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The Taken Bride: A Medieval Romance

Page 56

by McCormick, Kaley

  “Father, please!” Torra said, breaking down and crying. “We don’t ask anything from you except your permission.”

  “DENIED! And you are forbidden from leaving this place. If you even think about it, I will kill this imposter. This rapist. And then I will slap all the love right out of your face.”

  “How dare you!” Torra screamed, alarming her mother who came out from the bedroom to see the commotion.

  “What? What is going on?”

  “We’re leaving,” Torra said, speaking through her tears.

  “Daughter, don’t go,” Muira said. “I know your father’s a scary man. A fool sometimes. Or oftentimes! But…this man…he isn’t like you or me.”

  “She’s right. And he’s right,” Seumas said, as he looked into the faces of each one there. His lover and Kincaid and Kincaid’s wife. “I am no ordinary man. I have never claimed to deserve anything except the kindness people give me. If you want me to go, I will go.”

  “Leave! Get the fuck out of here!” the patriarch roared, shoving Seumas outside the cottage. “You aren’t wanted. Don’t you ever come back. I forbid this marriage. And so help me, I will kill you. I will behead you faster than I would fuck or shit. Now get the hell out and never come back.”

  Seumas look dejected, but agreed. He was a powerful being, no doubt. But the angry words of Kincaid hit home, striking him in his heart where there were only painful memories left. Indeed, what sort of terrible obligation was he putting on this girl, to tear her away from her family?

  He took leave, amid screaming family madness. He didn’t want any part of it, or more to the point, he didn’t want to be the cause of any more grief. He had done that, centuries ago, and had memories so dark and troublesome they felt like yesterday.

  He didn’t get very far, even after his late night trek. She used all the skills her father ever taught her to sniff him down like a bloodhound. She escaped her home while her parents slept, never once questioning the madness of what she was doing.

  It took her a good hour to track him down, to walk over the fields of Valtour and to catch him before he disappeared into the vast wilderness, where he would go to face certain death.

  “You silly little girl,” he said, welcoming Torra into his arms. “Why? I left for your own good…you were supposed to stay put.”

  “No,” she said crying, causing a small storm of her own. “Because you asked me to marry you. And I said yes.”

  He shook his head.

  “Don’t say I came running out here, risking certain death, just to have you send me away, Seumas.”

  “You shouldn’t have come.”

  “Don’t give me anymore about your old life. You said it yourself: life is merely living and enjoying every moment. Don’t ache about the past. Enjoy what you have now. Marry me now, for whatever time we have left.”

  “What about your parents? I should go back and…”

  “They don’t want ye, Seumas,” she said with a sigh. “They don’t want me. I sold them out, or at least that’s the story they want to remember.”

  “But Crestoff…I have to stop him.”

  “That’s your choice. But just so you know, my father doesn’t want your help. You owe them nothing.”

  “And yet I owe you everything, my sweet bride.”

  “I want you inside of me, my love. You are everything to me now. And I want to marry you. Today, or tonight, or tomorrow morning…whenever. Whatever church would have us.”

  He said nothing and bit his tongue to keep from arguing with her. Of course it was all a dangerous idea, but how could he say no to her face? Her lovely face, her crying face, that looked upon him as a lover, a father, and a god? He was everything to her and she was now what he lived for.

  They made love in the forest that night, this time Seumas created a bed of leaves and grass and a comfortable spot to enjoy a good hearty fuck. They stripped each other bare and walked naked in the forest, playing with each other’s every body part; her hands caressing and exploring his shaft to his balls, and up again to his prick hole; his hands penetrating her pussy and giving her full body spasms the likes of which she had never felt before.

  This time she was ready. She wanted his cock inside of her and every damn inch of it. He began cautiously, parting her legs with just one touch. He entered her slowly at first, letting her body get used to his thick cockhead as it softly meandered around her clit. Then he pushed it into her lips and through the entrance, causing a whirlwind of sensation that flashed up to her buzzing head. She spread her legs farther apart and let him push more inches of cock into her waiting walls, each inch feeling like a brand new man.

  He kept his breathing strong and his motions controlled. But she was already shaking in excitement and nervous surrender, all the while spreading more of herself open so that he could put himself in. At first his cock pushing through hurt, just a little bit, but he kept the motions fluid and smooth, gentle as the touch of his loving hands.

  The sensation was already intense but doubled in pleasure when she grinded against his cock and let their fluids mesh together. They both groaned and panted, singing songs and muttering war poetry as they fucked in green nature, completely uninhibited and fearless—at least for the moment.

  Every moment was a lifetime to Seumas and Torra, as they grinded against each other’s bodies and shared everything from sweat, to spit, to spunk, and the blood that flowed through their veins and rippled through their touching skin. His motions became stronger, just as the very winds of the day seemed to pick up in speed, as if moving with him and helping plunge himself deeper.

  She hollered in ecstasy as he pushed himself so deep within he discovered a new spot of weakness—a throbbing, pulsating spot that seemed to quiver and twist when he fucked her deep. She grinded and danced her way to orgasm, pulling her legs together behind him and squeezing even more of his power into her.

  “Aaahh!” he screamed, letting out a guttural sound that seemed to call down energy from the heavens. When he pulled his cock out and slid it back in, it caressed every tiny morsel of her sensitive skin, sending shockwaves all over her convulsing body.

  He could feel his imminent explosion billowing up from deep inside. How she longed to feel him lose control, to grab her body and pull, push and grab tightly, holding on for dear life as he shot his immortal power inside.

  She came right as he started cumming, the two lovers digging themselves into the ground with their mad passion—and yes, a bit of ethereal magic, since Torra noticed that when he pulled back, ready for another lunge, they seemed to float off the ground.

  When he pummeled her deep and she felt his cock spasming out of control and quickening for a spew, she screamed to the sky. And that’s when she noticed a thunderstorm above her, with lightning bolts descending from the heaven looking as electric and powerful as God’s own sword.

  He finally came and pounded the ground beside her until he shoved his hands through solid dirt. His emission shook her whole body, causing a quake of effusive emotion and physical release. When he orgasmed, she didn’t just cum—she left her body for one very long and surreal moment. She looked up and saw nothing but clouds, nothing but moonlight.

  She looked down and saw his cock squirming and pulling out of her, still dripping his sperm, which seemed to glow in the night. They both collapsed on the ground and fell to the side of one another, exhaling for life and singing each other’s beautiful names.

  Whether or not the god amongst men went back to destroy Crestoff or simply left the vicinity forever, opting not to risk losing the love of his new life, and holding his new bride in his arms, no one from the village knows for sure. All they know in their heart is that he never left her side, not for a moment of time.


  Sent Away to the Highlander

  Chapter one

  “I don’t know what you’re complaining about. I would be happy to never be noticed by my family. They see me, as the one that is going to make all their
troubles go away. They have been constantly parading aristocratic men in front of me. There has been only one that made my heart flutter with excitement. He has no money and they may not know it, but I plan to marry him and live a normal life away from all of these trappings.” My best friend Tabitha had her life in the palm of her hand. For me, I was a loner and I often found myself going off on my own for days on end. I’d become quite self sufficient.

  “I just wished that my family cared enough to come looking for me. I go missing for days and they don’t even lift a finger. Sometimes I return and it’s like they didn’t even notice that I was gone. I know that there are six children, but surely my mother would notice that I was not in my bed at night.” I was fooling myself and my mother was a drunk and my father had disappeared a long time ago. It didn’t remember what he looked like. My mother was working two jobs to put food and a roof over our head. Any time that she came home, she immediately hit whatever liquor was in the cabinet.

  “Diana, if I were you, I would be taking full advantage of the fact that they leave you alone. They would only do that, if they thought that you were ready to stand on your own 2 feet.” I had heard through the Grapevine that my father was an English soldier in the army. Apparently he had accolades and medals of bravery. I think I took after him, as I had no fear of the unknown. “Don’t look at it, as they are ignoring you. Look at it, as a sort of freedom that the rest of us don’t have.”

  “Tabitha, I’m not like you and the other girls. I don’t aspire to marry someone. I don’t need a man to complete me.” I wanted a man that knew what he had in a woman that had a mind of her own. I didn’t see any prospects on the horizon and I wasn’t going to settle for just anyone. I didn’t care about money and I could live relatively on my own by living off the land. I knew how to hunt and fish. These were two commodities that young daughters didn’t have underneath their belt.

  “I see you, as a renaissance kind of girl, Diana. You should look at your differences from the rest of us, as a godsend. You don’t have to contend with the boys nipping at your heels every single second of the day.” I was not considered pretty, but over the last couple years I had developed into my looks. I had these womanly curves underneath. I wore bulky clothing to give the allusion that I was still the same girl that I was before. It didn’t seem to matter and apparently the boys were now looking at me out of the corner of their eyes. I didn’t have any interest in condemning myself to a ball and chain around my ankle.

  We were on the outskirts of town and I’d just packed my meager belongings for another long overdue getaway. I didn’t know how long I would be gone and there were times when I took off that I didn’t even know that I would be back at all. I walked away from Tabitha, feeling more empowered and not, as some kind of outsider. I didn’t care what other people thought. I wasn’t going to abide by conventional thinking.

  My three brothers and two sisters had never really treated me with kindness. They didn’t ridicule me or tease me, but they did make me feel like I was not a part of the family. I guess being the baby had given me the unconditional love from my mother. That of course didn’t last very long and her true love was the bottle.

  I continued for some time, going off the beaten track and walking the water’s edge. I liked the sound that it made against the shore and the glassy surface that went on for miles in either direction made me feel small. It made me feel like I was part of something bigger than myself. I was just a ripple on that water. I heard splashing and I didn’t know what to make of it. It did draw me to it.

  I was wearing a pair of my father’s pants. I felt more at home not wearing a dress, even though there were times that I wanted to have that feminine touch.

  “My god, will the blood never come out of my kilt. I can’t be seen coming back into town looking like I have been out on a bender all night long. My people deserve a warrior that does not tie one on every chance that he gets.” His voice sounded strange and the inflection in his speech told me that he wasn’t from around here. “I get away, because I can’t stand the women all over me. I am a warrior and I do not need their adoration. I don’t want them to think of me, as a hero, when what I do makes me feel less than a man. If my men heard me speaking like this they would probably kill me where I stand.” His voice was getting clearer and I knew that it wouldn’t be all that long, before I came upon the man that the voice belonged to.

  I pushed through the foliage, pulling back a branch and seeing the naked form of this Scottish warrior. He was naked and he stretched and let me see the pillar of strength between his legs. There was no denying that he was the first man that I had seen in this way. It made my legs quiver and my body begin to act in a way that was most unladylike.

  I wanted to say something, but I was too engrossed in what he was showing me. I couldn’t move and I couldn’t stop staring and the only thing that mattered was seeing that thing bob up and down in front of my eyes. I needed to get closer and it was a risk, but it was one that I was willing to take.

  Getting down on my hands and knees, I crawled down the embankment and over to a nearby rock. I peeked over the surface and he was still standing there with his strong buttocks shining in the sun. They were hard packed globes and I would have loved to grab hold of both of them and sink my teeth deep into the fleshy part.

  “It’s getting ridiculous and sometimes I think that it might be better that I just walk away from my family and friends. I don’t want to hurt people, but I’ve been given a duty and I intend to follow through.” He was not that far away from my village. He had me worried that he was going to turn it into his own personal stomping grounds. “My men will be here soon and I’ve gone ahead to survey the situation.” He had the same problem that I did. I liked to talk to myself, as it was the only person that would listen to me anyway. Tabitha was a good sounding board, but she was always interested in the men in the village.

  I was within a few feet and I was willing him with my mind to turn in my direction. With him standing away from me, I could only see the back side of a beautiful package. His arms and his legs were like tree trunks. He could probably carry me over his shoulder with ease. The very idea that he could overpower me made me weak at the knees. I’ve never felt this way with any man. I didn’t want any part of their desire to woo me into their bed.

  I licked my lips, cocking my head to the side and waiting for that inevitable moment that I would see it in living color. He made a move and then I must’ve gasped out loud at seeing that large protrusion projecting from his waist. He didn’t try to cover up, but he did come after me. I made a run for it, clamoring over the rocks, but he was very fast and very agile. I slipped several times, but he was sure footed and stayed with me the entire time. I panicked and he was very calm and did not try to rush the moment. That was precisely the reason why I was making, so many mistakes.

  I could literally feel his hot breath on the back of my neck and then I felt his hand grabbing me from behind. I struggled, but it was in vain. His grip was strong and confident like the man himself.

  “I don’t think that it’s a good idea for you to sneak up on a warrior that’s talking to himself. I think that I’m going to have to make an example out of you. Perhaps, if I drove this sword into your stomach and out the other side that that would send the right message. I could parade you through town and have people screaming in all directions to get away.”

  Chapter two

  I slapped at his hands, trying to wrench free, but he did not let go. He continued to drag me backwards by the back of the neck, until he grabbed my long dark hair. It was painful, but he was igniting those nerve endings that made it a little bit exciting to be manhandled in this way.

  “You can fight all you want, but it’s going to do you no good. You must be one of the scouts that were sent ahead. It’s too bad that you’re going to have to be the first casualty of the highland army that is coming to take your people by surprise. They won’t even see it coming. We’ll lay waste to whatever we
see.” He was under the impression that I was a man. With the bulky clothing and my father’s pants, it was an interesting scenario to think about.

  There was no sense in saying anything and if I did, my ruse of being one of the boys would be gone in a flash. I was waiting for the right time, hoping that he would relinquish his hold long enough for me to make another run for it. He was still pulling my hair and it was causing an undue side effect between my legs. I was feeling slightly wet and for all intents and purposes, the barbaric act of pulling my hair had drawn out the woman in me.

  “I will have to teach you a lesson.” I did not like the sound of that and the best way to avoid it was not to be there when he instituted that lesson. I looked around frantically for anything to use, as a weapon. I grabbed onto a branch, only to have it pulled from my hands. “You are not much of a man. Your father did not teach you to be a fighter and that is a crying shame. A child needs his father to guide him with a helping hand. He needs to honor his role and teach him how to be a man.”

  It was lucky that he wasn’t touching any other part of my anatomy, or he would find out in a hurry that there was something more there than just a man’s physique. He would feel the soft curves and would most likely be shocked by the very idea that I was a woman.

  I decided to try lowering my voice to mimic that of a man. “I don’t know what you want with me, but I am no scout. I just came out here to take a walk and I came upon you by accident and nothing more. I suppose I should have announced myself, but you seemed to be lost in your own little world.” He handled me easily, throwing me to the ground at his feet. He stood over me in a menacing fashion.

  It was a good thing that he couldn’t see my excitement, because from my vantage point, I could see his family jewels. They were right there in my face and I had this overwhelming desire to take him into my mouth to show him some English hospitality.


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