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Men of Mercy: The Complete Story

Page 71

by Cross, Lindsay

  Feeling as if he would die if he didn't bury himself inside her, Jared stood and ripped off his pants. Then he yanked her off the counter, turned her around and drove into her from behind in one deep thrust. “Jared!” She screamed and slapped a hand on the mirror in front of her, the other grabbing onto the counter for support.

  All he could manage was a growl as he gripped her hips and slammed into her over and over. He watched her in the mirror, watched her eyes grow heavy lidded and her mouth open with a whimper each time he thrust. He was so close, and he could see she was too. He reached around her and flicked her sensitive clit until she convulsed around him, milking his own orgasm free.

  Jared fell forward, catching himself on his arms to keep from crushing her. Sparrow laid her cheek against the counter and closed her eyes, breathing hard. Seeing her so replete from pleasure filled him with a sense of contentment and intensified his feeling of possession.

  “You're so responsive. So beautiful.”

  She smiled and hummed when he skimmed a finger down her back. Although he wanted to stay there all night, Jared forced himself to pull out. He handed her back her towel, wanting to cry when she wrapped it around her body. Then he heard her stomach growl and realized he hadn’t fed her. “Put on your shirt. I'll get you some food.”

  “Okay.” Sparrow pulled on his T-shirt, and seeing her in his clothes did something strange to his insides. He buttoned up his pants and pulled her into his bedroom, through the connecting doors into hers.

  Her eyebrows swooped down in confusion. “I thought we were getting food?”

  “I'll get you food. I'll be back in just a minute.” At least he hoped he had food, he hadn't explored the kitchen yet to see if it was stocked.

  “Can't I go with you?” She was looking up at him, her eyes luminous.

  “I'm sorry, but no.” He watched her hopeful expression fall and the relaxed curve of her smile drop. His anger surfaced. What did she expect him to do? Just forget everything? Forget Hoyt’s accusations? He had to know for sure, it was the only way…

  “Jared, how long are you going to keep me here?”

  The question caught him off guard and he answered without thought, “Until Hoyt wakes up.”

  She wrapped her arms around her middle. “And what’s going to happen when he tells you I wasn’t involved?”

  The question brought him back a step. This question of her innocence had kept niggling at him lately. At some moments, he felt so certain. At others, less so. But if it were true, if she really hadn’t done it, he’d kidnapped her for no good reason. “We’ll know what happened when he wakes up.”

  Her eyes deepened from gold to amber. “And what will you do if he doesn't wake up?” She was looking at him like a wounded bird.

  When he didn’t respond for a good long while, she looked at him—through him—and said, “You're scared he’ll wake up and tell you it was a big mistake. You can’t face the fact that you screwed up.”

  “My brother doesn’t lie!” he shouted, frustrated, and pulled her to him again.

  She rose on her toes, meeting his challenge. “He might not have lied, but he was delirious. And deep down inside you know I'm telling the truth!”

  She planted her palms on his chest and pushed, but he didn't budge. A fact that only seemed to make her angrier. “You can't keep me here forever!”

  Jared’s shoulders and neck tensed to near snapping. “I can…and I will!”

  Jared stomped from the room and slammed the lock home. Their pleasant interlude had turned into a disaster. And all because he couldn't stop thinking about her. All because he desired her so much that he was willing to overlook his continued confusion about what she had—or hadn’t—done.

  Jared roared and punched the wall, smashing a fist sized hole in the hallway.

  “Jared?” Hayden stood in the door of his brother’s room, her eyes wide. “Is everything okay?”

  His shoulders heaved as he attempted to regain control. But his stomach was so tight he thought it might snap his spinal cord. Jared extracted his hands on the wall, unable to gentle his voice. “Fine.”

  “Oh, okay,” she stammered.

  Hayden looked afraid of him, and yet he hadn't even yelled at her. Sparrow had screamed right in his face and punched him in the chest. The differences between the two women were striking. The gentle breeze of Hayden didn't hold a candle to Sparrow’s roaring flame.

  “I need to get some air. I'll be outside if anything changes.” Jared stormed out of the house and slammed the back door behind him, sucking in huge gulps of fresh air.

  He stared up at the night sky, trying to reign in his feelings and failing miserably. Sparrow's questions haunted him. If she really were innocent, he would have to live with the fact that he’d mistreated a girl who had done nothing but try to save him. .

  Chapter 27

  A full three days passed without Jared coming to her room. At first she was furious. He’d used her again, and just like before, she'd fallen for his touch.

  Merc was her only contact with the outside world. He’d brought her brand new clothes to change into and some books and magazines to help pass the time. He even brought her a radio, so she could listen to music. Three times a day, he would bring her trays of food and escort her to the bathroom, and that was it. She flinched at the cold contact whenever he touched her. And unlike Jared, he looked at her with lifeless eyes completely detached and unfeeling.

  She couldn’t really complain about her circumstances. They’d fed her more in the space of three days than she usually ate in a week. The clothes she wore now were brand new – she’d pulled the tags off them herself. Sparrow smoothed her hands down the soft cotton dress. She’d never worn clothes that hadn’t already belonged to someone else.

  Her bed was soft, the sheets even softer and the bedroom was the size of her whole trailer. But no matter how luxurious her room, it was still a cage.

  Sparrow had to face facts; she had feelings for Jared Crowe. Deep feelings. Feelings that he was intent on destroying.

  Sparrow had survived for years on her wits and on the land. She hadn't had many friends outside of Squirrel. So conversation wasn't a necessity for her, but day after day of being locked in that little room with only the low glow of a small lamp was wearing her down.

  And as much as she hated to admit it, she missed Jared.

  At least he hadn't ordered her to be chained the bed again. As the week went by, her nerves grew more and more taut as she kept thinking about Jimbo’s betrayal.

  She knew she was missing something. She thought hard about the week before. Everything about it had seemed so normal. Miss Kay had ordered Sparrow to make her rounds, collecting money from their distributors and girls. Checking stock at the bars, making sure none of the bartenders were stealing liquor.

  Jimbo and Bob were in charge of collecting money for the dope. They pretty much stayed out of each other's way altogether unless Miss Kay called them in. Nothing had been reported stolen or missing. Jimbo's movements had been as predictable as the sun rising. When he was done with his chores, he would grab Geraldine and disappear into his house.

  Think, Sparrow, think. There had to be something else. But the only theory she’d come up with was that he’d hidden Hoyt in that shack without Miss Kay’s knowledge because he hoped to steal the deed. And that worried Sparrow more each day.

  The only thing that broke up the monotony was hearing Hoyt’s intermittent screams. Not exactly a peaceful break. Each time it would catch her unprepared and she would leap to her feet, her heart racing, and rush to the door to press her ear against the smooth wood, trying to pick up on what was going on.

  By the last day of the week, Sparrow thought she was losing her mind. She could only sleep so much and most of the time ended up pacing the confines of her room. If something didn't change, she would lose it. She needed the outdoors, the sun and the wind on her face. She needed to do something, to be useful.

  When Merc brought her
breakfast that morning, Sparrow snapped. “You can take that food and shove it up your ass.”

  Merc just grunted and kicked the door shut behind him. He went to the bed, taking the same path he always did, and placed her food tray in the same spot as before.

  Sparrow stopped him, and crowded his personal space. She didn’t even flinch when he stood to his full height and towered over her. “You have to let me out of here. I'm losing it. Just take me outside for five minutes, that's all I need, I swear.”

  Merc stared down at her and Sparrow held her breath, hoping that he might speak to her, say anything. Instead, he just turned and walked to the door.

  In a rage, she grabbed her tray of food and slung it as hard as she could. Merc ducked sideways at the last minute and glared at her.

  “Talk to me, dammit!”

  He glanced from the scattered food to her. Then he opened the door and simply walked out, ignoring her completely. When she heard the lock slide into place this time, she collapsed to the floor a sobbing mess. This was what Jared wanted, probably, to break her spirit. She would do anything to get out of this room.

  Sparrow jumped to her feet and ran to the door, pounding on it with all her might and screaming at the top of her lungs. When no one came, she ran to the dresser and started ripping out drawers. They were empty, she’d discovered that on the first day, but she needed to destroy something.

  When she finished with that she’d started on the bed stands, she moved on to the bed, tearing the single fitted sheet off in a rage. She was in the process of stomping over to the drawer on the floor, intending to throw it, when the door slammed open and Jared stood in the doorway.

  “What the hell are you doing?” He looked terrible. He’d lost weight, his eyes were bloodshot, and his hair was tangled like he hadn't slept or eaten all week. She ruthlessly crushed the concern she felt for him beneath her heel. He’d abandoned her.

  “I need out of this room! Now!”

  “You've lost your mind. Did you destroy the dresser?” Jared stared around incredulously.

  She ripped the drawer off the floor and chucked it at him with all her pent-up fury. “Not yet!”

  Jared ducked sideways, the drawer barely missing is shoulder, and slamming into the wall behind him. “Don’t do that again.”

  Sparrow picked up another drawer, pulled it back over her head, and hurled it with all her might, smiling in satisfaction when it bounced off his solid chest.

  Jared grunted from the blow. “Stop it! Don't you dare pick up another one.”

  “How could you leave me alone this whole time?” she asked, her voice cracking. “How could you not come back?” Sparrow’s chest heaved with the pressure of her feelings. He’d made her feel things for him and then left her high and dry. Again.

  “That's what this is about? Because I've been gone this week?”

  “I could care less if you were dead in the street.” Not true. She'd stayed awake at night craving his touch. He’d driven her mad with his absence in every way possible. Sparrow picked up another drawer and held it at the ready.

  “Sparrow, put that down right now.” He pointed a finger at her, his eyes starting to glow with anger.

  “Gladly!” She chucked it again. Only this time Jared ducked and dove for her, his shoulder slammed into her stomach as he tackled her to the bed. Sparrow struggled, slapping and scratching and punching anything she could. She landed one good solid smack against his cheek and savored a surge of satisfaction. But not for long.

  Jared trapped her wrists in his hand and shoved them over her head, pressing them into the mattress. “You really have lost your mind.”

  “Because of you!” She arched up, trying to buck him from her body, but his weight pinned her down.

  “Me? You want to see what I've been doing all week?” That wild look returned and he yanked her from the room. “Want to see what I've been so busy doing?”

  He led her into Hoyt’s room, the bright light streaming from the window blinded her. Sparrow threw her arms over her head, trying to block out the excruciating brightness.

  Jared didn't give her time to acclimate. He ripped her around, forced her back to his chest and pinned her arms to her sides. When he spoke again, his breath was hot and heavy in her ear. “That’s what I've been doing. Taking care of my brother.”

  The bandage on Hoyt's face and chest were gone. Black stitches curved up the side of his cheek, holding together the long cut running the length of his face and pulling his lips up to the side. The hundreds of small cuts on his chest had crusted over; the two deep ones that were held together with stitches were swollen and angry looking.

  Hoyt gasped, his eyes still closed, and arched off the mattress, rolling onto his side as his body convulsed.

  Jared released her and ran for his brother, quickly holding his arms down, and Sparrow could see why. There were multiple bandages up his arm where he’d ripped the IVs out. And from what she could see, there weren't many places left to put one. No wonder Jared looked so haggard. “Is this what he's been like all week?”

  “No, this has been a good day.”

  Sparrow approached the bed slowly. “Why don't you strap him to the bed so he won't hurt himself?”

  Hoyt jerked sharply and Jared grunted, trying to keep him under control. “Tried that. He just fought harder and ripped open all his stitches.”

  “Can't you give him something that’ll knock him out?” Hoyt continued to shake in Jared's grip.

  “Not for another hour. Doc’s regulating his meds pretty heavy because he's had so much.”

  Sparrow glanced around the room, searching for anything to help. That's when she realized the door was wide open and Jared was on the other side of the bed, fighting his brother. This would be the perfect opportunity to escape.

  But she couldn't do it. She couldn't leave Jared like this, no matter how much he’d hurt her. No matter how the last week had driven her crazy. And seeing the torment on his face was tearing her part.

  Sparrow approached the bed with caution, silently waiting on Jared to yell at her. She’d never cared for anyone this sick, so she didn't really know what to do. There was a washcloth on the bed stand, so she picked it up and laid it across Hoyt’s forehead. He didn't throw her off, so she counted that as an accomplishment.

  He shuddered hard and she watched the veins pop in Jared’s arms as he held his brother down.

  A long lock of curly blond hair fell in Hoyt’s face and Sparrow reached out to brush it out of his face.

  “He's not getting any better. The infection’s gone…all he has to do is wake up. But he won't. He refuses.” She felt Jared's bone-deep grief as if it was her own.

  “May I try something? I used to have nightmares when I was a little girl. I remember my mother singing to me to calm me down. She was good at that.”

  She half expected Jared to deny her. “I'm willing to try anything.”

  Sparrow scooted up to the top of the bed, near Hoyt's head, and threaded her fingers into his hair. The thick strands were matted together with sweat. Sparrow closed eyes and thought back to her childhood, trying to remember the words. They came to her, as if her mother were there whispering in her ear. Sparrow sang the sweet lullaby, her voice soft and soothing as she gently caressed his scalp, praying that her voice would help ease this tortured soul.

  Chapter 28

  Jared was transfixed by Sparrow’s voice as she softly sang the sweet haunting lullaby. He felt himself relaxing, lulled by the tune.

  But also by the girl singing it.

  Realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. Someone who cared as deeply as Sparrow could never inflict unimaginable pain and torture. Regret crawled the walls of his stomach and he closed his eyes under the weight of his guilt.

  He had been desperately wrong and he didn't need his brother to wake up and tell him that. The facts were all there, staring him in the face.

  When Sparrow finished the song, she opened her eyes and gazed deeply in
to his. The rest of the world seemed to melt away, and it was just the two of them and this incredible passionate bridge connecting them together. A bridge he intended to cross.

  “Sparrow.” His voice was thick with emotion.

  Seeming to understand his silent plea, she reached for his hand. His fingers closed around hers and he felt something warm expand in his chest.

  Then he heard a sniffle from the doorway, and when he looked up, the spell had been broken. Hayden stood there dabbing at her eyes with a tissue. “That was beautiful. And look how you calmed him.”

  A blush rose on Sparrow’s cheeks and Jared realized she was probably not used to getting praise. Something he planned to rectify soon.

  He cleared his throat and let go of her hand, gently releasing Hoyt so that he lay fully on the mattress. “Hayden, would you mind sitting with him for a moment?”

  Hayden met his eyes with a look of understanding. “No, I just woke up from my nap, so I'll be good for a while.”

  Jared rose from the bed and walked around it, taking Sparrow’s hand in his own and leading her from the room. He bypassed her room and went straight to his, shutting the door behind him.

  Sparrow faced him, her gaze open. Her trust nearly destroyed him. He’d hurt her so many times, and yet she hadn’t given up on him. She was willing to try again. Jared took her into his arms and lowered his lips to hers. He intended to put every ounce of his feelings into that kiss.

  * * *

  Sparrow broke the kiss and stepped back, reveling in the sight of him. He was wearing low-slung jeans and a black muscle shirt, revealing biceps carved out of molten lava and honed into rock-hard steel. His wide chest narrowed like he had been cut with a knife. Black shirt. Black hair. All darkness. Like dark chocolate. Good for her in small quantities. But it could give her a heart attack if she ate the whole package at once.


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