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Men of Mercy: The Complete Story

Page 72

by Cross, Lindsay

  She swallowed as she became achingly aware of her vulnerable position. If he lifted the hem of her new dress, he’d reveal everything God had given her. Jared stood staring at her like she was going to be his appetizer, dinner, and dessert all in one.

  A strange sort of heat came over her body, like a fever. Delirious. She couldn’t move. Her body felt like it was floating, drifting in and out of itself. Touching that heat and pulling away, like a moth to a flame, then returning once more.

  Jared growled, the sound vibrating his chest. Sparrow snapped her heels together, hoping to hide the flood of heat building between her thighs. The raw edge of lust that they’d been skating along was about to cut them in two.

  She arched toward him as his massive arms closed around her waist, lifted her up, and laid her out on the bed like a morsel he couldn’t wait to devour. Jared pushed her flat and she spread her legs willingly, savoring the feel of him as he settled on top of her. He was huge, his corded muscles and wide chest could easily suffocate her, but he held himself up on his elbows, supporting his own weight. His hands caged around her head, holding her hostage for his mouth. She wanted to tell him he didn't have to do that, she wasn't going anywhere, but she couldn't move.

  Sparrow wiggled, seeking his hands on her body, but he held back. He stayed right there, driving her wild with his mouth on hers. He didn't stop until she was moaning and struggling for more. Finally, he broke the kiss and she sucked in a breath. His lips trailed down her neck, pausing to deliver feather light kisses.

  “Jared.” She pulled him down, silently begging for him to take her.

  But he pulled up. “No. I want to do this right. You deserve better.” He lowered his head to press kisses across her skin again, never taking too much. The barely there caresses drove her wild, but left her wanting more.

  “You don’t have to.”

  Jared stopped all together and took her face between his hands. “Yes, I do. I need to show you that I believe you.” He kissed her gently. “That I cherish you.” He kissed her again. “That I need you.” This time he took her mouth deeply and Sparrow felt every nerve in her body respond.

  “I’m so sorry I didn’t believe you. I was a fool. Please forgive me. Stay with me, let me spend the rest of my life making it up to you.”

  “I’ve already forgotten.” She grabbed his hair and tried to pull him down to her, but he resisted.

  “I’ve taken you before, and loved every damn minute of it. But today isn’t about me. It’s about you.” Jared threaded his fingers through hers and pushed her hands over her head. Then he lifted her dress from her, leaving her completely naked.

  “You’re so fucking sexy. So perfect.” He reached a hand out and gently caressed her tummy. Sparrow sucked in a breath.

  “Jared, please!”

  He fell forward, taking her lips and then trailing down her neck, stopping at the hollow of her shoulder to suckle. After a few seconds of that torture, he moved lower, lavishing attention to her sensitive breasts. He licked. Teased. Tormented. Never sucking too hard. Never drawing her into his mouth. It was as if he were scared to hurt her.

  She was losing her mind.

  Chill bumps raced across her skin, trailing behind his hand as it drifted down, circling her navel and then moving back up to gently squeeze her breasts. She arched into his touch as his lips trailed to the other side of her neck and both his hands moved to cover her chest, massaging her aching breasts until she was ready to scream.

  “Jared.” Sparrow gasped and grabbed his shoulders, sinking her nails into his skin. “I need you. Please.” She needed him to take her like before. But he refused, intent on proving some point.

  Finally, when she was ready to groan in frustration, he took her nipple between his lips, drawing on her softly. “Harder. Suck harder.” Sparrow tugged his hair, silently communicating her needs.

  “No. Not tonight. All I’ve done is take from you. I intend to give to you tonight.” Sparrow wanted to sob at his words.

  “But I need you to do it harder. I want it.” Sparrow took his face between her hands and forced him to look at her. Really look at her.

  “I want this to be perfect for you.” Jared said, but she could see the flicker of indecision in his gaze.

  “Well then stop pussy footing around.” Sparrow threw down the challenge and held her breath. Praying he would accept.

  Jared growled and ripped her hands over her head. Liquid flooded her thighs. His mouth closed over her nipple, and this time he sucked hard, drawing her fully inside the hot depths of his mouth. Then he bit down and she cried out, but not in pain. The burning intensity roared out of control. When he finished with that one, he licked and sucked her other nipple, driving her past the point of awareness. Logic. Control. He lavished attention to her breasts until she thought she would snap.

  Sparrow sobbed from the pleasure. She’d thought it was great before, but tonight, tonight something huge had happened between them. There was a deeper, more special connection. One that touched her soul.

  Jared trailed kisses down her belly and settled between her thighs. “Do you want me to touch you here?” His voice was rough, more of a command than a question, and she nodded eagerly.

  “Say it. Tell me you want me to touch you there.”

  Sparrow licked her lips, burning with need for him to pleasure her. “Please, please touch me there.”

  Her body arched into his touch in accordance with her words. His mouth closed over her clit with a growl and held there, licking and tasting. Sparrow rode his tongue unashamed. Screamed out her pleasure when he slipped a finger inside her. She needed oxygen, but not as much as she needed his body on hers. In hers.

  He tore his mouth from her and he sat up, leaving her cold and alone. She jerked forward, trying to drag him back down, but he shackled her wrists and dragged them overhead. Then he smiled at her—an animalistic, possessive smile, and she melted.

  He reached down and flicked her clit, causing her to arch into his touch. He repeated that process, rubbing feather soft then pressing hard until she panted. She felt his fingertip slip inside her and pull out, then massage up and around her clit before dipping in again. When she was close, he stopped the slow languid strokes and rubbed in hard small circles. The pressure building inside her broke. She spasmed arcing off the bed and finally drifted back down in a hazy cloud of lust.

  “That's a good girl.” Sparrow tried to regain her composure, but all she could do was close her eyes. The bed shifted, and then she felt something warm and hot on her clit. Her eyes flew open to see Jared's head nestled once more between her thighs, his hands pushing her legs wide. His tongue licking her clit in one long slow stroke, reigniting the fire. Another long stroke. The small flame burst back into a raging wildfire.

  “God you taste like honey. Sweet. I can't get enough.” She couldn’t take her gaze off the erotic sight. Never in her life had she imagined anything like this. One of his hands trailed from her thigh to her center and she felt his finger probing her entrance once more. Only this time he pushed in further until he filled her. He worked the finger in and out, his knuckles grazing against her skin. He felt so good. So right.

  The pleasure built inside her again, and she knew if he continued she would burst. Then he put two fingers inside her, stretching her, and she lost all thought.

  “God you're so tight.”

  She sobbed, needing more. “Please.”

  He came up on his knees, tore off his shirt, and jerked his pants down. Then he nestled between her legs, touching her entrance with his rigid cock. “Are you sure?”

  Sparrow wrapped her legs around his waist and dug her heels in. “Yes!”

  Jared thrust forward, filling her in one long stroke, leaving her gasping for air. She’d never felt so full. So right.

  Jared dropped his head to hers and closed his eyes as if pain. “Fuck you’re tight. Squeezing me like a goddamn glove.” Sweat beaded on his forehead and dropped onto hers.

e pulled almost all the way out this time and thrust forward again, driving even deeper, stretching her more.

  “Please, Jared.” He lifted his head and kissed her gently, cradling her face between his palms. He lifted his hips, pulled out and then drove forward, not stopping until he bottomed out.

  And then he repeated the move, the slow friction hot. Building. Again and again, his slow strokes drove her wild with pleasure.

  “Jared, please.” She knew she was begging, but didn’t care. She needed him to take her harder. Lay claim to her.

  He growled and slammed in hard and fast, and her entire body jerked in response. He drove into her like that until Sparrow was mindless, moaning and begging. She couldn’t take it any longer and burst into a thousand pieces. No longer one body but countless floating particles around the room. Sparrow felt him jerk on top of her, followed by his own groan of pleasure.

  Jared collapsed against her, his heavy weight welcome as she drifted back into her body. He stayed inside her, stretching her, and she never wanted him to leave.

  Jared placed soft, tender kisses on her cheeks, her nose, and then her mouth.

  A while later, when they’d settled and simply lay together in bed, caressing each other, Sparrow broached the subject that had been bothering her all week. “Jared, I know you don’t want to talk about this. But I have to at least warn Kay about Jimbo. If he takes over the mountain, I’ll never make it in time to save Squirrel.” Sparrow sucked in a breath, anxiety tripping up her heart. What if he refused?

  “How about you call her in the morning?” Jared’s open response pulled tears from her eyes.

  Sparrow nodded, unable to speak past the emotion clogging her throat.

  They’d not only faced the bridge between them, they’d crossed it.

  Chapter 29

  The next morning Sparrow rolled over in an empty bed. Savoring the languid ache, she stretched. Even the sheets felt different, somehow softer, and yet her skin felt more sensitive. Just thinking about the way Jared had held her sent a rush of chills across her body.

  The shuttered window blocked out all light, leaving her without any idea of the time of day, but her stomach grumbled, indicating she’d slept past breakfast.

  Sparrow rolled from the bed and dug in the sheets for her dress, slipped it on and ran to the restroom to relieve herself. She flipped on the lights and leaned in close to the mirror, studying her reflection. The glow of happiness couldn’t be denied any more than she could stop a huge grin from spreading across her lips. Lips swollen from earth-shattering kisses.

  It meant so much to her that Jared had agreed to let her call Miss Kay and warn her about Jimbo. After all he’d suffered at Kay’s hands, somehow Jared had found a way to overcome the hate in his heart, and he had done it for Sparrow. No one had ever scaled such a hurdle for her before. They’d crossed some invisible barrier, reaching an altogether different level. One that involved trust and respect and love.

  Even though Hoyt hadn’t awoken to confirm her story, Jared believed her. The thought filled her with happiness and a newfound energy. Already missing him, Sparrow quickly combed her fingers through her hair and ran to the door of the bedroom, turning the knob to yank it open. Only the knob wouldn’t turn.

  She gripped it harder, putting all her strength behind it, but still it wouldn’t give. Her heart beating uncontrollably in her chest, she ran to her own adjoining bedroom and tried the door. The knob didn’t budge. Dread slammed into her, nearly knocking her to the floor.

  No. No way, not after last night. He’d been so tender, so sincere. She refused to believe the solid evidence of the locked doors. Sparrow drew back her fist and pounded, screaming Jared’s name.

  The lock clicked and relief hit her so hard her knees almost buckled. But when the door opened, Merc was the one standing there. A wave of dizziness assailed her senses and she grabbed the dresser. “Where's Jared?”

  For once, Merc answered her without hesitation, “He left.”

  She clutched the dresser tighter, her fingers turning white under the strain. “Where? Why is the door locked?”

  “Why wouldn’t it be?” Merc’s answer sucked the life out of her.

  “Last night, he-he said I was free to—”

  Merc held up a hand, cutting her off mid-sentence. “Jared didn’t say a word to me about letting you out. So, until I hear otherwise, the door stays locked and you stay inside.”

  “Wait.” He couldn’t have. Not again. Please, not again.

  Sparrow stared, dumbfounded, as Merc shut the door in her face, the ominous click of the lock falling into place stealing her ability to breathe. Pain exploded across her chest and radiated down her arms and legs, curling her fingers in response.

  She formed a tight fist and punched the door. Jared had betrayed her. Again. And in the worst possible way. Last night had meant nothing to him, absolutely nothing. How many times would she fall for his tricks? How many times would she let him trample her heart before she broke past fixing?

  The answer came swiftly—never again. Never again would she let him touch her. Sparrow pulled on every ounce of strength she possessed, trying to shut down her emotions and distance herself from the situation. But she hurt so bad…

  Think, Sparrow. She angrily wiped at the tears on her face. There has to be a way out of this place. She dashed into Jared’s bedroom and tried the window, but it was locked tight.

  The bathroom—there was a window over the bathtub. Sparrow ran to it and tried to slide it open, but that, too, was locked. Only she could see sunlight through the outside shutters in Jared’s bedroom, and she realized it wasn’t actually boarded it up. He’d probably never planned on giving her free reign of his bedroom.

  She dashed back into his room, and dove for his open bag on the floor. How he must have laughed at her ignorance. Her stupidity. Dumb hillbilly.

  Well, this hillbilly had survival skills, and she wasn’t about to let some asshole break her. She’d picked more locks then half of the residents of the Boone County jail. She tossed his clothes over her shoulder, about to give up hope, but when she lifted a pair of pants a heavy black knife fell out of the pocket. Sparrow picked it up, its heavy weight a familiar comfort, and smiled. Not only could she pry the window open, she could leave him a nice little message for the trouble.

  Sparrow flipped the blade and ran her thumb down the edge, her grin growing when she got a small sliver of blood. Jared Crowe would regret the day he'd laid eyes on her.

  Sparrow made quick work of her gift to her captor and popped the window lock with ease. She peeked out first and then jumped down onto the soft green grass in the side yard. Nothing but trees, trees, and more trees surrounded the house. Her own personal playing ground. But if she stayed close, he would catch her. Even if he had to get his whole team involved.

  And if she couldn’t make that call he’d promised her to make, Sparrow’s new knife had a date with Jimbo’s throat.

  She snuck to the corner of the bright white house and peered around into the front yard. A large four-wheel drive truck was parked next to an older red car. She gazed with longing at the truck, but the chrome pipes sticking out the back would ensure that half the county heard her crank it up. The little red car would have to do.

  Sparrow ran across the lawn in a crouch then came to a stop beside the truck. It was almost a sin to slash the new mud tires, but hey—it was her or the rubber.

  As the air hissed from the tires, Sparrow got into the car. She was in the process of yanking the starter wires from underneath the steering wheel when sunlight glinted off a pink glitter diamond on a keychain hanging from the ignition. Like stealing whiskey from a passed out drunk.

  Sparrow cranked the car up and eased from the drive, increasing speed the farther she got from the house. She didn’t bother taking a last look in the rear view. She’d left her heart behind, but she didn’t regret it. If Jared was so intent on destroying it, he could have it. The only requirement where she was headed was t
o be cold-blooded and cutthroat. A broken heart would just get in the way.

  Chapter 30

  Jared arrived back at the house after getting his ass reamed by his commander for going off grid, especially since the last time one of their teammates disappeared, he’d ended up dead. Colonel Grey not only had a reputation for being the most lethal interrogator in the Special Forces, he was deadly in his own right. At least the rest of the team hadn’t been present to witness him barely avoiding a rank demotion.

  Not only had Jared broken the rules with he and Hoyt’s clandestine mountain getaway, he’d put his team in danger for his own personal vendetta.

  But all of that mean almost nothing after last night. Sparrow had given him the gift of her heart, and he intended to cherish it, nurture it, and do whatever it took to protect her. Opening himself to her had been far easier than agreeing to help contact Kay, but it had been impossible to deny her.

  Jared floored the gas pedal in anticipation of seeing her again. He’d hated to leave her this morning, looking so damn beautiful it made him struggle for breath, but they’d stayed up all night making love, and he hadn’t wanted to wake her.

  Somewhere in all this action and misery and mind-numbing sex, he’d fallen in love.

  Jared pulled into the drive of the little white house, frowning when he saw Hayden’s car was gone. She’d promised to stay with Hoyt until Jared returned from his meeting. A sense of foreboding sent him running up the stairs and in through the front door. He didn’t slow until he was at his brother’s door. But Hayden was sitting next to the bed, just like he’d expected, reading a book. She frowned when she saw him. “What’s wrong?”


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