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Rachel's Valentine Crush

Page 8

by Angela Darling

  But that didn’t happen. Instead, her father smiled and said, “You look absolutely beautiful, kiddo.”

  And now Rachel was standing outside the Archer Arena, staring at hundreds of people who were waiting to get in. Many of them were wearing T-shirts from Brody’s last tour.

  “This is crazy!” Rachel gasped. “I had no idea there would be so many people here!”

  Taylor laughed. “Well, yeah. It’s a Brody Warner concert at the biggest arena in northern Minnesota. What did you expect?”

  “I don’t see anyone we know,” Rachel said as she scanned the crowd.

  “Shane might already be in the VIP lounge,” replied Taylor. “I bet a lot of other people from school will be there too. Come on!”

  Rachel’s heart started pounding wildly. This was it: the moment when she would finally see Brody again after nine long months. Was she ready? Suddenly Rachel wasn’t sure.

  Then again—would she ever be?

  “Okay,” Rachel said. “Let’s do this!”

  Rachel and Taylor pushed their way through the crowd to the entrance, where a worker scanned their tickets and waved them through.

  Taylor peeked at her phone. “Brody’s e-mail says to take the far-left staircase to the second floor.”

  But before they reached the top of the stairs, a large man wearing all black blocked their path. “Can I help you ladies?” he asked. He was polite, but it was clear he meant business.

  “Brody, um, invited us—” Rachel started to say.

  “We’re on the list,” Taylor interrupted her. “Taylor Murphy and Rachel Wilson.”

  The bouncer glanced over his list of names, then nodded curtly and stepped aside. Taylor grabbed Rachel’s hand and pulled her into the VIP lounge. It was dimly lit, with large couches and floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the arena. Rachel looked around the crowd of her classmates, searching for one person in particular among all the familiar faces. But she didn’t see Brody anywhere.

  “Do you see him?” Rachel asked Taylor in a low voice. “Is he here?”

  “No way,” Taylor replied confidently. “Not yet, anyway. Everybody is still acting way too calm. He must not be here yet.”

  Rachel had to wonder if Taylor was exaggerating. After all, this wasn’t some group of random fans. Everyone here had known Brody for years.

  “Taylor! Hi!” Shane exclaimed as he hurried up to the girls. “Oh, hey, Rachel. Did you guys just get here?”

  Rachel noticed right away that Shane had a single red rose clutched in his fist. Aaaah! she thought. Shane got Taylor a rose! She is going to freak! I have to get out of here so that Shane can give it to her in private.

  “Hey, Shane,” Rachel said quickly. “I’m going to get a soda. You guys want anything?”

  Shane, looking relieved, shook his head. “No thanks.”

  “Maybe later,” Taylor replied, staring at the rose in Shane’s hand.

  “Okay. See ya,” Rachel replied with a little wave as she hurried off to the buffet. She grabbed a cup of soda and a cookie and tried to look casual as she stood by herself. At least nibbling on the cookie gave her something to do.

  There was a sudden flurry of excitement near the doors. Rachel craned her neck to see what was going on.

  Brody had arrived!

  The air in the room instantly felt electrified to Rachel. After all this time, she and Brody were sharing the same oxygen. He’s definitely taller, Rachel thought. But in every other way, he seemed like the same supercute Brody. One glimpse of his smile was enough to make Rachel feel all fluttery.

  Not that he was smiling at her, of course. Rachel was pretty sure that Brody hadn’t even noticed her standing way off behind the food table. Brody was surrounded by a group of people—his entourage, Rachel figured—that quickly swelled as practically everyone in the room swarmed around them. Rachel squashed the cookie in a napkin and looked around desperately for a trash can. If this was going to be her big reunion with Brody, she didn’t want it to happen with a fistful of cookie crumbs.

  But even after Rachel had ditched her drink and dessert, she hung back. It felt so weird—so forced—to push her way through the crowd, just to be close to Brody. Yet somehow Tammy, she couldn’t help but notice, had managed to do just that. She was standing right by Brody’s elbow with her head thrown back, laughing at something funny he had said.

  So maybe Tammy didn’t give up on Brody after all, Rachel thought.

  Then Rachel noticed that Brody wasn’t really paying attention to Tammy. He was talking to a girl on his other side.

  Someone Rachel had never seen before.

  Who is that? Rachel wondered.

  She was almost as tall as Brody, and easily the prettiest girl in the room. With her long shining hair, perfect skin, and beautiful features, Rachel guessed that the girl might even be a model or an actress. She definitely didn’t seem to fit in with the rest of the kids.

  Then a man came up behind the girl and Brody and tapped their shoulders. He started speaking to them with his head bent low, like he didn’t want to be overheard. There was something so intense about the way the three of them stood together that a sudden unsettling pang hit Rachel hard. Her intuition was trying to tell her something—but Rachel didn’t want to know what it was.

  Rachel couldn’t take her eyes off Brody, the girl, and the man. Then, with a jolt of realization, she recognized the man: He was Brody’s manager. The one who had sat next to Brody on The Scoop and announced the big plan for Brody to reveal his secret crush.

  So who was that girl? And what did Brody’s manager have to say to her that was so important?

  Then Brody’s manager cupped his hand around the girl’s elbow and led her out of the VIP lounge. But before she left, she glanced over her shoulder and smiled at Brody.

  It was a smile that seemed meant just for him.

  Rachel could feel her own smile disappearing as she tried to make sense of what she had seen. Shane and Taylor joined her then; now the red rose was in Taylor’s hand, and Taylor had never looked happier.

  “What are you doing over here?” Taylor demanded. She gave Rachel a gentle push. “Brody’s here. Go talk to him! Now’s your chance!”

  “Did you see that girl?” asked Rachel.

  “What girl?” Taylor replied.

  Before Rachel could explain, Tammy approached her. “Rachel—can I talk to you?” she asked.

  Rachel followed Tammy to the corner.

  “Bad news,” Tammy said bluntly. “We were both wrong. Did you see her?”

  Rachel nodded.

  “Well, I overheard Brody’s manager. He was telling her where she should sit for the concert and how to react when Brody starts singing to her.”

  Rachel still didn’t say anything.

  “You understand what that means, right?” Tammy continued. “It’s her. She’s Brody’s secret crush.”

  chapter 11

  “I KNOW,” RACHEL FINALLY REPLIED. What else could she say?

  “I’m pretty surprised,” Tammy continued. “I really thought his secret crush was going to be someone from our school. It’s kind of unfair that they made us all think that! Do you think she’s a model? Or maybe she’s a singer. I didn’t recognize her from anything, so she must not be that famous.”

  Rachel tried to focus on Tammy’s words, but all she really wanted was to get out of the VIP lounge for a few moments. She gestured vaguely toward the door, away from Brody and his entourage. “I think I’m going to take a walk.”

  “Don’t go too far,” Tammy called after her. “The concert will be starting soon.”

  Rachel escaped from the VIP lounge and walked a little way down the hall. She leaned against the wall; the cool, smooth surface felt good against her flushed cheek. It was so much better to be out here to process this news alone, where no one could see her sudden, overwhelming sadness.

  You always knew this was possible, Rachel told herself. Not just possible—probable. And now you don’t have to won
der anymore. That will be nice . . . a little break from all the wondering.

  But even as the thought entered her mind, Rachel knew she didn’t mean it. She’d rather spend her whole life wondering if it meant that there was still a chance that Brody liked her.

  So . . . Rachel thought. What now?

  She could call her dad. He would pick her up right away, and she could go home and hide out in her room all night, wallowing and feeling sorry for herself. It would be easier than staying here and trying to act like everything was okay. To pretend that she was just fine.

  Or she could stay. She could stay for her very first concert and dance, even if she didn’t have a date, even if her crush had feelings for someone else. She could dance with her friends and laugh with them and be a part of all the inside jokes and memories that she usually missed out on.

  Yes. She would stay.


  That voice. It was so familiar. But why would—

  Rachel turned around.

  Brody was standing behind her!

  Rachel took everything in: his black T-shirt; his shy half smile; his eyes, shining with a million unasked questions, focused right on her.

  “Hey,” he said.

  “Hey,” Rachel replied. She wondered how her voice could sound so normal when her heart was pounding and her hands were trembling.

  “You’re not leaving, are you?”

  “Me? Oh. No. I just came out here for a second,” she said. Rachel desperately tried to think of something to say. She had imagined this moment so many times—but now that she had a chance to live it, her mind had gone completely blank.

  “So . . .” Brody began. “Do you, um, like the new album?”

  “Are you kidding? I love it!” Rachel said. “The songs are amazing. I’m so impressed.”

  “Yeah?” Brody asked. He looked delighted. “Thanks, Rach. That’s really nice. What’s your favorite song?”

  There was no way that Rachel could tell him it was “Secret Crush.” Not after seeing Brody’s real secret crush. “They’re all awesome,” she said lamely.

  There was an awkward silence, as if neither one knew what to say. Brody started drumming his fingers against his leg. Then he cleared his throat. “Well . . . did you figure out who I wrote ‘Secret Crush’ for?”

  “Actually, I did. I saw her when you guys came into the VIP lounge. She’s so pretty.” Rachel swallowed hard. This conversation was excruciating. Maybe it would’ve been better to leave.

  Brody looked at her blankly. “Huh?” he asked.

  Rachel nodded toward the lounge. “The girl in the black dress. She looks really into you, too.”

  Brody was silent for a moment. Then he burst out laughing. “No, no, no. I didn’t write ‘Secret Crush’ about Lucy. I just met her an hour ago.”

  Now it was Rachel’s turn to look confused. “But—”

  “She’s the backup,” Brody explained. “In case my real crush didn’t show up tonight. How embarrassing would that be, right? I’m standing on stage singing to an empty chair? So my manager hired Lucy to pretend to be my crush . . . ugh, why am I telling you this? It’s humiliating.”

  “No, go on,” Rachel said.

  Brody took a deep breath. “Greg hired her since my real crush didn’t come to any of the other parties I invited her to.”

  Rachel stared into Brody’s eyes. It sounded like—but that wasn’t possible—there was no way—

  Or was there?

  “It’s you, Rachel,” Brody said simply. “It was always you.”

  Rachel’s reaction started as a warm glow in her heart. It spread through every inch of her before finally settling in her smile, as she beamed with happiness. To stand here with Brody—to find out that he actually liked her—was better than a dream come true. It was almost too amazing to believe.

  “Seriously?” Rachel asked. “It’s me? But—I—I—”

  “Are you mad?”

  “Mad? How could I be mad? I—”

  Rachel wanted to tell Brody that she felt the same way, but the words seemed to get stuck in her throat. She forced herself to say, “I’m not mad. I’ve actually never been happier.”

  The relief that flooded Brody’s face was instantaneous. He and Rachel stood in the hallway grinning at each other without speaking. There was nothing, in that perfect moment, that needed to be said.

  “What was the clue?” Rachel finally asked.

  “You didn’t figure it out?” Brody sounded surprised. “Did you hear the message at the end of the song?”

  Rachel nodded. “But I couldn’t understand all the words. It sounded like . . . I don’t know . . . ‘L-O-L’ or something?”

  “And that didn’t mean anything to you?”

  “Well . . . ,” Rachel said, confused. “It means laughing out loud, right?”

  “And other things,” Brody said with a little smile. Then he got serious. “So . . . is it okay? If I sing ‘Secret Crush’ to you during the concert?”

  “Absolutely,” Rachel told him.

  “So I guess I have just one more question,” Brody continued. “Rachel . . . after the concert . . . would you go to the dance with me?”

  “Yes. Yes! I would love to!” Rachel exclaimed.

  Brody’s smile grew bigger and bigger. “Awesome,” he said. “I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe you’re here. I figured—there’s no way she likes me—”

  “How could you think that?” asked Rachel.

  “It’s been such a long time since I saw you last,” Brody replied. “Where have you been? Why didn’t you come to any of the parties?”

  “I wanted to,” Rachel said. “But my dad is pretty strict.”

  “Maybe I should have e-mailed him,” Brody joked. “The whole reason I kept having those parties was because I wanted to see you.”

  Before Rachel could respond, Brody’s manager rushed up to them.

  “Brody, there you are,” he exclaimed. “I’ve been looking everywhere. The show starts in ten minutes!”

  Then he looked at Rachel and suddenly seemed to understand everything.

  “You must be Rachel,” the man said. “I’m Greg Pierce. Nice to meet you.” He glanced over at Brody. “So . . . is everything a go?”

  “Definitely,” Brody replied, still grinning.

  “Excellent,” Greg said. “Brody, you go warm up. I’ll take care of Rachel.”

  Brody looked at Rachel like he didn’t want to leave. “So I’ll see you in a little bit,” he promised.

  “I’ll be there,” Rachel said as Brody started to leave. “But, Brody—wait—”

  He turned around.

  “What does L-O-L mean?”

  Brody smiled mysteriously. “You’ll find out soon.”

  “Rachel, come on,” Greg said. “This way.”

  Greg led Rachel to the front of the arena, where fifteen rows of chairs were set up right in front of the stage. “Your classmates are going to be in these rows,” he explained. “And this seat is for you.”

  Front row. Center. The best seat in the entire arena. And it was reserved for Rachel.

  “All the camera guys know that you’ll be sitting here, so whatever you do, don’t change seats with anyone,” Greg continued.

  “Camera guys?” repeated Rachel.

  “For the Jumbotrons,” he replied, pointing at the massive flat-screens hanging from the ceiling. “And the webcast and the TV broadcast, of course. All of Brody’s fans around the world will be watching tonight.”

  Greg turned away to take a call on his headset. “Yeah. Be right there,” he said. “Rachel, I’ve got to run, but enjoy the show—I’m sure I’ll see you backstage afterward.”

  “Thanks,” Rachel said as she sat down, hard, in the reserved seat. It was almost too much to take in. Not just the exchange with Brody outside the VIP lounge—Did that really happen? Rachel kept asking herself—but everything else, too: the cavernous arena, the crowds of thousands, the front-row seat that wa
s saved just for her. Rachel glanced around the arena with wide eyes. The band was already onstage, warming up. There were sound technicians stationed at a massive control panel and lighting experts climbing ladders to the spotlights overhead. As more and more people entered the arena, it filled with a constant buzzing hum as their voices echoed off the concrete floors. Somehow over the din, Rachel thought she heard someone call her name. She turned around to see Taylor and Shane sitting five rows behind her. Taylor was waving her rose in the air as she tried to get Rachel’s attention. Rachel grinned and waved back. Taylor, looking frustrated, frowned and shook her head. Then she held up her phone and pointed at it.

  Rachel understood what Taylor was trying to tell her. She checked her cell and realized that in all the commotion, she had missed several texts.

  Rach where r u?

  Did u leave?

  We r going 2 find seats. Will save u 1.

  As Rachel was reading them, another text flashed onto the screen.

  Come sit w/ us.

  Sorry . . . can’t

  Whaaa? Why not?

  Wait a sec . . .

  R u the one?!?!?!?!

  Suddenly the arena was plunged into complete and total darkness. Rachel’s heart started pounding again. The concert was about to begin!

  In a sudden flash of lights, Brody charged onto the stage and launched right into his first song. The audience leaped to their feet, screaming and cheering. Rachel couldn’t stop looking at Brody. Performing in front of thousands of people seemed like something he had been born to do, and she had never been more impressed—or felt more proud. He’s amazing, she thought. Brody is so much more talented than any of us even knew. As the concert continued, Rachel found herself swept away by Brody’s music until she forgot what was coming . . . almost.

  Then Rachel heard the opening chords of “Secret Crush.”

  A surge of adrenaline made her legs wobbly and her chest tight; Rachel was glad that there was a chair behind her in case she needed to sit down right away. As a hush fell over the audience, Rachel could tell that this was the moment that everyone had been waiting for.


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