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Following The Light (Out of the Dark Book 3)

Page 24

by Arlene Gonzales

  I make my way up to the bedroom where I can be alone to make a few videos. I want to leave the boys something to remember me. Just in case things go horribly wrong.

  Hopefully this is all for nothing, but I’m not going to be taking any chances. I make a total of six tapes, three for each of them.

  The first tells them how their daddy and I met and fell in love. The second is about the grandparents and uncle they can never meet. The third is all about while I’ve carried them. How much I love them.

  Even though the tapes are basically the same, I want each one to have his own copy. I place the tapes into two separate envelopes with the boys’ names on them.

  The rest of the day goes as expected. None of us are really saying what is on our minds. The four of us eat our dinner in silence. As we say goodnight, Shannon tells us that she and Johnny are going with us tomorrow to Times Square. The last time we had been there was the day Aiden and I first got married. Getting in bed, we face each other and tell one another that we love each other. As I close my eyes, I hear, “Baci, Alexis.”

  Smiling, I answer back the only way I can. “Abbracci, Aiden.”


  Arriving at the location, Anthony parks the SUV and walks around to let us out. Johnny and Shannon exit first. Then Aiden slides out. He holds his hand out for me to take. We make our way up the steps to the platform they have for us. The tension is thick. Aiden will not release my hand. I have to watch my feet as Anthony is directly in front of me. I don’t want to trip on his heels. Charles is right in back of me. I can’t help but make a joke. “I think I have more security then the president of the United States.”

  The first person to speak is the spokesperson for Givenchy. Even though they are better known for their cologne, they now have a line of men’s nightwear. It’s only natural that they want their star to model those as well. Next up is Aiden. Women begin screaming his name. They clap, and take pictures of him. Many of them are saying, “I love you Aiden.” To my surprise, a lot of them are also saying, “We love you, Alexis.”

  The sheet is pulled down from the billboard. The picture is of Aiden in a low-fitting pajama pair of pants. He is not wearing a shirt, and he is barefoot. Applause erupts and flashes go off from every angle.

  Half an hour later, we are boarding the SUV and en route to the airport. We packed our suitcases yesterday. I meant what I said. As much as I’ve come to love New York and made it my home, I love my family more. They will always come first. Shannon is sad to see us leave, but understands why we have to do it. We will see each other in a couple of months. We have another big wedding to prepare for. Truth be told, I really miss Italia as well. I know I can’t ride her, but I can brush her.

  Papa and Mama say that she misses me. They Skype with me on a regular basis too so I can see her. Plus, they text me pictures of her.

  As the suitcases are being loaded on the private plane, we say our goodbyes to Shannon and Johnny. Shannon says, “God, I am going to miss you.”

  “Hey, it’s only for a little while. You’re coming when the boys are born, right?”

  “Are you kidding? Wild horses couldn’t keep us away.”

  I hug Johnny. “Take care of my sister. See you both soon.”

  As we walk up the steps to enter the plane, she steps out of it. We are stunned to see Carla standing in front of us.

  She points a gun straight at me. “I told you I would make you suffer, bitch.”

  I am trembling with fear. I am not afraid for myself, but for the boys. I scream out, “Please, don’t kill my babies.”

  Carla doesn’t show any emotion other than hate. It’s the same look that Frank had the night he killed my family.

  Aiden jumps in front of me, screaming at me to get down. I turn to see the horror in his face, in his eyes.

  The sound of the gun going off is loud. We both tumble all the way down.

  My body lies there motionless. Blood drips down my face. I can’t see because there is so much blood. There is no pain, though; I feel as if I am floating. My body is weightless. I close my eyes for what feels like the last time.

  “Alexis. No, no. Alexis!”


  People are talking all around me. I hear someone crying. “Please save her.”

  Erik’s voice says, “Save my sister, please.” Then I hear the doctor yelling out for somebody to get them out of the room.

  It’s quiet except for a quiet beep. My head hurts as I attempt to open my eyes. The light causes more pain. I try to move but can’t.

  “Lexie, we’re here, baby. It’s Mom and Dad.” Again I stir, slowly opening my eyes. I look around the room, my eyes are roaming from side to side. Moaning, my mouth is dry.

  “Hey, little girl. You don’t know how happy I am to see those beautiful green eyes. Erik and Shannon are downstairs in the cafeteria eating what they call dinner here. Your mom and I have been praying every day and night for you to come back to us.”

  I am staring at my dad, but don’t know if this is a dream or what. “Daddy, is that really you?”

  A tear rolls down his face. He leans down to hug me. “It’s really me, Lexie. I love you so much.”

  A touch on my other side makes me turn in that direction. “Mom?”

  “Oh Lexie, I was so scared, but I never gave up hope. I didn’t care that the doctors said you might not come back to us. Your dad, Erik, and I would take turns talking to you.”

  “Where’s Aiden? Are the babies okay?”

  My father stares at me, then up at my mom. He asks, “Who is Aiden? What babies are you talking about?”

  “She’s awake?” Erik and Shannon rush to the bed. Both of them try to hug me at the same time and bang their heads against each other. I hug Erik with all my might. Releasing him, I pull Shannon down. “Where is Aiden? Did the babies get delivered all right? Where are they? I want to see my sons.”

  “Lexie, what are you talking about? You don’t have any babies.” I shake my head, bringing both of my hands to it. I feel the bandages. I start rubbing all around. “Shannon, what are you talking about? Of course, I have two sons. Where are they? Is Aiden with them? Somebody tell me what’s going on.”

  My mother gets in front of her. “Lexie, you were shot in the head. Do you remember what happened? Do you remember Frank ambushing us on the boat?”

  Dad tells Erik to go call the nurse. A few minutes later, a nurse and doctor enter the room. They ask everybody to leave so they can examine me. Watching my mom, dad, Erik, and Shannon leave the room, I’m horrified. I don’t know if I’m dreaming, and I just can’t wake up. Do I wish that my parents and only brother were alive? Of course. I miss them so much, but where are my husband and babies? I grab the doctor’s hand. “Where is Aiden, my husband? Please, somebody tell me what’s happening.”

  The nurse walks around to the other side of the bed. She pats me on the hand. “Ms. Moore, please calm down. We just need to examine you first. Afterward, we can sit and talk about the last three months.”

  “What?” My heart is racing. At the same time my body is covered in sweat. I start to hyperventilate, and then I start screaming. “No! This can’t be true. I want to see my babies! I want to see Aiden.” The pain is excruciating. I see the nurse pull an injection out of her pocket. I yell again, “I don’t want that. What are you giving me?”

  She puts the injection into the IV attached to my arm. I start to feel numb. My eyelids are getting heavy.


  Stirring, I moan.

  “Lexie, I’m here. I love you, little sister.”

  Slowly I open my eyes, raising my hand to my head. I look up at the figure until it comes into focus. “Erik, is that really you?”

  He smiles, a single tear rolling down his cheek. “In the flesh.”

  “I’m thirsty, can you get me some water?”

  He turns to the cart beside him, pours water in the cup, and slightly lifts my head. “Here, don’t drink it too fast. Take your time…that’s it, slowly.�

  Sipping it through a straw, I drink enough to wet my mouth and lips. They feel so dry and rough. Lowering my head, he sets the cup back on the cart. He holds my hand. I stare at him for a while before speaking. “Erik, tell me what happened. Where am I, and how long have I been here?”

  He gently sits on the bed. “Lexie, do you remember being on the boat? It was you, me, Mom, and Dad. It was the Friday after you filed a restraining order against Frank. We had finished dinner. The four of us were sitting and enjoying the night air and the stars. None of us heard him climb on board. He had a gun.”

  I slightly shake my head, then tilt it down. “I remember that he had a gun. The sound of it going off. There were three shots. I thought he shot and killed you, Mom, and Dad.”

  “Yes, there were three shots. In all the commotion, with all of us yelling and struggling, he didn’t see the Coast Guard till they were right next to our boat. I wrestled him for the gun, but he knocked me out with the butt of it. He put you in front of him. Dad said he fired. Thank God the bullet only grazed you. The force of it made you fall and hit your head on the floor. When you went down, he fired at the Coast Guard. They fired back and killed him. You fell into a coma. You’ve been in one for three months.”

  Letting go of my hand, he hugs me. “Lexie, we have all taken turns talking to you, begging you to come back to us, telling you how much we love you. There were a few times we thought we lost you. You flatlined, but the doctors revived you. I’ve felt like I let you down…”

  “Why would you think that? You have always been my protector.”

  Rising and walking to the window, he says, “I couldn’t protect you that night. I promised that I would always take care of you. I let you down.”

  “Erik, you didn’t let me down. You’ve always been the best big brother to me. It’s my fault that all of you almost got killed. I should have listened to you in the first place. None of this would have happened.”

  He walks back to sit on the bed again. We embrace. Pulling back, he says, “I’m just glad that this nightmare is over. As soon as you’re able to go home, we can start to live a normal life again. Everything will be back to the way it was before Frank.” I bow my head. Tears run down my face. “Hey, what is it? I know it’ll be hard, but look, you are alive. Frank is dead. You can go back to college after you’re all better.”

  “No. Things will never be the same again. I need Aiden. I belong with Aiden.”

  “Lexie, who is Aiden?”

  “Aiden Steffan. The world’s most-wanted male model.” We both turn in the direction of the voice. Shannon is standing at the door with a poster of Aiden. On the poster, he’s wearing a pair of jeans and nothing else. She comes over and lays the poster on the bed. “At first when you kept saying his name, I didn’t know who you were talking about. Then it dawned on me. All the posters in your room. I remembered how you were always saying how much you wanted to meet him, how you were his number one fan. You’ve had a mad crush on him for a couple of years now.”

  Erik gets up from the bed, laughing. “Are you serious?”

  Picking up the poster, he studies it for a minute before looking over at me. “You said he was your husband when you woke up yesterday. That you had babies. Lexie, why would you think or believe that?”

  I throw my hands up in the air. “It’s a long story. I don’t even know if either one of you will believe me. You’re already laughing at me.”

  Sitting back down on the bed, he lovingly pulls me into his arms. “I’m sorry, little sister. I didn’t mean to laugh or make you feel ashamed. I missed you so much. Every day I talked to you just to see if you would respond to me. My one wish every morning was that you would come back to us.”

  Shannon wraps her arms around the both of us. “The Three Musketeers are back together. Nothing will ever break us apart again.”

  “Well, this musketeer wants to hear the story. We have all day, so lay it on us.”

  They both make themselves comfortable. I lie back and proceed to tell them everything, from the beginning to when I woke up here. Not one detail is left out. After a few hours of me explaining the whole story, I conclude: “That’s it, now you see why I say I’m meant to be with him. I know in my heart of hearts he needs me just as much as I need him. Right before I heard all of your voices here, there was an old woman’s voice that told me to fight my way back to him.” I think it might have been Aiden’s grandmother, remembering the dreams he told me about where she assured him we would be happy.

  “All right, you two, it’s time for Alexis to get some rest. Tomorrow is another day.”

  Erik walks over to the man who just entered the room and pats him on the back, looking at me. “Lexie, this is the one who has been taking care of you for the last three months. He never gave up on you. Meet Dr. Verdi. Mom and Dad love him.”

  My eyes widen at his name. “That’s the doctor’s name in my dream. The one who was going to deliver the babies. He was much older and Italian, but that was his name.” Shannon and Erik both look at me, then at each other.

  Dr. Verdi takes my hand to listen to my pulse. “I’m going to order you something to help you sleep tonight. Now you two say your goodnights. She needs her rest.”

  After they all leave, I’m left wondering what’s going to happen next. I need to look at myself in the mirror, but my legs don’t seem to work right now.


  I push the call button for a nurse to help me. A few minutes later, one comes in. “Good evening, Alexis. Dr. Verdi ordered a little something to help you rest tonight.” She turns off the call light. “Did you need something else?”

  “I’d like to see a mirror, please. Could you get me one?”

  “I think we have one I can bring in for you. Let me take your vitals first, okay? Then I’ll get it for you, before giving you this pill.” While taking my temperature, she listens to my heart. “Okay, I’ll be right back with that mirror.”

  I don’t even know what I look like. Erik said I was shot in the head. I’ve had bandages on since I was brought in the day of the incident. Since they took them off earlier today, my hair feels all tangled up. I know they had to cut my hair on my right side where the bullet grazed me. Everything still feels fuzzy. I can’t remember that night. The doctor said things would probably start coming back to me a little at a time. He also said that in some cases it could all hit at once.

  “Okay, here we go.” She doesn’t give me the mirror yet. “Remember, you have been through a nightmare. You are alive and have a family who loves you with all their hearts. A best friend who has been here day and night. After a shower and a nice shampooing, getting your hair done. You’ll be good as ever.” She hands me the mirror. I look at her for a second, then lift it up to see.

  “They cut more hair then I thought.”

  “Alexis, your hair will grow back. It already has started to. The important thing to remember here is that you survived. You are alive.”

  “I know you’re right. I’m just trying to cope with everything that’s happening. It’s a lot to take in all at once.”

  “Oh honey, just give yourself time. Things will get back to normal slowly. Here, take this pill and get some rest. Tomorrow we start to help you walk again.”

  Smiling at her, I ask her name. “My name is Angel. I’ll be here till seven in the morning if you need anything.” She leaves the room. Fisting both of my hands, I gasp—her name is Angel. Just like Frank’s sister. How can I have dreamed both the doctor’s and nurse’s names?

  The pill is kicking in. I fall in a deep sleep.

  I’m standing in the middle of a vineyard. There is a bit of a chill in the air. In the distance, I notice a black horse running toward me. It doesn’t seem to slow down as it gets closer. When I turn to run, there is an old woman standing in front of me, pointing at the horse. “Run to him, show him the love you feel. He needs you.” When I reach out to touch her, she disappears. I look back at the horse, and he’s gone too.

; ***

  Mom and Dad are here when I open my eyes. They both hug me as soon as they see I’m awake. Before I can tell them what I want, the doctor and nurse come in to check on me. Soon after, my breakfast tray is brought in. Once I’m finished, they bring in a wheelchair so I can go to therapy. I need to get my legs strong again.

  As I’m wheeled into the therapy room, my mom and dad accompany me. The physical therapist introduces herself. She helps me up and over to the walking beams they have for patients like me. My legs feel weaker than I realized. When I almost fall, my dad rushes over to help me. “I’ve got you, baby girl.”

  I look up at him and smile. “I know. I love you, Daddy.” I have never seen my dad cry till the day I woke up. This is the second time it’s happened. “Don’t cry, Daddy. I’m going to be okay.”

  Wiping his tears away, he smiles. “Yes, you are.”

  The nerves in my legs need to be woken up. Although they feel numb, there is also plenty of pain. The session lasts an hour. Once I get back to my room, I say, “Mom, I need a shower, and I want to really shampoo my hair good. Will you help me, please?”

  “Yes, of course, Lexie.”

  Dad excuses himself. “I’ll be in the waiting room down the hall while you girls are busy.”

  There is a chair in the shower of my room. Mom helps me get on it. She washes my hair thoroughly, then gives me a sponge bath. Brushing my hair while I sit on the bed, she tells me what she has always said. “You have your grandma’s hair, long and wavy.”

  “I love when you comb my hair and tell me stories about her.”

  A while later, my dad comes in. “You girls catching up?” I tell them I want to sit for a bit longer. “I don’t want to lie down yet. I do want to talk with you both, though.”

  A nurse drops by to take my vitals. As she is walking out, they bring in my lunch tray. Then the doctor enters the room. “Well, it’s nice to see you sitting up. How are we feeling today?”

  The question brings back a vivid part of the dream. Dr. Shaw always asked that very same question. Okay, okay. I know there was no Dr. Shaw. But one thing I know is that whole dream is supposed to mean something to me. I need to follow that dream and make it a reality. I decide on waiting to tell my parents till I’m stronger and at home.


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