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Page 17

by Needa Warrant

  “V, I need to see you in an hour—bring Jersey, too. I got something for you, boys.”

  V asked, “Your club? I thought you flagged us?”

  Darko laughed, “Yeah, I did and you know why. You know where my house is, right? Bring Kima. She can hang out with Dusty.”

  V agreed and Darko called to Dusty. They left by the back entrance. Darko had a bag with five patches for V. They didn’t speak on the ride to his house.

  Once inside Dusty took off her boots and curled up on the couch. She looked up at Darko and smiled slightly. “I suppose you want to know if I would have used the shot gun. The answer’s yes. I don’t really know if you should have me here. It might cause you problems. I could go stay with my sister, Angie. At some point you’ll hear shit about me. Some of it could be true, but most of it isn’t.”

  Darko studied her, looking into her brown eyes. “How long have you been a dancer?”

  Dusty tilted her head and replied, “I was sixteen years old when I met Loco. I began dancing soon after that. Hyway will tell you I killed him. I should’ve, but I didn’t. I hated that bastard. I hated Rabid and I hated what happened to my sister. I hope Kima killed that bastard. Since nobody is talking about him, I think she did. Somebody needed to do it years ago.”

  Darko wasn’t about to get into Kima and Rabid. Nor would he ever confirm what Kima had done so he decided to ask about Loco. “Was Loco in Bound for Hell? How the hell did you meet him so young?”

  Dusty let out a big sigh, the air dragging slowly from her lips. “My sister was with Hyway. My stepfather was in the club long before any of the members around now. He was one of the founders actually, Diablo. Ever hear that name? He’s long dead, but the club leaves me alone because of him. I was given to Loco by him. Isn’t that sweet?”

  The tears were flowing down her face and Darko wondered what hell this woman had seen. He awkwardly stroked her tears away. “Go fix yourself up. You’re under my protection now. Leave the past buried where it belongs, darlin.”

  She gracefully got up and walked into the bathroom as the doorbell chimed. Veiko, Kima and Jersey had arrived. Once Dusty was back, she and Kima sat on the couch to catch up on things. Darko took V and Jersey to the kitchen. He dumped the patches out of the bag on the kitchen table.

  Jersey and V just stared at them. Some had fresh blood on them and both men looked at Darko, wanting answers.

  “Five of them came into the bar early this morning. Dusty knew who they were so we took ‘em off those scumbags for you. You won’t be seeing them around again either. Figured you’d want them.”

  Jersey stood over the patches. “We want the scum wearing them, too.”

  Darko shook his head. “Sorry, it got a lot personal. One tried to stab me in the back. Any info that we get, I’ll relay it to you. Damn good thing Dusty was there, she had my back.” He waited to see what they had to say about that.

  V nodded. “I’m good with that. Dusty, she's doing okay?”

  Darko nodded, “I think so—just keep Hyway far away from her. What the fuck is the story with her and your club?”

  Jersey looked at him. “Some of the bro’s think she killed her old man. Me, I think Diablo had it done after seeing what Loco and Rabid did to Dusty. Now isn’t the time to rehash that shit, either.”

  Veiko nodded, “She’s Kima’s friend so treat her well or Kima will be on your ass. We’ll make sure Tramp gets these—thanks, Darko.”

  They headed to the living room where Jersey bagged the patches and slipped out the back door to put them in his van.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Jo was tired of bed rest and sick of babies kicking her nonstop. Nailz didn’t make things any easier by constantly hovering over her. In the beginning, she had enjoyed the attention but now it was wearing on her nerves. She understood he was trying really hard to make life easier for her. They were back to arguing, but it was over small things. Nailz wasn’t about to lose his Chickie. Jo was plain tired of being pregnant. She wanted to get up and move around, but somebody was always nagging at her to rest. Today the house was quiet. Tears had gone with Kima and Veiko to see their house. It was finished and Kima wanted to see what furniture they needed to buy. James was coming by and Nailz had promised Jo that she could sit outside and get some fresh air. Jo couldn’t wait to see her brother. He was riding his Harley and she’d never seen it. Jo was a bit concerned how her brother and Nailz would get along, but Nailz had told her that her they got along well. Jo would have to see it to believe it. Nailz wanted JJ (as they were calling him) to check one of his bikes and was putting a chair by the garage for her to sit on. Jo heard the bike roar up the driveway and was waiting impatiently in the kitchen for Nailz to help her outside. It seemed to take forever for him to remember his promise. Finally, Nailz came and was like a mother hen getting her down the stairs and to the chair.

  James grinned at her and pointed to her stomach with a big grin. “Sister, you’re huge. What are you wishing for boys or girls?”

  “James, get over here and kiss me, where are your manners? I don’t care what I have as long as I have them soon.” Jo wasn’t in a great mood although she was happy to see him.

  JJ walked over and dropped a kiss on her cheek. “Can I touch your belly or will it disturb them?”

  Jo was used to everyone poking at her tummy and grabbed his hand, placing it in the middle of her stomach. The twins were moving and she smiled at the look of wonder on his face.

  “Damn Jo, they squiggle around all the time like that?” James was amazed.

  “Yup, lately they do. It’s driving me nuts. I never get any peace. If they aren’t bugging me, Nailz is.” She laughed at the look on Nailz face. “Go on and look at his highness’ bike. I’ll be right here—it isn’t like I can waddle off.”

  Nailz grabbed an extra chair and lifted her legs onto it as she glared at him.

  Jo heard the birds chirping and saw some robins that were building nest in the dogwood tree. Nailz and James talked and Jo was almost drifting off into a nap. A noise in the distance disturbed her. She opened her eyes and saw a strange car had pulled up in front of the stables. Two men got out and were coming toward the house. She wasn’t sure who they were and she hoped they didn’t notice her.

  The tall, skinny one was filthy and he looked around nervously. Jo held her breath as he turned and she saw the patch on his back, Filthy Fiends MC. Oh, my God!

  Jo needed to get into the garage and warn Nailz and her brother.

  The tall one seemed to be looking right at her, but didn’t see her somehow.

  “Stinky, are you sure that the young chick lives here? Last time you almost got shot at. I don’t aim to be a target like Skunk was.” He was still looking around as that damn Stinky was going up the back steps to the house.

  Stinky looked back at him, “Roach, earlier when I rode by I saw her on the front porch. Hopefully, we can grab her inside and get out the front door. I think everyone is over at V’s house. Didn’t you see a bunch of people over there as we went by?”

  They entered the house and Jo pushed the chair with her feet on it away as she slowly pushed herself out of the chair. She walked as fast as she could into the garage.

  Nailz and her brother were in the very back of the garage and she didn’t want to yell so she picked up a wrench and tapped it on the workbench. Nailz looked up and she put her finger to her lips.

  He walked toward her and saw how frightened she was.

  “Chickie, why are you up? Is it the babies?” Nailz felt that burn in his gut again.

  “No! Do you have a gun in here? We’ve got company, they’re in the house and I think they’re looking for Tears this time. Two Fiends were in the backyard. They think we’re at V’s house.” Jo was now shaking.

  James had come forward and looked at Nailz. “I’m packing, you got heat in here?”

  Nailz nodded. “Yeah, I got the sawed off shot gun, and my handgun. How do you wanna do this? Somebody has to stay with Jo.”<
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  Jo looked at Nailz and calmly spoke; “Give me the shot gun. I have used it before and I want those bastards out of my house. There could be others so I don’t need anyone to protect me. Just get rid of them. They came in that car over by the stables.”

  Nailz understood Jo clearly and she was right—there could be more. Jo could use the shot gun, although Nailz didn’t like the idea. He wanted to hide her in the garage, but there was no safe place to put her.

  Suddenly, they heard the back door slam. Nailz and James pulled their guns and waited. When they saw the tall Fiend walking toward them, they blasted him at the same time. Both of them hit him and they shot him again to make sure he wouldn’t get up. Jo watched it all happen as if it were happening in slow motion. Jo didn’t faint. She just felt relief that one of them was down. Nailz and her brother were safe, she was safe and they needed to get the other one.

  Stinky heard the gunshots and made for the front door. He made it to the car and was starting it before Nailz, Jo and James even noticed him. It was the car squealing away that drew their attention. It was no use in chasing him. He’d be long gone before they even got out of the driveway. Jo had heard his name and it was the second time that Fiend Stinky had come into their house.

  James was poking the Fiend to make sure he was really dead. He looked at them and nodded.

  “Get my sister into a chair away from this piece of shit, Nailz. I’m gonna need some help here. Jo, are you alright?” James sounded so unlike the brother she knew.

  “I’m fine but what are we going to do about him?” Jo figured nobody was around to have heard the gun shots. Guns going off were common enough in Sea Woods, anyway.

  “I just need Nailz for a few minutes and I think you ought to go over to the Regan’s for a visit.”

  Nailz helped James flip the body over. A bullet had gone through the Fiends’ body and he looked for it and the bullet casings. James told him to drop them into the water on the way to the Regan’s house.

  “Nailz, I think it’s better if I deal with this. I can get rid of the body and Hammer and Darko will want the patch. I don’t want my sister involved in this shit. Hell, you might want to rethink marriage to her. A wife can’t testify against her husband.” Maybe James was joking, but he had a damn good point.

  They washed up with the hose and James called Darko for a pick up.

  “I was supposed to meet you here, but came early and you both were at the Regan’s. You were never here, never saw anything. That’s the story, Jo. Do you get me?” James looked at his sister intently. She had to understand how important it was that they all be on the same page.

  Jo nodded. She understood very well what her brother was doing for her—for her and Nailz. She leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. “I love you JJ. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

  Nailz grabbed JJ in a bear hug. “If they don’t patch you right in, you come to my club and you’ll get a patch, bro. I can’t thank you enough.”

  “Just get my sister out of here, Nailz. I’ll be in touch.” James stood back and watched them get into Jo’s car and leave. He was sure he’d be patched in as long as they all stayed true to the story. Darko would be very impressed. He just had to make sure Darko understood he acted on his own. He’d take the fall for this before he saw his sister and Nailz go down. Their lives were just beginning and no way would he chance them going to jail.

  On the way to the Regan’s, Nailz made one stop and that was to drop the bullet and casings into a lagoon. Once they splashed into the water he took a moment to think. Nailz hoped Jo would agree to what he was about to ask her.

  “Jo, that was smart thinking on your part and what your brother did for us, I can’t ever repay him for that. After all we’ve been through, don’t you think we should just get married? We love each other, we’re having babies and I’m never letting you go…so will you marry me?”

  Jo looked at him in shock. Nailz was asking her seriously to get married. “I think you have to ask my father, first. If you are truly serious—hell, yes! I love you and after today I can’t see myself being without you.”

  “I need to buy you a ring, Chickie. But I was thinking since Kima and V are using our living room to get married; we might make it a double wedding. Those babies could come any day now.”

  “Nailz, your mom gave me a ring. All I have to do is switch hands. I think my dad could arrange that and I’m sure Kima would be thrilled. So let’s tell my parents and call your parents. I think everyone is going to be happy.”

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  The farmhouse was beautifully decorated with roses and lilies in all colors in every place Jean and Liz could put them. The porch had vines of flowers wrapped around the posts. Both women had made sure that they made the old place look as pretty as they could make it. The scent of mixed flowers filled the air. Lilies of the Valley lined the brick path to the house. They had transformed the farmhouse to a lovely place to be married. Inside, the house had flowers in every nook and cranny they could find. The mantles of the fireplace were draped with mixed flowers and the fireplaces had large arrangements of yellow and peach roses inside them. Both mothers had wanted to rent a hall or restaurant, but had been told no over and over. Kima and Jo demanded a simple wedding and so did their men. Kima raided her mother’s closet and found an old, long, cream colored dress she liked. Jo found a flowing off white dress with embroidered yellow flowers on it. They had said no to wedding veils and yes to wreaths of flowers for their hair—which both wore long as their men liked their hair to be. Veiko and Nailz were wearing their colors, but bought new black jeans and white long sleeved shirts. It was a very small wedding with only family and a few close friends. The mayor of Beach View was marrying them and making it a short simple ceremony. Jo couldn’t stand up for long, but at least they were allowing her to get up. The two couples stood over by the living room fireplace as the mayor gave a short speech. There wouldn’t be any mention of obeying husbands, either. When it came time for each girl to say I do, they said it together and smiled at each other. For Kima and Jo, this was their dream wedding. As long as family and friends were there they had no need of a big party. Nailz voice was loud and strong as he made his vow to Jo, as was Veiko’s vow to Kima. As soon as the vows were exchanged, Nailz got Jo to sit in a recliner chair with her feet up.

  Veiko and Kima were kissing and posing for pictures. Jean and Liz had insisted on a photographer. Jo wasn’t happy that her babies would one day know she and their father had gotten married right before they were born, but it made both mother’s happy. In the end, making other people happy seemed more important than worrying about what their children would think in the future.

  Nailz hovered over Jo. “So Mrs. McKay, how does it feel to be married to me? Any different than before we said the vows?” Nailz felt good, quite unlike he thought he would’ve felt.

  Jo looked at her wedding band which was the Claddagh, the Regan traditional wedding band. Her diamond engagement ring twinkled up at her. “I feel more complete. I don’t know how to explain it, Nailz—but it’s the best feeling in the world.” Jo spoke from her heart and looked into his eyes with love shining from her eyes.

  Nailz stoked her cheek.”Chickie, you’re my world. I promise I’ll do the best I can to make you happy. I may fuck up, but I’ll never cheat on you and I’ll keep my family safe. I love you so much, Josephine. Don’t ever leave me, promise?”

  Jo smiled at Nailz “In the words of Kima, I’ll love you forever, Nailz. I’ll never leave you except to go to the hospital.” She motioned him to lean down so she could whisper to him. “Nailz, get me out of this damn chair and be quiet—my water is leaking. I don’t want anyone to know yet, but we need to call Dr. Allan. I don’t want to ruin this for Kima and V until we know what to do.”

  Nailz had Jo up in his arms and was carrying her to the bedroom as his bro’s were hooting and whistling at him. He motioned to his mother to follow them.

  Kima and Veiko had arms arou
nd each other and were talking to Thrash about the wedding band tattoo V planned to get. It wasn’t going to be the Claddagh, but it would be something very close to it. Kima had given up trying to change his mind. She had her ring and understood that the tattoo was more permanent than a wedding band. What she didn’t like hearing was that V wanted to put a property of Veiko tattoo on her body.

  “V, that isn’t going to happen, I’m pregnant. I’m not sure that I want an ugly tattoo of your name either. Isn’t it enough, we’re married?” Kima didn’t want to argue on her wedding day.

  “Babe, I need to make sure every fucker knows you belong to me. So as soon as you aren’t pregnant, my brother will make a pretty tat for you—but trust me, you’re getting it.”Veiko was determined that Kima wasn’t ever getting on a stage again and this was one way to make sure she didn’t—at least in his mind.

  Jersey and Joy walked over to congratulate them. Seeing the two of them together was cute. Jersey looked at Joy like the she put the stars in the sky while Joy seemed to treat him like a puppy who tagged along beside her.

  “Kima, did you notice Nailz picked up Jo and headed to the bedroom? His mother and your mom are in there with Jo. Do you think the twins are coming?” Joy was watching the bedroom door as she talked to Kima.

  “Oh, shit—there goes the party.” Jersey moaned as Joy smacked his arm.

  V left Kima with them and found Nailz on the phone. “Kima, wait here while I see what is going on.” V was serious. Kima waited with Joy and Jersey.

  “You want Jo’s car ready, Bro?” V spoke quietly to Nailz.

  Nailz looked grim, but nodded yes. V walked through the kitchen and grabbed the keys to the station wagon off the key holder. He was able to get the car past the others in the drive way and left it running in front of the house. They had made sure nobody parked in the front because everyone was betting the twins came today.


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