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Arousing Her

Page 34

by Tia Siren

  “What is that, Sir? “I asked.

  “This is a pussy pump,” he replied as he pushed the cup over my pussy and set it in place.

  “What, Sir?” I asked.

  “Wait and see.”

  I watched as Charles squeezed the ball quickly and slowly released it; I felt my pussy being sucked forward. He squeezed the ball again and slowly released it. My pussy pulsed as I came.

  I had more sensitive tingles, and it felt good. He reached into his case and pulled out some nipple clamps. He carefully squeezed the clamps and placed them on my nipples. Pain shot through me as he closed them, and then my nipples felt numb. I felt totally restricted and in a state of slight panic. The tingling I felt in my pussy was gradually growing as I swelled.

  “Turn me to the mirror. I want to see,” I demanded. It was pink and pretty. “Wow, is that normal?”

  “Relax. It will go back after an hour or so. You’ll be fine.”

  I found myself kneeling on the bed and not able to do anything. I felt hopeless and was unsure of what was to follow. Charles climbed onto the bed and dropped his bathrobe. He had something around his cock.

  “What is that?” I asked.

  “Ah, this is something that will give me a much harder erection and stimulate your clit at the same time,” he said. “And the ring around my balls helps me come harder. It’s similar to that edging you performed on me.”

  “It looks like a tiny rabbit,” I said and smiled.

  “Well spotted. It is a rabbit.”

  Charles flicked on the switch on the cock ring, and it started to vibrate. I watched him shudder as his cock twitched and shook. He seemed so much bigger than usual; the head of his cock was swollen from the pressure he put on himself.

  He stepped closer to me on the bed and held his cock close to my mouth. “Stick your tongue out,” he demanded.

  I stuck my tongue out, and Charles took his dick and rubbed the slit of his cock against my tongue. The vibrations from the rabbit cock ring filled my mouth with tingles. I looked up at Charles, and he had his eyes closed, his head tilted back as my tongue teased the hole in the head of his cock. His hand rested on my shoulder as his body quivered with excitement.

  I wrapped my lips around his oversized cock and slid my mouth down his shaft. My whole mouth was filled with vibrations from the rabbit as I slid my mouth back and forth, enjoying his cock. His veins pulsed and his cock twitched as I continued to suck. Charles removed his hand from my shoulder and flicked one of the nipple clamps, and a sharp pain shot through my body as his cock filled my wanting mouth.

  He grabbed the nipple ring and tugged on it slightly. I watched in the mirror as my large nipple stretched and the nerves were stimulated beyond anything I had ever felt. Charles released his grip and it dropped back to its normal position.

  I looked in the mirror and saw my pussy had fully swollen. Charles released the cup and gently rubbed his finger against my hard clit. My body sagged, and I thought I was going to faint. My clit had increased in sensitivity by god knew how much. I just wanted to find release.

  Charles removed his finger and stroked the rest of my pussy, my swollen center dancing at his touch. The shackles made my other senses come alive, and I wanted to explode. I watched in the mirror as Charles lay on the bed and slid his face under my body.

  “Sit on my face,” he ordered.

  I lowered myself and felt his tongue flick against my clit. My head bowed, and my long blond hair fell over my face. My pussy was on fire, and every stroke of his tongue made the feeling and heat intensify. I turned my head and watched as Charles slowly masturbated as he licked my pussy and sucked on my sensitive clit.

  Carnal urges rose to the surface of my thoughts, and I wanted to fuck him so bad. My body shake as Charles sucked on my swollen clit. I could not hold it any longer; he had fingered me twice, and now I wanted to come. My body released itself and I slumped. The tingling in my clit flooded my body, the nipple rings sending out spasms of pain as my pussy exploded in heightened pleasure. I was slumped over Charles and gasping for breath as he slid from the bed and removed my shackles. It felt like I was floating.

  “Good girl,” Charles said as he got up and packed his collar back into his case. “Now it’s your turn.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “Tie me to the bed,” he replied. “I want to see what it feels like.”

  I grabbed four silk ties from his closet and fastened him to the corners of the bed. He was spread-eagled and looked helpless—nothing like the Charles I had come to know. I lowered my hand and stroked my pussy. It was still swollen and highly sensitive. I looked at Charles and slowly straddled him. I rubbed my swollen pussy against his body, letting my juices wet him. I reached for his robe, which was laid out beside him.

  “Lie back and relax,” I said as I placed his robe over his eyes.

  He shook his head from side to side, yet the robe wouldn’t move. He relaxed and accepted he was blindfolded and waited for my touch. I grabbed his hard cock and slowly started to work him. My hands filled with the tiny vibrations from his cock ring as it buzzed in my hand. I looked at myself in the mirror and realized I still had the nipple rings on, so I quietly removed them and laid them on the bed. I grabbed Charles’s cock and guided it toward my pussy, the head shaking against my clit as I spread my swollen pussy lips and lowered myself onto his huge manhood. I watched myself in the mirror as my body rose and fell on his sexy swollen cock.

  I grabbed my tits and caressed my nipples as I rocked my hips back and forth and rode Charles like a horse, his huge cock filling my pussy. The rabbit part of the cock ring rubbed my clit with every stroke. I reached for one of the nipple rings and leaned forward. I reached my empty hand toward Charles’s face and slid my thumb into his mouth, and he started to suck it. I pulled down on his jaw and slowly fastened the clamp onto his nipple. Charles tried to move away, but I was in control. It felt so fucking good.

  The heat was rising in me, and I was close to reaching a second finish, my over sensitive clit being stimulated by the rabbit. Again, my pussy set on fire, I increased my rhythm. Charles sensed I was close and raised his hips. The rabbit pushed against my clit, and I could feel I was going to burst. I pushed my pussy hard onto his cock. I slumped forward and flicked the nipple clamp, and Charles squirmed in pain, his body pushing against mine as I finally came for the second time.

  My body slumped over Charles, and I felt him shake his arms. The knots in the ties came undone, and his arms went around me. I was exhausted, yet Charles lifted me onto all fours and went behind me.

  His cock slide into my pussy as I still shook and quivered. Charles grabbed my hips and thrust himself deep into my pussy like a man possessed by ecstasy. I could feel his cock buzzing deep inside my wet, aching slit. The rabbit continued to rub my clit as his cock rammed harder into me. His hips shot back and forth as I rested on my arms and grabbed fistfuls of bedsheets. My body ached, and I was not sure I could take it anymore.

  The thought crossed my mind that I had finally been broken, but not by Charles. It had been lust that had led the way to me feeling like this. I looked in the mirror and watched Charles as he grabbed a fistful of my hair, his muscled body ramming into my pussy. Every sinew of his being was driving his cock harder into me. He tugged on my hair, and my head tilted back as I gasped for breath. My swollen pussy came alive again, and I was sure I could come a third time.

  Charles rammed deeper into me as I regained my breath. My pussy again started to set on fire and send shivers deep into my stomach. Charles breathed and panted as his hard cock tensed and his body twitched. God, he was finally at the point of no return, and his rhythmic thrusting turned to more dramatic short thrusts as his body finally released his hot cum. My pussy quivered as I watched us both in the mirror. My body let go for a third time as I watched Charles and his body as he shot his cum inside me. He watched us too.

  Charles slumped over me as we both looked into the mirror and gazed i
nto each other’s eyes. I rolled over and collapsed on the bed and lay there completely sated.

  Emotions flooded through my body. Did I just fall in love with someone in a short time, or is it just lust and the yearning for a good time?

  I looked at Charles as he lay on his back and stared at the mirrored ceiling. I could see he too was deep in thought. Whatever it was I felt, I wanted more of it, and I wished it would not come to an end. I rolled over and threw my arm over Charles and cuddled up beside him. I leaned forward and kissed him on his neck.

  “Can I stay with you? And you can hold me just for tonight because we will be all done in the morning?” I whispered into his ear.

  “Do you wish for it to all be done in the morning, Elizabeth?” Charles asked as he stared at our reflections in the mirror.

  I looked at the ceiling mirror and gazed into Charles’s eyes. “Absolutely,” I said through my poker face. “And call me Lizzy.”

  He chuckled. “You’re such a good girl, Lizzy. I’m proud of you for sticking to the agreement. I’m impressed. You’re a tough woman.”

  I nodded and shrugged like it was no big deal.

  In truth, I’d come undone.

  Chapter 16


  I had hardly slept, so I’d gone to the beach early to clear my head. I had kicked off my shoes and paced the length of the beach in the shallow surf two or three times while I watched the sun pop up over the horizon.

  I had a sudden deep hatred for myself for how I had reacted to everything. Thoughts ran through my head of buying flowers and going on fucking stupid dates. I had never felt this way, and I had no real knowledge of how to react to it. Fuck…and the only solution I had, or at least to try to understand it myself, was to call Jonathan. I went back to the beach hut and grabbed my cell phone and planted my ass firmly on a seat.


  “Hi, Jonathan. How is everything over there?” I asked.

  “It’s okay. Everything is pretty much back on track now, just how you said it would be,” he replied. “How are you doing on the island? How is the princess?”

  “I’m fucked, man. I’m totally fucked,” I said in an angry tone. “It’s Kent’s fault. I could fucking kill him.”

  “Charles, calm down. I’ve never heard you like this before. What’s wrong?” he asked in a concerned voice.

  “I could wring his fucking neck. I’m sure he realized I would end up falling for her. I just… I just don’t know!” I said, confused.

  I realized I was being, and becoming, more irrational the more I thought about it. I needed a shoulder—though not a shoulder to cry on; I just needed some support.

  “Charles, hang on there, buddy. I’ll come and get you. I’ll take the speedboat,” he said.

  I realized the only way I could cut off the damage that was already done was to get away, and to get away as quickly as possible. I had to get free from her and fuck whatever feelings she had for me; that was her problem, not mine. It appeared I had my own demons to face, and the sooner I could face them, the sooner I could get back to my normal life.

  I started to climb the steps in the cliff and had more thoughts on the subject. I had tried to convince myself that age was an issue and that would be my way out. After all, she was still a child who was only just discovering the world, and I was a grown man. That’s it. She was too young, and I had no need to worry. I had the world looking up at me, and she was just the child of a burned-out, alcoholic investment banker.

  I had my mind sort of straight, and I headed to the office and grabbed a pen and a piece of paper. “Princess, thanks for the weekend. I hope you learned a very valuable lesson,” I wrote. That should do it. It said everything and should cut her off mid-step, and if that was not enough to make her realize, I didn’t know what would.

  I quietly crept up the stairs and entered my bedroom. Welcome to my nightmare. How fucking cryptic was that when I had said it last night? I entered my room, and there she was, my fucking nightmare of the moment, little Elizabeth, asleep.

  I packed my clothes and grabbed my toys and headed off to the pier to wait for Jonathan. I stood at the end of it like a lone warrior waiting to head off into the wilderness, yet I had the feeling I was running away, and I had never run away from anything. I really was fucked, and I knew it. I just needed to find a way to get over it, and I needed to do this quickly before it ate away at me. Otherwise, I would end up changing my mind and go running back to her.

  Shit, fuck, bastard, I thought as I kicked my foot against the pier. Is this what real relationships are like? I was glad I had never had one before. The aggravation was just too much, yet my heart felt like it was in a tug of war. Christ, it was pulled one way and then it was pulled the other. I had no idea how to react or what to do. It was understandable that my head was spinning.

  “Come on, Jonathan, where the fuck are you?” I mumbled under my breath.

  I shoved my hands in my pockets and saw the speedboat just break the horizon. The boat, as if by magic, grew larger and larger as Jonathan approached the pier.

  “Sorry I was delayed. The harbor master was late getting there to open up,” Jonathan said as he steered the boat against the jetty.

  “So, have you seen her yet? Was she awake?” Jonathan asked.

  “No. She was dead to the world. I didn’t want to wake her. I didn’t want the confrontation,” I said.

  I threw my things into the boat, jumped aboard, and took a seat at the back. Jonathan was my best friend. I had no urge to hold any conversation with him, though, and as my best friend, he knew this too, so he just concentrated on getting me home.

  I looked out across the ocean at the first full beams of sun hitting it. I just sat and tried to think. My mind had hit a dead zone and become numb. I had no rational thoughts in my head; thank god for the numbness.

  I sat there and let the fresh air and the sea spray wash over my face. I breathed in the salty air and tried to clear my mind. I found myself looking around the boat and saw my case of toys on the floor. My toys, my beloved toys. They would help to take my mind off Elizabeth. Yet when I pictured a scenario with another woman, introducing them as I always did, I had an empty feeling in my stomach and the overwhelming urge to puke. I couldn’t even picture myself using them at all, never mind using them with another woman.

  The whole weekend had made no sense at all when I thought back to the start. Did I start to fall for her when I saw her picture? It was like she had snuck up on me and ensnared me like a wild animal. I had become trapped, trapped in my emotions and my own mind.

  “Jonathan, is there anything for me to do at the office?” I asked as we started to close in on the harbor.

  “Not really. It’s Sunday, and even greedy investment bankers have to have a day off,” he said as he steered the boat toward the pier.

  Jonathan fastened the boat to the jetty, and I stepped back onto the mainland. Maybe this was what I needed, less focus in a larger area. Surely, I could lose myself and my thoughts now that I was home.

  I walked from the harbor and saw the limo waiting in the car lot. I slid into the back seat and told the driver to take me home.

  When I entered my apartment and hit the shower, I stood there with the water cascading over me and washing the weekend away. My mind slipped back to the island, and I thought of the lagoon and the waterfall. I pictured Elizabeth standing under the waterfall with the water crashing down on her. Damn, even a simple shower reminded me of her, and I wondered how many other things would remind me of her throughout the day.

  Then I had it, the one thing that would take my mind off things.

  I needed to call Alek.

  “Hello, Alek. This is Charles,” I said when he answered.

  “Hi, Charles. How the bloody hell are you?” he replied in a fun tone.

  Alek was a close associate who had emigrated from England when he was in his twenties. He’d had to do a runner, as he’d owed quite a bundle to some East End London gangsters
. I had bumped into him through our love of poker. He was addicted, and I was just a fucking good player, so we clashed, yet we had become close. Alek had his finger in all the games that were going on around town, and if anyone could get me into a high-stakes game, it was him.

  “Are there any games going on today?” I asked.

  “Charles, today is your lucky day. There is a game downtown that starts in a couple of hours if you’re interested,” Alek said.

  “What’s the buy in?”

  “Half a million. Can you lay your hands on that sort of cash today?”

  “If the game starts in two hours, half a million is easy,” I said, chuckling into the phone.

  “I’ll pick you up at your apartment in a while,” Alek said.

  “I’ll be waiting,” I said.

  Poker, now why had I not thought of that before? I was feeling better already. If there was anything that could divert my focus away from Elizabeth, it had to be poker.

  I stood outside the apartment as Alek rounded the corner and drove up beside me. I quickly opened the door and jumped into his car.

  “It’s nice to see you again, Alek. It has been too long,” I said.

  “Likewise. It’s always a pleasure to see you, Charles.” He hit the gas, and the car tires squealed.

  “So why the rush to find a game?” Alek asked as he started to weave through the traffic.

  “Ah, you know. I’ve had a couple of rough days and I want to blow off some steam,” I said, wondering if Elizabeth had woken up to find me not there yet. “Where is the game then?”

  “It’s with the Russians. They have some guests in town and wanted to put on a bit of a show, so they have arranged a tournament.”

  “I bet we will see some old faces there. It’s been too long since I have played like this.”


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