Reach for Heaven
Page 19
“There’s no story.”
He arched his eyebrow at Clint. “Oh? It didn’t look that way to me.”
Clint leaned his hip against the table and folded his arms across his chest, wearing that all too cocky grin that Gage didn’t like.
“How did it look?” Clint asked.
“Well, considering you bid quite high on her picnic basket, and the way you danced with her and then took her outside for a breath of fresh air, I’d say it looks as if you’re smitten with the woman.”
Clint threw back his head and laughed. “I’ll admit I find the girl irresistible t’night. She’s quite beautiful, or haven’t you noticed?”
Gage ignored the last question. He didn’t dare confess aloud how lovely he thought she looked, and especially what kind of feelings shot through him. “Does that give you the right to pursue her?”
Clint shrugged. “She acts like she enjoys it.”
“Of course she enjoys it.” He moved closer to his friend. “I highly doubt she received this kind of attention back in Lewiston. The little time I knew her then, I got the impression that she didn’t court much.”
“She didn’t seem to mind.” Clint’s smile stayed on his face as he looked out across the floor. “She also didn’t seem to mind the kiss I gave her.”
Gage gritted his teeth so hard he thought they’d break. The need to drive his fist into Clint’s face almost overwhelmed him. Instead of lashing out, he tightened his grip around the mug and threw his friend a glare. “You took advantage of Adella?” he asked then quickly gulped down a swallow to cool his temper.
Clint shook his head. “No. I kissed her, that’s all.”
“And she didn’t resist?”
“And what? We kissed. That’s all.”
Gage slammed his empty cup on the table. “No, it’s not all. I want to know if there will be other kisses?”
Clint moved closer and placed his hand on Gage’s shoulder. “If I didn’t know you any better, I’d think you were jealous. You’re not her father or her brother, so quit actin’ like it. ‘Sides, you have no claim to her. You’re engaged to Violet, or have you forgotten?”
Gage pushed Clint’s hand off his shoulder. “I haven’t forgotten.” He quickly filled his cup again. Silence between them sliced through the air as Gage fought to keep his anger from reaching its boiling point. He breathed deeply. “So, are you going to kiss her again?”
Clint slid his hands into his back pockets and rocked back on his heels. “Don’t rightly know. If the occasion arises, I might. What business is that of yours anyway?”
“I’d hate to have you break her heart. You’ve been with too many women. You know things she doesn’t understand. It would crush her if you broke her heart.”
Clint’s eyes widened. “What makes you think I’ll break her heart?”
“I’ve seen the way you leave women crying after you. You’re a love’em and leave’em kind of guy, and Adella needs a forever kind of man. Someone who’ll commit to her.”
A grin touched Clint’s lips. “Just like yourself, right?”
“Yes, like me—uh, I mean, not like me, but sort of like me.” He brought up the brew up to his mouth and tossed back the odd-tasting liquid.
Clint tried to hide a smile behind his hand. Gage gnashed his teeth. Didn’t Clint have any feelings? Didn’t he understand this wasn’t a joke?
“Well, my friend.” Clint patted Gage’s shoulder. “If I think I’m breakin’ her heart, I’ll let you know. I’m sure you’ll be there to pick up the pieces.”
Gage nodded. “And don’t think I won’t.” He set his cup down gentler this time. “I mean, um...she’ll need a shoulder to cry on, and I have big, solid shoulders.”
“Yes, and you’re just the kindhearted man that the girls go to cry on.”
Gage nodded, but his hazy mind didn’t quite understand what Clint had just said.
His friend walked away chuckling. Gage had to find Adella and warn her about Clint’s intentions. He didn’t want Adella to fall in love with Clint, only because his friend would surely break her heart. What bothered Gage more was thinking Adella would actually have feelings for Clint. Why would she want Clint and not him?
Gage kept his focus on his friend, even when Clint went over to Violet and asked her to dance. That was all right, because this gave Gage the chance to locate Adella and warn her.
As he glanced out across the dance floor, he didn’t see her anywhere. Blast it all! What if another man decided to take her outside and steal a kiss?
It looked as if Gage was going to play hero, again. Sauntering out of the barn, he bumped into a few people on his way. He had to save her cute little hide, and especially, her virtue.
ADELLA DREW IN A DEEP breath and let the cool air clear her lungs. The unbearable heat in the barn overwhelmed her. So did Gage. He’d been watching her all night, just as she couldn’t stop from watching him. As the night wore on, his mood had declined rapidly. His heart-warming smile had disappeared and lines of sadness marred his handsome face.
She had abandoned her cousins and left the barn unnoticed. Privacy was what she needed, and maybe a moment of solitude would clear the confusing thoughts lingering in her head. There was definitely a growing attraction between her and Gage, but he was the one engaged to her cousin, so then why did he watch her with his dreamy stare?
She’d blame it on Charles Hires’ root beer that Gage couldn’t stop drinking...except for the fact he had been looking this way at her a lot lately.
As she walked behind the barn, she passed a couple of haystacks. The bright moon lit her path. After finding a comfortable spot behind a haystack to sit on the ground, she looked to the stars sprinkled in the darkened sky. Frowning, she sighed. It would be a perfect night for sweethearts to cuddle together in the shadows, holding hands and stealing kisses.
Gage, oh Gage. She squeezed her eyes shut. What could she do about her feelings for him? How could she control her anger whenever he was around? It was actually a good thing she exploded so easily. It kept her from doing things with him she knew were wrong. She didn’t want to hurt Violet, and going behind her cousin’s back and kissing Gage was definitely wrong.
But, what if by chance, something were to happen to change Gage and Violet’s mind about getting married? She opened her eyes and straightened. Could she prevent herself from arguing with Gage? Could she actually go through a whole conversation without getting mad?
Probably not.
A loud thump from the other side of the barn snapped her out of her thoughts. A man cursed and groaned. Within seconds came another loud kerplunk against the wall. She rose and dashed to see if somebody had fallen or had gotten hurt. As she turned the corner, she stumbled over the body lying in her path.
Kneeling beside the person, she turned him over to see if she could help. The man groaned as his arm fell away from his face.
“Gage?” she asked in amazement.
“Ohhh,” he slurred.
“Gage?” She didn’t disguise the laughter in her voice. “Are you drunk?”
He pulled himself to a sitting position and rubbed the side of his head. “Don’t think so. If’n I am, Ma’s gonna whoop my hide, and Pa will kill me.” He looked at her, blinked a few times as if trying to focus on her face. When recognition finally struck, he grinned.
“Ella, darlin’? What’s a haystack like you doin’ out here in these fields of women?”
She smothered another laugh with her hand. “Gage? What happened? Why are you lying on the ground?”
His fingers drew circles on his forehead. “Not rightly sure. I was walkin’ along, and suddenly the side of the barn jumped out and smacked my head.”
Her laughter echoed through the night. “Can you get up?”
“Think so.” He moved to stand, tilted and fell. He blinked a few times. “Maybe I’ll have to wait until the bright stars leave my eyes first.”
“I d
eclare, Gage, I think you are very drunk.”
“Nah.” He brushed his hand through the air. “I’s only been drinkin’ Hires’ root beer.”
“I wonder if Mr. Hires’ new concoction had alcohol in it, because you are definitely drunk.” She glanced toward the barn. “Where’s Violet? Does she know about your condition?”
“No.” He grabbed her arm, pulling her down beside him. “Don’t get Violet. She doesn’t need to see me this way. ‘Sides, she’s happy right now and I’d hate to ruin her mood.” He let go of her arm and slumped against her. “It isn’t very often I see her happy.”
“What are you talking about? You make her happy.”
“No.” His head rolled and his face fell into her chest.
Fiery sensations stirred within her and she pushed against him, but his dead weight kept him in place. “Gage, please.”
“Nobody loves me,” he mumbled. “Nobody cares that I’m unhappy.”
“Gage, you’re talking nonsense.” She pushed him upright. “Come on, we need to get you home before you seriously hurt yourself. Is Clint still at the dance? I’ll go get him and—”
“No,” he said in a raised voice as his gaze collided with hers. “I don’t want his help. You don’t need his help, either. He’s bad news, Ella. He’ll hurt ya and break yer heart in two.” He drunkenly held up three fingers.
Feeling confused, she shook her head and tried not to grin. “For the life of me, I wish I knew what you were talking about.”
“You can help me. You can take me home.” He swung his arm around her neck and tried to stand. He wobbled against her, so she helped him to his feet and held him until his legs were steady. Leaning on her for support, he slipped his arm around her shoulders. It took great effort to get him to the buggy, but determination guided her every step. It was embarrassing to see Gage so drunk he could hardly walk.
“Ella?” his voice whined slightly.
“Yes, Gage?”
“Have I told ya how purty ya are ta-night?”
His face was too close, and she really didn’t want to look right at him, so she continued to watch their feet as she dragged him to the carriage. “Yes, I think you mentioned it while we were dancing.”
“And have I told ya what a good dancer ya are?”
His face fell into her hair as he breathed deeply. “And ya smell just like honeysuckle.”
“Thank you.” She tried to ignore the tingles spiraling through her body and took careful steps, but he still lagged beside her. “Would you quit talking and concentrate on moving your feet? I can’t carry you.”
“Oh, Ella, do ya know what y’re doin’?” He looked into her eyes and grinned. “Y’re rescuin’ me. Y’re my hero.”
She rolled her eyes heavenward and kept walking. Once they were at the buggy, she pushed him into the seat then climbed in beside him. Urging the horses forward, she hurried to get him home before he lost consciousness. The ride went smoothly, even when she dragged him out of the rig and into the house. After depositing him on his bed, she stepped into the kitchen and lit the stove to heat the kettle for coffee.
When she walked back into the room, the scene she witnessed stopped her in her tracks and made her want to laugh. Gage sat on the edge of the bed, pulling off his boots. He’d managed to lift one foot over the other, earnestly trying to accomplish the task, but it was his comical expression that made her smile. His forehead creased as he concentrated, his tongue caught between his teeth and lips, and his face crinkled with the effort it took. The absolute strain etched on his face reminded her of a little boy diligently trying to complete a complicated task. Through his grunts and groans, she could tell his effort was getting him nowhere.
“Let me help.” She moved beside him, bent and grabbed his boot. “I swear, Gage, you’re the most obstinate person I know. I don’t know why you decided to get yourself drunk tonight, because drinking yourself into a stupor never solved any problems. I hope you have a tremendous headache in the morning.”
She pulled off the boot and raised the other foot. Glancing into his eyes, she noticed tenderness looking back at her. Gone was the boyish look, replaced with one she didn’t want to define.
“Thank you,” he said softly.
She smiled. “You’re welcome.”
“You didn’t have to help me.”
“Yes I did.”
“Because if I didn’t, you could’ve been discovered by Violet, and I didn’t want my cousin to see her future husband in this condition.”
His fingers grazed her cheek. “You do care about me, don’t you?” The drunken slur had left his speech.
Her attention switched back to his boot. She didn’t want to answer his question, so she concentrated on her task. Luckily, she didn’t have to answer.
“You do, I can tell.” He sighed heavily and his hand dropped to the bed.
The boot came off and she placed it next to its companion on the floor. Gage had a faraway gleam in his eyes and she assumed he had drifted into a drunken stupor.
“Let’s remove your shirt and make you more comfortable for bed,” she mumbled.
As her fingers fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, his dopey expression changed as he stared openly at her. The tenderness coating his eyes made her nervous and she wished he had stayed in his drunken coma. Her heart jumped. Of course, knowing she was actually undressing this man didn’t help matters.
“Will you give me a hand? I can’t remove your shirt by myself.”
He slowly slid his arms out of the sleeves, and she managed to strip it off of him. When she became aware of his broad, muscular chest, she completely lost all intelligent thoughts. Golden tan skin colored his frame, and her hands itched to run across his muscles. In resistance, she clenched her hands into fists. Very little hair sprinkled his torso, but it didn’t take the masculinity away. In fact, it made him more irresistible, more desirable. Turning her head away, she suddenly wished she’d left him on the ground by the barn.
“Adella? Look at me.”
“No.” She moved, but he grabbed hold of her hands and held onto them. Without asking her permission, he placed her palms on his bare chest then sighed.
“Do you feel my heart?”
Her throat went dry. “Of course.”
“It’s beating for you.”
Confused, she looked back at his face. “Why?”
“Your touch heals me. The pain I’ve been feeling all evening is gone.”
His eyes no longer had the effect of liquor. They were lucid. A knot formed in her throat and she swallowed hard, fighting the desire creeping into her body. She couldn’t remove her hands. They felt so good next to his fiercely beating heart.
“Adella, I love your touch.”
Her breathing became harsh, and for the life of her she couldn’t figure out why she didn’t pull away. But the truth was...touching him healed her as well. Confusion still swam in her head, but it was very different. Now she wondered why she felt this way about him.
He held her hands prisoner as he dropped his head forward, leaning close to her ear. “This feels so good. So relaxing...soothing. Perfect,” he ended in a whisper.
Her knees weakened as she knelt in front of him. He nudged his knuckle beneath her chin, gently raising her face so she could meet his stare. His eyes were so dreamy, so full of emotion. Her heart filled with that familiar feeling again...and she never wanted it to end.
“I never imagined it would feel like this,” he told her.
“How long have you been imagining?” Her voice was low, sedated.
A soft smile appeared on his face. “Since I almost kissed you by the fishing hole.”
“You almost kissed me then?”
He grinned. “You know I wanted to.”
A gush of air escaped her mouth. “Yes, I knew.”
“Do you like me fantasizing about you?”
“No, I mean yes—oh, I don’t know. You confuse me. W
hy do you want to kiss me when it should be my cousin—the girl you’re going to marry?”
He shrugged. “Don’t know.”
Silence stretched between them as their gazes held. One single question haunted her, and she couldn’t put it off any longer. “Gage? Are you sober enough to answer me truthfully?”
“You make me feel a different kind of drunkenness, my darling.”
Her heart thumped harder against her chest. “Gage? Are you in love with my cousin?”
A different expression crossed his face—almost of sadness. “Not in the way a man should love a woman who is about to become his wife.”
Her eyes widened. “How long have you known this?”
“For a little while now.”
“Why then are you still going through with the wedding?”
“Everyone is expecting us to wed. Violet and I have known each other for years, and well...when I came here not too long ago, the engagement just fell into place. I do love Violet, but not in a husbandly way.” He paused then continued. “I think she feels the same way.”
“Is that why you think she isn’t happy?”
“She’s not happy. Can’t you tell?”
“Then make her happy, Gage. Let her go.”
His fingers tenderly stroked her hands, and then he lifted one to his mouth and placed a kiss on her knuckles. “Will that make you happy?”
Her heart quickened. “That’s irrelevant.” She tried to pull away, but he wouldn’t release her. Instead, he placed her hand back on his chest.
“Don’t leave,” he said. “I like the feel of your touch.”
“Gage, this has gotten way out of control.”
“Please don’t go.” He leaned forward and brushed his lips on her cheek. “Please stay with me.”
His hot breath blew across her face. The temperature inside her had climbed several notches, and she knew it would be hard to leave now. However, she feared that if she stayed she’d lose herself in passion like she almost had in the cabin. “I can’t, Gage.”
“I need you,” he mumbled.
His lips moved across her cheek to her mouth. He cupped her face and held her still. Scorching heat sparked through her and she pressed her lips to his. The kiss was exactly as she gentle and wonderful. The way he took his time to kiss her so passionately created heady waves inside her. Flutters of delight stirred in her tummy.