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The Great A&P and the Struggle for Small Business in America

Page 44

by Marc Levinson

  In New Jersey, Avis Anderson went out of her way to help me with materials from the Hartford Family Foundation’s collection. George H. Hartford is all but forgotten in Orange, but Doris Walker, former director of the Orange Public Library, came up with microfilms of local newspapers and historical materials. Bob Leach of the Jersey City Public Library provided materials about A&P’s headquarters complex there. Father Augustine Curley, O.S.B., of St. Benedict’s Preparatory School in Newark, located early yearbooks mentioning George L. Hartford. In New York, the staffs of the New-York Historical Society and the New York Public Library’s manuscripts division helped me delve into the tea and leather trades in the 1850s. Mary Witkowski of the Bridgeport Public Library sent me articles about George F. Gilman, and even found photos of him. My thanks also to Kathy Maher of the Barnum Museum in Bridgeport—although my hunch that Gilman and P. T. Barnum knew each other personally remains only a hunch.

  Claire Uziel of the Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington helped me with that organization’s collection of oral histories related to Jewish grocers. Debbie Vaughan, archivist at the Chicago History Museum, led me to a wealth of information on the food trade. David Kessler of the Bancroft Library at the University of California at Berkeley came up with oral histories and other documents related to the grocery business in the early decades of the twentieth century. Sarah Ticer, an intern at the Dolph Briscoe Center for American History at the University of Texas, arranged for me to use Sam Rayburn’s papers. In the midst of major renovation, the staff of the Texas State Library and Archives located documents related to that state’s chain-store debates in the 1930s.

  Domenica Carriere of the Archives and Special Collections Department, Noel Memorial Library, at Louisiana State University in Shreveport, W. K. Henderson’s hometown, sent me transcripts of anti-chain broadcasts on KWKH. Sharon Sumpter, an archivist at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana, furnished a copy of one of Henderson’s broadcasts. I also wish to record my thanks to Jocelyn K. Wilk of the Columbia University Archives; Debbie Greeson of the Kansas Historical Society; Edwin Frank and Chris Ratliff of the Special Collections Department at the University of Memphis library; and Marcia Stentz of the Hudson’s Bay Company Archives. Barry Herbert, deputy librarian of the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago, sought out pictures of Judge Walter Lindley, and Becky Woodrum of the U.S. bankruptcy court in Danville, Illinois, gave me a tour of the building where the 1945 antitrust trial was held.

  I received suggestions and helpful leads from Tracey Deutsch, Hasia Diner, Joshua Freeman, Thomas Kessner, Nelson Lichtenstein, Terri Lonier, David Nasaw, and Helen Veit, and from participants at meetings of the American Historical Society and the Business History Conference. The guidance of my agent, Ted Weinstein, and of Thomas LeBien, my editor at Farrar, Straus and Giroux, was vital. I owe a special debt to Margaret Cannella for getting me interested in the grocery trade in the first place.

  This book is dedicated to my father, Harry Levinson, who long ago wrote an article for executives titled “Don’t Choose Your Own Successor.” Unfortunately, his advice came too late for the Hartfords.


  The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

  A&P, see Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company

  A&P Radio Hour

  A&P v. Maxwell (1931)

  Abbott, Walter and Bertha

  Acme Tea Company

  Adams, O. C.

  Adelman, Morris

  advertising; against chain stores; against chain-store tax; in defense against lawsuit; food purity claims in; of Great American Tea Company; independent grocery stores and; in leather industry; of low prices; magazine; manufacturers’ allowances for; misleading, charges of; newspaper; of premiums; radio; of store brands; television; trade card; by Walmart; by wholesalers


  Agricultural Adjustment Act (1933)

  Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA); Food Industries Advisory Board

  Agriculture, U.S. Department of

  Akron (Ohio)



  Albany (New York)

  Alexis, Grand Duke of Russia

  Allred, James

  Alpha Beta grocery store

  Alter, Jonathan

  Amalgamated Meat Cutters

  American Association of University Women

  American Coffee Corporation

  American Economic Association

  American Fair-Trade League

  American Farm Bureau Federation

  American Federation of Labor (AFL)

  American Fruit and Vegetable Shippers Association

  American Grocer

  American Grocery Company

  American Home Economics Association

  American Legion

  American Magazine

  American Management Association

  American Museum

  American Retail Federation

  American Society of Automobile Engineers

  American Academy of Political and Social Science

  American Statistical Association

  American Stores

  American Sugar Refining Company

  American Trucking Association

  American Wholesale Grocers’ Association

  Anderson, Avis H.

  Anderson, Clinton

  Ann Page brand

  Anti-monopoly League

  antitrust laws; violations of

  Applegate, Jennie

  Arbuckle Bros.

  Ariosa coffee



  Arlington (Texas)

  Armour & Company

  Army, U.S.; Reserve

  Arnold, Thurman W.

  Associated Press

  Association Opposed to Branch Stores


  Atlantic City (New Jersey)

  Atlantic Commission Company; in antitrust complaint; supermarkets and

  Augusta (Maine)

  Austin (Texas)

  Austria, German annexation of


  Bacon, Albion Fellows

  bakeries; industrial

  baking powder

  Baldridge, Holmes


  Bankhead, William

  Barger, Harold

  Barnum, P. T.

  Barr, John E.


  Bastrop (Louisiana)

  Bauer v. O’Donnell (1913)

  Bellevue Hospital Medical College

  Berge, Wendell

  Bergson, Herbert

  Bernays, Edward

  Bertram, Bradford & Company

  Big Bear market

  Biltmore Hotel (Coral Gables)

  Black, Eugene

  Bofinger, David T.

  Bokar coffee

  Bolger, Frances

  Bon Ami cleanser

  Bonaparte, Napoleon

  Borden Milk

  Boston; Economy Stores in; Great Atlantic & Pacific stores in

  Boston & Maine Railroad

  Brady, Thomas

  Brandeis, Louis D.

  brands; pricing and; store; of tea and coffee


  Breckenridge (Texas)

  Bridgeport (Connecticut)

  Bridgeport Trust Company

  Brinkley, Alan

  Brookhart, Smith

  Brooklyn (New York); Consumers Committee

  Brooklyn Daily Eagle, The

  Brooklyn Daily Times, The

  Brooks, C. A.

  Brown Brothers & Company

  Brownell, Herbert

  Bruin, Peter

  Buffalo (New York)

  Bullock, Roy

  Bureau of Corporations

  Burger, Ralph W.

nbsp; Business Organization Inc.

  Business Property Owners Inc.

  Business Week

  butcher shops

  Butler, James

  Butler, William

  buying clubs

  Byoir, Carl; background of; chain-store tax opposition coordinated by; and consumer movement; and German tourism industry; restraint of trade indictment of; Roosevelt and; in union negotiations

  Byrnes, J. J.

  Byrnes, William

  California; A&P stores in; anti–chain store movement in; see also specific cities and counties

  California Canning Peach Growers

  California Chain Stores Association

  California Fruit Growers Exchange

  California Packing Corporation

  Calloway, R. K.

  Campbell Soup Company


  Canada Dry

  canned goods; fruits and vegetables; manufacturing methods for; milk products; safety concerns and; salmon; shipment of; store-brand

  Cannon, Joseph

  Capper, Arthur

  Carnation Milk

  cars, see automobiles

  Caslow, Winfield

  Catchings, Waddill

  Celler, Emmanuel


  Census Bureau, U.S.

  Centennial Tea Company

  Chain Store Age

  Chain Store Research Bureau

  chain-store taxes; consumer opposition to; federal; state and local

  Chamber of Commerce of the United States

  Chandler, Alfred

  Chase, Stuart

  Chase & Sanborn coffee

  Chicago; A&P stores in; federation of women’s clubs in; immigrants in; labor unions in; National Consumers Tax Commission headquarters in; Sears central warehouse in; U.S. Court of Appeals in; wholesalers in

  China; Japanese invasion of; opening of trade with

  Christian Science

  Christianson, Theodore


  Chrysler Corporation


  Cities Service Company

  City of Tokyo (promotional wagon)

  Civil War

  Clark Equipment Company

  Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)

  Cleveland (Ohio)

  Clews, George

  Clews, John E.

  Clicquot Club

  Cloud Club (New York)

  Cochran, John

  Coclanis, Peter

  coffee; A&P’s dominance of market for; advertising of; brands of; bulk sales of; door-to-door sales of; gifts with purchases of; industrialized processing of; mail-order sales of; price of; see also American Coffee Corporation

  Coffin, Howard E.

  Colgate, Samuel


  Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)

  Columbia University Law School

  Columbus (Ohio)

  Commerce Department, U.S.; Business Advisory Council

  Commercial Enterprise, The

  Committee on Public Information

  condensed milk

  Congress, U.S.; antitrust legislation in; chain-store investigation directed by; chain-store tax bill in; Civil War tariffs enacted by; Democratic control of; New Deal legislation in; postal regulations in; price-cutting legislation in; Robinson-Patman Act in; trademark registration legislation in; veterans’ payments enacted by; World War I Food Administration authorizations in; see also House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.

  Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)


  Connecticut Food Council

  Connecticut Piano Dealers’ Association

  Consolidated Foods Corporation

  consumers; anti–chain store movement and; antitrust cases and; brand names and; chain-store taxes opposed by; daily grocery shopping by; food prices and; food safety for; marketing to (see also advertising); New Deal and; spending on food of; supermarkets and; during World War II

  Consumers’ Importing Tea Company

  Consumers’ Research

  Continental Bakery

  Coolidge, Calvin

  Coral Gables (Florida)

  Corbin Sons & Company

  Coronet magazine

  Coster, F. Donald

  Coughlin, Charles

  Council of National Defense, Advisory Commission of

  Court of Appeals, U.S.

  Cream of Wheat Company

  Crenshaw, M. G., & Company

  Crosby, Bing

  Croxton, Frederick E.


  Cuba (New York)

  Cullen, Michael J.

  Culwell, L. S.

  Cumberland University

  Czechoslovakia; immigrants from

  Czech Republic

  Dairymen’s League

  Dallas (Texas)

  Danville (Illinois)

  Danville (Kentucky)

  Darby, John

  Data Processing Financial & General Corporation

  Daughters, Charles

  Dau’s Blue Book

  Davis, John W.

  Dawson, Roy

  Dayton’s Department Store

  Deal (New Jersey)

  Del Monte canned fruits and vegetables

  Democratic Party; in New Jersey local politics; in New York State; in presidential elections; Robinson-Patman Act supported by; Roosevelt challenged by conservatives in; in Texas; veterans’ bonuses supported by


  Dexo shortening

  Diamond matches

  Dies, Martin

  Dipman, Carl W.

  Dirlam, Joel

  discount stores

  Doherty, Henry L.

  Donovan, William J.

  Doremus, R. Ogden

  Dorrance, John T.

  Doughton, Robert

  Douglas, William O.

  Dow Jones Industrial Average

  Duncan, Robert

  Du Pont Corporation

  Durkee Company

  Earle, George

  Early, Stephen

  Edison, Thomas

  Edwards, Corwin

  Egner, Henry

  Ehrgott, John

  Eight O’Clock Coffee

  Eisenhower, Dwight D.

  Elgin Creamery Butter

  Elizabeth (New Jersey)

  Elizabeth II, Queen of England

  Elks Club

  El Ryad coffee

  Emergency Consumers Tax Council of New Jersey

  Emergency Price Control Act (1942)

  Engels, Friedrich

  English tea merchants


  Eppling, Mary Lee

  Erie Railroad

  Eureka (California)

  Evansville (Indiana)

  evaporated milk

  Ewing, Caruthers

  Fallert, Richard F.

  Farley, James A.

  Farmer-Labor Party

  Federal Radio Commission

  Federal Reserve Bank of New York 148

  Federal Reserve Board

  Federal Trade Commission (FTC); and chain-store tax bill; creation of; investigations of A&P by; Robinson-Patman Act enforced against A&P by; System of Accounts for Retail Merchants published by; on wholesale delivery costs

  Field, Marshall

  Filene’s Department Store

  First National Stores

  Fisher, John

  “5 & 10 Cent” dry-goods chains

  Fleischmann’s yeast

  Florida; A&P stores in; chain-store tax in; see also specific cities

  Flowers, Montaville

  Flurry, Horace L.

  Flynn, Edward J.

  Food Administration, U.S.

  Food Emporium

  Food and Grocery Bureau of Southern California

  Food and Grocery Chain Stores of America Inc.

  Food and Grocery Conference Committee

  food merchants; see also grocery stores

  food safety

p; Ford, Henry

  Ford Motor company

  Forestburgh (New York)

  Fortune magazine

  Fort Wayne (Indiana)

  Fort Worth (Texas)

  Forward America (film)


  Frazier, Mrs. Kenneth C.

  Fredericksburg (Virginia)

  Freedom of Opportunity Foundation

  frozen foods

  fruits; canned; dried; tropical; see also produce

  Fulda, Carl H.

  Furnas, J. C.

  Gair, Robert

  Galbraith, John Kenneth

  Garner, John Nance

  Gates, Bill

  Gay, Edwin

  General Federation of Women’s Clubs

  General Foods

  General Maximum Price Regulation

  General Mills

  General Motors


  Germany; immigrants from; Nazi; in World War I

  Gilded Age

  Gilman, Anna

  Gilman, George Francis; aggressive growth strategy of; birth of; death of; eccentricity of; entry into tea trade of (see also Gilman & Company); estate of; family background of; leather business of; marketing by; retirement of

  Gilman, Joanna

  Gilman, Nathaniel, Sr.

  Gilman, Nathaniel, Jr., 14, n5

  Gilman, Smull & Company

  Gilman, Winthrop

  Gilman & Company

  Gilman, Frazier

  Gimbel Brothers

  Goldberg, Bowen & Company

  Goldman, Sylvan

  Goldman Brothers Wholesale Fruits and Produce

  Gorman, Patrick

  Gouverneur (New York)

  Grandclément, Catherine

  Grandma’s Bread

  Grand Rapids (Michigan)

  Grand Union Tea Company

  Grape-Nuts Flakes

  Graybar Building (New York)

  Great American Tea Company; advertising of; establishment of; mail-order sales of; marketing of; New York City retail stores of; product diversification of

  Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company (A&P): 269–70; advertising by; anti-chain sentiment against; antitrust cases against; bond offering of; Burger succeeds Hartfords at; Central Division; Central Western Division; chain-store taxes and; combination stores of; consumer movement and; and Cream of Wheat case; decline of; earnings of; Eastern Division; Economy Stores; Ewing as general counsel of; expansion of; founding legends of; government investigations of; headquarters of; labor movement and; management approach of; manufacturing facilities of; marketing initiatives of; market share of; Middle Western Division; National Meat Division; New Deal programs and; New England Division; origins of (see also Great American Tea Company); ownership of; paternalism of; premiums offered by; and price discrimination ban; price-setting strategy of; product diversification of; Products Corporation; real estate policy of; reorganization of; research department of; Robinson-Patman Act and; Southern Division; “Statement of Public Policy”; store brands of; supermarkets of; suppliers’ relationships with; vertical integration of; Western Division; during World War II


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