Chicago Mob, see Outfit
Chicago Police Department:
corruption in, 24
crime laboratory and, 77
Chicago Prohibition office, 13, 14, 16, 107
Basile in, 32
Ness promoted to chief investigator of, 104
secretaries in, 10–12
staff reduction at, 104–5
Chicago Tribune, 2, 20, 21, 26, 41, 43, 47, 58, 86, 91, 97, 105, 107
Chope, H. D., 252
Christian Science, 31, 174, 229
Citizens’ Committee for the Prevention and Punishment of Crime, see Secret Six
Civilian Conservation Corps, 263
Clark, Darwin H., 89–90
clearing-house games, 195–99, 201, 202, 238
Cleveland, Ohio, 114–15
conventions and trade shows in, 160
crime decrease in, 189
Evaline Ness’s move to, 222, 227
financial troubles of, 121, 184
fire department in, 144, 184, 246, 250
Great Lakes Exposition in, 160–63, 171, 273
Kingsbury Run, 170–73, 224–26
Ness appointed safety director of, 4, 120–31
Ness’s campaign for mayor of, 276–83, 285
Ness’s destruction of homeless camps in, 224–26
Ness’s move to, 4, 114
Ness’s return to, 272
relief checks issued in, 202
Roaring Third district in, 129, 173
Tin Can Plaza in, 115, 160
traffic safety in, 144, 187–88, 189
Tremont neighborhood of, 185–86, 241, 242
Cleveland Barons, 205
Cleveland Mob:
extortion convictions and, 257
Mayfield Road Mob (Hill gang), 193–98, 204, 236–40
Ness’s campaign against, 193, 198–201, 204
protection racket and, 194–95
see also gambling
Cleveland Museum of Art, 114
Cleveland News, 5, 115, 143, 209, 225, 238
Cleveland Orchestra, 114
Cleveland Plain Dealer, see Plain Dealer
Cleveland Police Department, 184
binoculars for, 185, 188
crime-prevention campaigns in, 185–87, 188, 241–43, 281
foot patrol in, 184, 189n
Ness’s reorganization and innovations in, 184–86, 188–89, 216, 256
patrol cars for, 185, 188
stations of, 144
training school for, 111, 145
two-way radios for, 185, 188
Cleveland Police Department, corruption in, 120, 121, 126, 127, 141, 256
bootleggers and, 154–57, 175–81, 183
Burns and, 174, 175, 179–81
Cadek and, 154–57, 176, 178, 181
Flynn and, 180–81
Harwood and, 163–66, 174, 175–82
Nebe and, 174, 179–81
Ness’s investigation of, 130, 147–52, 160, 163–69, 174–83, 184, 193, 199, 210, 255
Ness threatened during investigation of, 192
Cleveland Press, 4, 122–23, 126, 142, 143, 145, 153–54, 157, 171, 181, 191, 196, 229, 244, 270
on Mob indictments, 239
on Ness’s automobile accident, 248, 249, 255
on Ness’s destruction of homeless camps, 225
on Ness’s record as safety director, 255
reader’s letter about gambling in, 202–3
Cleveland School of Art, 162, 274
Cleveland torso murders, 160, 170–74, 211–13, 223–24
Andrassy as victim in, 143–44, 158, 212
Dolezal’s confession in, 285–86
end of, 245, 285
Lady of the Lake as victim in, 113–14, 143, 159
Ness’s investigation of, 114, 144, 171–74, 211–15, 222–26, 244–45, 280–81
Polillo as victim in, 142–44, 212, 285
Sweeney as suspect in, 213–15, 222–24, 226, 244–45
Victim No. 4 in, 158–59, 163, 164
Wallace as victim in, 212
Cleveland Trust Company, 115
Cloonan, Bernard, 57, 87, 98, 107–8, 237
bribery allegations against, 102–4, 107, 292
domestic troubles of, 107
later career of, 292
Clothey, Tom, 124, 149, 150, 155, 166, 205, 246
Cobo, Albert, 285
Coen, Tom, 104
Collins, Jacob, 196
Colosimo, Jim, 86
Corcoran School of Art, 266–68
communists, 282
Condon, George, 125, 134
Connell, James C., 176
Converse, Frank, 204
Corrigan, William, 208
Corlett, Alva R., 208, 209
Cosmopolitan, 210
Costello, Timothy J., 167
Coudersport, Penn., 286, 294
Cowan, Guy, 162
Cowan Pottery, 162, 275
Cowles, David, 2, 145, 185, 212–15
Cozy Corners, 30, 32–33, 35, 36, 39–40, 294
Cranbrook Academy of Art, 275
crime laboratory, 76–77
Crowley, Joseph, 125
Cugat, Xavier, 161
Cullitan, Frank T., 132–38, 141, 147–49, 155, 156, 168, 174, 175, 177, 180, 237, 239, 257
union racketeering and, 205, 206, 210
Curtis, Charles, 55
Davey, Martin L., 202, 234
Davidson, Trudye Mae, 161
Davis, Harry L., 121, 154, 176, 250, 279
Davis, Rees, 126
Day, Frank, 177
Death Book, 59
De Grasse, Rocco, 92
Delaney, Bert, 70–71, 85
De Leporte, Rita, 275
Deneen, Charles, 14, 48
Depression, Great, 4, 58–59, 95, 108, 115, 160, 184, 204, 264, 268, 275
Derome, J. A., 274
DeSantis, Luther, 256
Detroit, Mich., 54, 285
Purple Gang in, 54, 118
Diebold Company, 272, 276, 283, 284–86
Dolezal, Frank, 285–86
Donohue, Edward, 187, 188
Doran, J. M., 55
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 205
Doyle, E. A., 102–3
Druggan, Terry, 46
Durell, Ann, 190, 231
Dylinski, Vince, 236
Earp, Wyatt, 5
Eckhardt, Edris, 275
Eddy, Mary Baker, 174
Federal Building, 106
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 240, 286, 292
Ness’s desire to join, 108–9
Feltrin, Tony, 39
Fergus, Billy, 135
Fidelity Check Corporation, 286
Filkowski, Joe, 186–87
fingerprinting, 163
Finkle, Herman H., 277, 278
Fisher, Fred, 24
Fisher Body plant strike, 229–30, 280
Flynn, John, 139, 150, 168, 173–74, 180–81
forensic crime laboratory, 76–77
Fourth Amendment, 72
Foyle, Jack, 287
Fraley, Oscar, 3–6, 52, 289–95
Franklin, Arthur, 19–21
Freud, Sigmund, 271
Friel, Tom, 57
Fritchey, Clayton, 153–56, 177, 178, 196, 239, 244, 255
Froelich, William, 49, 50–52, 56, 64, 78, 82
wiretapping and, 72
Fuerst, Leonard, 269
Fusco, Joe, 85, 95, 98
gambling, 132–41, 164–68, 198–99, 201–3, 210, 236–37, 246, 257
Press letter on, 202–3
legalization of, 203
Mayfield Road Mob (Hill gang) and, 196–97, 204, 236–40
Pittsburgh Mob and, 238–39
policy and clearing house, 195–99, 201, 202, 238
gangs, youth, 185–87, 188, 241, 242
crime-prevention bureau and, 241–43
gangsters, 23–24
Capone indictments and, 91
income-tax charges against, 49
Ness’s double agents, 199–200
Gardner, William Jennings, 54–55, 80, 104
alcoholism of, 81, 292
corruption accusation against, 81–82
disappearances of, 64, 81
football career of, 80–81
later career of, 292
leave of absence requested by, 64, 66
Ness’s memos about, 64
General Motors, 229
Gerber, Samuel, 211, 212
Giacosa, Giuseppe, 27
Giannini, Johnny, 30, 32–34, 36
murder of, 38
Gilbert, Lester, 27
Gill, Edward, 20, 21
Goddard, Calvin, 76, 100
Golding, George, 13–16, 36, 50, 53, 56
Beatty incident and, 15–16, 19, 21
Capone squad and, 52–54, 56
City Hall Square incident and, 19–21
Jamie and, 25–26
Juliano and, 14, 19
Ness and, 16–18, 19, 25
Gosney, Mary Louise, 116
Granger, Joseph, 128
Great Lakes Exposition, 160–63, 171, 273
Green, Dwight, 97, 124, 253, 293
Green, May, 178
Greenberg, Marni, 231
Gregorcic, Louis, 180
Guaranty Paper Corporation, 286
Guletto, Nick, 38
Gusenberg, Frank, 48
Guzik, Jack “Greasy Thumb,” 49
Harding, Warren G., 22
Hargrove, B. F., Jr., 56
Harney, M. L., 98–100
Harper, William, 124
Harris, Mildred, 47
Harvard Club, 132–39, 141, 145, 147, 149
Harwood, Edward, 164–66
Harwood, Helen, 177
Harwood, Michael J., 163–66, 174, 175–82, 234, 244
Hebebrand, Arthur, 134, 135, 138
Henderson, Parker, Jr., 97
Herrick, Genevieve Forbes, 47
Higgins, Winifred, 277
Higinbotham, Priscilla, 88, 89
Hill gang (Mayfield Road Mob), 193–98, 204, 236–40
Hoard, Halbert Louis, 90
Hoge, Frank, 195, 196, 201, 236, 237, 239, 244
Hollywood Daily Citizen, 90
Holmes, Sherlock, 2, 65, 205–6
Hoover, Herbert, 41, 49, 55
Hoover, J. Edgar, 133, 286
Johnson’s recommendation of Ness to, 108–9
smear campaign against Ness by, 109
Hopley, Georgia, 21–22, 24
Howlett, George, 91
Hughes, Michael, 15
Humphries, Llewellyn, 92
Hunter, Jane, 250
Huntington, Maxine, 83
Inbau, Fred E., 77
income tax cases, 49
against Capone, 4, 49, 51, 85–86, 91
Inland Steel, 26
Internal Revenue Service (IRS):
Intelligence Unit of, 14, 107
Irey, Elmer, 14, 24, 107
Israel, Betsy, 271
Jamie, Alexander, 17, 21, 25–26, 28, 30, 39, 41, 44, 53, 56, 83, 129
Chapman and, 102
Chicago Heights syndicate and, 26–27
Gardner and, 56
Golding and, 25–26
Ness and, 17, 25–27, 29, 51
Seager and, 53–54
Secret Six taken over by, 51
Jamie, Louise, 4–5
Jamie, Wallace, 129
Jefferson Club, 186
Jefferson County Union, 90
Johnson, George E. Q., Jr., 3–4, 13–15, 21, 25, 41, 43, 48, 60, 64, 78, 82, 87, 91–92, 124
Basile and, 38
brewery raid and, 68
Capone and, 48, 49, 50–51
Capone indictments and, 85–86
Capone squad formation and, 51–52, 54, 56, 60
Capone’s trial and, 96–97
Ness recommended to Hoover by, 108–9
wiretapping and, 72
Johnson, J. B. “Hot Stuff,” 195, 196
Jones, Davy, 57
Jones, Dick, 205
Jones, Rufus “The Emperor,” 195, 196
Juliano, Lorenzo, 14, 19, 26
Justice Department, 16, 50, 66, 107
Alcohol Beverage Unit of, 108
Prohibition Bureau transferred from Treasury Department to, 50
juvenile delinquency, 185–87
crime-prevention bureau and, 241–43
Karpis, Alvin, 133–34
Keeler, Leonarde, 76, 77, 214–15
Keenan, Joseph B., 120–22, 124
Kelly, Marion, 4, 234, 271, 279
Kelly, Ralph, 279
Kennon, Jack, 245–46
Kensington, Chicago, 28
Kilbride, George, 276–77
King, Mike, 57, 87
Kingsbury Run, 170–73
Kohl, Marie, 177
Koneval, Joseph, 247–49
Kooken, Don, 30, 32–34, 51, 53, 54
Korach, Gus, 153
Korce, Casper, 178
Kubler, Everett H., 101
labor corruption, 204–10, 216
Laborers District Council, 204
LaBranche, Tony, 276, 277
Lady of the Lake, 113–14, 143, 159
LaGassie, Frank, 113
Lahart, Marty, 36, 75, 84, 87, 100, 107, 292
Lahey, Richard, 266
Landers, Manny, 228
Lane, Franklin K., 23
Las Vegas, Nev., 257
Lausche, Frank, 245, 246, 253, 254, 278n, 279–80, 282, 293
Ness’s automobile accident and, 249–50
Lavelle, Martin I., 121
Lawrence, Wes, 122
Lawson, Corinne, 233, 287
Leeson, Dorothy, 77, 78
Leeson, Joe, 53, 54, 62–63, 65–66, 87, 98, 292
in brewery raids, 67–69, 72, 73
bribes and, 79
cooking of, 77–78
Lenahan, Adolph, 167
Lezeus, Carl, 205
lie detector (polygraph), 76, 212–15
Loftus, Thomas, 48
Lonardo, “Big Angelo,” 194, 196–98, 200, 239, 240, 243–44, 257
Lonardo, Joe, 197
Los Angeles Times, 4
Lowman, Seymour, 54–55
Luciano, Lucky, 5, 49
Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run, see Cleveland torso murders
marijuana dealers, 244
Martino, Joe, 26, 27, 30, 33–37, 89
Capone and, 45
murder of, 37–38, 44
Mason, Benny, 196
Masterminds, Attention!, 2
Matchett, John R., 76
Matowitz, George J., 122, 128–29, 165, 167, 168, 192, 237
torso murders and, 172, 173, 245
union racketeering and, 205
youth gangs and, 187
May Act, 253, 262
Mayfield Road Mob (Hill gang), 193–98, 204, 236–40
May Show, 114, 162, 274
McBride, Lucia, 175
McCarthy, Joe, 165
McCloskey, Mark A., 272
James, 204, 207
McDowell, Dudley, 144
McGee, John E., 204–10
McGill, Neil, 147–50, 179–80, 197, 204–5, 216, 237, 244, 257, 270
McGinty, Tommy, 166, 167
McGurn, Jack, 47, 58
McNamee, Charles, 132–33, 207–8
McSwiggin, William, 47
McVey, Bill, 235
Meckstroth, E. J., 212
Merylo, Peter, 172–74, 211, 223, 244–45, 285
Merylo, Sophie, 172
Metropolitan Opera Company, 274–75
Michelow, Albert, 220
Michelow, Myrtle, 220
Middle East Company, 272, 284
Mikan, George, 28
Milano, Frank, 197
Miles, Arthur, 253
Miller United Shoe Company, 209
Milles, Carl, 275
Mitchell, Dewey, 145
Mitchell, William, 49, 50, 86
Chicago, see Outfit
Cleveland, see Cleveland Mob
Pittsburgh, 238–39
Molnar, Ernest, 201, 202, 257–58
collusion with Mob, 237, 239, 240, 243
Zappone and, 243
Mook, Delo, 253, 287
Moore, Dan, 234, 273
Moore, E. A., 53n
Moran, Bugs, 48, 99
Moxie’s Gang, 186
Mozina, John, 180
Muehlberger, Clarence, 76
Mulvanity, Frances, 117
Mulvanity, George, 116–17, 194
Murphy, Clarence, 195–96
Murray, Marie, 178–79
Murray, W. Bruce, 66
Mutersbaugh, Marjorie, 218, 269, 273
Nabers, Albert, 30–32, 35–37, 39, 41, 53n, 126
Nazi Olympics, 160
Nebe, John H., 174, 179–81
Ness, Charles (brother), 28, 31, 192
Ness, Edna Stahle (first wife), 17, 39, 75n, 83–84, 129, 136, 181, 191–92
appearance and personality of, 11–12
breakdown of marriage to Ness, 191–92, 253
move to Cleveland, 4, 114
Ness’s dating of, 10–13, 62
Ness’s marriage to, 62
Ness’s work and, 62, 83, 150, 191–92, 206
separation and divorce from Ness, 215–17, 222, 223, 230
on weekend holiday, 9–10, 12–13, 19
Ness, Eliot:
as Alcohol Tax Unit investigator, 108, 114–19, 121, 123–24, 149
appointed as Cleveland safety director, 4, 120–31
appointed as director of Social Protection, 252–54, 272
attention to details and “eagle eye” of, 116, 118
in automobile accident, 247–51, 261
birth of, 27, 31
boathouse purchased by, 231, 261
celebrity and hero worship of, 87–91, 108, 210, 229
childhood and adolescence of, 28–29, 61–62, 65, 174
death of, 1–5, 293
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