’m going to take a drive over there to make sure she’s okay.”

  He didn’t wait for a response from Kade and went straight for the waiting car outside.

  Kade followed behind him climbing into the passenger side of the car. “I’m coming with you.”

  Steven started up the car and pulled out onto the main road leading toward the town.

  “How did she leave the house?” Kade asked. “I’ve never seen her drive, and John always picks her up.”

  Looking out of the corner of his eye, Steven saw him checking his phone.

  “She can call a taxi, Kade. It’s that simple.”

  “Why didn’t she do as we said?” Kade asked, slamming his phone onto the dash of the car.

  “Because it’s her family, and no one comes between her and her family, not even us. She needs to know they’re okay. I don’t see her leaving them behind.” Steven picked up his speed and started in the direction of where John lived.

  Within thirty minutes he was parked outside John’s apartment. Kade was out of the car and buzzing to be let in. John buzzed them up.

  When the door opened to the apartment, Steven saw all of Holly’s brothers and sisters were sat doing their homework. From the looks of them they were washed and clothed.

  “What’s the matter?” John asked, letting them inside the apartment.

  Steven assessed everything and knew he’d find him a bigger place for all of them. Eric waved at them. He smiled at the younger man before turning his attention back to John.

  “Where’s Holly?”

  “What do you mean? Last time I checked she was with you two?”

  Steven glanced over at Kade. “She was with us this morning. Have you spoken to her today?”

  John nodded. “I spoke to her an hour ago. She wanted to check in and make sure everything was fine. I told her not to worry, but Holly has always been a worrier. She didn’t have a clue what you were going to do.” He pointed at Kade.

  “Nothing has happened here. Your Dad hasn’t tried to come over?” Steven asked.

  “No, I’ve not heard a thing from him. To be honest he wouldn’t try anything with me. Last time he tried to hit me I put him on his ass. No one hits me and gets away with it. I grew up taking his punches. It’s not going to happen again.”

  Steven looked at Kade. “She’s gone to him to try and settle everything. He put the fear of God into her. She’s not going to let it go until she knows there are no repercussions,” Steven said. He knew Holly and had spent a great deal of time watching her.

  Kade cursed, a
nd John had gone pale.

  Chapter Seven

  Holly knew the second she couldn’t see the taxi that she’d made a mistake coming back to the trailer. After spending the night with Kade and Steven she looked at the trailer where she’d spent her whole life and felt sick to her stomach.

  She’d spent so many nights looking out at the stars praying for a better life for herself and her family. Her mother had never stopped him from drinking or hitting them. Over the years Holly had come to despise them for their lack of care and love. Licking her lips she turned away from the scene before her and went to walk away.

  “I see you’ve come back.” Her father’s voice filled the space between. Turning back to him, she saw he’d been drinking. A half-empty bottle was in his hands.

  Tightening her hands into fists she stared at him. She wore the jeans and sweater she’d worn yesterday. Holly didn’t say a word.

  Anita appeared in the doorway glaring at her. The sneer on her face couldn’t be disguised as anything other than hatred. Holly had never understood their feelings toward her. Keeping her mouth shut she glanced at her father. Out of the two people he was the one who could cause her the most damage.

  “You got your fancy-ass bosses to come here and get my kids and tell me to leave you alone. No one threatens me.”

  “Steven wasn’t here,” she said. His gaze cut to her, and she wished she’d kept her mouth shut.

  “Steven is it now? You’re fucking him I bet. The only way those men would stick up for you was if you were fucking them. No man is ever going to love you. You’re too fucking ugly.”

  Tears filled her eyes, and she felt them ready to spill down her cheeks. Looking down at the floor she did everything she could to force the tears back. If she cried then he’d laugh, and he would have won. She didn’t want him to win.

  He invaded her space, grabbing her chin and forcing her to look up at him. The moment she did the first tear started to fall.

  “You see, no one will ever love you. You’re not worth their time or effort.”

  “Why do you hate me so much?” she asked.

  “Because you were supposed to be a boy and not a fucking girl. I never wanted bitches. I wanted men in my family. Bitches are not good for anything. Look at your mother. She’s a whore. She spreads her legs for anyone. I don’t want another like her, and you’re exactly like her.”


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