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Climax: Volume 2

Page 50

by Ella Ford

  “Mmph!” replied Belle, sucking my labia into her mouth and muffling her reply. I screamed out as her tongue pressed down on my clit and pulled her hips down onto my mouth so that I could push my tongue into her tight hole.

  Trina walked towards the core, lost in thought. “Two of you won’t be enough!” she shouted, “You’ll tire before the core is depleted. We’ll need all four of us!” And with that, she whirled around and grabbed a shocked looking Melia. The short haired blonde gasped as Trina set upon her, locking their mouths together and pulling the pair of them to the floor. With practised ease, their bodies came together, naked flesh sliding over naked flesh, arranging themselves into a mirror of the position that Belle and I were in. In a matter of seconds, they were rolling together on the floor, Trina’s moans a solitary vocalization of their mutual pleasure.

  I turned back to Belle, focussing my full attention on her delicious pussy. With renewed vigor, I set upon her, spurred on by the audacious plan and the sight of Trina and Melia coming together in a hot explosion of pure desire. Belle tightened her grip on me in return, focusing her efforts on my aching clit, swirling her tongue in tight circles around that throbbing nub.

  I felt myself being sucked into a vortex of pure sensation, overwhelmed by everything that was happening to me, electric jolts of pleasure being amplified in my nerve endings by the invasive effect of the Orgasmium field. My awareness collapsed to a single focus, the burning fireball in my pussy that radiated waves of utter ecstasy through my body, sending my limbs into tense spasms. I concentrated on the boiling cauldron, allowed it to spill over, invited it forwards to overwhelm me.

  Belle began to move faster, her mouth moving over my pussy with an insistent and quickening rhythm that gave me no opportunity to recover. I felt the warmth in my body increase to an intolerable level until the hot wall of climax loomed above me. I considered resisting it, a flashing moment where I still entertained the notion that I was in control of my desires. But that brief moment of resolve burned and died as the rising wave of utter sensation swept over me. I doubled down on Belle’s pussy, frantically stabbing at her huge clitoris, attempting to bring her as close to the edge as I could before my own pleasure overwhelmed me.

  From far away, I was distantly aware of the pulsating core, its throbbing cycle of activity so quick now that the room was bathed in a constant glow of warm pink light.

  Our voices rose in a harmony of ecstasy, tortured moans singing out to drown out the incessant hum of the overloaded Orgasmium ore.

  Above me, I sensed a change in Belle. Her thighs tightened around my head, locking me in place, preparing her body for her final approach. Her breathing changed, her pulse quickened and I felt something in her give way. She lashed her tongue over my clit in one final, desperate lick and then raised her head and cried out. The sound of her pleasure and the feel of her body pushing down on mine pushed me over the edge.

  My pussy exploded with a relentless energy that swept out from between my legs and raced upwards through my body. My muscles hardened and my spine arched upwards. My head thrashed backward and forwards as I surrendered to the orgasm, allowing it to take me, to null my thoughts and deprive my senses. It washed over me with sickening speed, reducing my nerves to pinpricks of utter sensation. I felt myself begin to blackout, losing my tenuous grip on this reality.

  From somewhere else, Trina’s voice rose up to join our frantic cries, and I glanced over to see Melia’s head raise, her mouth hanging open in a silent scream!

  As the tidal wave pleasure broke inside me, something in the room changed. The pulsing of the ship’s core had become a constant tone of hot energy, and the bright ore had begun to make a strange keening sound that was half scream, half roar.

  The orgasm began to release its grip on me and I collapsed back onto the crate. Above me, Belle’s body went limp, pinning me beneath her slender frame. I closed my eyes, wanting nothing more than to sink into a restful sleep, to cower here beneath my lover’s body. Every muscle in my body was twitching, frantic bursts of energy that were faint mirrors of the fevered exertion of the last few minutes.

  Suddenly, there was a flash and the keening sound of the core rose to a constant high pitched scream. The room began to vibrate and Belle lifted her head and glanced around, her mouth still wet with my pussy juice.

  “It worked!” she shouted, above the deafening roar of the overloading core. “The chain reaction has begun!” she said and pointed over at the control panel on the far wall.

  I turned to follow her direction and the entwined pair of alien girls on the floor did the same. On the far wall, the complex circuitry of the panel was sparking with hot, brief bursts of pink light that sent streamers of energy arcing out to the floor and wall.

  Belle swung her leg off me and hopped down to the floor, then lifted her hand and helped me down. I jumped to the ground and immediately stumbled into her, my quivering legs unable to take my weight. Belle caught me and held me a tight embrace, then looked over at Trina who was helping Melia up from where she lay.

  “We have to go. The core will cripple the ship in a matter of minutes!” she shouted, a disquieting note of urgency in her voice. “Trina, you lead.”

  Trina nodded and took Melia’s hand, then led us back through the hatch into the passageway beyond, leaving behind the pulsating light of the overloading engine room.

  The four of us raced through the dank passages, naked bodies glistening with perspiration and the hot moisture of our passion, commotion and noise erupting around us as the stricken ship breathed its last.

  We reached the gaping hole to the throne room and stumbled through, no longer thinking of capture, our thoughts only focused on escape.

  The long room was bathed in warm red light of the emergency system and a piercing klaxon wailed constantly around us. On the floor of the chamber, numerous Sextroopers lay, bodies still clenched from the force of the orgasms that Trina and Melia’s disruptors had inflicted on them. I paused as we ran past, wondering if we should help them or not, not want to leave them to whatever fate had in store for them.

  “Leave them,” urged Belle, “they knew what they were getting into when they signed up with Kyla.”

  I nodded numbly, hurrying along beside my friends.

  “What happened to Kyla?” shouted Belle.

  Trina turned around and smiled. “She made a break for it as soon as she saw that we weren’t going to roll over and surrender. Melia caught her with a disruptor blast as she was leaving, didn’t you Mel?” Melia nodded with a satisfied smile. “Bet she’s holed up in her quarters, nursing her aching pussy right now!” said Trina with a laugh.

  We continued onwards, following the corridors back the way we’d came. The previously deserted hallways were alive with activity now, worried looking Sextroopers and naked harem girls stumbling around, bathed in red light and unsure what was happening. The commotion and panic allowed us to slip by unmolested by any of Kyla’s troops, appearing to be nothing more tha four more scared captives, looking for reassurance or safety.

  As we fled, the ship began to lurch and shake worryingly, an increasingly violent vibration that shook the walls and floors and made footing treacherous. All around us, panels and keypads were exploding with hot bursts of pink light.

  We found our way back to the harem chamber, now deserted but still reeking of sex and desire. We hurried through to the hatch at the rear and ducked into the service duct. We were running now, our thoughts only of escape, terrified by the destructing ship, desperate to get away.

  Finally, we reached the airlock and squeezed inside. Trina waved her hands frantically over the control surface and the door closed, allowing the space to equalize its pressure with our capsule. As one, we stood, hand in hand, wishing that the maddeningly slow process would move faster. After an eternity of endless seconds, the outer door rolled to the side and the warm light of our pod washed over us. We clambered through the hatch and into the tiny crew compartment of the tiny pod, Bel
le and I squeezing into the cramped rear, while Melia and Trina took their positions in the pilot’s seats.

  “No time for checks, we’re leaving now,” said Trina urgently and slammed her hand against the control panel in front of her. The ship burst into life, floating rectangles of green light coalescing in front of the aliens girls’ faces. Ahead of us, the view screen sprang to life and revealed a scene of destruction and devastation. The mountainous surface of the beige ship was tearing itself apart; bright pink blooms of light exploding in every direction. I looked on with grim fascination as the enormous blister of the habitation module imploded in a burst of angry rose light, scattering pieces of hard material out in every direction.

  I gasped, shocked at the destruction we’d wrought, feeling waves of sympathy for the crew of Kyla’s ship, no matter how misguided they were.

  Trina raised her hand and the ship vibrated suddenly, a loud clunk sounding from beneath us as we lazily rose from the doomed ship.

  “Look!” said Belle and pointed at the screen.

  Arcing away from the ship in every direction were tiny pinpricks of light trailing long tendrils of plasma behind them. “Escape pods!” said Trina with a sigh. “They’re heading to Earth!”

  Before I could respond, or question what that meant, the pod began to accelerate briskly and I felt myself pushed back against the padded rear of the vessel. As we lifted off, the screen flickered and changed, showing us the reverse view, looking back at the enormous bulk of Kyla’s ship that receded behind us.

  Across the increasingly distant surface, explosions raged. Dense clouds of shattered material blossoming out from silent bursts of pink light. Suddenly, the explosions ceased and everything was still for two endless seconds. Then, without warning, a sphere of white light erupted in the centre of the ship and expanded in a millisecond to encompass the vast length of the vessel. I lifted my hand to shield my eyes, and when I finally dared to look, the ship had vanished completely, replaced by scattered chunks of broken machinery and hull.

  “Brace for impact,” said Trina and the pod began to quake wildly as the shock wave from the explosion washed over us. I reached over and grabbed Belle, allowing her to wrap her arms around me as the violent shaking continued, relishing the soft, familiar warmth of her body against me.

  Then it was over and we were clear, a palpable sense of relief flooding the tiny cabin.

  “Holy shit, they’ll never believe this at back Carly’s!” I said, to no-one in particular.


  The bright expanse of the Earth wheeled lazily outside, projected onto the wall of the sleeping module by the ship’s strange technology. I sighed as I gazed at the rippled surface of greens and browns, my home feeling so close, but yet very far away.

  Belle stirred on the bed beside me, shifting her body to wrap her arm tighter around my shoulders, pulling my head down to rest on her chest. She appeared Vulvan to me at the moment, having disabled her perceptual memetic technology at my request. I want to feel as close to her as possible, and that meant seeing my alien lover how she actually was, not how I wanted her to be. I sighed again and closed my eyes, concentrating on the steady beat of her heart and the gentle rise and fall of her breasts.

  It seemed amazing to me that we had met less than a week ago, so intense were my memories of the last few days. In fact, this was the first time we’d shared a bed together, beyond that cruelly interrupted visit to my apartment after the cinema. It felt good to simply curl up beside her and enjoy the very fact of her presence.

  “She’s still out there, isn’t she?” I whispered.

  Belle lifted her hand and idly twirled a strand of my honey blonde hair around her slender finger. “Probably,” she said matter-of-factly. “Kyla is a survivor, I have no doubt that she will have been on one of those escape pods.”

  “And she’s returned to Earth?”

  “Yes. She’ll attempt to reconnect with her forces there, to regroup, to attempt to signal the remnants of her faction.”

  I sighed glumly. “So we didn’t win then?”

  Belle laughed quietly. “Let’s say that we won a battle, but not yet the war. Not bad for your first time as an intergalactic heroine, little Laura!” she said and ruffled my hair.

  I sat up and glared at her, a mock expression of insult filling my face. “Hey, I rescued you didn’t I?”

  She nodded. “Yes, you did. And if you ever think of a way I can repay you…”

  I flicked my eyes upwards and then fell back onto the bed, idly toying with my nipples and spreading my legs apart.

  “Oh, I don’t know… maybe there is something you can do,” I purred, glancing downwards.

  Belle smiled and sat up, curling her long legs beneath her. “Haven’t you had enough of that already?” she said with a filthy smirk.

  “Why don’t you try it and find out,” I breathed, suddenly overcome with a need that rivalled the depths of Orgasmium’s sinister influence.

  She nodded and slithered forward on the soft satin sheets beneath us, then dropped her head between my legs and playfully lapped at my moist labia.

  I frowned at her. “You can do better than that!” I scolded her, and she immediately plunged her tongue deep into my pussy and began to work my clitoris with more enthusiasm than ever before.

  I threw my head back and squeezed my eyes shut as the hot wave of sensation washed over me. Turns out that you don’t need to be looking into space to see stars!


  Collecting Beth, Shy Intern

  by Ella Ford

  Chapter 1: The Viewing Room


  “Hi. Miss Ross? Miss Claudia Ross? My name is Elise Cole, I work at the Midtown Herald.”

  The pretty brunette peered at me through the open door, her large green eyes flicking between my face and the house beyond, straining to see inside. She looked younger up close, perhaps twenty two or twenty three. Petite and toned, with high cheekbones and full lips. She wore a smart pink business suit, with a tight pencil skirt that hugged her shapely waist and thighs. Her outfit was completed with tan pantyhose and matching pink pumps with an open toe. She had the appearance of an older woman, or at least a younger woman who wanted to project a professional image.

  I held out my hand and smiled warmly. The girl took it and we shook. I noted her manicured fingers, polished to the exact shade of red that her lips were painted. Out of curiosity, I flicked my eyes downwards and glimpsed at her toenails through the thin gauze of her hose. They were painted the same shade. I smiled inwardly, relishing the girl’s attention to detail.

  Elise noted my subtle scrutiny and blinked in confusion. “Uh, you called our offices. About your collection?”

  “Ah yes,” I replied, extending my warm smile and stepping backwards out of the doorway. “Won’t you come in?”

  Elise Cole smiled back at me and seemed to relax. She nodded and stepped past me into the spacious hallway of my house. “I’m excited to see it,” she said nervously, with no real conviction, “your collection, I mean. If it’s half as extensive as you say, it’ll make a wonderful piece in our Collectors Corner column. We don’t get many doll enthusiasts around here. Mostly it’s just stamps or coins, you know?” she added with a frown.

  “I can imagine that could get quite boring for a talented girl like you,” I replied, never once letting my smile falter. I wanted Elise to feel perfectly relaxed and at ease.

  The girl flushed and cocked her head to the side. “I’m sorry Miss Ross, have we met?” she asked. “I get the impression that you know me, and you asked for me by name when you called the office.”

  I touched a reassuring hand to her shoulder. “Not that I am aware of my dear. I am simply an avid collector who enjoys your column. Won’t you step inside the living room? I can put some tea on if you wish?”

  I gestured towards the open double doors on the right, guiding Elise away from the closed room on the left. Not yet.

  “Thank you, but I’m a little p
ressed for time. Can we just get straight into the interview?” she said apologetically as we stepped across the room.

  “Of course, how rude of me to keep you from your business. Let’s take a seat and we can begin.”

  I waited for Elise to sit down on one of the ornate, antique seats in the living room. I had modest tastes, despite the ostentatious size of my house, but I had a special weakness for such pieces of furniture and allowed myself the indulgence once in awhile.

  “You have a lovely house, Miss Ross,” she said as she rummaged in her bag and retrieved an old fashioned looking notepad and pen.

  “Thank you Elise. And please, call me Claudia,” I replied, moving to sit on the sofa.

  The girl looked up at me and smiled, absentmindedly crossing her legs over one another, her soft pantyhose causing an audible swish as her thighs rubbed together. “Okay, let’s begin. How long have you been a collector?”

  I paused and thought back to that night in Vegas, so long ago but still burning bright in my mind. “About three years.”

  She paused to scrawl something in her notepad. “And what made you begin collecting dolls?”

  I narrowed my eyes in thought and leaned my head to one side. “I like to take care of things, to be responsible, you know?”

  Elise’s mouth curled upwards in a smile and a particular expression flicked over her face. I knew what she was thinking - aging widower, no kids, regretting her life’s choices, turns to collecting to fill a void in her life. She nodded sympathetically. “What period are the dolls in your collection from?”

  It was my turn to pause. “Modern, mostly modern,” I replied with a wry style.

  The reporter looked momentarily confused and I realized that my answer had been strangely cryptic.

  I cleared my throat. It was time. “Elise, I think it’s time I showed you my collection, wouldn’t you agree? I can answer any question you have in the Viewing Room?”


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