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Page 14

by Suzannah Daniels

  Kneeling beside him, I wished that I could take away his nightmares. I wished that I could take away the pain that was leaving him virtually motionless. I wished that I could do for him what he had done for me.

  “Thank you, Hawk,” I whispered so that I wouldn’t wake him. “If you didn’t risk your life making grabs, then I wouldn’t even be here right now.” I wanted to touch him, to run my hands along his body, to feel his warmth, but I didn’t dare wake him. Unable to stop myself, I barely touched the edge of my hand against his. “And I’m really glad that I am.”

  Never opening his eyes, he covered my hand with his and gave it a gentle squeeze.

  Chapter 15

  Fire Hazard


  Over the next couple of days, I restricted my movement, allowing my neck the opportunity to heal. My range of motion had become slightly better, especially with my arms, but still wasn’t up to par. I hadn’t strayed far from the couch, and Amber, who only left my side long enough to take care of Gracie, proved herself to be an excellent caretaker, cooking, cleaning, and maybe a little bit of spoiling.

  She’d been hesitant to return to work today, but I’d insisted that she go. Jace and Mercury had brought my SUV back home, and Amber had driven it to work.

  While I still worried about who had followed her in the white car, I was glad that she’d had no further incidents, and it was a bit of relief that she was in a vehicle that would be unknown to anyone who’d been watching her—unless they’d been watching me, too.

  I kept careful track of the time, partly because I was bored out of my mind and partly because it made me uneasy that I had no way to call her. While I knew that she had to feed Gracie before she drove back to my apartment, the amount of time that it should take had come and gone.

  Flipping channels, I couldn’t concentrate on anything, and as I tensed up, my neck began to ache. Where was she?

  After I’d managed to make it through the entire channel lineup twice, I finally heard the key being inserted into the lock.

  Relieved when the door popped open and I saw her standing at the threshold, I sighed.

  “Is something wrong?” she asked me, pulling the key out of the knob.

  “I was just getting worried about you.”

  “Sorry. Natalie came over and wanted to play with Gracie, and since I’ve been ignoring poor Gracie the last few days, I thought it might make her hate me a little less when I do go home.”

  “We need to get you a phone.”

  “I don’t want anything in my name right now. Someone will find me, and I promised myself that I wouldn’t go back until Thanksgiving. It’s something that I have to do for myself.”

  “We could put it in my name.”

  She shook her head. “No. I won’t let you do that. Besides, I’ve been getting along just fine without one. A few more weeks won’t hurt, and it’s actually kind of nice.”

  “You know you’re not normal, right?”

  She smiled, and just seeing the joy on her face warmed my heart. She’d come such a long way since the night of the accident.

  “Normal is overrated.” Closing the door behind her, she set the keys and her purse down. “I’m going to go change. Considering we’re well into October, it’s really warm outside today.”

  She went to my room, and a few minutes later, she came out in a white tank top and blue jean shorts. After kissing me on the lips, she sat on the couch beside me. “How have you felt today?”


  “Aww.” She gathered my hand in hers. “Men make terrible patients.”

  “That’s because we need to be out doing manly stuff, not wasting away on the couch watching soap operas.”

  “Somehow I don’t believe you watched the first soap opera.”

  “Maybe not, but I was bored enough to watch the shopping channel, and if you so much as breathe that to anybody, I’ll be scarred for life. I can already envision Mason standing behind the bar making fun of me with a bunch of phony sales pitches while Cade laughs hysterically.”

  “I’m sorry you’ve had such a rough day. If it makes you feel better, I was a cashier for a little while today, and a little old grandma chewed me out because the hemorrhoid cream didn’t ring up at the sale price. I tried to explain to her that it was on sale last week, not this week, and she accused me of calling her a liar while she waved her sales paper in the air. When I looked at her ad and showed her that the sales paper was out of date, I thought she was going to whack me with her cane. She told me that I could take that cream and go straight to you know where.”

  “Sounds like a pain in the butt—literally.”

  Amber nodded. “Apparently, it’s nothing new for her. The other employees told me that she pitches a fit at least once a week over something ridiculous. They call her Grumpy Grammy.”

  “Who knew working retail could be so dangerous?”

  “Right?” She looked up at me and grinned. “Grumpy Grammy could’ve been waiting for me in the parking lot. With one swing of her walking stick, she could’ve broken both of my kneecaps.”

  “Not the kneecaps.” I covered her knee with my palm and gave her a gentle squeeze. “I happen to be attached to these kneecaps.”

  She laughed. “Oh, you are?’

  “I am. In fact, if my neck would cooperate, I’d kiss both of your kneecaps right now.”

  “Speaking of your neck, is it getting any better?”

  “It’s definitely better. I just can’t lift my arms up very high.”

  “Aren’t you supposed to be switching to warm compresses today?”


  “Have you put any on your neck?”


  “Hawk! How are you supposed to get better if you don’t do what the doctor said?”

  Her concern was endearing, and I caught myself hiding a smile. “I thought I might just stand under a hot shower for a while.”

  “Have you taken your medicine?”

  I glanced at the clock. “I’m past due.”

  She clucked her tongue. “I’ll get you a dose. You want me to get you some clean clothes?”

  I started to tell her that I could do it this time, and I’m sure I could have managed. But the thought of bending over to open my drawers shot pains down my back. “Maybe just one more time. Hopefully by tomorrow, I’ll be able to bend a little easier.”

  “Don’t rush it.” She got up and gathered my clothes. A few minutes later, she returned. “They’re on your bed. I’ve put you a towel and a washcloth on the sink in the bathroom. Here.” She handed me a glass of water along with my meds, and I downed them obediently.

  “Could you do me one more favor?”

  “Of course.” She set the water on the end table and stood in front of me, waiting for my next request.

  “It’s a little more personal.”

  She folded her arms over her chest and raised her eyebrows. “More personal than digging in your underwear drawer?”

  “Actually, yes.” I loved the way her hair tumbled around her shoulders. “Since I’m still having trouble raising my arms over my head, would you mind washing my hair for me? I’ve been standing under the showerhead, wetting it, but that just isn’t the same as using shampoo.”

  “You should have said something sooner. Of course, I’ll help you. Do you want to get in the shower now or after dinner?”

  “I think if I get in now, it might help loosen up my neck.”

  She held her hand out to me, pulling me up gently from the couch.

  A few minutes later, the steaming water sluiced around my neck, and it felt so damn good. After washing off the basics to the best of my ability, I called for her.

  It wasn’t long until I heard her soft voice on the other side of the curtain. “I’m here.”

  Pulling back the curtain, I waited for her to come into view. When it took longer than I expected, I called to her. “Amber?”


  “If you’re going to w
ash my hair, you’re going to have to come a little bit closer,” I teased.

  A moment later, I could see her face, which was upturned, her eyes locked on mine, and it dawned on me that she hadn’t yet seen me naked.

  I handed her the bottle of shampoo. “Why don’t you stand on the edge of the tub, and I’ll stand in front of you with my back to you?”

  She licked her lips. “Okay.”

  Positioning myself, I felt her hands on my shoulders as she stepped onto the edge of the tub. I heard the bottle squirt and I imagined her slender palm filling with shampoo. After she’d gotten situated, her palms were on my scalp. I tilted my head back the tiniest bit and was rewarded with a lightning bolt of pain that shot down my back.

  “Are you hurting?”

  “I’m fine.” And I was, now that I had stilled.

  Her fingertips worked the shampoo into a lather, and it was so relaxing, I would have gladly stood there all day.

  “Hold on, and I’ll rinse it,” she said.

  I stood motionless while she unhooked the showerhead and focused it on my hair. “Can you tilt your head back a little more?”

  I did as she asked and grimaced at the movement.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “Hold on just a minute.”

  She finished rinsing my hair and hung the showerhead back up. “Here.”

  I couldn’t see what she was doing, but I waited for further instructions from her.

  Cold liquid hit my neck, and a moment later, I realized that she was using the shampoo for massage oil. Easily gliding across my skin, her fingers stroked and rubbed my neck and shoulders.

  It was a freaking good hurt, and I sighed in response as my muscles toggled between relaxing and tensing. “If you keep this up, I’m not going to let you go home.”

  She giggled. “So you’re going to let Gracie come here?”

  “Yes, I think so.”

  She laughed again, louder this time. “Who knew you’d turn out to be such a cat lover?”

  “You’re a witch,” I teased her. “You and your cat have cast a spell on me.”

  As we bantered, she seemed to grow more comfortable.

  “Can you go a little lower?” I asked, thoroughly enjoying the feel of her hands on my body.

  I heard the shampoo bottle squirt again, and her hands began massaging the cool liquid into the center of my back. “A little lower?” I asked again.

  I heard her step onto the tile floor as her hands dropped to my lower back.

  “Is pain shooting all the way down your back?” she asked, her hands still gently kneading.

  “Yeah, in fact, could you go a little lower, please?”

  She froze, and I was glad she couldn’t see the grin on my face as she realized what I was asking.

  “Your ass hurts, too?”

  “Hey, Grumpy Grammy isn’t the only one who suffers from pains in the rear. The difference is mine can be alleviated with a little massage therapy.”

  “Massage therapy, huh?” Her hands began to squeeze my buttocks, and I closed my eyes at the sensation. “And here I thought you were the perfect gentleman.”

  With my eyes still closed, I smiled. “I asked nicely.”

  Her fingertips worked tiny circles across my flesh, and I grew hard in response. Cursing my neck, I thought of all the things I wanted to do. In the end, I settled for slowly turning around until I faced her.

  Her expression was serious as her eyes fell to my raging hard-on. I could tell she was a bit nervous, and she licked her lips as her eyes lifted to mine.

  “Stand up on the side of the tub,” I gently urged her, and she did as I instructed. “Now take off your shirt.” Keeping my arms low, I held her just below her hips to steady her, water cascading down my arms and sluicing down her slender legs. She peeled off her tank top and dropped it to the floor. I pressed a kiss to the center of her cleavage. Relieved that my pain medication had kicked in, I was able to slowly rotate my neck without too much discomfort. “Now, your bra.”

  Twisting her arms around behind her, she released the clasp and slid it off her arms, dropping it on top of her shirt. Glancing at her face without tilting my head too much, I whispered, “Have I ever told you how incredibly beautiful you are?”

  Not waiting on a response, I teased her nipple with my tongue, its peak hardening in reaction. Her hands grasped my shoulders, and she lolled her head back as I drew it into my mouth. Her chest rose and fell, and moving slowly, I unbuttoned her shorts and slid them over her hips. She wiggled a moment until they joined the growing pile of discarded clothes.

  Casting my eyes downward with as little movement as possible, I saw her panties, lacy and white like the discarded bra. Skimming my fingertips along her thighs, I pushed her panties past her hips, and she stepped out of them, allowing them to fall in the shower.

  My fingers parted her, and I closed my eyes, clenching my jaw as the lukewarm water washed over both of us. She was incredibly soft, and her flesh was warm against my fingers.

  The water proved to be a distraction, and with great protest from my neck, I turned it off temporarily while I perused her body.

  Tapping the inside of her thighs, I urged her to widen her stance, and she complied. Cautiously, I turned my head, pressing my cheek against her breast as her hands caressed my shoulders and back. The position caused some discomfort, but I didn’t care as I listened to her thrumming heartbeat. At that moment, I just wanted to hold her in my arms, to revel in the feel of her hands as they brushed against my skin, and if I had to endure some physical pain to accomplish it, then so be it.

  Desire surged through my body, and my shattered breath teased the side of her breast. Cupping it in her hand, she pushed it toward me, and I brushed my lips against it as my finger slowly probed into her hot core.

  She inhaled sharply and tightened her muscles.

  “Just relax.”

  I caressed her hip in an attempt to soothe her, one hand kneading the gentle curve of her ass while the other continued to tease her core. I could tell from her breathing that she was finding pleasure in my touch, and eventually, she spread her thighs farther as she began to grind against my hand. “Amber.” Her name came out in a breathy sigh, and every instinct in my body demanded that I plunge deep inside of her until I found my release.

  Instead I slowly lowered myself to my knees, spreading her flesh as I watched the movement of my fingers. Ignoring the pain, I focused on teasing her sensitive nub until I could feel her body tense. Licking her flesh, my tongue caressed her until her muscles clenched around my fingers and her hands grasped my arms for support.

  A soft moan ripped from her throat, and I slowly withdrew from her, clenching my teeth in response to the pain that assaulted my body.

  Rising to my feet, I turned the shower back on, pleased when Amber stepped into the tub with me.

  She hugged herself to me, and my rigid hard-on begged to enter her soft flesh. Knowing that I had no condoms, I fought to retain control. “As much as I want you, Amber, I don’t have any protection.”

  “Please, Hawk,” she whispered. “Make love to me.”


  Her hand encircled me as she stood on her tiptoes, nudging my tip against her entrance.

  “Amber, did you hear what I said?” I asked, not knowing whether I’d have the ability to pull away if she continued.

  Shit, I’d never been with a girl who could make me lose control the way she did. Her hand tightened around me, and I couldn’t stop the urge to thrust my hips toward her. I glanced down and was rewarded with crippling pain shooting down my back, and I squeezed her hips in response.

  “Is your neck hurting?” she asked softly as her hand stilled.

  “Only when I move.”

  “Then hold still,” she whispered as she began moving her hand again.

  I grabbed her wrist, forcing her to stop. The shock of my movement caught her off guard, and the pain that ensued had a sobering effect on me. “Not like this.”<
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  She released me. “I thought you wanted me.”

  “Oh, I do.”

  “Is it too painful for you right now?”

  I was in pain, but honestly, I wasn’t sure which was worse, the sharp twinges in my neck or the unreleased tension that throbbed between my legs.

  I’d been successful in igniting passion in Amber, maybe a little too successful. The girl was a downright fire hazard, and I was the one who was going to burst into flames.

  Unable to help the way I felt about her, I’d wanted to touch her for my own selfish reasons. But I’d also wanted to bring her pleasure. And more than anything else I’d wanted to ignite passion in her. I’d wanted to make her want me and no one else. I’d wanted to make her forget…. It was a selfish thought, one that wouldn’t work anyway. I was confident enough to know that I could hold my own against another man, but a memory? A ghost?

  Chapter 16



  I loved Sundays. I loved spending time with Hawk’s family, a feeling that had probably been amplified because I missed my own. What I didn’t miss was all the drama, the pressure. I’d needed some time away from home, and even though I felt like I was ready to go back, part of me was terrified because everything back home would remind me of the horrible place I was in when I left.

  It’d been a month since Hawk hurt his neck, and thankfully, he had fully recovered. He’d also returned to work, and I could tell that he was happier now that he felt useful again.

  As I watched him while he was behind the wheel, driving us to his parents’ home, I couldn’t help but think how lucky I was. He was telling me a story about Mercury, and occasionally, he would glance my way before focusing his eyes back on the road. He was smiling, maybe because the story was amusing, maybe because he was happy, like me.

  We’d fallen into a comfortable routine. Since the weather was colder, he took me to work and picked me up. When he couldn’t, he sent Jace. I’d thought about buying a car of my own. I’d saved enough money for a down payment, but I wanted to wait until after Thanksgiving, until after I went back home. I didn’t really expect anything to change much. I was happy in Creekview, and I’d thought more and more about making it my permanent home.


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