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Arousing Her

Page 32

by Tia Siren

  Elizabeth finished under the waterfall and made her way back to the small sandy beach that surrounded the lagoon. I lifted myself and made my way back to the shore, the water running down my body as I left the depths of the lagoon.

  “Well, Elizabeth, I have some news for you,” I said as I started to get dressed.

  “What is that, Sir?”

  “You will never have control over me, not tonight, not tomorrow, and not ever,” I said with a grin.

  “Sir, I have a question,” she replied as she looked at me, bemused.

  “And what might that be, Elizabeth?”

  She held her tattered clothes in her hand. “What am I to wear? You cut these to shreds,” she said with a giggle.

  “In the backpack. I took the liberty of packing extra for you, just in case,” I said. “You never know what may happen while you are out and about.”

  “Sir, with all due respect, cut the bullshit. You planned this all along,” she said as she opened the backpack.

  “Maybe I did, or maybe I didn’t. That you will never know.” I buttoned my shirt. “As I was saying, you will have no control, not even when the weekend is over. I know it and you know it. Even when this is finished and you have other relationships or even dreams, you will be thinking of me, and me only. Unfortunately, it’s too bad that this is all we have, just this weekend.”

  Elizabeth just looked at me as she grabbed the backpack and threw it over her shoulder. She smiled in a cocky way that only she could.

  “You think so? You think that is how it will all end?” she said. “I have news for you, mister: I want a case of toys just like yours.”

  I followed her through the trees and could not help but think about how hot she was. The little bitch had succumbed to my will, yet she still had some fight in her. I might have broken her, but the truth raced through me: She was allowing herself to be broken.

  I continued walking behind her and watching her ass wiggle as she walked. She was definitely one of a kind, and no matter what I did to her, she bounced back rather than crumbling before me. She begged like I liked her to, but she did it for a reason. She got pleasure from my response.

  Somehow, she was controlling me and letting me think I still had my hand around her neck. I smiled at the thought. It was such a fucking turn-on. I had to pay attention, and I needed to do my homework, because if I allowed myself to slip, I could find myself in a position that might make me lose all control.

  We headed back to the house, and I found I had to do some work. Elizabeth had offered to cook while I worked for a while.

  “Food’s ready,” Elizabeth called from the kitchen.

  I headed toward the kitchen and smelled the aroma of her cooking. “That smells great. What is it?” I asked.

  “That is my special Bolognese. I have my own secret recipe,” she said as she curtsied.

  “Well, it sure smells good. Where do you want to eat, here or out on the patio?”

  “Here’s fine. I can watch the ocean anytime. I have all summer for that,” she said.

  We continued to chat and make small talk, and I found myself slightly at ease. In fact, I found myself wanting to sort of communicate on this level, especially if it was over food that tasted just divine. Not only was she a good fuck, but she was a good cook as well.

  “What are you laughing at, Sir?” she asked as she got up to do the dishes.

  “Nothing. Just something that made me smile,” I replied.

  “See, you do have a soft bone in your body. I just hope it wasn’t all used up on that little laugh,” she replied.

  “Come on then, let’s go down to the beach and you can tell me all about your plans for doing nothing over the summer,” I said as I headed toward the large glass doors.

  “Cool. Sounds like it could be fun for once!” Elizabeth answered. She laughed as she followed behind me.

  I glanced over my shoulder. “So you mean you’re not having fun?”

  “Come on, old man, shift your ass and get down those stairs,” she replied, laughing.

  We arrived at the beach hut, and I set up a couple of parasols and beach loungers while Elizabeth made a couple of home-brewed cocktails. We removed our outer garments and lay on the loungers. We were completely relaxed as we chatted.

  “So, you said your friend has two jobs and you are bumming around all summer?” I asked.

  “Apart from this weekend, yes. Three months of relaxing and soaking up the sun’s rays,” Elizabeth said. She took a sip of her cocktail. “I just want to be me, and I want to be free. Because you never know how quickly things can change.”

  “It’s true. Life does pass you by without you realizing. When I was your age, I had a different motivation. I had grown up with nothing, and I was hell bent on making sure I, and, may I add, Jonathan, didn’t stay there,” I said.

  “So, you have always been in control of your life and relationships?” she asked.

  “That I have. I learned at a very young age what you could do if you were in control. I had no end of crappy jobs, yet my bosses were full of wisdom. So, I gleaned this from them, and on many occasions, they had no idea I was taking from them.”

  “Well, you don’t have to know all my secrets. I have to keep something to myself,” she said as she pulled her shades over her eyes.

  I sipped on my cocktail and thought about the conversation. I had become relaxed with her by my side, and I had opened up a little. I had never really done that with anyone. Jonathan was different. We had known each other for as long as I could remember, so I never classified him as an “outsider” so to speak. But here I was. I had opened up to a complete stranger, and it felt both comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time.

  “So, Sir, why BDSM?” Elizabeth asked.

  “It came from my love of control, like I said. I wanted control in most aspects of my life, like with my business, and it spilled over into my relationships. This was the way I could do it,” I said.

  “Ah, I see. So you look at a woman as a commodity?” she said with a smirk.

  “In a way, yes, but not exactly. I just love the control, that power that is within me, and the knowledge that I can make them do whatever I want. It’s more satisfying than all of the money in the world, and why I said I’m more comfortable here than on the mainland.”

  “So you don’t ever look for more from a woman?”

  “I have looked for more in a woman, but they have never been able to cope with my needs and my BDSM liking,” I said. “Not just that, but I have never come across a woman who I have owned enough, or who I found I wanted to keep.”

  “Ah, I see. So it’s not really about forming a normal relationship. It’s you being able to control a woman long term, one who will not just break and accept you. Essentially, that would leave you feeling bored, as she would have no spirit and fight left in her,” Elizabeth said. “She has to bow to your needs but also be strong enough to fend off those needs, which would prolong you trying to break her. Sounds like it’s a vicious circle, Sir.”

  Fuck. She was smarter than I thought. She’d summed up the situation perfectly. She fully understood that for a woman to stay with me, she had to fight my urges and yet succumb to them at the same time. They still had to retain their individuality in their life. That was the missing part from all of my other relationships. No one had gotten it. But she did.

  “Can you get me another one of those cocktails, Elizabeth? One more and I could take a relaxing nap here,” I said as I smiled.

  “Of course, Sir,” she replied.

  I sipped on my cocktail and looked at the ocean through my Foster Grants. The waves danced as the afternoon sun’s rays hit them; they led a merry dance, one that became hypnotic started to make me feel a little sleepy.

  I placed my glass on the table between us and turned my head to look at Elizabeth. I closed my eyes and realized I had some serious inner concerns I had to mull over in my mind.

  My first major concern was, had I found the one? Go
d, was Elizabeth the one woman who could do as we’d spoken of and retain her own identity? She had already proved she was strong enough to not crumble like a cookie, and she could be pushed and bent to follow my will. Hell, she even got her own satisfaction out of it in ways that filled her womanly needs.

  I considered the possibility that she was the one, and then I looked at it from an alternate perspective… She was too fucking young. I was double her age and could be her father. Not just that, but the business fraternity would not look upon me favorably if I decided to keep her.

  I had built a reputation in the world, and I had sold my soul to get there. I was always in the spotlight and would soon be questioned, no doubt. Why had I hooked up with a young girl in her twenties? Questions would be asked and accusations would be cast, and everything I ever did from that point forward would be questioned. Actually, my whole world, which I had spent a lifetime building, would come crashing down around me.

  I had many questions to ask myself, and the biggest one was, Am I fucked? If Elizabeth was the one, surely the answer to that was a resounding “yes!”

  Chapter 13


  I had been roaming around the island some more, spending some time on the other various beaches that surrounded parts of the island. I had cooked Charles my special Bolognese for lunch, but that was just a simple thing. Tonight I wanted to make him a special dinner, one he would not forget.

  I looked at the sky and saw it would be getting dark in a while, so I headed back to the house. I was halfway up the stony track when I saw the kitchen light was on, which was strange; Charles was not the sort to venture into the kitchen. He had people for that. I could see from a distance that there was another person in the house and wondered who it could be. I arrived at the kitchen and entered.

  “Hello? Is there anyone there?” I called out.

  “Hello, Miss Elizabeth,” the chef replied.

  “What? Where did you come from?” I asked, surprised. “I thought all the staff had gone to the mainland.”

  “We did, but Mr. Charles had me brought back for the cooking,” he said.

  “Shit, I was going to. You better just leave. I had planned to cook. Just go and stay wherever you stay,” I said in a harsh tone.

  “Yes, but, miss, Mr. Charles will be—”

  “Just fucking get out. Who is in charge here, eh? You or me?” I snorted.

  “Okay, miss. Whatever you say, miss,” the chef said as he exited the kitchen and headed toward the track.

  I was pissed. Charles had not informed me anyone was coming back, and I’d had a plan to surprise him. I had been lucky to arrive in time, or everything could have been ruined.

  I saw no sign of Charles, so I headed upstairs and showered. I also picked out a sexy nightie to wear. What better way to surprise him than with a home-cooked meal and a sexy, willing girl to serve him? Yes, he will be pleased.

  I had just placed a dish in the oven when I heard a noise behind me. I turned, and Charles stood in the doorway.

  “What’s going on here?” he asked.

  I leaned on the kitchen counter. “I’m cooking dinner.”

  “Where is the chef?” he asked in a raised tone.

  “I told him to go.”

  “What gives you the authority to order my staff about?” he shouted.

  “Nothing, but I wanted to…” I struggled with how to respond.

  “I don’t give two fucks what you wanted,” he said roughly. “My staff, my orders. No one else’s. You got that?”

  “Here. Have a glass of wine and fucking chill out, will you,” I said as I handed him a glass.

  Charles started to laugh. He raised his hand and lifted two fingers.

  “Little girl, you have just reached number two,” he said as he raised his glass to me. “Congratulations.”

  I had not decided if Charles was totally pissed at me or just acting pissed to show his authority. Either way, I had to be careful. He could be volatile, obviously. I presumed if anyone undermined his authority or went against his wishes, it might not be good. I had just realized I had also forgotten to include “Sir” when I’d answered him, and I hoped he had not realized that himself.

  Charles headed to the dining table and seated himself so he was facing the kitchen. I could feel him watching me as I cooked, or maybe it was the fact that under the see-through nightie, I was butt naked.

  I took advantage of my time in the kitchen to think about number three. He had said I had three strikes and then I would be—well, I had no idea what would happen if I reached number three, but it must have been something depraved compared to what he had done already. Maybe he would lock me in a confined space or something of that nature. I wasn’t sure. I had never thought too much of it.

  “What’s cooking anyway?” Charles asked as he sipped his wine.

  “Well, I hope you’re hungry. We have three courses, Sir,” I said.

  “Go on then. Enlighten me.”

  “Well, the starter is goat cheese soufflés that have been twice baked, and they are garnished with apple and walnut, Sir,” I said.

  “And the main course?” he asked as he eyed my body.

  “Pan-seared salmon with an assortment of side dishes, Sir.” I leaned on the counter and bared my all for him.

  “And you said there were three courses. What’s for dessert, kitten?” he asked as he waved for his glass to be refilled.

  “That dish is a secret, but I know you will find the taste to your liking, Sir. I’ll warn you now though: One serving may not be enough. You might want a second helping,” I said with a grin.

  I had prepared two options for dessert, the first being a simple fruit salad with a spicy syrup coating and the second being what he was looking at. I had prepared myself to be offered as dessert. I knew he loved a fresh juicy peach, and I would surely be fresh and very juicy by the time dinner ended.

  As I refilled his glass, I could see in his eyes that he had been staring at me the whole time I had been preparing dinner. It made me feel special and beautiful that one man could focus his attention on me like that.

  I served the dishes and sat at the table. The communication was light, so I let my mind wander back to the lagoon. My mind and body had been totally blown away by what I had experienced. I had felt restrained from the handcuffs, and yet my body had been free enough to experience everything—and that had happened in the biggest possible way.

  Every sensation had been let loose, and I had entered another sexual realm. I had gone through a sense of being captured and being a hostage; fear had flooded my body when Charles had pulled out the knife, and I’d had visions of Nancy and Chip standing over my body saying, “We told you so.” But as soon as Charles had carefully sliced through my clothing, I’d had an overwhelming sense of being highly turned on. I had indeed been his captive this morning, and I had started to become lost to him.

  Would I be another? Another woman who would return from a weekend just to find he had controlled me and my mind once it had all ended?

  I wondered what effect I had on him.

  He always wore his poker face unless it was for some trivial matter where his reactions were of no consequence, but as soon as feelings or emotions were involved, his whole persona changed. It was almost like he was playing high stakes, and he was keeping his cards firmly against his chest. I already knew I had gotten to him in little ways, and I also realized that in a small way I had controlled him, yet I still had this urge inside me.

  I wanted to break free. God knew I wanted to break free—free from the desire to fall for him.

  I had also thought of what would happen when it was, indeed, all over. Had I fallen in love? Had I fallen in love for the first time? And did I know it was for real? Or maybe it was just a fantasy that had somehow escaped from reality?

  What thoughts were going through his mind? Had he ever looked at me and thought in the same way? Or was I just there to plunder like the many before me and, most likely, the m
any who would follow me?

  “This salmon is quite delicious. Well done,” Charles said with a smile on his sexy face.

  “Well, you know what they say, Sir,” I replied. “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”

  “It will take a bit more than a tasty bit of fish to reach my heart,” he said.

  “Well, Sir, maybe the dessert will be more to your liking,” I said with a grin on my face.

  “We shall see; we shall see,” he answered.

  As I neared the end of my main course, I pondered all the events so far. I had indeed started to crave him, and crave him in a way I would not have thought possible. We had only been here for just over a day, and already I had been through so much.

  We finished dinner and stood close to the bar for a while. Charles started to push himself against me, and I sensed he had become aroused by the view my nightie provided. There were not many men who had the opportunity to sit opposite a young woman who was butt naked apart from a thin layer of lace separating the view.

  Charles pushed me back toward the kitchen counter and scooped me up in his arms, his muscles rippling as he lifted me onto the counter. My nightie fell away from my body and totally revealed my pink pussy to Charles. There was a sparkle in his eyes as he looked at my body presented before him.

  “Mmmm, I like the look of dessert. It looks so fresh and tasty, and it will feel light on the tongue,” he said with a laugh.

  “Oh, Sir, I’m so glad you approve. I tried extra hard with this dish,” I teased as I parted my pussy lips.

  Charles grabbed my breasts as he lowered his head and kissed my stomach. His tongue glided across my soft skin as he went lower and lower. His tongue reached the tip of my pussy; I gasped for breath as he pinched my nipples. I thrust my hips forward and spread my pussy lips wider, my clitoris wanting him, needing him. Charles responded and flicked his tongue over my throbbing clit. My pussy was already warm at his touch.


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