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Hold Me: Music For The Heart - Book One

Page 20

by Faith Starr

  Teva sat on a small loveseat in the meeting room while Camilla spoke with us. She kept herself busy by playing on her phone.

  “Here’s to a good show.” The guys and I joined together with Camilla and Dani. We said a prayer of thanks and squeezed hands, our usual preshow ritual. It kind of became a superstition among us that even if Camilla wasn’t present for some reason, we’d still follow through with it.

  “I see you brought a guest.” Logan patted me on the back and spoke in a hushed tone.

  “You see correctly.” I knew he and Trevor would bust my chops, so I figured it best to get it over with.

  He grinned. “Interesting.”

  Knowing I’d get a dumbass response, I didn’t want to reply, but nonetheless did so. “What is?”

  “You seeing the same girl more than once. What is this now, twice in the same week? That’s almost a record for you.”

  Dani approached and joined our circle. “What’s going on?”

  Teva sat by herself on the couch. I wanted to go to her. I didn’t want her to feel left out. So I wrapped up the chitchat. “Nothing.” I clapped my hands. “Let’s do this. We go on in ten.”

  Dani smiled, glanced over at Teva, and gave me a knowing look. And Christ, she’d practically smothered Teva with a hug as soon as she’d seen her enter the room with me. At least Teva went along with it and didn’t mention anything to me about my sister’s peculiar behavior.

  Seeing the two of them hit it off felt good. Not that I needed Dani’s approval, but it felt damn good to have it. Some of the women I had been with over the years were on Dani’s shit list, and she reminded me about it every chance she got.

  “Do you want something to eat or drink before the show starts?” I stood in front of Teva and asked.

  She stuffed her phone inside her purse. I offered her a hand to assist her up.

  “No, thanks. I’m okay for now. Don’t you guys have to warm up or something?”

  Talk about a woman being adorable. I couldn’t take it. She made me so happy, whenever nearby.

  “Nope. We’re good. Showtime is in ten minutes. I have a chair placed on the side of the stage for you, so you can watch the show up close and personal.” I narrowed my eyes, hoping she’d get my underlying meaning.

  “Wow. My second Steam concert, and both times I get VIP treatment.”

  “The VIP treatment comes later.” I pulled her into my arms and held her close, speaking low enough so nobody else could hear me. “Everything beforehand is merely foreplay.” I nibbled on her earlobe. She took a deep breath. I loved that I had such an effect on her, because she had the same on me. I already sported a semi-wood merely holding her body so close to mine.

  “Okay, break it up. We’ve got a show to do. They want us to speak to the crowd before we start playing.” Trevor flicked his hand in our direction, infringing on our intense little bubble. Teva shyly withdrew.

  Tomas, one of our security guys, had been given clear instructions by yours truly to keep an eye on Teva while the guys and I played. I also told him to get her anything she wanted.

  “Guess you’ll have to wait until after the show for dinner. I’m sorry.”

  “Like I said, I’m good for now.”

  “Better than good.” I winked.

  She took her place on the side of the stage while the MC for the evening warmed up the crowd. He announced us and we took our positions. He handed me the mic. “I’d like to personally thank you all for coming out and supporting this important and often neglected cause. The guys and I feel strongly about helping those struggling from domestic abuse, whether it be a man, woman, or child. We’re hopeful that those here tonight will help bring more awareness and assistance to those in need. With that being said, how about we get the party started?”

  We kicked off the event with our first-ever hit, “Pray for the Best in Times of the Worst.” The crowd rose from their chairs, swaying, dancing next to their seats, and continued doing so until our performance ended. Even though most of the attendees were older than our typical fans, they were equally enthusiastic, cheering loudly and clapping along to our songs, minus singing the lyrics along with us, something our fans did at every show.

  It was definitely a good time had by all. The best part was knowing the guys and I had done something useful and productive to give back what we had so graciously been given. It was an opportunity for us to shine.

  Throughout the show I peered over at Teva. She stood and sang along with us. Seems someone had been listening to our music and had become a fan. Her vibrant energy kicked ass. It made me go to town all the more as the guys and I rocked it on stage.

  After the show, the MC chaired an auction to raise additional funds. Logan, Trevor, and I had donated a private meet and greet, two autographed pictures, and some band T-shirts.

  A bidding war took place between two women, probably mothers who wanted to win the grand prize for their teenage daughters. It was awesome, driving the price sky-high, a win-win for all.

  Teva remained by her chair when we exited the stage. I figured she didn’t know whether to approach me or wait for me to come to her. I took care of that issue promptly. I joined our hands and brought her with me behind the scenes.

  “That was so much fun.” She beamed.

  “I agree. I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.”

  Camilla waited for us with open arms backstage. “Great job, guys. I think they raised a lot of money tonight because of you. You should be proud of yourselves. Local news stations were here to capture some footage as well as Ronit. She got some good stuff to post on the band’s website. Ginger also got some good shots to post as well. The new stuff I’ve heard sounds incredible so far. Keep up the good work.” She patted me on the back, then punched numbers into her phone. The one permanently attached to her ear.

  “What do you say? Who’s up for Hilltops?” Logan stupidly asked in front of Dani and Teva. Dani I wasn’t so worried about. She knew about my extracurricular activities, but that didn’t mean I discussed them in front of her. She twisted her lips in disgust, slung the strap of her purse over her shoulder, and stormed off. Teva stood silent, obviously having no clue what Hilltops was—a good thing in this particular instance.

  “I already have plans. Have a good time,” I replied.

  Logan gestured to Trevor for an answer. I didn’t bother to stand by to hear his response.

  I led Teva to a different part of the room because I didn’t want to be questioned about our hotel plans.

  How could Logan pose the club invite when Teva stood with me? Did he honestly think I’d bring her along with us? Sometimes I didn’t understand his logic. Come to think of it, a lot of times. And he only went there to hang out with me and Trevor, so I didn’t get why he’d even brought the subject up to begin with.

  Tomas had checked into my suite prior to our arrival, again, per my instructions. He secretly handed me the keycard so no one would notice.

  “Listen, babe, I want you to exit that door over there and make a right. Follow the corridor around to where it bends left. You’ll then be in the main area of the hotel. Take the elevator to the top floor. Here’s the key. The room number is written on the envelope. Go inside and wait for me. I’ll be up shortly.”

  “We can’t go upstairs together?”

  “Unfortunately, no. I’m trying to keep this on the down low.”

  She took the small envelope from my hand but didn’t move.

  “Go on. I’ll be right behind you.”

  She bit her bottom lip and left for the exit, taking one last glance at me before leaving the backstage area.

  Prior to making my exit, I chatted with Dani.

  As luck would have it, a teenage girl and her parents stepped into the elevator with me, the teenage girl starting to cry when she realized who she stood next to. She covered her mouth and started trembling. The couple, who I assumed were her parents, leered at me. They probably thought I was some kind of pervert who had caused their daugh
ter to have a mini meltdown. They pulled her closer.

  “It’s nice to meet you.” I put my hand out so the teen could shake it.

  The father stepped in front of his daughter to block my gesture.

  “It’s Joey Fine, Dad, from Steam!” The girl pushed her father aside. “I love your music. Your picture is the background on my phone. See?” She spoke at warp speed and held up her phone to reveal my picture on it. “You guys are my favorite!”

  “Thank you. That’s very kind of you to say. What do you think about replacing that picture with a better one?”

  She hyperventilated, her parents having to try to calm her down.

  “Missy, please behave like the young lady you are.”

  Her father was an ass, reprimanding her for enjoying herself. I hated to witness the downward spiral the poor girl’s smile took.

  The elevator came to a stop. We had reached their floor. Missy looked defeated. I bet in her mind, she figured her one chance had been lost. Nope.

  “Why don’t I step out for a quick picture with you?”

  She jumped up and down at my offer.

  “Missy!” her father scolded.


  The mother couldn’t thank me enough for making her daughter’s dream come true. She went on and on about how all her daughter talked about was our band and sang our songs all the time. She apologized for not recognizing me and blah, blah, blah.

  The father agreed to take the picture. I kneeled next to Missy, who by this point had tearstained cheeks.

  Afterward, I said goodbye and pressed the elevator button, so I could continue my journey upstairs to Teva. I couldn’t wait to see her, and we had parted not more than ten minutes ago.

  “Can I have a hug before you leave?” Missy asked when the elevator arrived.

  “Of course you can.”

  She ran toward me and threw her arms around me, squeezing the life out of me. “Thank you so much! I’ll never forget this!”

  I peeled her body off mine so I could make my departure. I stepped inside the elevator and waved goodbye to her and her parents. The door closed.

  Talk about a reality check to see a fan respond to me with such emotion. I still viewed myself as an ordinary guy, one who happened to write lyrics, put them to music, and perform them on stage for a living.

  These were the moments I cherished with fans the most, the intimate ones, crazy as they were. There was such a feeling of self-satisfaction to be able to give back, however small, with this case being a perfect example.

  During the big events, the fans were mere faces in a crowd rather than individuals with personal stories. I didn’t include the meet-and-greets into the one-on-one category because during those, fans were shuffled in and out like cattle being herded. Plus, those experiences made me anxious. I didn’t like them.

  The elevator door opened, and I strolled down the hall to my suite. I tapped on the door. Teva opened it wearing a huge smile.

  “Room service.” I sized her up, appreciating the magnificence in front of me.

  Before she had a chance to respond, I kissed her, kicking the door shut behind us. Two days had been too long a time to wait without tasting her, touching her. I hiked up her dress, lifting her up along with it.

  She straddled her legs around me. I pressed her flush against the wall. I had no clue where the bedroom was and had no desire to take a blind tour of the suite.

  Her hands used my shoulders for support. My hands couldn’t have been happier. I relished the feel of her glorious ass filling them.

  She thrust her pelvis forward, rubbing it against mine with want, need. Blowing a load in my jeans would so not be happening. I had to slow things down.

  Residual perfume on her neck tempted my sense of smell when I kissed it. What a captivating fragrance.

  Her fingers went into my hair, while her other hand tipped my chin so she could kiss me again, her tongue entering my mouth in a mad rush in search of mine.

  She radiated heat, I wanted nothing more than to extinguish her flames.

  I slid my hand down between us, doing my best to unclasp and unzip my jeans while still holding her against the wall. The muscles in my arms twitched from exertion. My cock twitched too, craving its own kind of exertion.

  With quick thinking on my part, I reached for a condom packet I had stuck in the side pocket of my jeans. I had placed it in there prior to leaving my place. I had always been the type to see the cup as half-full; therefore, for the most part, I planned ahead.

  My jeans fell to my ankles.

  The boxer briefs were trickier to remove. I shoved them down my legs, kind of challenging being I had Teva in my arms. She assisted, getting them out of our way until they rested on top of my denims huddled at my ankles.

  She snatched the condom, doing the honors of sheathing me, this time all by herself. What a quick study she was. Or maybe her masterful grasp of the concept meant I had been an outstanding teacher. I preferred the latter. The thought alone made me smile inside.

  Her lacy underwear posed a problem. I didn’t want to put her down, so I had to think on my toes. I came to an ingenious solution. With her dress hiked up above her hips, I gathered the bottom portion of the thin underwear and brushed it to the side. I aligned myself and slid into her.

  My thigh muscles shook from strain, but I didn’t give a fuck. I’d take the soreness afterward as a sense of accomplishment, similar to how I’d feel after a rigorous workout at the gym.

  She bucked her pelvis forward, the two of us meeting in the middle.

  “Ah!” she cried out.

  She began to shake, her walls clamping down on my cock, her body on the brink. I didn’t think Teva realized the extent of her sexiness.

  My cock became so hard it hurt. I pumped into her, gripping her ass, bringing her hips toward mine so I could bury myself as deep as possible. I remained mindful to keep control while grinding into and against her. It didn’t help that she became aggressive with her touch, her fingers digging into the back of my shirt.

  “Joey!” she panted.

  “That’s it, baby.”

  Keep it gentle.

  “Harder,” she pleaded.

  She made this so difficult for me. As badly as she wanted it, so did I. I would oblige her request while keeping my shit together.

  I brought her even closer, our bodies enveloping each other. My ass tensed, my muscles working overtime.

  The subtle scent of her perfume filled the space between us, along with the scent of sex, two bodies operating to the max.

  My tongue moved with hers. My cock took a different approach, slowing things down for both of our benefits, filling her to the core, pausing inside her, only to pull out and glide back into her inner depths.

  “Yes! Yes!” she chanted around my lips.

  I locked her hips against mine while she rode out her orgasm, her pussy pulsating around my cock, bringing me up and over with her.

  We remained against the wall until we both regained a steady breath, my arms and legs Jell-O. I released her, making sure she was steady on her feet before letting go.

  “Whatever that was, I want more of it.” I wore a sly grin, sliding off the condom and tying it in a knot. It took me a few seconds to get my bearings.

  “I don’t know what came over me. I’ve never behaved that way before.” Her cheeks were flushed, a combination of post orgasmic bliss and possible shyness.

  I tipped her chin up and kissed her lips. “You can behave that way with me anytime, babe. It was fucking hot.” She covered her face, her cheeks rosier. I removed her hand. “I find you incredibly sexy.”

  “I guess I don’t see myself that way, but thanks for the compliment.”

  “Then you have blinders on. But a thank-you is in order rather than a you’re welcome. I’m glad you felt comfortable enough with me to be who you are.”

  My boxer briefs and jeans were still bunched by my ankles. The boxers I kept on. The jeans and shoes I kicked off. I folded
my denims and draped them over a chair at the small table nearby.

  Teva adjusted her dress. I didn’t understand why because I planned on removing it shortly anyway. Clothes weren’t a requirement for the night I had in store for us.

  “I ordered room service before coming upstairs, since you never got a chance to eat. I wasn’t sure what you liked, so I ordered a little bit of everything.”

  “That’s so thoughtful of you.” She rubbed her belly. “I’m starving.”

  “I was too, but now I’m both satisfied and sated.” I stuck my hand out for hers. “Why don’t we go rinse off? We can put on hotel robes afterward and lounge. The food should be here by the time we’re finished.”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  Between performing up- and downstairs, I had worked up quite a sweat.

  She led me into the bathroom and turned on the water. Watching her undress and place her dress neatly on the granite vanity, then pull down her lacy underpants had me breathing hard again, especially when she bent over.

  “Water’s warm.”

  My mind had drifted off to the thought of my mouth between those luscious thighs of hers, so it surprised me to find her already in the shower, standing under the sprayer, with her head angled back so she could wet her hair.

  How inconceivable that she didn’t view herself as sexy. I didn’t think I had ever seen a more beautiful woman both inside and out.

  “You’re getting your arm wet.”

  She glanced down at it. “It’s okay. The bandage fell off earlier, so I replaced it. I have others in my purse. I’ll probably remove the sutures myself at the end of the week. There’s no need for me to go the hospital for something so simple.”

  The thought alone gave me the creeps.

  “You’re going to remove your own stitches?”

  She giggled. “They’re absorbable. All I have to do is snip the ends.”

  “I can handle that.”


  “I’d rather handle you, though.”

  My libido knew no bounds when it came to Teva. She gave me a constant hard-on. Anyone would think I was going through puberty all over again.

  The remainder of my clothes hit the tile floor, and I joined her in the shower. I squirted shampoo into the palm of my hand and lathered her long brown hair. She closed her eyes.


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