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Owned: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

Page 5

by Angela Nicole

  “Um, I’ll go check on Andi. Jacob, how about you show the guys your tree fort,” I say with raised eyebrows, hoping he takes the bait.

  His brown eyes light up, the excitement almost boiling over. “Okay. Come on, guys, let’s go. I can show you where I hide from my mom and KJ.”

  Jacob earns a smile from Kyle, but Franco looks torn. Rubbing the back of his neck, he nods to me as if relinquishing any sort of thought of going after her himself.

  The three head to the back of my yard, where Jacob spends most of his time when he’s here. When he was younger, he didn’t mind hanging out with his mom and her friend. But now, at the age of eight, he wants his own space. I don’t blame him.

  Since Jacob was a year old, it’s just been the three of us. I help Andi out when I can, but I don’t see them all too often during race season. A few days here and there, which isn’t enough.

  Andi’s ex, Jerry, left when Jacob was seven months old. God only knows where he is now and, quite frankly, good riddance.

  As I make my way into my kitchen, I watch Andi as she rummages through cupboards, slamming the doors a little too forcefully.

  “Need something?”

  Andi jumps at my voice. Turning to look at me, I see she’s clutching her chest. “Jesus Christ, KJ. You scared the shit out of me!”

  I nod toward the back door. “Wanna tell me how you know Franco? Neither of you has mentioned each other before, so I’m quite curious. I mean, why would you keep that from your best friend? Ya know, since he’s my teammate and all.”

  I know I’m lobbing the questions at her quickly. Maybe I’m a little pissed off at the whole thing. Why would two people close to me keep meeting each other a secret unless . . .

  Andi huffs, “Maybe I didn’t want you to know that I was just another woman in Franco’s bed. You talk about what a playboy he is, so maybe I didn’t want you to know I fell for his lines at the Indianapolis 500 last year. I mean, whatever, it’s no big deal. I got drunk, and you went to bed early. I couldn’t find my room and ended up knocking on his by mistake.” She waves her hand as if to dismiss me. But she must know I’m not letting this go until I get the entire story.

  “So, you didn’t tell me because you were embarrassed?”

  “I didn’t tell you because I knew what you’d say. I know what kind of guy he is, KJ. I slept with him, okay. I ran out the next morning before he woke up. He didn’t try to find me, and I didn’t try to contact him. End of story. It happens all the time. I’m fine, so can we just go back out there and get this over with?”

  I’m shocked by what Andi is telling me. Perhaps even a little pissed that neither one of my friends told me about this little one-night stand they had. I need time to process this myself.

  “I don’t want you to feel like you have to be here if you’re uncomfortable. Had I known what happened, I could’ve made some other arrangements to meet the guys.”

  Andi’s eyes cast downward. I know the look. She feels bad for not telling me. It’s her guilty tell.

  She blows out a sigh and squares her shoulders. “This is your party, KJ. If I’m uncomfortable, it’s because I made a stupid mistake last year. I didn’t tell you because, yeah, I’m embarrassed. I know how you feel about the way women throw themselves at Franco. I just didn’t want you to think of me that way too.”

  Crap. An arrow right through my heart. Now I feel just as guilty as she does. Yeah, maybe I made it hard for her to tell me, but I know Andi isn’t out to chase the drivers. She didn’t have sex with Franco because of who he is and what he does.

  “I’m sorry I made you feel as though you couldn’t tell me. I love you. If you want to leave, I’ll understand. I’d love for you to stay, though. Maybe we can have fun with this and torture Franco.”

  “Torture Franco?” Andi asks.

  “Oh my god, didn’t you see the way he looked at you? I don’t think he liked you skipping out on him. No one has ever done that before. In fact, I don’t think he ever lets the women he screws stay over.” I cringe at the words that came out of my mouth. “Sorry, that wasn’t meant to be an insult.”

  “I know. I just—ugh! I can’t believe I did that. And with your teammate. What the hell was I thinking? I mean, yes, he’s gorgeous, and boy does he know his way around the female body, but it was a mistake.”

  I throw my arm around my best friend’s shoulder and pull her to me. “I think if you go out there and act like it wasn’t a big deal, it’ll drive Franco crazy. And that will be a lot of fun to watch. What do you say? Want to go make the playboy squirm a little?” I waggle my eyebrows at her.

  She bursts into laughter before pulling me into a warm hug. “I’m really sorry I didn’t tell you. I just didn’t want things to be weird between the three of us.”

  I wave her off. “I get it because yes, now it is weird, but who cares. Let’s go have some fun.”

  For the next two hours, Jacob talks Kyle’s ear off about racing while Franco won’t stop staring at Andi. I watch the two as they dance around what happened between them. Of course, I need to know more about that night. And Andi better be ready to share it. I need to know what I’m in for with my brooding teammate.

  After the sun sets and things wind down, Andi and Jacob call it a night. With a quick goodbye from Kyle and a grunt from Franco, I walk my bestie out to her car.

  “Thanks for helping me today. I couldn’t have done it without you,” I admit as she slides her van door closed after Jacob gets in.

  “Not a problem, babe. I don’t mind helping. I just wish things weren’t so awkward. I kind of knew it would be, but Franco’s your friend too, so I’m sorry for putting you on the spot.”

  “He may be my friend, but he’s not my best friend. I only have to deal with him a few months out of the year, but you, my dear, I have to put up with every day.”

  We share a laugh, only to be interrupted by a clearing throat.

  “Andrea, can I talk to you for a minute before you leave?” Franco doesn’t blink as he stares at her.

  It’s kind of funny to see him so flummoxed over her. Franco Cavanetti, the bad boy of IndyCar, rarely gets ignored by women.

  “You okay?” I ask Andi.

  She glances at Jacob in the van, then nods.

  I kiss her on the cheek and stare down Franco. “Don’t be a dick,” I whisper as I pass by.

  My loyalties are to Andi. Teammates may come and go, but Andi will be my bestie forever.

  Franco is out front with Andi for about ten minutes. When he returns, he grabs another beer and hands the car keys to Kyle, who hasn’t been drinking.

  “Wanna talk about what the hell is going on between you and my best friend?”

  He blows out a breath as he takes a seat across the table from Kyle and me. “She told me she filled you in already.”

  “Well, Andi didn’t go into detail except to say she went to the wrong room, you were both drunk and blah blah blah, and she left.”

  “What’s the big deal, Franco? You know your womanizing reputation is well documented,” Kyle taunts earning him the middle finger.

  “I have to admit, I was surprised when she told me. We don’t keep secrets from each other. And Andi isn’t like the women who chase after drivers. I swear to God, Franco, if you hurt her, I will end you.”

  “Really? Do you think I would hurt her? I know she isn’t some fence bunny. She’s the one who left afterward. I didn’t ask her to leave. That’s the first time I had a woman spend the whole night with me. If you want to know why she left, then ask her. When I did, she gave me some song and dance about having a boyfriend, which I knew was bullshit. Andi isn’t the cheating kind.”

  Hmm. No, she isn’t. “Well, whatever happened is over, so we can all move on, right?”

  Franco issues me a grunt for an answer. Somehow, I don’t think this is the last time we’ll talk about their little tryst.


  My team arrives tomorrow, and I’m a bit nervous. I need to keep my attrac
tion to KJ under wraps. The last thing I need is for Kyle or Franco to think anything is going on between us—because there isn’t. There never will be. Even if we weren’t owner and driver, there’s such an age gap. Why would I think she’d be interested in me?


  “Out here, Maureen.”

  My sister makes her way out to my balcony. She looks better today. Yesterday was a bad day. Her daughter, Bridget, called but Maureen couldn’t place her. It’s happened a few times now, and she gets frustrated. It’s as if Maureen knows she doesn’t remember Bridget when she should. It’s sad to watch. And I know it’s tough for Bridget being in law school up in Massachusetts with her mom here. But there is no way she could take care of her mom.

  “Are you ready for your guests tomorrow?” she asks as she takes a seat in the chaise lounge next to me.

  “I think so,” I lie.

  She tilts her head, raising her sunglasses so she can study my face. My sister always knows when I am not telling the truth and has since I was a kid.

  “What’s got you concerned? You know Patrick and I have every faith in you. You’ve got the right business mind for taking over the team.”

  I wonder if Maureen would feel that way if she knew about KJ? I tuck those feelings away because there’s no place for them in this business.

  “I’m just excited to get the season going, that’s all. The first race is only weeks away.”

  My sister reaches for my hand. The three O’Donohue siblings have always been close. Even with Patrick halfway around the world, I can feel his support through Maureen.

  I give her hand a tight squeeze and a warning. “Now, when the guys get here, make sure to keep your hands to yourself, Moe.” It’s been my nickname for her ever I could speak.

  Her face lights up with a laugh. “Jesus, Declan, I’m old enough to be their mother. Give me a break, will ya?”

  Smirking at her embarrassment, I recall when we were younger. Patrick and I loved to embarrass our sister. Now, as an adult, I regret the torture we put her through. I don’t know how long Maureen will know me, and that uncertainty eats away at my soul. So, for now, I take the good days and savor them. And today is a good day.


  “You know this isn’t a race, right?” I’m not normally a backseat driver. But crap, Franco is driving like we’re in Indianapolis.

  “Ha ha, just sit back and enjoy, KJ. We’ve only got another hour before we get to the dock.”

  Leaning my head back, I pray we make it the rest of the way in one piece. Funny, isn’t it? I don’t freak out about racing on the track, even going over two hundred miles an hour, but it’s a different experience altogether on the regular road. I’m not in control, and I don’t like it.

  Kyle and Franco spend the next hour comparing notes for the upcoming season. Me? I’m still trying not to die back here. I make a mental note to drive next time.

  “Holy shit! Look at that,” Kyle yells as we pull up to the yacht club.

  There must be thirty yachts docked in front of us, one bigger than the next.

  “Jesus, Patrick didn’t live like this. Declan sure knows how to live it up,” Franco answers.

  I can’t say much because I’m too busy gawking at what’s immediately in front of us. It must be two stories tall, okay maybe not quite, but still. The Galloway is Declan’s yacht, and it’s enormous.

  “I can’t believe where Declan lives is only accessible by boat. We’re going to have a fucking blast this weekend.” Franco’s excitement is apparent.

  Suddenly, I’m nervous. I mean, I was a little nervous coming here because of how I left things with Declan. But now, seeing this? The man oozes sex and sophistication. Even his yacht is sleek and sexy.

  Franco pulls into a parking spot up against the sea wall. It’s a calm day, and the almost clear water is like glass. There isn’t a ripple from the wind, only the occasional small wave from a passing boat.

  “Who lives like this?”

  Kyle laughs. “I can’t believe your dad, with all of his championships, never flaunted his money.”

  It’s true, my dad didn’t spend his money on lavish things. Instead, he invested it so that his family could do whatever it was they wanted in the future. So, for now, that means me.

  “Is that the captain?” Franco asks as we all notice the man standing at the top of the steps.

  No one answers because none of us has ever been in this situation before. I mean, I’m sure we’ve all been on boats, but nothing like this.

  “I bet O’Donohue screws a lot of women when he shows him the size of his boat,” Franco snorts.

  Ugh! The thought of that reminds me of the concierge in California. It was obvious they had some sort of personal relationship by the daggers she was throwing my way. I shake my mind to rid it of the feelings of jealousy. Declan O’Donohue is nothing more than my boss. At this point, without this racing team, I’d be sunk.

  Franco and Kyle are already out of the car as I give myself a quick pep talk. Play it cool. This is a professional weekend. Do not under any circumstances think about Declan sexually.

  Making my way out of the back seat, I grab my rolling suitcase.

  “Hey, look, it’s Declan.” Kyle waves.

  I slide my sunglasses down from the top of my head, shielding my eyes from the bright Florida sun. And there he is. Declan looks like a king standing watch over his castle.

  He waves back to Kyle, acknowledging our group. Suddenly I realize Franco and Kyle have already started making their way to the yacht, leaving me still standing by the car. My heart skips when I see how casually he’s dressed for someone on a multi-million-dollar boat.

  My new boss is leaning against the yacht’s railing, dressed in khaki shorts and a navy-blue T-shirt. With a baseball hat on backward, he looks like he could be fifteen years younger than I suspect he is. However, the sexy silver in his beard gives it away.

  Willing my feet to move, I slowly make my way over. I chastise myself for acting like a teenage girl about to talk to her crush. Squaring my shoulders, I begin what feels like the walk of shame after a night of debauchery. I’m not sure why I feel so guilty about thinking of Declan the way I do.

  Declan shakes hands with both Franco and Kyle while giving them a sturdy pat on their backs. “Enter right through that door. Mary Anne, my steward, is waiting for you in the salon with some drinks.”

  My traitorous teammates leave us. They can’t feel the tension between us, can they? Declan watches them as they pass by, and once they’re out of sight, he acknowledges me. And it’s different. There’s something soulful about the way he looks at me. I can feel it down to my curled toes.

  “KJ, nice to see you again.”

  My name rolls off his tongue like he’s been saying it all his life.

  “Declan, this is quite a welcome,” I force out as I nod to the yacht behind him.

  He laughs as he grabs the handle to my bag. “Only the best for my team. Come on, Ms. Lennon, let’s join the others.”

  With his hand on my lower back, he allows me up the steps ahead of him. The heat from his touch sears me in all the right places. Damn my body for responding to him. With a mental shake, I enter what looks like a grand living room.

  “Wow, this is gorgeous,” I say and turn to Declan, who’s staring at me.

  “Gorgeous, yes.”

  Oh god, he’s talking about me. It’s freaking obvious. Breaking eye contact, I glance to where Franco and Kyle are enjoying champagne when a woman, who appears to be in her mid-forties, makes her way to where Declan and I stand with a tray of champagne glasses. We take two from her with a thank you.

  “Let’s raise a glass to this racing season. As team owner, I expect great things. First, second, and third in St. Petersburg to start.”

  We all laugh, but I’m not so sure he’s joking.

  After a few minutes of chitchat, we move onto the deck as the yacht pulls away from the dock. I stumble forward a little, causing Declan
to grab me by my waist, securing me up against his body.

  “Oh! Sorry,” I squeak out.

  Declan devastates my lady parts with his smirk. “It may take you a few minutes to get your sea legs. You can hold on to me the whole trip over to the island if you want.”

  I’m so enamored with his sexy as sin lips, I forget what I am doing.

  “No! I’m okay, or at least I will be, but thanks for saving me from falling on my face.”

  He releases my waist, relieving me of my embarrassment. Luckily, Franco and Kyle aren’t paying any attention to what’s going on. They’re too busy hanging over the side of the yacht, watching as we pull past the dock.

  I watch for a moment, then realize it’s probably better for me to sit on one of the lounge chairs. Damn my land legs. It’s not as if we are miles out in the ocean. The trip only takes ten minutes, but my body isn’t ready for it.

  “You okay?” Franco asks as he takes a seat next to me.

  “Shit! Look at that.” Kyle looks back at us.

  “That’s where you’ll be sleeping the next two nights,” Declan replies as he points to the right.

  Leaning forward in my chair, I take in what’s before us. The resort is gorgeous. With a white Mediterranean style, it looks like something straight out of a magazine.

  “We’ll take your bags to your rooms. I’ve already checked in everyone. Then we’ll head over to my place,” Declan explains as we dock.

  A mere golf cart ride away, we pull up to a high rise decked out in a modern style entering through a secure, guarded gate. The tropical foliage and water surrounding the building is breathtaking.


  This is a terrible idea. I knew they’d want to experience the Miami nightlife, but I hadn’t counted on Franco suggesting I go with them. When Kyle seconded, I didn’t say no. I suppose I could have, and now I regret it.

  “Kyle is almost ready,” Franco murmurs as he sits next to me in the resort bar.

  “What about KJ?”

  “She just texted saying she’d be down in ten minutes.”


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