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The Taken Bride: A Medieval Romance

Page 57

by McCormick, Kaley

  “I don’t know if I believe you. Besides, it really doesn’t matter and you’ve already seen my face. You may not know this, but you are looking at the lord of the Scottish Highlands. I have been… I have been.” He stopped talking all together and now he was eying me with this expression that made me fear for my safety. “No way… It can’t possibly be.” I followed his gaze and I saw that my shirt had ripped during the scuffle and the way that he had dragged me here by bodily force.

  In my kneeling position, I had inadvertently shown him the true woman underneath the façade. “Please…don’t kill me” It was the only thing that I could say at the time. Even though he was in the presence of a lady, he had no interest in covering up his nudity. In fact, I think that he was taking great pride in the fact that I was staring at him and it wasn’t in the eyes.

  I told him my name and where I came from. He looked perplexed, like he had no idea what he was going to do with me. He was pacing back and forth and then he came to a stop. He looked back over his shoulder with his long hair unruly and looking like it was going to cover his face. He didn’t look like he had bathed in days and the growth of hair on his face only confirmed that fact. He had no personal hygiene and cared little for what people thought of him.

  “Hmmmmm….finding you might have been the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’ve been searching for a way to get my people to rally behind me. They have been throwing their women at me and hoping that I would choose one of them to make an heir with. I really have no interest in any of them. I love my people, but the women are a little too anxious. I want somebody that’s going to give me a bit of a challenge.” I wasn’t sure where he was going with this, but I didn’t like the sound of it.

  “You can’t possibly suggest that I have sex with you.” I wasn’t opposed to the idea. He was quite the manly man. There was something primal that made my blood boil and my heart flutter two times too fast “I just met you and I have no interest in sleeping with you or having your baby.” I suppose I could’ve been more convincing had I not been staring at his package and wondering what it would feel like sliding across my tongue.

  “I could just take you by force, but that seems unnecessary. I have such plans for you and I think that you’ll come with me willingly.” I stared at him with confused eyes. There was nothing that he could possibly say that would make me want to follow him back to his homeland of Scotland. If we had known each other longer and had gotten to know each other more intimately, then I might take him up on his offer. I wasn’t the type of lady that would jump at anything with two legs.

  “I can’t see how that could happen, but by all means take your best shot.” He bent down any got close to my ear. He wanted me to hear this very clearly, so that there was no mistaking his intentions.

  “My men and I were going to destroy your village, until everybody was dead. The only way that I’m going to convince them otherwise is if I have something to offer. I suggest that you make the supreme sacrifice for your friends and family. I sense that you don’t have much here holding you back. This could be a start of something new for you, but I really don’t care why you do it. I will kill everybody and I will make you watch, as their blood flows between my fingertips. You’ll have to live with that haunting image for the rest of your life. I’ll leave you alive and let you suffer the indignity of being the only survivor.” He was vindictive and sinister and there was an evil quality that he seemed to take great pride in.

  “I can’t believe that you would even consider doing something like this. You leave me little choice.” Even if my family was pretty much strangers, they were still blood and I would have their deaths on my conscience. Tabitha would be taken for a plaything and the very idea that they would pass her around was not a pleasant thought. I’m sure that she would look at me for help and I would be powerless to do anything. “Let’s go. You’ve made your point.” This was the only way that I was going to keep my people safe. I had their well being in the palm of my hand and it was my decision that was going to determine their fate. It was not a position that I would wish on my worst enemy.

  “I think that you made the right decision. It wasn’t like I was giving you any other options. You did this, or everything that you know and love will be slaughtered with my sword and those of my men.” He grabbed me by the shoulders and wrenched me to my feet. I was trembling and he was smiling with this smirk of derision. He didn’t care about me and he only wanted some meek and mild young woman that he could lord over the others. I’m sure that I would be hated and the women in the town would look at me with jealousy in their eyes.

  “I would really like that you stop looking at me like that.” I was putting up a false united front, stealing my reserve and putting my foot down. He apparently did not like that. He grabbed my hand and placed it on his overzealous member. It was hard and I gasped noticeably, like I had when I was behind the rock. It was a sound that he loved and he made sure to use his own hand to make me rub him in a not so subtle way.

  “You may say that you don’t like this, but I can see differently in your eyes. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. The men in your village pale in comparison to a true warrior heart. There is no substitute for a man that knows how to put their women in their place.” I felt the back of his hand and it made my head jerk to the side. He did not allow me to fall and I turned with contempt coming off of me in waves. “Yes, show me that fire”

  I punched him in the mouth and laughed. He shook his head with the glee, showing me his teeth and what pleasure her took from my fighting back. “Don’t ever touch me like that again.” I could not fight him and I knew that the only thing I had was my attitude.

  He grabbed my hair and forced his tongue into my mouth. He smelled like rotting fish, but there was also this undeniable rough brutality that I found quite interesting. He could have his way with me and I knew that there would be nothing that I could do. He could force me onto the ground to submit to his will. I secretly wondered what that would feel like and I felt his hands pushing on my shoulders.

  I remained standing for, as long as my legs could take it and then they buckled out from underneath me. I landed very heavily on my knees. He made me look at him by pulling my hair and shoving his cock up to my face. I could smell the pungent aroma of his man scent. It was strangely erotic and I didn’t mean to do it, but I stuck out my tongue and tasted him for the first time. It was more than enough to make me swipe at him up and down. He was still holding my hair and I think I liked the idea of being made to do this.

  I could easily try to escape again, bite his cock and make him scream in an agony that he probably never felt in his life. I could have done that, but instead I surrounded his knob with the heat of my mouth and the agility of my experienced tongue. This was not my first time orally satisfying a man. It would be my first time to have sex with one. I’ve heard stories about what it would be like and I cringed to think about the pain that I would have to endure.

  “I can see that you love a Scottish sword.” His hidden meaning was very clear and it wasn’t like he was trying to hide the fact that his cock was that Scottish sword. He had unsheathed his weapon and he was now making good use of it in the only way that mattered. He slipped with ease back and forth across my tongue several times. I wasn’t allowed to move and he was essentially fucking my face for his own pleasure and amusement. “You are very good at that. You make some of my other lovers seem inadequate compared to you. You swallow me and I like the look of seeing my cock disappear. My knob in your throat is better than most times that a girl has gone down on me.”

  “I’m only doing what you requested or more to the point forced me to do against my will.” I was trying to show that this was not something that I wanted to do. I don’t think he believed a single word. My mouth wouldn’t have been, so eager to please, had I not had an interest to see what it would be like to take all of him.

  I could tell that he was grinding his teeth, twisting my hair, just a little bit tighte
r and moving his hips a little bit faster. I watched, as that long piece of meat came at me over and over again. It wasn’t, until I felt the knob puff out that I got a pretty good idea of what was coming next.

  “I do believe…suck it…that you may be protesting a little bit too much… YESSSS.” His exclamation of excitement was followed by stream after stream of his nectar forcing its way out of the head. They landed heavily on my tongue. I should have swallowed it, but I continued to allow him to fill up that space. It was only when I had no choice that I gave in to that need to consume him.

  He moved away from me, reaching back for anything to break his fall. He was lucky that there was a tree present. He put his hand on it and then slumped down onto the ground with his legs spread obscenely. His cock had some of his stuff still sticking to it. I wiped my hand across my mouth and then I crawled to him like some sort of animal after its prey.

  “I don’t think I’m done.” He wasn’t sure what I was getting at. I grabbed him at the base and I put my mouth back over top off him. He shuddered underneath the ministrations of my oral delights. He was shaking his head back and forth, tossing his dirty mane of hair from side to side. His eyes were closed and I was surprised that he didn’t try to stop me. I guess he didn’t want to appear weak. He allowed me to show him how sensitive that he was after a finale that almost choked me.

  I made sure to give him that treatment for longer than necessary. He was squirming underneath me and that was the kind of power that a woman in my position would have been happy to have. I easily popped my lips free and licked my lips of anything that was left over. I sat down in the same position between his legs and lay my head against his chest. He was breathing heavy and for that moment, he was no use to anybody.

  It was then that I realized that I could have run, but instead I cuddled up to him and stayed within the warmth of his body.

  Chapter three

  “I would have gladly taken you right there on the ground, but I think that I can do better than that. Diana, I will do everything in my power to make you happy, but that’s not my main concern. I need you to learn to fight. There will be women that are going to stand up against you and you’re going to have to knock them down one at a time. These fights usually last, until only one is left standing. Men from the village will crowd around and watch you and the other women battle. It’s one of our favorite pastimes.” I should’ve known that he would get something from a barbaric act of beating each other into the ground.

  “I can’t even throw a punch. You can testify to that. I don’t think you even felt the blow that I gave you. You laughed it off and made me feel like I can’t even protect myself. I don’t want to be defined by having a man in my life.” He was not just any man, he was Shamus. He had just finished telling me that he was the lord of a Scottish Castle. It would take us several days to get there.

  “We have time to teach you the basics and a few other moves that might prove useful. That’s only if you are willing to learn. It would be a good idea that you did. I can’t have a woman of mine being laid flat on the ground with a knife sticking out of her chest. People would never look at me the same way again. They would think that I had lost my good judgment. They would challenge me and I would have no choice, but to vanquish one after the other. If you were to show that you were a warrior, then I wouldn’t have to worry about people stepping up to me.”

  “I hate to interrupt this, but I have been sent ahead to make sure that you were OK, lord Shamus.” It was quite clear to me that this man was his protector. It would appear that his men did not like him going out into the field of battle alone. They were obligated to abide by his rules, but that didn’t mean that they couldn’t take precautions. “I see that you’ve found yourself a little treat.” I turned away from him, not giving him the satisfaction of seeing me adore his lord.

  “Finley, you can tell them and that we have a change of plans. I'm coming back. I need you to go to them and tell them that this battle is not gonna happen. I have made a deal with their people. In exchange for one of their wenches, I’ve decided to spare their lives.” Finley didn’t look at all happy about his lord’s decision. He did walk away grumbling underneath his breath, but he knew that the lord’s decree was final.

  “It didn’t look like he was happy about your decision. Are you sure that you’re doing the right thing?” I shouldn’t have questioned him. Had he changed his mind, my friends and my family would be slaughtered and their blood would stain the ground forever.

  “Diana, I’m doing what I want and I will not let anybody tell me differently. I don’t want a woman that’s going to be, so easy to submit. I want the attitude that I saw, when I first came upon you. You don’t wear a dress and you don’t bow down to those that think that they know better than you. You’re a woman of substance. You don’t know all about a man’s pleasure, even though you can perform on your knees with this desire in your eyes.” It felt good to help my people. It felt even better that I’d found a man that I could truly come to terms with being with.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining, but why haven’t you tried to take me? Perhaps, I’m not exactly your type and you’re having a hard time getting yourself excited enough to be with me.”

  “You have no worries about that, Diana. I just finished telling you that you are more women than any of these other women back in my village. They continually come after me with advance after advance. They see getting with me, as a good way of becoming the woman behind the man. They want that power in the palm of their hand. You have more grace and I feel that you would make a better fit on the throne beside me. The only reason why I haven’t taken you is because I can only do that after the ceremony.” I wasn’t so sure that either one of us could last that long.

  “If you can keep your hands off of me for the next few days, until we get back to your village then I will be very surprised. Just between you and me, I hope that you falter. You are a man and most of them can’t keep it in their pants. For you to do otherwise makes you stronger than all of them combined. I’m just wondering, if you can truly stand up to that kind of abstinence. I think that I can, but your needs are a different story.”

  He dressed and put on that red and black curtain that he called a tartan. He showed me how to tie it around his shoulders. He did look pretty damn good and all he would need to look better was a bit of attention to detail. I tried to run my hands through his hair, but they were riddled with knots. I could barely pull my hand free. I touched his beard and the bristles pierced my skin.

  When he was dressed, he led me back to his horse that was drinking water. It was a magnificent black stallion and the kind of animal that told you that it would stand up to just about anything.

  Over the next few days, it was hard to keep my hands off of him, but even harder for him. That was evident by the constant bulge underneath that kilt. I’d found out that Scottish warriors did not wear anything underneath their kilt. It was a tradition to ride bareback. Each time that the horse moved that kilt would rise up from the horse bounding along. I would see his healthy cheeks. I’m not sure, but I think that he was doing that to get underneath my skin.

  “Diana, we are less than a few hours away. We had traveled some of the way by boat, taking his horse along with him. The unsavory characters that we came up against were constantly giving me the eye on board. I guess they weren’t used to seeing a lady and they decided to show it in a way that made me feel a little uncomfortable.

  Seeing this, Shamus had killed two of them and made sure to do it publicly with the entire ship watching. From that moment on, there was no body that would lay a hand on me. In fact, there was nobody that would even look at me in the eye. I felt ostracized, but I also knew that it was better than the alternative.

  “I don’t think I told you, Shamus. I really do appreciate you stepping in on that boat. They had some ideas and I’m sure that the both of us know exactly what they were thinking. I felt dirty and exposed, until you came to my r
escue and showed them that I was under your protection. I really think that they thought they were going to get away with it, but you made sure to make them think differently.”

  He had taken me higher than I had ever been before on an emotional whirlwind that was quite by surprise. It was a chance that I had to take and maybe this had started with him laying down the law. I couldn’t admit it to myself, but there was something growing between us. He had shown to be a man of honor, although I could see that it was killing him inside to wait to consummate this relationship.

  “I would never let anybody lay a hand on you. I feel it’s my obligation to keep you safe, whether it’s from an enemy or friend. You may cower from me, but I will not allow anybody else to make you feel that way.” I wasn’t sure how to take that. He liked his women to shy away from him. He wanted to be the one to seduce them into his bed and not the other way around. He had no delusions that his own people and the women within were a little bit too heavy handed for his liking.

  “I’m just glad that you did something about it. I don’t agree with your methods, but the results are undeniable. Killing those two men sent a message to the rest of them that made them want to jump off the ship. Since they couldn’t, they instead gave us a wide berth.” I had my hands wrapped around him and every so often, I would linger a little lower, just so that I could get his attention. There were many times that I heard his gasp of approval and there were many times that I thought that I would have to have my hands tied behind my back to prevent myself from touching him.

  For the most part, it was a game of who could tease the other one to the point of losing their composure. He was good at brushing by me and exciting my mind and my body. He made it seem like an accident, but we both knew the truth. He was purposely trying to turn up the heat and make me want him in the worst way possible. He didn’t have to worry about that and I had already resigned myself to the fact that he had me wrapped around his little finger.


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