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Arousing Her

Page 33

by Tia Siren

  “Oh, I feel warm already, Sir,” I said as I panted.

  “I have just the thing for that,” Charles replied. “Don’t move an inch.”

  I waited for a moment.

  “Close your eyes,” Charles said from the kitchen.

  I closed my eyes and waited for him to return.

  I felt the stinging pain of cold on my clit. I opened my eyes and saw Charles grinning to himself. He had gotten an ice cube and was gently rubbing it against my clit.

  “This will cool you down,” he said as he laughed.

  “Fuck, that feels good!” My body shuddered.

  Charles removed the ice cube and licked my clit with his warm tongue. The warmth slowly returned, and then he again placed the ice cube against my clit. My body continued to shudder, and I felt Charles slide the ice cube into my pussy. The cold filled me, and cold water trickled from my pussy as the heat from my body slowly melted the ice. Next, Charles lowered his head and lapped up the cold trickle of water that ran from my pussy. I felt his warm tongue as he slid it deep inside me.

  “You sure are a tasty dessert,” he said as he started to suck on my clit.

  “Oh, you could have me for any meal, Sir,” I replied as I arched my back.

  Charles continued to lick and suck. My exposed nub throbbed from the touch of his tongue. My body trembled, and I wanted to feel his cock inside me. I wanted him to fuck me. I wanted him to take me to another level.

  “Sir, fuck me. Fuck me right here, right now. I want to be your oasis in the dessert,” I said as I panted.

  “Who is in charge? Me or you?” He looked up from my pussy lips.

  “You, Sir. You are in charge. I do as you say,” I replied as I bit into my bottom lip with a moan.

  “Exactly, and don’t forget it,” he said. “You are not in a position to make requests.”

  I wanted to be taken. My body needed to be released. My pussy was on fire, and I wanted to get my satisfaction from feeling his cock drive deep into me. I had guessed this was his plan. He would take me to the point of no return and leave me short. I would be satisfied yet unfulfilled, and this would make me crave him just that little bit more.

  Charles licked my clit and flicked at me with his tongue, and I felt my body rise and get close to exploding, and then he stopped. He looked at me with a grin and wiped his mouth; he turned away from me and made no comment before exiting the kitchen. He had left me in a state of arousal, and I had a need to be fulfilled. Fuck you, Charles.

  I slipped from the counter, feeling pissed. I needed a little time to clear my head and let my body relax from what had just happened in the kitchen. I headed outside and walked down the steps to the beach. I grabbed a cold bottle of beer and sat on the beach lounger. I stared at the hypnotic motion of the waves and lost myself in thought. Charles had left me feeling fully dejected, but I knew it was just a game he liked to play. And it was not just any game; it was his game, and it was one for which he made all the rules.

  I suddenly realized the rules of his game were not set in stone. He broke them and changed them as he saw fit. These rules of his were flexible and left him in a position where he could never lose.

  Chapter 14


  I had exited the kitchen with mixed emotions and felt some strings in my heart being pulled. It was not a feeling I had ever had before, and I was not sure how to handle it. I went to the lounge and sat there as I stared out the window; I cast my gaze over the ocean. The sun continued to shine its glory over the waves, and it looked like a shimmering blanket of blue that stretched far beyond where the eye could see.

  My mind had drifted off, and I heard Elizabeth opening the large glass doors. She exited and headed for the steps that led down to the beach. My mind had become muddied, and I had to clear it. As I started to stand, I questioned myself. Jonathan had always told me to be careful about what I did and to not go around breaking young girls’ hearts. I tried to snap myself out of it because I knew this girl was not my lover, and I wondered if she thought I was the one for her. It was just that when I looked at her, I thought she looked like a beauty queen you might see in a movie scene.


  It had happened so fast. She had arrived, and she had since caused a scene. I had dreamed of her being the one, but I knew I should not feel this way. This was not me; it was a real emotion, and I was not ready for it… I was uncomfortable.

  I decide to head into the office and work for a while to totally blank out any thoughts of Elizabeth, and any thoughts of emotions about falling for her. I poured myself a bourbon and sat at my desk. I had plenty of files that required my approval and signature, so I would be preoccupied for quite a while.

  I was working on the files when I heard the glass doors open and the faint sound of footsteps. I waited and listened to see if they would head upstairs. Everything went silent, and then Elizabeth made her entrance into my office. She walked into the office, her nightie clinging to her wet body. It was totally transparent; I could see everything underneath: her shapely curves, her heaving breasts, and, most of all, her tight, perfect pussy.

  I glanced at the doorway where she now stood. Wet, sandy footprints adorned the hardwood floor. Normally I would have been pissed, but I found myself not bothered. Christ, I was fixated at what stood before me: Elizabeth, with all of her body on display. Water dripped and created a small ocean around her feet as she looked into my eyes and gave me a sultry wink.

  “I was thinking while I was down on the beach,” she said as she slowly started to walk toward my desk.

  “What were you thinking?” She removed her wet nightie and let it drop to the floor.

  “I never had my dessert, and you are my dessert. And I want my dessert now,” she said as she ran her hand over my desk.

  I pushed my chair back and away from my desk. I had the overwhelming urge to submit. I raised my hands and said with a gestured that what I was about to say was a one-off.

  “You can have your dessert, but that is the only request you will be granted, no matter how much you beg for my cock. You can have it when I want you to have it, and not before.”

  I sat back in my chair totally motionless. Elizabeth walked around my desk and stood between my legs. She leaned forward and ripped open the buttons on my shirt. Droplets of water fell from her long hair and landed on my chest and stomach. Elizabeth ran her fingers over my chest and down my body. She pulled at my belt and opened the buckle.

  Her hand was on the bulge in my pants. My cock started to become hard as she slowly popped it open and pulled down my zipper. I raised my ass from my seat as Elizabeth grabbed my pants and pulled them down toward my ankles and freed them before throwing them to the side.

  She ran her damp hands up my inner thighs, and her thumbs ran up the sides of my balls. Her wet hair fell to my belly as she slowly licked the length of my cock as if it were a Popsicle. My cock started to twitch and become hard at Elizabeth’s touch, her warm tongue igniting a fire deep inside me.

  She took a hold of my erection and licked. The tip of her tongue danced around the head of my cock, and she tantalized the nerves resting in the slit. My body tensed, and I breathed deeply. I could feel her arousal from stroking my cock slowly. I had a slight feeling of anger building up within me. I had let her make one wish, and I was letting her fulfill it. I had never done that before, no matter how much anyone had begged.

  Elizabeth wrapped her lips tightly around the head of my cock and gently pushed her teeth against me. I felt a little pain and winced as she bit a little harder. My body twitched, and my anger rose a little more. It was I, and I alone, who inflicted the pain. I was in charge, and no one should ever forget that. I grabbed a fistful of her long hair and went to force her head onto my cock. Elizabeth stopped and looked at me.

  “Sir, remove your hands please.” She pressed on as she flicked the head of my cock with her finger and cast me another wink.

  I clasped my hands and placed them behind my head. I
had the urge to force my cock deep into her mouth and make her gag, yet I had been told it was no hands. And after all, it was her one and only wish. Elizabeth placed her warm mouth around my cock and slowly slid her head down to the bottom of my long shaft. I felt her suck and hold her breath. My cock stood erect, and it throbbed. I could feel the pressure pulling every fiber of the bastard. Fuck, I was fully erect, and my balls began to ache.

  She had me.

  I was vulnerable, and still, my anger rose…but I was in a good place. A dangerous one, but so fucking blissful nevertheless.

  Elizabeth gripped her lips tightly and quickly started to raise and lower her head. Warmth rose in my balls. I ached to fuck her, but it was out of the question.

  My body tensed, and I felt my seed start to rise.

  “Shit, I’m going to come,” I said.

  Elizabeth stopped just as my seed was about to flow. She grabbed my cock just under the head and squeezed. The spasms subsided and the urge to come left me. She again started to suck my cock. She grabbed it with her dainty hand and worked me to the point of no return, and then again she stopped and pinched my cock just under the head. My body was bursting to release, yet she had total control of my orgasm. I looked down into Elizabeth’s eyes.

  “Have you ever heard of edging, Sir?” she asked with a huge grin plastered on her sexy face.

  “No. What is that?” I asked, panting loudly.

  “My secret weapon. I get you to the point of coming and then squeeze your cock until your urge goes away. I’m bringing you to the edge,” she said. She winked and slid my cock back into her mouth.

  My inner dom raged. I had just found out she had been controlling me. I grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her head away from my lap.

  Elizabeth looked at me, and with her cocky smile and wink, she said, “Now who is in charge?”

  I raised my hand to her face and lifted three fingers. “Number three, kitten.”

  I pulled Elizabeth to her feet and made her bend over my lap. She had been naughty, and she had to be punished. I had to teach her a lesson right now before it faded. Elizabeth stayed bent over my lap. I felt her stomach rise and fall as she breathed. Her long blond hair fell on the floor as she remained motionless. I raised my hand and brought it down onto her creamy ass. The sound echoed around the barren office. Elizabeth squealed and squirmed in pain, body wriggling on my lap.

  “Hmm, what did I tell you?” I said as I slapped her ass again.

  The outline of my handprint formed where I had slapped her. Blood rose to the surface of her skin, and the surrounding area became darkened.

  “You need to be taught a good fucking lesson, little girl. Don’t fuck with me or else,” I said as I slapped her harder.

  Elizabeth whimpered with each slap, her ass covered in red and pink handprints. I had a split-second thought of remorse, and I knew “sorry” would not be enough.

  “Spread your legs,” I ordered her.

  She widened her legs as she lay over my lap. I leaned my head over and let saliva drip from my mouth. It landed between the cheeks of her ass and slowly dribbled toward her pussy. I slid my hand softly over her ass and reached my finger toward her pussy. I felt the soft touch of her womanly peach as I caressed her lips. Elizabeth gasped for breath as I slowly started to tease her slit, rubbing my thumb against her clit.

  Her stomach rose and fell sharply as her breath deepened and her body writhed about on my lap. I continued to finger her until her pussy clenched tightly. Then I removed my hand and slapped her on the ass. Elizabeth winced in pain as I slapped her red, raw ass again. The soft tissue of her skin started to swell as my forceful hand left its mark.

  I thought about her pleasing me, the woman a total fucking tease. She left me angry and yet highly turned on. She had brought me to the point of coming twice and then stopped me. Now my balls were swollen with hot cum and were waiting to explode. My cock was still fully erect, and it throbbed. My whole body ached from the so-called “edging” she had performed on me. Never before had I stopped an orgasm. I’d always been one to do whatever the fuck I wanted to do when I wanted to do it.

  I looked down and saw Elizabeth had lifted her hands from the floor. She pinched her nipples when I slapped her ass and caressed them when I finger-fucked her. Even now it looked like she was in control of her body and not me.

  “I hope you are learning a lesson, little princess,” I said in a dark, mysterious tone.

  “Sir, I have been naughty, and I need to be punished,” she replied as she laid a hand over my knee.

  I moved my fingers back to the mound of her pussy. She was wet, so I slid three fingers into her. Her pussy stretched and gripped my fingers as I slowly started to thrust backward and forward with my hand. Her juices flowed and covered my fingers as her pussy stretched and was pleasured.

  I had become mega turned on, and everything ached. My body wanted to release itself from the pressure in my balls, my cock throbbed harder than normal, and I wanted to feel her pussy gripping me, drawing my seed from me and sending me into convulsions of lust and ecstasy. The more I fingered Elizabeth, the more I knew she was still in control of herself. She pinched and pulled her nipples, and her ass wiggled against my hand. Her body was reaching her point of no return, one she would not reach again.

  “Oh, yes, Sir. That feels perfect!”

  I paid attention to her body and felt the change in her movement. She no longer felt relaxed. She was beginning to tense. Her body tightened as her pussy flooded wetness everywhere.

  My body tensed as I reached my point too. Elizabeth moaned and groaned and grabbed my leg, her nails digging into me as her body neared the finish line. Then her legs began to quiver, and I felt her body tremble. Her whole body shook as she started to say she was coming. I removed my hand and brought it down on her cheek.

  I looked at her ass, and it was red all over. I had spanked her hard and had no way to soothe the pain. My mind flickered back and forth. I had her in a vulnerable position, yet she was doing her best to come. She wanted that satisfaction for herself, and she wanted her body to be flooded by the powerful rhythms of her climax. I pushed my fingers faster and faster. I slapped her wet pussy with each stroke. I wanted her to finish even though it would show weakness. I waited until her body was about to release, and then I removed my fingers.

  “Shit, not again?” she said as she began to stand. Her face had a red glow about it, and her body was trembling.

  “Wait for tonight, and then you may be able to fulfill your needs,” I said as I pushed her from my lap.


  I let her words slide. I continued to have an unfamiliar thought. I had never in my life wanted anyone to dominate me, and I had a feeling I wanted to actually be dominated by Elizabeth. It scared the fuck out of me. I had never sensed this feeling before unless I’d hurt myself, and now I wanted to feel it from the other side. I wanted to be the submissive for the first time in my life.

  I lifted my fingers to my lips and sucked each of them as I watched her. “You’re dismissed.”

  Chapter 15


  I was super pissed with Charles. Twice he had made me nearly come and twice he had cut me down. What a pain. I could not bring myself to be at my angriest, though. He had gotten me to the level where my senses had become electrifying, and I guessed that the more he did it, the better it would be. And when I finally could come, it would be like a dam had burst or the floodgates had been opened. Either way, I had walked around the house and my pussy still buzzed. It was like every step I took, I wanted to come.

  I smiled to myself though. I’d had my revenge by edging him twice. He would have balls that ached like anything and would soon be begging for it too!

  “Elizabeth,” Charles called.

  “Yes, Sir? What do you want?” I shouted, not letting on.

  “You ready for your punishment?” he called as he walked to the top of the stairs.

  “I thought the spankin
g was my punishment, Sir,” I replied.

  “Now that would not be proper, would it? That was a level one punishment at the most. A level three, tut, tut, tut… You do have a lot to learn. Come on up then and meet me in my room.” He vanished down the hallway.

  I wondered what he had in store. I had seen no signs of anything drastic in his room when I had snooped. I found myself a little hesitant yet intrigued at the same time. My brain said run away and my pussy said run to him. I climbed the stairs and headed toward his room. I knocked on his door and heard him inside.

  “Come on in,” he called through the door. “Welcome to my nightmare. I think you’re going to like it. I think you’re going to feel you belong.”

  “What are you talking about?” I asked plainly.

  “Alice Cooper’s ‘Welcome to My Nightmare.’ Oh, come on, you’ve never heard of Alice Cooper?” Charles asked.

  “Whatever, Sir,” I replied. “So what is my punishment, twenty push-ups or something like that?”

  “Being serious, no. Nothing like that. It’s toy time.” He flipped open his silver case.

  I had mixed emotions. I was pissed, yet I knew there were still toys he had not used, and I was eager to test them.

  “Strip for me!” he ordered

  I slowly started to strip and tried to show some enthusiasm, I had lost some of the will to participate, and I just found I was on auto-pilot and going through the motions. I finished stripping and stood there naked. I held my hands on my hips and stood looking at him rather than running my hands over my curves.

  “On the bed, princess!” he ordered.

  I climbed onto the bed and watched what he removed from his case first. He pulled out some sort of shackle collar, and I was unsure what would happen with it.

  “This is your punishment,” Charles said as he shook the collar.

  He fastened it around my neck and then shackled both my wrists behind me. Lastly, he had me get on my knees and he shackled my ankles. Instantly, I felt like I had no movement at all and shook the shackles to try to free myself. He had said full submission, and this was probably as far as you could get for something that would fit in his case. I knelt on the bed and wondered what was to follow. He reached in his case and pulled out what looked like a face mask.


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