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Following The Light (Out of the Dark Book 3)

Page 23

by Arlene Gonzales

  I smirk. “I weigh too much. You can’t carry me.” Soon I regret uttering those words. He jumps over me and out of bed, throws off the sheets, then bends over and picks me up. Standing with me in his arms, he walks over to the bathroom. The whole time I am laughing and asking him to put me down. “Great, now I have to pee.” Setting me down, he walks out and closes the door behind him.

  Washing my hands before going back to bed, I stare at myself in the mirror. I can’t believe he actually carried me like I weighed nothing. I know my husband is strong; he works out every day. Still, the thought of him picking me up as if I wasn’t pregnant. I’m amazed.


  As we walk into the office, everyone gives me hugs. They tell me how beautiful I look being pregnant. After about an hour of saying hello to everybody, we walk to Michael’s office. I knock on the door. We enter as he yells out to come in.

  “I see nothing has changed.” He stands and walks around his desk to embrace me and shake Aiden’s hand. We all sit and talk about what has been going on. We speak about the break-in, how the police still have no leads, and about the extra security at the office. We also speak about how Chris is doing. “I’m glad that he’s back to playing at the club.”

  “Me too, Alexis. He brings in crowds every night he plays.” With that, we go to my office.

  Chapter 26

  As we enter May, the weather is starting to get warmer. I joke about not being able to see my feet, but I insist on having my daily walks. Aiden gets frustrated because he can’t go with me. When he attempted to go once before, the girls stopping us for his autograph or to have a picture taken with him got to be too much. The paparazzi still take photos of me, but if Aiden was with me it would be even worse. With the break-in at the office, we are on high alert. I suppose it would make it easier if the police had caught someone. We still have no clue who it could have been.

  Anthony’s phone rings. We continue the walk as he speaks to the caller. Suddenly he reaches for my arm. “Alexis, we have to go now.” He looks at the new guard who’s been with us since we arrived at home. His name is Charles. At six feet, seven inches, he towers over Anthony and Aiden. I literally have to bend my head back to look him in the eyes. He is very lean, but muscular. I don’t what Anthony said to him, but within seconds they both are rushing me to the car.

  Panting, I put on my seat belt. Anthony gets in back with me, and Charles hits the gas and races out of the parking lot. Both men look around on the drive to the penthouse.

  “Anthony, what’s going on?”

  Not answering me, he just keeps looking all around.

  “Talk to me. What is happening? Is Aiden okay? Where is he?”

  Charles comes to a full stop in the underground garage at home. They rush me to the elevator.

  Once the doors to the foyer open, Aiden pulls me into his arms. “You are not going walking outdoors again.”

  I pull back. “Aiden, talk to me. Tell me what the hell is happening. I have a right to know.”

  “Let’s go into the office, and I’ll fill you in on what is going on.” Anthony and Charles both accompany us to our home office. Sitting down, I look between all three men.

  “Baby, you cannot go to work again. Before you fight me on this, let me finish. There was another break-in at the office. This time Michael was there.”

  I gasp in horror. “Did Michael get hurt?”

  “He was hit over the head and knocked unconscious. They checked him, and he’ll have a headache for a little while, but he’s okay.”

  “Did he see who it was?”

  “No, they hit him from behind so he never got a look at them.”

  “At them? So there was more than one person?”

  “He’s not sure. The police are investigating.”

  “I don’t understand. Why can’t I go to work? What does it have to do with me?” His jaw tenses up, but he doesn’t anything. “Aiden, tell me.”

  “It was only your office that was vandalized again. They left a message on one of your walls, written in spray-paint. The message read…”

  “Damnit, tell me.”

  “It said, ‘You didn’t listen. Now you die.’”

  Nauseous with shock, I race for the trash can by the desk and vomit. Aiden grabs a towel and holds me. He tells Charles to get me some water.

  I straighten up and put both my hands on my belly. “Who is doing this? Why don’t the police know anything yet? The babies, we can’t let them hurt the babies.”

  Aiden wraps his arms around me. “Nobody is going to hurt you or our sons. I promise I will do everything in my power to keep you all safe.”


  The following morning, I call Michael to see how he’s doing. “I’m so sorry, Michael. This is all my fault. I’ve brought nothing but trouble to your company since I started there.”

  “Alexis, you mustn’t blame yourself. I don’t want you to worry about this. You need to stay as calm as possible. You need to think about those babies you are carrying.”

  “How can I not blame myself? If it wasn’t for me, none of this would be happening.”

  “You can’t control other people’s actions. There are a lot of sick psychos in this world. Now don’t stress about this. I will be fine.”

  “You’re at home, right? You need to get some rest, at least for a couple of days.”

  “Yes, I’m at home for today, but I’ll be back at work tomorrow.”

  By the time I hit end on the call, Shannon and Johnny have arrived. She comes upstairs to join me in the bedroom. Johnny goes into Aiden’s office. They’ve insisted on staying here at the penthouse with us for a while. Since I’m on lockdown, my best friend wants to keep me company. That is, while she’s not at work.

  At first I told them they don’t need to do that. Shannon wouldn’t hear of it. I know better than to argue with her when she has her mind made up, and I’m actually glad that she insisted on it. I’ve missed her. We both have such busy lives. After the wedding, she and Johnny stayed in Italy another week before coming home to New York. I don’t know how much longer they’ll live here.

  She mentioned they were considering moving to Italy permanently. They would live at the Steffan estate. Papa would have a house of their very own built on the land.

  While Johnny’s downstairs with Aiden, we girls have a chance to talk about the wedding. “Have you and Johnny set a date yet?”

  Her eyes light up at the chance to tell me all about it. “I’d love a Christmas wedding. He said whatever I want, as long as I’m happy.”

  “You do look really happy, Shannon. A Christmas wedding would be breathtaking. I can just imagine how beautiful everything would look.”

  “Alexis, I know that I don’t have to ask, but will you be my maid of honor?”

  Beaming ear to ear, I answer, “It would be my honor.”


  We make our way downstairs to start lunch. Normally Ms. Miller would be cooking up a storm, especially with company staying here. However, since technically we’re supposed to be still on our honeymoon, she is visiting family in California. Although she did offer to come home early, we both told her we wouldn’t hear of it. Opening the fridge, I ask Shannon what she’s in the mood for.

  “Something light, please. I need to start watching my weight if I’m going to fit in my wedding dress.”

  I roll my eyes at her. “Oh please, you have the perfect body. Would a soup and salad be good?”

  “Sounds good.” We both turn to find Johnny and Aiden standing at the door. Aiden walks over and kisses me on the forehead, nose, and then sweetly on the lips. As has become routine, he then kisses my growing belly. “Josh, James, are you both being good for Mommy?”

  Shannon and Johnny laugh till they see how my stomach starts to jump and twitch.

  “Oh my gosh! Look how they reacted to your voice.”

  “Every day he talks to them. Each time they start going crazy. They know their daddy’s voice already.”

sp; Johnny walks over and pats him on the back. “Wow, look at you. Fatherhood suits you well.”

  After finishing lunch, the guys tell us to get rest. They’re doing the dishes.


  We lie on the chairs outside on the balcony. The sunlight feels warm; the temperature is in the high seventies. Even though I have my eyes shut, I can feel his presence. Upon opening them, I am staring into his deep blue ocean eyes. Smiling, his dimple deepens.

  “Jeez, will you two give it a rest already. We need to plan my wedding.”

  Johnny clears his throat. “I think that would be our wedding.”

  “Aiden, Shannon’s asked me to be her maid of honor.”

  “What a coincidence. I’m the best man.”

  “Oh wait, I’ll be right back.” Shannon runs inside. A couple of minutes later, she comes back. “I just needed to get a pen and tablet to write everything down on.”

  “Here, give me that. I’ll do the writing this time.” She hands me the tablet and pen. I open it up. “First thing, is the wedding going to be Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?”

  “I told Shannon, whatever she wants. It’s up to her.” She rises from her chair, walks over to him, and wraps her arms around him, burying her face in his chest. “Isn’t he the best? He’s definitely a keeper.”

  Aiden laughs. “Man, you’ve got the whole husband thing down already.”

  I glare at him. “Hey, leave him alone. They’re in love. Besides, mister, I wouldn’t be talking.”

  He bows his head and shakes it from side to side, laughing. “I remember: happy wife, happy life.”

  “Aiden, did you ever imagine we’d be both madly in love with such amazing women as these two? That in the same year we would both get engaged and prepare for our weddings? That you would be expecting twins?”

  “Not in a million years. I thought I was going to stay a bachelor for the rest of my life.”

  Getting up from my chair, I say, “Till you met me, huh, babe?” He pulls me into his arms and sways us a little.

  “Okay, okay, let’s finish the conversation about our wedding.”

  We iron out all the little details. The wedding will be on Christmas Eve. The dress will be designed by Renata again. The ceremony will be at the same church. Of course, the reception will be at the Steffan estate. The invitations will be from the same printer. By the time we are done, it’s early evening and getting cloudy. I tell them all I’m ready for a nap.

  “If you nap this late in the day, you won’t be able to sleep tonight.”

  “Just a short nap. My head hurts a little. I’ll be up in time to make dinner.”

  “Hey, could we go out for dinner? We could go to Marea.”

  We both look at Shannon. Before I can utter a word, Aiden says, “I don’t think that would be wise. If you’d like, I could order something from there. They’ll deliver it.”

  For a minute I was hoping he’d say yes. “I feel like a prisoner in my own home.” Leaving them outside, I storm upstairs to the bedroom.

  I can hear them speaking below me.

  “I’m sorry, Aiden. I wasn’t thinking.”

  “Shannon, I’m just trying to keep her safe. If anything happened to her, I wouldn’t survive losing her or those babies.”

  “I know that, and I’m sure she realizes that as well. It’s just her hormones are all out of whack right now. Let me talk to her.”


  Knock, knock.

  “Come in.”

  Shannon peeks her head in the door and asks if she can come in. “Yes.” She walks over to sit on the bed with me. She takes my hand in hers.

  “He just loves you so much. It would kill him if you or the babies would get hurt.”

  With my head down, I whisper, “I know.” Raising my head, I look at her. “It’s just that I am so over this already. Why can’t people leave us alone to be happy? How long are we supposed to fight just to be together? Even the doctor is making house calls so I won’t have to go out. It’s not fair.”

  She brings me in for a hug. “I know, baby. I wish I could tell you that this will be over tomorrow. The plain fact is, without knowing who is doing all this, making threats to your life, we can’t take chances. Lexie, none of us like this, but we don’t want to lose you.”

  Knock, knock.

  The door slowly opens. Aiden is standing there with his hands at his sides. “Baby, I don’t want you to be unhappy. I’ll make a deal with you.”

  With tears rolling down my face, I say, “A deal?”

  “The day after tomorrow, they are unveiling a new billboard on Times Square, the newest ad for the men’s line of sleepwear. You can go with me to the unveiling.”

  Jumping up from the bed, I run to him. “Do you mean that? We’ll be out in the open in front of hundreds of people.”

  “Yes, I promise. I’ll just need to get Anthony to order extra security. We’ll have to plan everything out for any scenario. I won’t take chances when it comes to your safety.”

  Squeezing him as hard as I can, I say, “Thank you. I promise it’ll be okay.” I gaze up at him. “Let’s go downstairs and watch a movie till it’s time for dinner.”

  “I thought you were taking a nap.”

  “I changed my mind.” We watch my and Shannon’s favorite, Thelma and Louise. After dinner, we call it a night. Exhausted from the day, I cuddle into Aiden’s chest, and fall fast asleep.


  “Mom. I can’t see you. Mom, where are you?” I open my lids slightly. My body feels like lead. I want to speak, but there’s something in my mouth.

  “Oh, baby. Lexie, I’m here. Thank God you came back to us. Call the doctor, she’s awake.”

  The feeling of confusion and horror is unbearable. Finally I get the words out. “No, no. You’re dead.” I’m yelling at the top of my lungs. “Aiden!”

  Someone shakes me. “Alexis, baby, wake up. It’s just a nightmare.” Still shouting, I open my eyes. Then I wrap my arms around him. “Oh god, it felt so real.” I must have been screaming really loud. There is banging on the door. Before we can say come in, the door swings open. Shannon and Johnny come running in. “We heard screams. Is everything okay?”

  I glance at Shannon. Then I turn back to Aiden. “I think I’m going to die.”

  The three of them stare at me, not saying a word. Aiden pulls me back to him. “Nothing is going to happen to you. I’ll have Brandy cancel the unveiling of the billboard. I will not put you in harm’s way.”

  My heart is beating faster than a freight train. I am literally shaking. The tears won’t stop. Again, I look up at Aiden. “You have to promise me that if I die, you’ll never let the boys forget me.”

  “Nothing is going to happen to you.”

  “Aiden, promise me!”

  Now he is crying. “Please do not ask me to promise you something like that. I will not lose you. I can’t…”

  I turn back toward Johnny and Shannon. “The both of you have to look after Aiden and the boys.” Still not hearing a single word from them, I get off the bed, go to Johnny, and grab him by the shirt. “Damnit, one of you have to promise me!”

  “We promise, Alexis, but my brother is right. We are going to do everything and anything to keep you and those babies safe.”

  “Good, thank you for the promise.” I go back to Aiden. “You are not canceling the unveiling. We are going to that ceremony, then we are getting on a plane back to Italy to live.”

  He says to Shannon and Johnny, “You two should go back to bed now. I’ll watch her till she falls asleep.”

  “Are you sure? We can stay here for a little bit.”

  Out of anger and frustration, he says, “I want to be alone with my wife!” He locks the door and turns off the light. As he powers on the mp3 player, our song fills the room. He turns the volume down just enough for us to hear it. He gets in bed and covers up, pulling me closely to his chest. Lying in silence, it feels like forever before we fall asleep.

  Chapter 27

  The sun peeks through a corner of the curtain. Not feeling Aiden beside me, I’m startled to see him sitting in a chair watching me. “How long have you been there?”

  He looks tired and his eyes are red. “I’m not sure. I couldn’t sleep, so I thought I would watch my beautiful wife rest.” Getting up from the chair, he walks over to lie with me. “What do you want for breakfast? Whatever you want. I am going to pamper you today.”

  Staring into those hypnotizing eyes, I answer, “I have everything I want here in this room. From the first day I met you, it has been an amazing adventure. You make me laugh. I’m addicted to you, and I will never regret one single moment we have shared. You say I’ve started a fire in you. That’s not true. It’s you who started the fire. My world begins and ends with you. No matter what happens, I need you to know that you have made me the happiest woman in the world. I love you all the way around the world and back again.”

  Laying us facing each other, he undoes my nightgown. “I want to make sweet love to the most beautiful woman in my life.” Slowly, we touch every part of our bodies. We caress and connect with each other like we are the only two people in the world. Our bodies tremble as one when we climax together. “I love you so much, Alexis.”

  “Aiden, my love for you will last a lifetime.”


  We dress and go to the kitchen. There is a note on the island.

  Went to work, and Johnny wanted to go home and take care of things there. We’ll see you both tonight.

  The phone rings. Aiden answers it and Brandy lets us know she is on her way up. I make enough omelets for the three of us. After eating, she and Aiden walk into his office to go over the arrangements for this morning. They need to make sure that there will be enough security. My husband wasn’t kidding when he said he would keep us safe no matter the cost.


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