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Climax: Volume 2

Page 49

by Ella Ford

  At the other end of the chamber, the double doors had slid apart and countless pairs of Sextroopers were pouring through; the high heeled, sexy soldiers of Kyla’s lesbian army! Each girl wore the characteristic uniform of the nefarious corps: short, leather miniskirt, sheer black pantyhose, knee length stiletto boots and tight jacket that hugged their ample chests and willowy curves. The Sextroopers appeared human, cloaked by the mysterious technology of Belle’s people, reminding me once again of that Robert Palmer video on MTV.

  The Sextroopers peeled into the room and formed two lines at either side of the approach to the throne, clutching their weapons to their chests. And then, striding through the double doors on endlessly long legs, stepped Kyla - the sinister leader of her sinister faction. She appeared imperious and controlled, her stern face relaxed and calm. She was dressed in a flowing silver gown that shimmered and gleamed as she walked, revealing the long line of her leg through a high slit to her waist.

  Unlike the last time I’d seen her, Kyla was not wearing her human form, and appeared to me as a Vulvan. Her skin was a pale emerald color, and her eyes were dark and deep, inset in a slender face that was framed by a mane of auburn hair. She still retained some elements of her human appearance though, her dark lips and serious expression, both malicious and sultry. Distantly, I marvelled again at how similar our races were, how superficially similar we appeared beneath the surface.

  “Well, if it isn’t Princess Bellandra’s pretty Earth friend,” drawled Kyla with a wave of her hands and she stepped into the long room. “Laura, isn’t it?”

  Trina and Melia inched forwards and positioned themselves behind the vast throne, clutching their Orgasmium disruptors to their naked breasts, peering around at the unfolding scene before us. I squirmed to free myself from Belle’s grip, suddenly terrified by the daunting presence of our nemesis.

  “And you’ve brought more friends with you! Who is that I can see?” she continued, craning her neck to peer around the tall throne. “Ah, my former wife Trina and my greatest failure, the Princess Melia. What’s wrong Melia? Have you come back for more persuasion?” she said with a sinister laugh. She stopped at the end of the long aisle of upright Sextroopers, crossing her arms beneath her breasts and rocking back on one slender heel. “And Bellandra, freed from her captivity by her daring comrades! What a wonderful story, so dashing!”

  The Sextroopers laughed with sycophantic glee, their high voices echoing around the vast chamber.

  Belle appeared to be calming down slightly, content to nuzzle my neck with tender kisses and light pecks. I wondered if deep down she sensed the predicament we were in.

  Trina turned to face us, leaning with her back against the throne. She appeared to be studying the wall behind us, her brow furrowed in a look of deep concentration. “It’s good to see you Kyla, you’re looking well, I like what you’ve done with the place - dictator-chic, very now,” she shouted, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

  “Oh Trina,” Kyla replied, “you and I could have been so good together. We could have ruled the galaxy and had all the girls we wanted. As it is, I’m going to make your little mute lover serve my pussy whether she wants to or not… and Belle’s pet Earthling - well, she is going to be my special project, my most beautiful creation. I’m going to fuck her in every possible way imaginable, and I’m not even going to use persuasion to make her want it!”

  An involuntary shudder gripped my body as Kyla outlined my sordid fate. I sensed Belle go tense beside me, her body tightening around mine as though she could understand Kyla’s words through the dense funk of her Orgasmium sickness.

  “Don’t suppose you’d take me and let my friends go?” shouted Trina back with a wry smile, “For old time’s sake,” she added.

  Kyla laughed, a piercing and menacing guffaw that ricocheted off the high ceiling. “Oh Trina, you always were the joker. What could you possibly have to offer me that I couldn’t take right now?” she asked.

  Trina smiled broadly and winked at me. “Knowledge,” she whispered, then raised her hand and pointed the Orgasmium disruptor at the wall behind where I crouched. She squeezed the silver ovoid three times in quick succession, each time causing a burst of pink light to shoot across the room and pass within half a foot of my head to impact on the smooth surface behind us. I screamed and there was a ripple of confusion from the assembled Sextroopers. Kyla instinctively flinched, lowering her shoulders and cowering behind her nearest minion.

  “Laura! There!” Trina shouted and pointed behind me. I turned around and gasped as I saw a gaping hole in the smooth surface of the wall, its edges tinged with a burned pink powder. “Take Belle, the room backs onto a service duct. Follow it as far as you can and it will bring you out in the ship’s engine core. Melia and I will hold them off, then catch you up.”

  I shook my head, not wanting to leave them behind, not wanting to be alone in the dark passageway. This wasn’t what I signed up for! I was a waitress, a high-school dropout. I wasn’t a daring heroine. I felt frozen to the spot, as unable to move as Belle had been earlier.

  Suddenly, I became aware of an insistent tugging on my arm. I looked around and found Belle staring at me groggily. Her eyes were wide and unfocused, but there was a presence behind her face that wasn’t there before. “C-come on,” she breathed, “I-I know what we h-have to do.”

  My heart skipped a beat and I leaned forward to embrace her warmly, then screamed as a characteristic flash of pink light exploded on the ground to our left. I turned around to find Kyla’s troopers dropping to their knees and taking potshots with their weapons in our direction.

  Behind the throne, Trina and Melia turned to peer out at them, raising their own disruptors and firing wildly. A stray burst of pink from Melia’s weapon hit the nearest Sextrooper and the seductive girl collapsed to her knees, her hands roaming over her body before she had even hit the ground. I watched with grim fascination as the involuntary orgasm took hold of her, causing her to throw her head back and cry out with debilitating pleasure. She fell forwards and began to writhe around on the floor, gripping her breasts, her thighs, pushing her eager hands up her tight skirt to find the core of her ecstasy.

  Her comrades looked at the stricken girl for several seconds, captivated by the strange sight, then turned their attention back to the four of us and redoubled their efforts, firing blast after blast of rose light in our direction.

  “Go! Now!” shouted Trina with a heightened urgency that startled me. I jumped up and pulled Belle with me. Belle staggered to her feet, her arms wrapped around my waist, her head resting against my arm.

  Then I hurried forward and plunged through the hole, dragging Belle behind me, narrowly avoid a stray shot from an Orgasmium disruptor as we ducked through the opening and disappeared into the dark passageway beyond.

  Chapter 4: Supernova!

  We hurried forward through the dark service duct, the humid air causing my skin to prickle with tiny beads of perspiration which made it difficult to carry Belle along with me. The blonde alien was managing to walk, but barely. Most of her weight was supported by me and her stumbling steps were slow and pondering. Every so often, she’d moan out load, a lusty cry of keening need that spoke of a maddening lack of fulfillment. But punctuating these long periods in which she seemed barely conscious, she experienced increasing periods of borderline lucidity. In these times, she’d grip me tightly and peer up at me with a tantalizing smile that encouraged me to keep going despite the mounting fear in my belly and the pain in my legs.

  Behind us, the noise of the battle raged, hot pink flashes of light illuminating the near darkness and causing our shadows to dance on the pipe-covered walls of the passageway. I tried to ignore the sound of women’s voices, tried to ignore the sense of hopelessness that threatened to overwhelm me. How on Earth would we get back to the ship? I had no idea which way to go, and without Trina’s intimate knowledge of the ship’s layout, I had no chance of finding it. Even if Belle managed to recover her faculties
, I had grave doubts that even she would be able to get us out of this one, especially with the ship on high alert.

  But I continued, spurred on by a spirit that surprised me, a need to save Belle and stop Kyla from enslaving the Earth.

  We stumbled around countless corners, following the corridor as far as we could. Deep inside, I feared encountering a junction, having to make a decision about which direction to take. How would I know where to go? How would Trina and Melia know which turn we’d taken? If they managed to escape Kyla’s hordes, that is.

  Abruptly, the passageway ended, stopping at a simple maintenance hatch like the one we’d entered the harem chamber through.

  “Belle,” I said, forcing the sluggish alien girl to stand upright. “I need you to open this door,” I pleaded with her.

  She lifted her head slightly and looked at me from the top of her eyes. She moaned and sighed, barely registering my words.

  “Princess Bellandra!” I shouted, surprised by the force in my voice. “Pull yourself together and help me out! I can’t do this without you!” I added allowing my frustration to bubble over.

  But Belle stirred and shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut and then opening them to reveal a lucid presence deep within her. “Y-yes, sorry,” she breathed and waved her hand in front of the door.

  The portal recognized her incantation and rolled to the side, allowing us to see through into the chamber beyond.

  We were instantly bathed in a rich light, a pulsing rose colored glow that flooded out of the room as the hatch opened. I raised my hand to my eyes, an involuntary reaction to protect myself as the glare replaced the dim light of the passageway. Belle did the same, and I hoped that this act indicated that she was regaining some control over herself.

  Then a new feeling washed over me, a deep awareness of my body and a hot longing in my loins. Orgasmium! The chamber was radiating pure Orgasmium waves right onto us. I gasped as the strange, familiar desire engulfed me, shaking my head to fight the urges that it evoked.

  Slowly, we stepped forward, lowering ourselves through the circular portal and entering the room beyond. I blinked and peered ahead, finding the source of the pink glare.

  In the center of the room, held in a fragile metal cage, was a pulsing egg of pure Orgasmium. The surface of the enormous ovoid appeared to pulse and writhe, sending snaking tendrils of pink light out from its surface to contact the thin bars of the enclosing mesh, like electricity arcing from a Tesla coil.

  “It-it’s the ship’s core…” whispered Belle, hand raised to ward off the harsh light. “The whole vessel is powered by pure Orgasmium,” she added, returning to life with every passing second. I wondered if she was really recovering from the sickness or whether being in such close proximity to the core was reinvigorating her.

  “We can’t be here! It’s dangerous!” I shouted over the incessant throbbing hum of the pulsing core.

  Belle pushed me away gently and wandered over to the metal cage. She appeared lost in thought, every trace of her previous state gone. I called to her, but she didn’t acknowledge me. She just gazed into the glowing chunk of ore, lost in her own world.

  I stepped up behind her and grabbed her arm, twirling her around to face me. “We have to leave Belle,” I implored her.

  She narrowed her gaze and looked at me impatiently. “No… I… I have an idea,” she said as a look of sudden revelation swept over her pretty face.

  I glanced around at the open portal. The sound of the battle had faded into the distance, the fate of Trina and Melia unknown. “What? What is your idea?” I demanded, sounding like an entitled little girl.

  “Fuck… we have to fuck!”

  My heart sank as I realized that the Orgasmium sickness still held her in its sinister grip. “Oh Belle, there’s no time…”

  She leaned forwards and grabbed my arms, a thick smile crossing her full lips.

  “You don’t understand!” she said excitedly. “If we fuck, then our pleasure waves will channel back into the core and cause a feedback loop! If we fuck hard enough, we’ll overload it and cause the Orgasmium to rupture.” She was wild with a hot energy now, I could feel the enthusiasm bursting from her, and I realized that the old Belle was back in control finally!

  “Wh-what will happen?”

  She glanced around, eyes flicking this way and that as she pondered the question. “The rupture will cause a chain reaction, it will overload every circuit in the whole ship. Life support will fail, containment will fail, gravity will fail…” she paused, her eyes brightening with a stroke of revelation. “The ship will be destroyed Laura!”

  I swallowed hard and blinked as I struggled to process what she was telling me. Could it be true? Could we stop Kyla right here and right now? I felt a lurch in my pussy, a roll of excitement caused not only by the prospect of victory, but the sight of Belle before me, almost naked and alive with a vibrant and seductive energy that I had never seen in her before this moment. Immediately, the whole of the previous week flashed before me: our fortuitous meeting at Carly’s Grill; our “date” at the cinema; floating together in zero-g, our naked bodies entwined. And this whole dangerous, daring escapade! The thrill of escape, the risk of capture. I felt it all surge over me, igniting a strange desire within me, propelling me forward with a momentum that couldn’t be stopped.

  I reached forward and grabbed Belle, needing to feel her against me, needing to taste her sweet sex. She reciprocated by lifting her arms and encircling my body, pulling me close to her, pressing her breasts against mine. As our mouths came together, we stumbled backwards, hands clawing at each other, a flurry of limbs and tongues.

  She pushed me back against a large plastic cube, some kind of crate, and forced me up onto it. I sat back on the cold, smooth surface and parted my legs, opening my pussy to her, dipping into my dripping lips with slender fingers. She eyed me ravenously, eyes flicking over my cunt, my tits, my face. She appeared to be animated with a presence beyond the influence of the Orgasmium, a simple hunger that drove her forwards and possessed her mind. I felt the same need, the same longing for an unachievable togetherness that I would nevertheless strive for with every ounce of my being.

  Then she bent down and plunged her tongue between my labia, lapping at me with animal abandon, sucking my moist lips into her mouth and tugging at me. I peered down at her as I rested back on my elbow, lifting my hand to my breast to roughly squeeze the tender flesh. I felt my nipple harden beneath my palm, enflamed by the hot waves of pure desire that were flooding out of my pussy, each frantic lick of Belle’s tongue causing a renewed pulse from between my legs. I screamed out, overwhelmed by the force of her assault, unable to control the longing within me, all thought of Kyla or invasion or danger evaporated in an instant.

  As I screamed, I became aware of a change in the room, a gradual lift in the frequency of vibration from the pulsating Orgasmium core.

  I screamed again. “It’s working Belle!” I cried out and Belle looked up at me from between my legs, her eyes consumed with an infectious passion that only served to heighten my own pleasure. She turned back to my pussy and found my clitoris, brushing her tongue over the throbbing nub with angry strokes. Each flick made me wail with ecstasy. I threw my head back, pushing myself down against the hard surface of the crate, not caring about anything other than than exploding fireball between my legs.

  Suddenly, Belle rammed two fingers into my hole, pushing forward without a single word of warning, never once lifting her tongue from my tortured clit. I screamed out again and the Orgasmium core pulsed in response. She began to pound her fingers into me, harder and harder, each stroke deeper than the last. My breathing changed to short, sharp pants, vision blurring over as the sensation of being filled overwhelmed me.

  I began to feel myself slipping towards the inevitable precipice of orgasm, the familiar weight of sensation looming large on the horizon of my awareness. I lifted my head and reached down, grabbing Belle’s hair and lifting her head. “N-no,”
I stammered, “U-up!” and gave a sharp tug on her hair, making her hop up on the crate beside me. She sensed my intent and twisted her body around, moving quickly now, not wanting to lose the momentum we’d so far gained.

  She lifted up to her knees beside me and swung her leg over my head. Then, without a moment of hesitation or tease, she lowered her dripping pussy down onto my face and dropped her head between my legs to resume her frantic lapping.

  I gasped as her wet lips settled on my mouth, overcome with the intoxicating cocktail of musky aroma that filled my nose and throat, causing a wave of desire to paralyze me with lust. Then I regained control of myself and attacked her clit with furious intent.

  Our bodies moved as one, arms wrapping around thighs, locking our bodies together in a tight tangle of limbs and tongues. We became a single entity with a solitary purpose - the pursuit of pleasure. As her tongue whipped my pussy into an uncontrolled frenzy, so my tongue did the same to hers. And as the feedback loop of our heightening pleasure ratcheted upwards, so the pulsing of the Orgasmium core increased.

  Suddenly, Trina and Melia skidded through the entrance to the room and immediately lifted their hands to shield eyes.

  Belle and I barely looked up from our respective roles, each of us lost in a frenzy of sensation and need.

  “Oh my!” drawled Trina with a sarcastic tone. “I didn’t realize it was going to be that kind of party!” she said as she noticed us cavorting on the crate. I glanced around at her with a withering gaze, my tongue pausing on Belle’s clitoris, causing the preoccupied blonde to moan and writhe above me.

  Trina looked at me and cocked her head to the side. Then glanced at the pulsating Orgasmium core, a look of realization crossing her face. “Oh! I get it!” she cried above the deafening hum. “You’re trying to overload the core?”


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