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Arousing Her

Page 31

by Tia Siren

  Elizabeth crawled over to face me. She rested at the edge of the bed and placed her mouth tightly around the head of my cock. Her mouth gripped just under the head as I felt her tongue tease the slit. My body quivered as sexual fireworks exploded all over. Fuck, my body shuddered as I watched Elizabeth continue to finger herself.

  Elizabeth slid my cock all the way into her mouth and held it there until she gagged for breath. I sensed she liked what she was doing, so I raised my arm and brought the belt down onto her shapely ass. Her body jolted and the grip of her mouth tightened around my cock. Then her head continued to rock up and down as she sucked hard on my dick.

  She slipped it out for a moment. “Wow, Sir, your co—”

  I crashed the belt onto her ass.

  Her skin was red and welts had started to form. The image of the belt slowly appeared on her ass. I grabbed a fistful of her long blond hair and wrapped it around my fingers. I pushed her head harder onto my cock as she slid a second finger inside her pussy. I could hear how wet she had become, as the sound of her hand slamming against her sounded faintly like the lapping ocean crashing against the rocks.

  My mind wandered back to when I had finger-fucked her in the ocean. Will she come the same? Or Will she come in a different way? I wondered.

  I tightened my grip on her hair and raised my arm. Elizabeth thrust her head down and swallowed the full length of my cock as I popped her on the ass again.

  She arched her body and thrust out her ass, shoving her fingers harder into her pussy as I mouth-fucked her. I lifted and pushed the hand that had a hold of her hair, her head rocking under my control.

  She moaned loudly against my dick, sending a nice vibration down to my balls.

  The hotness of her mouth wrapped around my cock. The veins pulsed and my body twitched. I pulled on Elizabeth’s hair and raised her head. I looked into her eyes and saw the emotion within her. I stared deeply into her gaze and slapped her again on her ass. She blinked, and her eyes appeared damp. I pushed her back down onto my cock, and she continued to suck me.

  I paid attention and watched how Elizabeth’s body changed. Her ass stuck in the air, and she grabbed the sheets tightly. I wanted her to come without me touching her, and I also wanted to come, but without touching her.

  I tugged her hair and removed my cock from her mouth. “On your back!” I commanded.

  Elizabeth rolled onto her back and continued to finger herself. She gazed up at me as I continued to stroke my cock. With one of her hands, she reached for her nipple and started to pinch hard. She winced at the little bit of self-inflicted pain as her body started to get ready to release the fire in her pussy.

  She had spread her pussy lips and now had three fingers deep inside herself. She continued to gaze into my eyes as she erotically pushed, eager to come. She watched me frantically stroke and masturbate while I watched her fuck her pussy. Elizabeth’s body arched and her legs began to tremble. She started to groan as her body let forth the shower of feelings that emanated from her pussy and fled throughout her body.

  My balls were ready to explode. I had tingles running up my spine, my legs began to shake, my cock pulsated, and then my balls released their hot cum. It was better than good. It was heaven.

  I rested my hand on Elizabeth’s shoulder as I pulled back my cock and spurted my hot cum over her huge, perfect tits and face. I regained my composure and grabbed my robe. I turned and headed toward the door.

  “Wash up and get dressed,” I commanded.

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied as she wiped her face and body.

  I entered my room and quickly showered and got dressed. I walked back down the hall toward her room as lust danced through my veins. I harshly banged on the door with my fist, hoping to scare her a little. She was still way too ballsy for her own good.

  I walked down the stairs as she moved up behind me.

  “That was beyond awesome, Sir,” she said.

  With no mention of it, I headed into the kitchen.

  “Be outside in ten minutes max,” I demanded as I slipped on my boots and headed toward the kitchen door. “If you are not outside in ten minutes, I’ll have to show you some real discipline and put you in a cage. I’ll then leave you there and fuck your body only when I’m ready. It’s about time you learned your real place around here.”

  Time to get rough. Time to get real.

  Chapter 11


  We had walked for ages, and the sights had been fantastic. dotted around the island, Charles had had a few rest houses constructed in case it became too hot; he had thought of everything. We had walked along the clifftops and seen signs of shipwrecks from years gone by, and the water had been as clear as anything.

  Charles had had many areas planted with exotic fruits and vegetables, and there was even a village for the workers. Yet Charles, being Charles, had sent them to the mainland along with Jonathan. When he said that he paid attention and did his homework, by Christ did he mean it. Every single “t” had been crossed and every “i” had been dotted.

  I had started to think he was not actually human with the way he perfected every single thing in his life. Surely, he must have had one chink in his armor, but if he did, he was good at hiding it.

  “These views are fantastic, Sir,” I said as I looked out at the ocean. “Even from here I can see the coral reef and the fish. Wow, it’s awesome.”

  “You can now see why I come here so often. It’s much more relaxing than the city. I bought it cheap and have invested a lot. I could quite easily live here and be self-supported—no need for anything from the mainland, apart from the Internet of course,” he added with a tiny chuckle.

  “Well, Sir, it has surprised me. I was just expecting a tiny hut and a dirty mattress,” I replied with a huge laugh.

  “Think you’re funny?” he replied through his poker face.

  We had been resting in one of the rest huts for a while, and I had lain down and closed my eyes. I pictured what it would be like when I actually got back to the mainland. I had gone past being turned on. I was in the zone, and what a fucking zone it was. Every stimulation you could imagine had been through my pussy since we had arrived on the island, and the orgasms had been mind-blowing.

  I started to realize that once Charles let me go after the weekend, I would be free to resume what I had thought was an exciting life, but I knew I would be addicted to him before we hit the pier on the mainland. My life would be in utter fucking turmoil, and I would find myself in the same position I had put others in before. I too had fucked with others’ lives, and they could not get over me, and now I would be thrown into the same state. I would find that every guy I went with would leave me wanting. There wasn’t an alternative to Charles. He was it.

  I tried to shake off any thought of what my future boring life would be like, but it was stuck. Charles just kept coming back into my mind and ruining everything.

  We left the rest hut once the sun had mellowed a bit and carried on walking toward the hills. The tracks slowly started going upward, and we entered the small jungle. I heard birds, insects, and monkeys chattering among themselves but keeping out of eyesight. The trees cleared ahead of us, and I could hear the noise of running water. I thought nothing of it until we cleared the trees. I had just seen the most exotic location in the world. We stood by a small lagoon of crystal-clear water, and at the side was one of the best waterfalls I had ever seen.

  The whole area was isolated from the outside world, and it appeared the only way you could see it was from actually being inside this ring of trees. Even the beams of sunlight were semi-blocked by the overhanging trees, and the overflow from the lagoon ran under rocks before it made its way into the river below us.

  “I’m sure you could not design a location any better than this. Mother nature truly is remarkable,” Charles said as he smiled and kicked off his shoes.

  “Yes, Sir. This is wonderful. I feel like I have died and gone to heaven,” I replied as I walked aroun
d the lagoon.

  On the opposite side of the lagoon, there was a pathway through the cascading water. I gently walked along the rocks, and the water flowed over me, my long blond hair sticking to my body as my clothes became soaked and weighed me down. I held out my arms and just let the cold water flow over me. Goose bumps formed on my body and my nipples become erect as the water washed away any signs of the morning's trek to reach here.

  I shuddered and crossed the remainder of the pathway. I looked at Charles, who had perched himself on a rock. I jumped back onto the tiny sandy beach and walked over to a low-hanging branch. I placed my hands on the branch and just stood as the water dripped from my clothes.

  Charles stood and headed in my direction. He reached into his backpack as he approached me and then pulled me close to his chest. He raised his arm, and as I looked up, I saw he had expertly handcuffed me to the branch.

  “What? Sir, what’s all this in aid of?” I said with a slight bit of panic.

  “Playtime,” he replied with a grin on his face.

  “You-you should let me go! This isn’t fucking right,” I shouted.

  “Just relax. This is your next lesson,” Charles said.

  He dropped his backpack on the ground and pulled out a large knife.

  “Keep that away from me,” I shouted as I kicked my legs in the air.

  “I’m not going to hurt you,” he replied as he quickly slipped the knife under my shirt and sliced it open. Then he took the blade and sliced through my bra straps.

  As the remnants of my clothes fell to the floor, Charles opened my pants and slipped them from my slender legs. Then he used the large knife to cut the elastic on my panties.

  I breathed heavily as Charles grabbed my panties and tore them from my body. He held them to his nose before he shoved them into his pants pocket. I stood naked and shackled to the tree, and I wondered what Charles had in store. God, to humiliate me and to bring me to another climatic end... I couldn’t know.

  He slipped out of his clothes and reached into his backpack. I could see he had thought of this before we had even left the house, as he pulled out a small riding crop and what looked like a small dildo. My legs trembled, and I wondered how I could even contemplate trying to have any ounce of control in this situation. Charles had me helpless as he started to stroke his toys over my body.

  I thought of home and how I wished I had never agreed to all of this. So far, not only had I endured what he had done to me, but I actually got turned on by him doing it.

  “Have you see or used one of these before?” Charles asked as he ran the thin dildo over the lips of my mouth.

  “Yes, Sir. I have tried one once before, Sir,” I replied as I tried to free my hands from the branch.

  “So, you won’t mind me using it on you now then?” he replied.

  “No. Just be careful, Sir,” I snarled as he rubbed the thin dildo against my pussy.

  He ran the handle of the riding crop over my breasts and toward my mouth. The handle of the whip was shaped like a small penis, and he rubbed it over my nipples and placed it close to my mouth.

  “Suck it. Suck that little cock, Elizabeth,” Charles said as he placed the penis handle into my mouth.

  I pursed my lips and sucked on the tiny penis handle as Charles wiggled the thin dildo around my pussy. I got wet and lubricated the toy. Charles smiled at me as he kicked my legs and pushed the small dildo against my ass. I gasped for breath as he pushed with gentle pressure and it slowly started to slip into position up my ass. I had a sharp intake of breath as it slid into place and my pussy tightened with the extra pressure.

  “Ah, my pussy is throbbing,” I said as I wiggled my ass and felt my insides being stimulated by the vibration as he turned it gently.

  “I know, pretty girl. I wanna hear you come long and hard for me. Got it?”

  I nodded. The more I moved, the more I got turned on, and the more I hated myself for enjoying it. My body quivered as Charles ran the whip handle down my body and rubbed it against my clit. The heat was building up inside me, and I wanted him to push me further, yet I tried to fight the feelings. I thrust my hips forward and tried to push my pussy onto the tiny penis handle, yet Charles saw I was doing this and pulled the whip away.

  I wanted something big inside me. I wanted to be fucked. Oh, God, I wanted Charles. I wanted to feel his huge cock inside me.

  Charles masturbated, stealing my attention. He thrust the handle into my pussy, and my head bowed. I tried to fight it, but I was in that erotic, pleasure-filled zone. Charles had taken me to that dark place of his again, and my animal urges took over me, forcing me to want carnality and lust.

  “Sir,” I said as I lifted my head and looked at Charles.

  “Yes?” Charles replied as he stroked his cock and gazed directly into my eyes.

  “Fuck me, Sir. Please, I’m begging you,” I said as I thrust my hips onto the penis handle.

  Charles hung the whip on the branch and reached into his backpack, letting me see his cock. He approached me and stood close. I could feel the power in his arms as he held me close to him. His fingers rubbed my clit, and my soaked pussy welcomed his touch. My legs went weak as he rubbed the head of his cock against my labia. Then he pushed the enormity of it in.

  “Ah, Sir, your cock fits me like a glove,” I muttered as he slowly moved.

  “And your tight little slit sucks me so good, princess.”

  I held the branch to support my weight as Charles slid his cock deeper. He slowly thrust into me, and I felt every inch of my pussy being stimulated. His cock rubbed against the dildo in my ass as it pushed against the walls of my secret place. I felt as if I were being fucked by two guys, and I was completely satisfied.

  “Fuck me. Fuck me harder, Sir,” I said as I arched my back.

  I lifted my legs and wrapped them around his waist as his cock stretched my pussy. He held me in his powerful arms and pushed me backward and forward. He bit into the flesh on my neck, and I felt the pain as he rocked me back and forth.

  I found myself in a mental place that I could not fathom. I was begging for his cock and the pleasure he brought me, yet I also wished I was at home and had no part in his wicked games. I begged myself for my boring plain life, but I also craved to live life to the fullest.

  Charles had me for a weekend, and it was almost halfway over. I could endure the extent of the pain and the pleasure for a little while longer, and then I would be free. I would look back on the whole damn thing as an experience, an experience I would never be able to forget.

  I rocked, and my body and my pussy filled with the flames of passion. My body had reached a level it had never been to before. My arms ached, and my tits wobbled as Charles thrust into me. His body tensed, and I could sense he would soon be close.

  “Oh, fuck me. Fuck me, Sir. Please fuck me. I’m gonna come,” I screamed as my whole body burst into flames.

  Charles dug his nails into my ass as he pulled me harder on top of his cock. My body let go, and all of me quivered. My hands released the branch as I slumped against the handcuffs. I could feel the power in Charles as he took my weight. His legs trembled while his body shook. Then his body released his seed, and I felt his cock twitch as he shot his cum into me.

  My mind swirled, and I had a vision from the movie The Wizard of Oz where I was Dorothy. I found myself in a sexual tornado with him being so naughty, pleasuring my entire core. He was a force of nature that lit my world.

  Chapter 12


  I held Elizabeth in my arms as her breath returned to normal until she had enough energy to stand. I placed her feet back on the ground as her body slumped. Her head was bowed, and her matted blond hair fell toward the ground. I stood back as she started to regain her composure and her legs started to support her weight.

  There was a sparkle in her eyes that said she had been fully satisfied and had been pleasured to an extent she could never have dreamed about. I stepped toward her and removed her hands f
rom the handcuffs.

  “I need to relax for a while in the water,” Elizabeth said, and she slowly walked to it.

  I placed the handcuffs in the backpack and followed her into the lagoon to sit in the shallow water. The waterfall splashed us with fine droplets of warm water as we sat and recovered from the session we had both endured.

  My arms and legs ached. I always found I was strong, but Elizabeth’s body just sucked the power from me when I came.

  “You know, Sir, you have controlled me beyond anything I could have dreamed,” Elizabeth said as she rested her head on a rock.

  “So, you have realized, having no power can feel so satisfying,” I replied as I poured the fresh water over my face.

  “Yes, Sir…but tonight, I’m going to show you the meaning of control,” Elizabeth said with a giggle.

  “Is that right?” I replied as I looked in her direction.

  “It is. I’m going to show you control from my point of view,” she said. “You think your control is powerful. You know nothing.”

  “I beg to differ. There is nothing I don’t know,” I replied. “And don’t forget—”

  “Yes, Sir, I get it now. You paid attention and did your homework,” Elizabeth said.

  “Oh, little girl, I see you are enjoying the whole scenario,” I replied before I dipped my head under the clear water.

  When I rose, she went on. “What did you expect? Of course I’m enjoying it. How often do you come across a man who can take total control and fuck so good? Women have needs, and it’s not often that a man can fully help us meet them all the time.”

  “I take it you like to come then?” I inquired as my cock got hard again.

  “Yes. A lot. That tingling sensation in your stomach is mind-blowing. Who wouldn’t want to feel that as often as possible?” She stood and walked toward the waterfall.

  I looked on as Elizabeth showered under the cascading water. She tilted her head back and let the water flood through her long blond hair. If I had not just fucked her senseless, I would be highly aroused as I watched her tilt her head back. Seeing her arch her back as the water splashed against her face and her breasts… I had started to like her, and more than I should have admitted to myself. I had to control myself as well as her.


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