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Owned: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

Page 4

by Angela Nicole

  “Would you like a drink before we take off, Mr. O’Donohue?” my flight attendant, Beatrix, asks with a flirtatious grin. She’s been trying to get me to ask her out for the last three months. No dice, Beatrix.

  “A bottle of champagne, please. Two glasses.”

  “Oh, I was unaware we have another passenger flying home.”

  “I’m not sure we do, but I’d like to be prepared just in case. Thank you.”

  I turn my head to stare out the window, letting her know I’m done with the conversation.

  A minute later and with a bottle chilling in front of me, movement on the tarmac catches my eye.

  Christ. KJ is making her way to the bottom of the stairs leading up to the door of my plane. Her blond hair is pooled on top of her head, drawing my attention to her gorgeous neck. And her outfit . . . How can she make denim overalls look so sexy? She laughs as she hands her bag over to the handler who’s still loading items into the cargo area.

  I make my way to greet her at the door, but my captain has already beat me to it. Of course he has. He’s a handsome guy around her age. I don’t blame him for wanting to introduce himself. I want to kill him, but I don’t blame him.

  “Ms. Lennon is here, sir.”

  “I see that, Max.” My reply is gruff.

  His acknowledgment is obvious when he nods before moving to the cockpit.

  “So that’s the pilot, huh? Is he even old enough to fly this plane?” KJ inquires as she makes her way to me.

  For a moment, I’m shocked to see her. She’s got guts coming back to Florida with me. I admire that.

  “I believe Max is around your age, KJ. I assure you he’s old enough.”

  “I’ll take your word for it,” she says as she looks around the plane.

  “I’m glad you decided to come along.”

  “It was a tough decision, Declan. Sitting in coach, which had the potential for screaming kids and tons of people or flying on a private jet.”

  “Please come and sit. We’ll be taking off soon. I have a bottle of champagne chilling and some food to snack on before serving lunch.”

  “Wow, this is pretty cool,” she replies as she runs her hand over the back of the tan leather chair before taking her seat at the table.

  “Didn’t your dad fly by private jet between races?”

  KJ laughs. “Not my dad. He wasn’t into spending the money he had. We would either fly commercial or drive his truck from race to race. We didn’t live a flashy lifestyle, Declan. My dad came from nothing and saved almost everything he earned.”

  I raise my eyebrows at her comment. “If you think this is crazy, wait until you see my place on Fisher Island. I want the team at my place in two weeks so we can formulate our season strategy.”

  Pouring her a glass of Cristal rosé, I wait for some smart-ass comment. She doesn’t disappoint.

  “So, you want us to come to your house for what, like a weekend of bonding? My teammates and I already have a strategy to win. It’s the same as we had the last three years.”

  I watch as she takes a sip, letting her lips linger slightly against the rim of the glass. I shift uncomfortably. She watches me do it. KJ can tell she affects me. I don’t like it. Needing to take control of her and this situation, I offer a new vision.

  “Your past strategy may have been okay with my brother, but I’m the owner now. I have some ideas I hope will lead to a championship this year. I may have been on the sidelines for the last ten years, but I know racing, KJ. I wouldn’t have agreed to take over when Patrick left if I wasn’t confident in all three of you. So yeah, maybe we’ll all bond at my place if it earns O’Donohue a championship this year.”

  KJ studies me, but before I can extract what she’s thinking, Beatrix informs us Max is ready to take off. “Buckle up, KJ. This season is going to be interesting.” I wink.


  Well, the last few hours have been interesting. Just when I think Declan O’Donohue lets his guard down, he buttons up tight. After our lunch, we exchanged some personal history. I told him about growing up on the circuit with my dad. I explained how Nina, my traveling teacher, helped me stay up on my studies. I was too young to be left alone, and since my dad was a single parent, he had to bring me along.

  Declan and his brother were both born in Ireland but came here as babies. Their parents owned an Irish pub on the outskirts of Boston. They have both passed just like my dad. It’s about the only thing he and I have in common besides racing. He’s several years older than I am, but that doesn’t mean my body cares. It seems to react all on its own when he’s near.

  Even after he opens up about his parents, I can tell he’s keeping some part of his life secret. Perhaps after some more time, he’ll let me in on whatever it is.

  “Did you leave your car at the airport?”

  Shaking my head, I place my champagne glass down on the table between us. “No, I took an Uber to that airport, so I’ll take one back. I would’ve had my friend, Andi, pick me up, but my original flight was getting in the same time she’d be at work.”

  “I’ll arrange for a car to take you home. I don’t want you to take an Uber.”

  A giggle pours out of me. Champagne got me into trouble with Declan before. “Why would I take a car you hire instead of the one I do?”

  He raises his eyebrow at my challenge. “I use a service when I’m traveling. They are vetted and available in all major cities including Tampa. I don’t want my drivers getting into a car not knowing who is driving them.”

  “You would do this for Franco or Kyle too? You’re not doing this just because I’m a woman?”

  Declan shifts in his leather chair. The comment must’ve made him uncomfortable. Good. Just his presence makes me uncomfortable. I mean, how am I going to work with someone who makes every inch of my body tingle?

  “Fine. You want to take an Uber, go ahead, KJ. I know you’re a strong, independent woman who probably doesn’t want some man to be concerned with her safety.”

  Oh my gosh. He’s pouting like a child. Even though it amuses me, I give in. The thought of him caring about me enough to want to make sure I’m safe is another reason the man is sexy as hell.

  Reaching over, I grab his hand in mine. My heart convulses from the heat of his skin. His green eyes snap to mine as if confirming what I’m feeling. “You can call me a car. I understand if you want your drivers to be safe. Why take any unnecessary risks, right?”

  His thumb rubs against mine. My breath hitches as he realizes what he’s doing and pulls away.

  Declan nods, pulls out his phone, and texts the car company. And just like that, whatever the connection we felt is left to fester for another time.


  “Maureen did great while you were out of town, Mr. O’Donohue. The new medication seems to help.”

  “Thank you for checking in on her, Pamela.”

  I hired a private nurse to stop in and check on my sister twice a day while I was out of town to make sure Maureen took her meds and ate a healthy meal. And yes, to make sure she didn’t forget something on the stove.

  “I’ll stop by again on Wednesday. Perhaps I can bring Ranger with me.” She smiles as she enters the elevator.

  “She loves your dog, so bring Ranger any time. Thanks again.” I wave as the doors close.

  “You do know I don’t need a babysitter, little brother,” Maureen admonishes me from her open door.

  I lean my back against the pine green wall, feeling like she has caught me doing something I shouldn’t have. “Can you just humor me once in a while? And I thought you liked Pamela.”

  My older and—even with Alzheimer’s—wiser sister just smirks. “I love Pamela, but why couldn’t you have some hot, young, male nurse come and spend the day with me?”

  And there you have it—my sister.

  “I am—she’s bringing Ranger next time.”

  With a chuckle, Maureen closes her door.

  Glancing at my watch, I see it’s almost
time for my video meeting with my assistant so we can get ready for bringing the team out here. Molly is in Fort Lauderdale with her husband and daughter, so I didn’t want her to have to trek to Fisher Island. I’m becoming more and more proficient with technology each day. It’s not like I have a choice since my brother handed over the reins. Until now, my use of technology involved my phone, spreadsheet apps, and my alarm clock.

  I enter my office for the first time in weeks. Other than my bedroom, it’s my favorite room in my home. It overlooks the water, as does my bedroom. From both, I can watch the sunset. Truth be told, sometimes I’m so distracted by the view I get little done.

  Popping open my laptop, I log in to the meeting with Molly. She asks how my time in California was, so I fill her in, but not on everything. I keep my sudden and totally inappropriate attraction to one of my drivers to myself.

  “Everything is all set for next week. Kyle, Franco, and KJ are driving in together from Tampa. I’ve booked their hotel rooms, and the yacht is ready to pick them up and bring them to you.”

  Molly is a godsend. I couldn’t have made this transition without her.

  “You’re the best, Moll. I’m so glad you stayed on when Patrick left.”

  Her laughter fills my ear, making me smile. “Well, your brother promised me you weren’t an ogre, so I thought, why not?”

  It’s my turn to laugh. “I’ll email you the files I completed for the race in St. Petersburg. The sponsorship meetings went well, so we should be all set.”

  Molly’s daughter cries in the background. “I’ll let you go, Moll. Let me know if you need anything else from me before next week.”

  “I will, Declan. Bye.”

  Leaning back in my chair, I wonder if KJ thinks I’m an ogre. Does it even matter? I’m her boss, so it shouldn’t really matter what she thinks of me. But I do, especially if she feels the same as me. In all honesty, it’s not as if I can act on anything. So we have a physical attraction to each other. At least she kissed me like she wanted me. Of course, that was before either of us knew I’d be her boss someday.

  Kathy Jo Lennon is so real. She’s not some high maintenance gold digger. I’ve had plenty of those women in my bed. It never really mattered to me because they wanted a quick fuck. And so did I. Those emotionless encounters helped me get through a very dark time in my life.

  After my parents both passed, Patrick and Maureen were all I had left. That was until I met Daphne Williams, my parents’ attorney.

  After a quick courtship, Daphne and I got engaged. She and I knew each other for years, running in the same circles. Her reputation as an attorney is what led me to recommend her to my parents.

  She did great by them, but by me? Well, she left me for another woman. My therapist would tell you that’s why I pursue women who I know I’ll never settle down with. I am guarding my heart, Dr. Moss says. I think maybe I am guarding my bank account more than my heart.

  Maureen and I have a quick dinner before I head out for a night swim in the rooftop pool. If I’m honest, part of me is excited to have the team here next week. I haven’t been in the same room with all three of them at the same time yet. Ensuring our compatibility is important to me and essential to the success of O’Donohue Racing.

  While the three of them are so different, they will all need the same thing from me—my support and respect. Franco will get that if he keeps himself out of trouble with all the women. Jesus, everywhere I look, he’s making headlines with the number of broken hearts he leaves in his wake. There have been at least two women who’ve claimed to be pregnant by him—both of which he vehemently denies.

  Based on my conversation with Kyle, he feels like a little fish in a big bowl. During his time in the Indy Lights, it was the other way around. I make a mental note to help him gain the confidence he needs.

  As for KJ, she has all the confidence in the world. She keeps her nose clean when it comes to public relations, so she isn’t the nightmare that Franco can be. I think KJ needs me to let her stand on her own and prove she can win a championship. She probably would also like it if I stopped being attracted to her.

  Out of everything the three of them need, that last one will prove to the most difficult.


  It’s been two weeks since my trip home to Florida from California. I’ve trained hard every day, thereby earning myself some downtime. Franco and Kyle are coming to town today for a little get together before we head over to Fisher Island on Friday. I’ve only met Kyle briefly once before, but Franco and I have been teammates for two years.

  While I’ve heard Kyle is pretty laid back, Franco isn’t. He’s a balls-to-the-wall driver. Taking risks both on and off the track is what he’s best known for. And talk about a ladies’ man. He’s with a new woman in each city we visit.

  I shake my head at the thought. Deep down underneath his cocky bravado, Franco is one of the most loyal people I know. If someone is driving dirty, they don’t want to have to deal with Franco. He’s like the enforcer of a hockey team.

  I think that’s part of why women find him appealing. Is he gorgeous? Hell yeah, but this cockiness is a turn on . . . for some. To me, though, he’s like a protective big brother.

  “Do you think we have enough ice?” Andi asks, interrupting my thoughts.

  My best friend is a perpetual worrier. She’s as organized as anyone I know, and that’s saying a lot for someone raising a son all on her own while holding down a full-time job. Thankfully, as a realtor, Andi makes her own schedule so she can be home with her son when she needs to be.

  Popping the top of the cooler open, I see four bags of ice. I smile, thinking about her OCD. “There’s more than enough, Andi. We probably won’t be able to fit any beer in here,” I laugh.

  “Oh shit. All right, I’ll take some ice out.”

  “No! Leave it. I think I hear Jacob calling for you,” I lie.

  Andi blows out a sigh. Her babysitter is sick, so she bought Jacob with her today. I don’t care. I love Jacob just as if he was mine.

  With Andi preoccupied, I check in on where the guys are. Kyle is the one to text back. They are fifteen minutes away, having just checked into their hotel.

  “I think you’re hearing things. Jacob is playing his video games. Okay, so the chicken is marinating, and I’ve shucked the corn. The fruit salad is in the refrigerator, so I think we’re all set.”

  I notice Andi wringing her hands. “Hey, what has you so wound up?”

  Her warm brown eyes light up as she tucks a piece of her short black hair behind her ear. “Nothing. I mean, why would anything have me wound up?”

  I arch my eyebrow at her because I know she’s lying. Before I can call her out on it, I hear a horn beep. “The guys are here. I can’t wait to introduce you to Franco and Kyle.” I smile as I run out front to greet them.

  “Well, there she is, my sister from another mister,” Franco chuckles.

  “Hey, Bigshot,” I retort, using the nickname I gave him when he won his first race.

  Franco makes his way around the car for a quick hug. At the same time, Kyle leans against the car door, not sure what to do. After all, he’s the newbie here. But not for long. I let go of Franco before sidling up to Kyle.

  I bump his shoulder with mine. “Well, if it isn’t my younger brother from another mother.”

  His pale blue eyes nearly pop out of his head before letting out a hearty laugh.

  “Told you.” Franco smirks at Kyle.

  “What did you say?”

  “I told Kyle, KJ Lennon is like the sister you never wanted.”

  This gets my newest teammate to laugh. “It’s good to be here, KJ. Thanks for inviting me.”

  I wave Kyle off. “No formalities here. The three of us are family, you know, and if you don’t, you’ll know soon enough. Come on around back. I have drinks set up out by the pool. I’ll just go grab my friend and her son, and I’ll be right out.”

  I lead Kyle and Franco out to the backyard, where they
both crack open a beer. When I open my wooden screen door, I’m met with what looks to be a terrified Andi. Before I can say anything, she offers me an awkward smile.

  “KJ, I’ve got the chips and guacamole dip. Go hang with the guys. Jacob and I’ll be right out.”

  “You sure? I don’t want you to think you have to wait on us.”

  “I know I don’t, but it’ll keep my mind busy. Go on. I’ll be just a second or two.”

  “Okay, but wait until you set your eyes on Kyle. Whew! I think he’s right up your alley.”

  “My alley has cobwebs, KJ. Just go already.”

  I snicker at her comment. But that’s Andi. She’s brutally honest about her social life, or lack thereof.

  I grab a bottle of water before I head out. It’s much too early in the day for me to drink. I’m a lightweight anyway, so I need to last for a while.

  Franco and Kyle are sitting at my high-top table. Kyle has his back to me, but Franco is staring right past me to my door. When I turn to see what has his attention, it’s Andi as she and Jacob make their way out.


  “Hey, Mom, that’s Franco Cavanetti, but I don’t know who that other guy is.” Jacob’s excitement is apparent.

  Kyle laughs at his anonymity where Jacob is concerned. It’s pretty cute. But that’s not what catches my attention. What’s confusing me are the looks going between Franco and Andi.

  “I, er, don’t think I’ve ever introduced you to Andi,” I say to Franco, who hasn’t blinked since Andi made her way out.

  “No need, KJ. We’ve met before, right, Andrea?”

  Franco knows Andi, and he knows her formal name, which she hates.

  My best friend’s eyes lock on mine. As if I can read her mind, Andi is in a fight-or-flight mode. She doesn’t know what to do or say, I can tell. Until . . .

  “Excuse me,” she murmurs as she runs back into my house.

  Franco lets out a frustrated growl. Poor Kyle doesn’t know what to do, and Jacob is oblivious to all the tension because he’s so enamored by Franco.


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