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Near Perfection [Aspire 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 5

by Allyson Young

  Gordon didn’t take his eyes off the road as her babbling finally ran down like a dying battery. He said, “I’ll deal with that if it happens, Haley.”

  To her surprise, Haley accepted his statement and was content with it, leaning back in her seat to doze on the drive home. Gordon would be the perfect Dom for some lucky woman. He inspired such trust and confidence. Of course, it couldn’t be her. He was Warren’s best friend, and she still loved Warren. Haley slipped back in time, remembering how Warren’s pale blue eyes seemed to catch all the light as he bent his head to kiss her…

  “I don’t want to play tonight, Haley.” Warren’s deep voice warmed her. “I want to fuck you until you scream, but I don’t want you passive.”

  Haley said, “Whatever you want, Warren. Anything.”

  Warren stole her breath with another kiss, and she felt his big cock notch itself at her opening. She was ready for him as she always was, and he slid home until he hit her womb and then retreated to pull out almost all the way out and surge back in. Haley wrapped her legs around his waist and ran her hands down his arms, reveling in the touch of his heated skin. She clenched all her inner muscles and hid a smile when Warren moaned. He held himself above her and thrust until she was begging for him to push her over. Warren stilled and then reached for her clit, pinching it at the same time as he pumped twice more. Haley screamed for him, and for herself. It felt like making love to her, mad, passionate love. And so she had hoped that Warren was feeling more deeply for her.

  The sound of the garage door lifting up pulled Haley from her flashback, and she looked guiltily at Gordon. He stared back at her, unsmilingly, and bent over to kiss her, just a gentle, swift kiss, but one that blurred the memory of Warren and then mingled with it. Her arousal spiked.

  “Time for bed, Haley.” Gordon’s smooth voice brought her back further to the present. “You’re tired, and I have an early day tomorrow.”

  Haley let him help her from the car and then followed him into the house. They once again parted at her bedroom door, and Haley felt a twinge as he left her with his usual peck on the cheek. She had to stop this. There wasn’t room in her heart for two men, even two such disparate men.

  * * * *

  Warren wasn’t enjoying his life at home. Madeline either seemed be inordinately slow with her work or steadfastly immune to his blandishments. Meals were late, his laundry was stored carelessly, and the house lacked the usual shine it flaunted when Haley was living there. He acknowledged that Madeline was older, elderly even, but he hadn’t realized how much Haley did while he was away working. And he knew that she would have assisted Madeline in a manner that wouldn’t have offended his old employee. Madeline had likely been as oblivious as he. He had been extremely comfortable over the past year, damn it, and he knew who was responsible now that the little wench had walked out on him. He had swallowed his pride and called everyone he knew that might have an idea where Haley had gone. There weren’t a lot of numbers to call. He was ashamed that he knew as little about her as he did, and it seemed that she had eschewed all her previous relationships and focused herself on him, just as he had expected her to do, because no one knew where she was. She hadn’t been in contact with any of them. The only person he didn’t call was Gordon. Warren was too ashamed to tell Gordon that he had driven Haley away, especially when he knew how his friend really felt about her. He didn’t want to lose the regard of one of the few people he felt close to. He and Gordon hadn’t talked for some time, and Warren worried that his friend would soon make contact and then his stupidity would be revealed.

  But Warren was getting concerned. He began to wonder if something might have happened to her, despite his growing inner belief that Haley was quite capable of looking after herself. Warren had given Haley a great deal of thought over the past week or so. He actually hadn’t thought of anything else. Haley might have presented herself as the perfect sub for him, but he had fleeting memories of other qualities, like the time he had been unavailable to deal with a difficult contractor. The bathroom remodel had gone poorly from the start and the contractor was successful in timing his appearances to coincide with Warren’s work schedule, so he was always away. Warren had made a special trip home that day to confront the man, although he hadn’t told Haley of his intent to do so. He had heard raised voices, no, make that one raised voice, as he entered the house. He had walked quietly down the hallway to hover just outside the living room.

  “The craftsmanship is unacceptable.”

  Warren had found it hard to credit that it was Haley speaking those words. The tone and inflection froze him, and he wasn’t even in the same room! Bob the contractor had blustered and even shouted at her, but Haley was inflexible, calm, and pushed the point while remaining civil and polite. Bob had settled down and then apologized, promising to correct the mistakes and bring the project in within an additional two-week period. Warren had then strode in and reiterated the concerns, with Bob meekly agreeing and repeating his promise. Haley had left the room without either man noticing. Warren admitted now that he would probably have alienated the man and been forced to get another contractor if he had been the one to deal with him first.

  Warren began to understand why the comments he had previously heard about Haley being very good at her job had been so approving. Running a kitchen well clearly took skill, dealing with all sorts of pressure and personalities. No wonder Haley had been so effective with him and his household. He felt more shame at not according Haley her due, especially when it was now apparent he had not concerned himself with how she might have viewed shelving her career. Warren really didn’t want his subs to work. He wanted them to be available whenever he wanted, and his wealth and position had made that possible. Now he was forced to consider what Haley had given up to make him happy. It didn’t feel good, but then being selfish wasn’t a great personal attribute.

  And then there was the deal with the paperboy. Warren hated to read newspapers online and insisted that they be delivered before breakfast. The local urchin who delivered the papers persisted in decorating the flowerbeds with them. They got soaked with dew, more often than not, and Warren had decided to have the kid fired once he raised hell with the office. The following day, however, the papers were on the steps. Warren overheard Madeline chortling with the gardener about how Miss Haley had corrected the boy without raising her voice and probably without him knowing that he had been manipulated. Madeline informed the gardener that the boy in question just needed someone to take an interest and have some expectations of him and that Haley had known it and had done something about it.

  Warren had never been faced with a Haley who could manage a recalcitrant child and convince a seasoned contractor to make things right, all without getting upset and making them defensive. They wanted to please her. Warren found that he wanted to please her, and had stupidly thought he had done so. Now that he thought about it, Haley had really had never asked for anything, trusting that he would know what she needed. Like his love. Warren jumped up from his chair. Good God. How could he love Haley? He didn’t even know her! She had been perfect for him, he who demanded perfection, but there were depths to her he had never suspected and therefore hadn’t bothered to plumb.

  Probably he wouldn’t like what he would have found. That was it. Although he might have wanted to find out if she had given him a hint. He was so damn conflicted that all he could think about was finding her to find out, even if he had to tie her to his bed and withhold orgasms to do so. He missed her. The wealthy, competent, selfish, self-absorbed Dom missed his sub. Doms were supposed to give, too, not just sexually, and theirs hadn’t been just a play relationship where everyone knew the score. He had royally screwed things up. He was going to locate her. Warren placed a call to a private investigator his business used to vet new employees.

  “Andreas and Company.” The cool voice of the receptionist calmed him.

  “George Andreas, please. Warren Chalmers calling.”

, here.”

  After a few moments of catching up with the private investigator, Warren explained the situation. As he did so, and heard George’s voice deepen with suppressed strain, Warren remembered that the man had lost his permanent submissive, his wife, some years previously. George’s wife had died under mysterious circumstances in another state, and the rumors had flourished for some time. For a second, Warren wondered if it was fair to ask George to look for his lost sub, as it was obviously bringing back some difficult memories that the other man was unable to hide. Warren felt quite astonished at his own sensitivity and tried to backtrack, but George cut him off and became the professional he had always known, inside and outside the club.

  Warren clicked off his cell phone and felt immeasurably better. George would find Haley within a day or two if she were working. If she wasn’t, it might take longer, especially if she had left the city, and hopefully she had used credit cards. Warren didn’t think life would be so cruel to deny him the opportunity to find her. The area in the middle of his chest ached, the place where his heart was located. Warren kept thinking about how empty his life actually was without Haley in it. He decided to go to the Club and ask around for her there, and to hell with his pride. He didn’t think about what he would do if he found her there, looking for a new Master. Because while there was obviously more to Haley than he had realized, he absolutely knew she was a sexual submissive, and she would again come to need what only a Master would provide. Warren gritted his teeth. Haley didn’t need a new Master. Haley needed him, just as he needed her, and they were going to explore this thing, this relationship, and figure it out together. He owed her that, and he owed himself. Warren Chalmers wanted to be a better man, and he suspected that Haley knew he had it in him. He was beginning to believe she was correct and wanted to prove it to her.

  * * * *

  Warren wandered through the meet and greet rooms at the Club and then made his way down to the dungeon. He hadn’t seen Haley anywhere and really didn’t think she would be in the dungeon either, but didn’t want to leave anything to chance. Knox Presner and his wife joined him on the stairs. Warren gave them both a distracted glance and wondered at Muriel’s raised eyebrows. He didn’t know the couple well, but it was like she was trying to communicate with him.

  “Hello, Warren,” Muriel warbled. “How are you doing these days?”

  Warren came to an abrupt stop as he recognized a message in her tone. “I’m all right, Muriel, and you?”

  Knox tugged at his wife’s arm, but she froze him with a stare, and Warren remembered who wore the pants in the family. He looked into Muriel’s face and waited.

  “We were sorry to hear about you releasing Haley, Warren,” Muriel said sweetly. “Are you looking for a new sub tonight? Because there’s a new young thing auditioning shortly. Knox and I are going to have a look.”

  Warren took a deep breath. He was going to do this. It was the right thing to do. Besides, they must know something about Haley.

  “Haley left me, Muriel,” he said grimly. “And I don’t want a new sub. I am actually looking for Haley.” He was amazed that his humbleness didn’t cause him to crumble to the floor along with the remnants of his pride. But the new, improving Warren withstood it.

  Muriel’s eyebrows disappeared into her bangs, and her mouth dropped open. She recovered quickly and tilted her head to look right in his face.

  “Well, that’s a new one, Warren. Good for Haley. You’re a selfish Dom, and she deserved better.”

  Warren actually stepped back from the woman. Knox was looking everywhere but at the two of them. He calmed himself. Muriel had been rude, but truthful. Humbling himself didn’t feel great, but he had lived through it so far and he probably needed to get used to it. He might need to learn how to grovel, too. No time like the present.

  “Granted,” he said. “Do you know where she is?”

  Muriel shrugged. “I always liked that sub, Warren. If she had been inclined to join Knox and I, she would have been most welcome. I liked her wit and her zest for life. You quite sucked it out of her.”

  “Don’t hold back, Muriel,” Warren managed to say. “Now perhaps you will answer my question.”

  “I don’t know where she is,” Muriel answered and turned and walked away.

  Before Warren could react, Knox said quietly, “She’s the chef at Enrico’s.”

  Warren nodded his thanks.

  Knox bravely added, “Don’t make me find out that telling you was a mistake.” He hurried to catch up with Muriel.

  Warren nodded again, wondering if Muriel knew about Knox’s rebellious streak. Of course she did. She would know her sub. He needed to know his. He took the stairs two at a time, pulling out his cell to order his car.

  Chapter Five

  Haley put a hand in the small of her back and stretched over it. She then reached for her cup of coffee. It had been another long evening, and it wasn’t over. There were several more covers to go out, and the restaurant could still serve for another hour or so. She smiled to herself. Mr. Lewis was making noises about opening another restaurant and had already consulted her about themes and menu choices. She was feeling more and more like the Haley of old, although she had come to realize that what Gordon said was true. She was submissive sexually and missed that side of her life, but was never going to give up her life outside the bedroom again, not even for Warren. Not that he would still want her or accept her career even if he did. She had finally asked Gordon if he had heard from him, and he had told her that he hadn’t. Warren would be so alone, although he probably had already auditioned another temporary sub so that he could repeat his unfulfilling pattern. It was his own fault, she admonished herself. But she missed him still. She probably always would, but it really hadn’t been that long since she had left, so perhaps things would get easier with time. She blinked furiously to hold back the tears and took a long drink of her hot beverage to distract herself.

  Richard rushed into the kitchen, moving in a way that was quite uncharacteristic for him. He saw her leaning against the counter on her break and came to speak to her.

  “There’s a customer out there wanting to pay his compliments, if you have a minute, Chef Haley,” he advised.

  “Oh, okay,” Haley answered and then noted the confusion on his face.

  “What’s up?”

  “He hasn’t had his meal yet,” said Richard. “And he’s like, grrr, if you know what I mean.”

  Haley laughed. “Pushed your buttons, did he?”

  Richard shrugged. “I don’t think he bats for my team, Chef. But he does do it for me, make no mistake. A cat may look at a king, after all.”

  Haley patted his arm and stepped out into the dining room, looking around her for the man who had so gotten to Richard. Warren’s handsome face stared back at her, and her heart swelled and her breath caught in her chest, right before her stomach clenched. Shit. He had his Dom face on, but there was something else reflected there, too. Haley forced her feet into motion and made her way to Warren’s table.

  “Hello, Warren,” she said quietly, wondering that she could make a sound at all. The noise of the dining room subsided around her, leaving her with Warren in a tiny cone of silence.

  “Sit down, Haley, if you would,” Warren ordered.

  “I can’t,” she replied. “I’m working.”

  To her surprise, Warren shut his mouth over what he obviously wanted to say. He nodded and then said, “Of course. I didn’t think, did I, Haley? I just assumed that you would put everything aside for me. Like you did for the past year. I regret that. I regret even more that you couldn’t be yourself with me because I think I would like the whole package.”

  Haley was so astonished that she couldn’t say anything for a moment. She then cautiously asked, “Was there something you wanted, Warren? I do need to get back. There are several orders waiting.”

  “I want you, Haley.”

  She fought for another breath again. She looked into his eyes
, so blue and so intent in his handsome face, and her heart hurt at what she saw there. But it was too late. He would go back to the way it had been between them because he really didn’t know any other way, despite some obvious change in his attitude and feelings. The feelings she saw openly reflected in his face. She wasn’t strong enough to resist him, let alone help him change. And it was her fault anyway, at least part of it was. She had led him to believe she was the right woman for him and hadn’t been honest with him, but had made herself over for him. She should be thankful for the year she had with him. She didn’t regret that she loved him. But if he cared for her now, he had feelings for the woman she had become for him, not the real Haley. She had screwed up and had hurt both of them. Maybe he would take another chance with someone who deserved him. It was better if she kept clear.


  “I’m sorry, Warren,” she whispered, now aware that she had been standing, immobile and silent amongst the diners, who were beginning to pay closer attention. “It won’t work.”

  He rose from his seat and followed her to the kitchen. “Haley. You must know how determined I can be. I’ll buy this restaurant so that you will have no excuse but to talk with me.”

  Haley gasped in outrage. “Back off, Warren. Think of how ludicrous you just sounded.”

  Warren just smiled at her. “I’ll enjoy my meal, Haley, and then I’ll take you to wherever you’re staying when the place closes. We need to talk. Honestly.”


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