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Page 16

by Needa Warrant

  “Jo, you look like a pregnant woman—you glow.” Kima was totally enjoying all of this and the looks from Jo. “We’re leaving, love you forever.”

  Jo just glared and made her way out to the living room. Kima had made the house sparkle at least. That was a shocker because Kima hated to clean, but she knew how important it was for Jo to make a good impression on the McKay’s.

  Nailz stood by the window and wondered if his parents would get lost. Sea Woods wasn’t a place they were familiar with. Tears was upstairs blasting music. He didn’t bother to tell her to tone it down. She’d just lower the volume for a few minutes and raise it again. He was finally getting used to a teenager in the house.

  Tears came bounding down the stairs, “They’re here!” Off she went out to greet her grandparents, the door slamming behind her.

  Nailz and Jo looked at each other. Both were nervous, but for different reasons. Jo wanted to be accepted by the McKay’s and Nailz because didn’t want to see disappointment in their faces.

  Tears was bubbling over with excitement. It had been her dream to reunite her dad and grandparents. Jo was just an added bonus. She was certain they’d love her as she did.

  “Jo, stay sitting—you’re resting. This is my mother, Liz and my father Neal. Mom, Dad, meet Jo Regan. I’m sure Tears has told you everything you need to know.”

  Liz walked over to her son and hugged him tightly. “Finally, a woman got us back together and is making us grandparents.” She turned to Jo and smiled with warmth. “Jo, it’s so nice to meet you. Congratulations on the twins—my grandmother had two sets of twins. What can we get you for the babies?”

  Jo smiled back, happy to be accepted so easily. “I don’t really know. I’ll be having a baby shower, but it’s a surprise. I told Nailz to wait and see what we get. I have a large family and twins run in them, also.”

  Nailz’ dad reached over and patted Jo’s hand, “Welcome to the family, dear. We’re so happy to meet you. Neal, why don’t you show me around this lovely old place; let your mother and Jo have a talk.”

  Jo looked at Nailz. Neal, his name was Neal! That bastard couldn’t have told her his damn name. She had been dreaming his name was Warren, Harold, Oscar or a name he wanted to forget. She frowned at him before she realized they had company.

  Nailz grinned at Jo as he left with his father and Tears. He could tell his parents liked Jo or they would’ve been snobby. Nailz should thank Tears for whatever magic she had created with her grandparents. Whatever his father had to say to him was better said between them. Jo didn’t need to hear it and be stressed.

  His dad walked around the house, looking at it before speaking. “Well, son—it’s good to see you looking well. Tears is very happy and loves Jo. Do you plan to do the right thing and marry this young lady?”

  Nailz felt his gut churn. “Dad, I’m sorry I never came around. The last time we saw each other it didn’t go so well. As for marriage, I don’t think so. After Dianna, I’m not sure I want to try that again.”

  Now the look of disappointment would be on his dad’s face, again. Nailz dreaded seeing it. He’s disappointed this man so much. Nailz looked down at his feet.

  “Dad, I’m thinking about it. I don’t want to disappoint you and mom, again. I’m just worried. Jo has to be on bed rest. I’m between jobs and all of this is overwhelming.”

  His Dad put his hand on his shoulder. “Do the right thing, son. Jo seems to be a nice girl and those babies are McKays. It’d break our hearts if they don’t have our last name. If you need money, you have a trust fund which you refuse to touch. I know that you feel like you didn’t earn it, but it’s from your grandparents. You do know that when you’ve been in trouble over the years, I’ve called in favors. You could have used my law firm. No matter what, you’re still my son. We’re family.”

  Nailz looked at his father. “You called in favors for me? With lawyers or judges, Dad?”

  His dad sighed, “Both—for you and that club. How do you think you’ve avoided jail? The only time I couldn’t help you was at that concert. I always hoped my only son wouldn't end up in prison and did my best to help you when I could. Now show me your motorcycles—all Tears does is talk about them.”

  Finally, a subject Nailz was comfortable with.

  In the house Liz was chatting away with Jo. “I’d love to meet your parents. Would it be alright to have them for dinner one night?”

  Jo was stunned. She needed to tell Liz she was adopted. “Mrs. McKay, I think you should know that I’m adopted. When Nailz and I got together my real parents disowned me so my best friend’s parents adopted me. They always were the family I wanted.”

  “Your real parents didn’t like my son so they disowned you? Before you were pregnant? And call me Liz, please.” Nailz mother looked shocked.

  “As soon as they heard I was with Nailz yes, they did. My dad’s a doctor and I was supposed to be a doctor or at least a nurse. We never had a happy relationship, but I love the Regan family. I’ve known them since I was five years old. I don’t miss my other family at all.”

  Liz opened her purse and pulled out a ring box. “Jo, my fool of a son is scared to death of marriage. My hope is that he’ll get over those fears, but I want you to have this ring. It never went on Dianna’s finger. It was the first engagement ring Neal senior bought me. Now I’d love to see if it fits.”

  Jo looked at the beautiful diamond ring. It was a simple elegant ring and she looked around for Nailz before slipping it on. She slid it over her finger and it fit to perfection.

  “It’s lovely, but I don’t think I can take this. I don’t know what Nailz wants to do yet…”

  Nailz had come in the back door. “Jo, my mom gives you a ring, a car, anything—you take it. She won’t take no for an answer. Trust me, she always wins and she loves to give presents. That ring looks great on you.” He gave her a loving smile.

  Jo looked up, shocked to see he wanted her to wear his mother’s ring.

  Jo felt her cheeks blush as she thanked Liz. “Thank you so much. I love the ring and I’ll hold on to it for Tears one day.”

  Liz had a tinkling laugh. “Tears has her mother’s jewelry and both grandmothers have plenty for her. You just enjoy that ring and it will make me very happy.”

  Neal senior was interested in the farmhouse. “Jo, who owns this house? Is it for sale? Seems like a very sturdy house for a family.”

  “My friend Elena owns it and she plans to sell it. I’m not sure where I’ll be moving if it sells.” Jo looked sad and worried. “My sister Kima owns the house next door and she bought the stables from Elena. I love this house so much; it has quite a bit of land, too.”

  Nailz looked shocked. “Elena is selling the farm—since when?”

  “Since Joy and Elena decided to buy a farm closer to Beach View and to buy that, she needs to sell this farm. It isn’t big enough for the business they plan to open. I don’t think Hunter knows so please don’t tell him. I guess I’ll just move back home. Elena won’t sell it to my dad to build on; we all want to keep Sea Woods as rural as possible. I know that Elena gave Kima a great price and she got more land. Kima will give riding lessons and board horses. Veiko doesn’t know about that either so don’t you tell him, Nailz.”

  “I love this house and I love my room and now we’ll have to move again? I hate the garage apartment. Daddy, I want this house. I don’t want Jo moving, either.” Tears looked like she was going to cry.

  Neal senior asked if he could look over the house and Tears look her grandparents on a tour.

  “Jo, why didn’t you tell me about this? I thought you were renting it from Elena.” Nailz was confused.

  “Nailz, with what money? I’ve been hiding here and she has to sell it soon. Joy will be living on that farm so she won’t be staying here long. Elena warned me before you found me. I suppose I’ll move back home because as I told you, I won’t step backwards.”

  “There you go again, Jo. Don’t you want us to be a fam
ily? Now Tears is upset. I thought you wanted us to be together?” Nailz was getting loud.

  “I do, but what do you want me to do? Ask the Regan’s to buy this place for me? I can’t do that. Why don’t you buy it for us if you want to be a family? It has a big garage for your bikes. I believe she is selling it furnished, too.” Jo held her breath.

  Before Nailz could answer her, Tears and his parents were back. Tears headed to the phone to make a call.

  “Son, we think this is a great place to raise a family. Tears loves it here and she seems happier here with Jo and is looking forward to having siblings. So your mother and I asked her to call Elena and we want to meet with her now. We have the money to give our grandchildren a decent house and that is what we’re going to do. I think money in the bank is wasted if you can’t make your family happy. It’s close to us so we can visit and it will be a gift to you both. As long as we’re here, if Elena can come over we’d like to get the house before she puts it on the market.”

  Nailz looked at Jo’s face. She looked so happy that he couldn’t say no to his parents.

  “Jo, would you live here with us? Raise the twins here and stop talking about moving to the Regan’s?” Nailz held his breath. It was up to Jo now.

  “I’d love that—and of course I want to be a family. What child wouldn’t want to grow up in Sea Woods and ride horses? All my friends live here. That would be an amazing present. Tears could ride horses and life here is so different than Beach View.”

  Tears rushed into the room. “Elena is on her way over! I’m going to have a real home and two parents and sisters and brothers. I wanted my own family for so long. Now if those two would just get married!” She looked pointedly at her father.

  Elena was pulling in the driveway so Tears didn’t see the dirty look from Nailz.

  “I’ll make coffee and Jo, you’ve been up too long. Let my grandmother help you get settled into bed. Elena can come in and say hi to you.” Tears instructed.

  Seeing Tears in a bossy mood was cute. Jo was tired so she and Liz went into Jo’s bedroom.

  Liz looked around and saw the garden. “What a lovely room! It even has a brass headboard for the bed. I hope Elena will sell the house furnished. She has very good taste. Jo, would you marry Nailz?” Liz laughed as she said Nailz. “I guess if I want to be a part of my son’s life I have to use that name, it makes it less confusing than calling them both Neal.”

  Jo looked at Liz, “I’d marry him, but he won’t marry me so I keep telling him I’d never marry him and that the twins won’t have the McKay last name. Although, I decided they would—I’m just not telling him until the babies are born. I just found out his name was Neal, too.”

  Liz did her tinkling laugh. “Why Jo, you are a smart girl. My son always wanted what he couldn’t get. You rest while I make sure that we get the furniture. Even if we pay extra, it fits the house so well.”

  Jo meant to stay awake, but she was so tired she fell asleep. Nailz woke her before his parents were ready to leave.

  “Wake up, Chickie. My parents are getting ready to leave and they have some news for you.” He helped Jo sit up.

  Tears couldn’t help but blurt out the news. “It’s ours, Jo! Elena sold it all to us. Grandfather gave her a check and called his lawyer. In about a week, it will really be our house.”

  Jo felt like she was dreaming. “We won’t have to move? Oh, thank you so very much!”

  Neal senior chuckled, “That Elena drove a hard bargain, but she gave us almost all of the furnishings. Thank Liz for that. Elena was so happy that all of you would be living here and making this your home. Her only stipulation was that nobody is told until after the closing. She thinks Hunter will be angry at her.”

  Nailz warned Tears to not tell anyone and the McKay’s promised they’d come back soon to meet Jo’s parents. It had been a wonderful afternoon.

  Nailz looked at his happy Chickie and heard his father’s voice telling him to do the right thing. Maybe he would see how determined Jo was against marrying him. He loved her and she loved him, it could work.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Dusty sat at the bar with a cup of coffee while Darko and his boys were getting ready to open the bar. Last night Darko had been a perfect gentleman and his house was very nice—much nicer than most biker’s pads. Dusty slept better than she had in years. The jukebox was playing softly when the bang of the door to the bar startled her and five men entered the bar. All were wearing colors and she gasped at seeing them. The colors read Bound to Hell MC. She got off the stool and walked into Darko’s office. He looked up at her questioningly.

  “Trouble just came knocking. Better call over to Central Jersey and get some Bound members here. I thought Crabs had ended these assholes years ago.” She bit her nail. “I can’t believe they didn’t learn the first time not to wear that patch.”

  Darko stood up. “What patch and who the hell are you talking about?”

  “Years ago some assholes tried to start a club called Bound to Hell MC, bunch of redneck assholes. They didn’t get permission and they’re trouble. Crabs made the call to run them out and take their patches and bikes. I guess it took them this long to regroup. Bound for Hell isn’t going to like this. Oh shit, you flagged them. Call Jersey and tell him to grab them in the parking lot. It’s a total lack of respect. If you don’t call, they’ll be mad at you and your club. Or you and your boys could just take them out, I guess.” Dusty got comfortable on the couch. “I’ll just stay right here.”

  Darko grinned at her. “I love a woman who can think. Last thing I need is Jersey and those nomads here—we’ll handle it. Lock the door behind me.” Darko loved a fight and so did his boys. He heard them yelling for beer as he hit the bar area. His bro’s were standing in a group by the door. He had five here today so it’d be a fair fight. He nodded to one of his boys to walk over to him.

  “Hey, Swiper—make sure all the doors are locked. We got a problem here. You see those patches are an insult to Bound for Hell. So we’re taking those patches.”

  Swiper grinned, nodded and walked around to the doors making sure all were locked up.

  Darko walked behind the bar where four redneck assholes were still yelling for beer. He thought there had been five men, where was the fifth one? Darko picked up a baseball bat from a shelf under the bar and cracked it down on the bar’s edge, hard.

  “Got your attention now, assholes? There’s no beer for any of you and you have something friends of ours told you not to wear. We can do this easy or we can do it the hard way, your choice.”

  One of the guys spit on the bar. “Fuck you, who do you think you are?”

  Darko eyes gleamed wicked and he smiled. “I’m Darko—president of Nefarious MC Central and Southern New Jersey. You’re in my bar, mother fuckers. Now I’ll ask you again, easy or hard?”

  The spitter looked Darko up and down and grinned showing rotted teeth. “Since when does your club care if Bound for Hell has a beef with anybody?” He spit again on the bar.

  Darko saw red. Nobody disrespected his bar or him. He nodded to his boys. They came behind the men.

  Darko spoke again and he wasn’t as nice as before. “I don’t care what the fuck you do to them, just cut those patches off. I’ll handle this one.” He slammed the bat into the spitter’s head. Blood flew everywhere. He watched as his bro’s were pulling brass knuckles out or whipping primary chain belts off. Shit, he was going to have to bleach the bar down before opening up again.

  He never knew about the guy behind him, but clear as a bell he heard her…Dusty.

  She stood there with his sawed off shot gun cradled in her arms. “Back the fuck away from him, you son of a bitch or I’ll blow your stupid ass away. Drop that knife and do it now!”

  Darko slowly turned and saw the redneck biker drop the knife and back up.

  His face showed fear and he wasn’t quite sure where to look—at Dusty or Darko. Time stood still until Darko reached out and grabbed him by the
throat. He began choking him and the guy passed out. His boys had the other four lined up against the wall. Swiper came over and grabbed the asshole.

  Dusty stood there watching it all go down. Darko ran his hands under water before making his way over to her. She pointed the gun down as he approached.

  “You okay, Dusty? I thought you planned to stay in the office?” Darko was damn glad she’d come out. He took the gun from her hands and pulled her into the office.

  “I remembered the one who was in the bathroom. He has a face only a mother would love. He tried to get Crabs from behind so I looked for a gun. I liked this one—sorry if I invaded your stuff.” Dusty seemed to be in a faraway place.

  “You did real good, darling—real good. Now, sit down on the couch. I don’t want you seeing anything else. I need to make a call. Bar will be closed until tonight. We’ll go home until later, okay?” He began to dial a number.

  “I don’t have a home anymore, Darko—but you better call the dancers and put a closed sign up. Do you want me to tell Swiper that?”

  Darko watched her carefully. Dusty handled this as if she’d been through shit like this before. Even though Dusty seemed distant, she still was able to think clearly.

  “Yeah, you do that and can you use the payphone to call the girls that were supposed to dance today? Take the change out of the cash register.”

  Darko watched her brown hair swirl around her hips as she walked out of the office. He wanted to know more about this unusual woman, but would she let him in?

  “I need a pickup, five and five now.” The person understood exactly what Darko was saying. It meant pick up five men and five bikes. Fuck Bound for Hell, that spitter had made it personal for Darko. That other redneck sure had been able to sneak up on him too easily. Nefarious would be breaking down five motorcycles today and filing numbers off the parts that had them. As for those men, Darko didn’t think they’d be seen again. His boys knew how to handle things without him standing over them. Darko made another call to have the bar cleaned. His last call was to Veiko.


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