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My Hometown

Page 19

by SJD Peterson

  “Well?” Jimmy asked when he pulled back, letting Eric’s cock slip from his mouth with a loud pop and licked his lips.

  “Well what? Don’t stop.” He tried to push Jimmy’s head back down, but Jimmy held fast.

  “Is this better than biting on my tits?”

  Eric looked down at his spit-covered dick, straining and a deep ruddy color, then back up at Jimmy with an arched brow. “What do you think? Now do you mind continuing?”

  “Greedy little fucker, aren’t you?”

  “You have no idea. Drive me out of my fool head.”

  “You are a fool, but a lovable one,” Jimmy laughed. Instead of doing as Eric told him, Jimmy wrapped his hand firmly around Eric’s shaft, giving it a few hard pulls.

  “C’mon, man, don’t leave me hanging.” Eric groaned, greedy to get Jimmy’s mouth back on him. He tightened his hold on Jimmy’s hair, pushing him forward.

  With his free hand, Jimmy forced Eric’s hand from his hair. “Patience, we’re just getting started.”

  Eric huffed out a pent-up breath, but he didn’t complain nor was he ready to beg. Yet.

  Jimmy sat back on his haunches and pulled off one of Eric’s boots, then the other. He slid Eric’s jeans down his legs and off. “That’s better,” Jimmy responded and ran his callused hands up Eric’s thighs. His eyes locked on Eric’s straining erection. “Much, much better.”

  And then to Eric’s relief and delight, Jimmy took Eric’s cockhead back into his mouth, sucking in earnest as he continued to pump the shaft in a firm, steady stroke.

  “Fuck yeah.” Eric groaned, his eyes threatening to roll back in his head. However, he refused to take his gaze off the sight of Jimmy sucking his cock. It made the eroticism of it all the better. Just when Eric thought it couldn’t get any better, Jimmy surprised him by sliding his other hand beneath Eric’s balls and playing and tugging on them with just the perfect amount of pressure and friction.

  The warm mouth, tight fist, and pressure on his nuts sent Eric spiraling out of control, and within minutes his balls tightened and a knot formed at the base of his spine. The rapid escalation of his need shocked him, stealing his breath and leaving him powerless to control it.

  “Don’t you dare,” Jimmy warned, pulling off Eric’s dick and squeezing it hard.

  Eric laid his head back, breathing harshly as he struggled to clamp down on his out-of-control libido.

  “No way are you coming yet. I am not even close to being done with you.”

  “I’m… I…. Yeah, give me a second,” Eric babbled. He closed his eyes and sucked in a few deep breaths.

  It took a few minutes and more than a little stubbornness on Eric’s part, but he finally got himself under control. His dick hurt it was so hard, and he might have staved off his orgasm for the moment, but it was still simmering just below the surface, screaming for release.


  Eric took one more deep breath, blew it out slowly, and then opened his eyes. “Jesus, you have a talented mouth.”

  “That’s only one of my many talents,” Jimmy sniffed and went to his feet. He held out his hand. “C’mon.”

  Eric’s brows shot up and he looked at Jimmy incredulously. “You honestly expect me to get up? My legs are shaking so hard I’ll fall down.”

  “Aww, poor baby. I’ll catch you,” he offered, then grabbed Eric’s hand and pulled him to his feet. He pressed his lips to Eric’s. “I want to be able to reach every single inch of you with my hands and mouth.”

  “It’s all yours.”

  “Damn right it is,” Jimmy said adamantly and led Eric to the bed, motioning for him to sit. Once Eric was sitting on the mattress, Jimmy pulled Eric’s T-shirt off, throwing it in the same general direction as the other clothing. “Get in the center of the bed.”

  Eric leaned back on his hands and thrust his hips up, his straining erection bobbing with the movement. “You know, in this position….” He waggled his brows suggestively.

  “Quite tempting, but no. Now get up on the bed like I told you.” Jimmy pulled open the bedside table to rummage around in it.

  Eric watched him cautiously, his belly fluttering when Jimmy pulled out a condom and a tube of lube and held them up with a triumphant expression on his face. Eric slid up into the center of the bed without taking his gaze from the supplies in Jimmy’s hand. He suddenly was less than sure of what was happening and beginning to think perhaps this wasn’t the best idea.

  Jimmy must not have noticed Eric’s sudden nervousness or the way his erection began to wane ever so slightly. Instead Jimmy’s smile suddenly seemed ominous as did the condom and lube he’d laid on the mattress next to Eric while he shucked his jeans.

  Eric had enough fantasies about making love to Jimmy. He still wanted to get his hands on all those bulging muscles, feel the power in the lithe body. He definitely wanted more of Jimmy’s mouth on him; hell, he wouldn’t even mind sucking Jimmy off, but sex? He wasn’t sure he was ready for that. The way his heart was hammering in his chest, his hands were beginning to sweat, and his gut was churning, his body wasn’t so sure about it either.

  “You look like someone just kicked your dog. What’s wrong?” Jimmy asked as he crawled up on the bed next to Eric.

  Eric glanced down at Jimmy’s crotch. He wasn’t as long as Eric, but he was substantially thicker. The churning in his belly increased and his skin prickled. The thought of Jimmy fucking him now scared the bejesus out of him.

  “I… umm… well.” He looked up at Jimmy and shrugged. “Maybe we’re moving a little fast here.”

  Jimmy ran his hand along Eric’s cheek, leaning in to press a soft kiss to his lips. “We can go as slow or as fast as you want. I know you’re nervous.” He kissed him again. “No pressure.”

  “I sound like a virgin on her wedding night, don’t I?” Eric chuckled.

  “A little, but it’s cute.”

  “Cute? You so didn’t just call me cute.” Eric grabbed Jimmy’s shoulder and, in one deft move, rolled them until Jimmy was flat on his back and Eric was straddling his thigh, looming over him. “Take it back.”

  Jimmy tried to roll them, but Eric grabbed Jimmy’s wrists, stretching his arms over his head and pinning them as he pressed down against Jimmy’s groin. He froze when their hard cocks smashed together, the contact igniting sparks along Eric’s skin. The sensation was pleasurable and he rolled his hips, groaning and forgetting all about Jimmy’s cute comment. As he continued to move, it was his nervousness that waned as his erection renewed.

  He took Jimmy’s mouth in another blistering kiss, pulling a deep, rumbling moan from Jimmy. The sound was satisfying and drove him harder to produce another one as he continued to roll his hips, thrusting and rutting.

  “You sure you’re okay with this?” Jimmy asked when the kiss ended.

  “What do you think?” Eric thrust again.

  “Feels like you’re more than okay with it, but what was going through your head a minute ago?”

  Eric released Jimmy’s wrists, sliding his fingertips along his arms and splaying his fingers over Jimmy’s pecs. “The thought of you fucking me scared me a bit,” he admitted. “But this. This doesn’t make me nervous at all.”

  Jimmy grabbed Eric’s hips, encouraging him to keep moving. “Then keep doing it.”

  Eric tipped his head back, his eyes fluttering closed as he moved, digging his fingers into the flesh of Jimmy’s chest while their cocks slid along each other, creating the perfect friction.

  “Look at me.”

  Eric opened his eyes and met Jimmy’s gaze, wondering if his eyes reflected the pure lust he saw in Jimmy’s. “We never have to do anything you’re not comfortable with. You know that, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, it’s just….”

  “Just what?”


  Jimmy started to say something further, but Eric cut him off by smashing their mouths together again. He didn’t want to talk, didn’t want to worry about anything
. He simply wanted to keep kissing and touching and loving on Jimmy and he’d worry about all the other crap later.

  They moved together perfectly. Eric planted his hands on the bed on either side of Jimmy’s head, and Jimmy dug his hands in to Eric’s ass, encouraging each thrust and roll of Eric’s hips. It was a slow, sensual dance, yet full of power and yearning. Eric had been with a lot of women throughout his life, but it had never felt as right as it did with Jimmy. But it wasn’t the physical differences between the women and Jimmy, it had more to do with the fact that for the first time in his life, he was sharing his bed and body with someone he loved. His mind, body, and heart were fully engaged with each touch, each kiss, and each stroke of cockhead against cockhead, the sensations both overpowering and overwhelming him in the best possible ways.

  Eric’s body tensed as his orgasm crept down his spine, his breath harsh. He didn’t want it to end, but he couldn’t stop moving, didn’t want to.

  “Sorry, not going to be able to last much longer,” he said against the warm skin of Jimmy’s neck.

  “Me either. Fuck, you feel good.”

  “Don’t want it to end,” Eric groaned, his movements becoming erratic.

  “Won’t. I’m never letting you out of bed again,” Jimmy murmured. “Now do it, fucking come all over me,” he demanded and slapped Eric hard on the ass.

  The sting of pain and Jimmy’s demand caused Eric’s orgasm to slam into him. He threw his head back, and with one more powerful thrust, he erupted all over Jimmy’s cock, stomach, and chest. That was all it took for Jimmy, and he was crying out Eric’s name as he added to the mess on their bodies. Eric continued to move through each pulse of his release until the last drop seeped from his body, and he collapsed on Jimmy, loving every fucking minute of their come-covered bodies touching from chest to toe.

  He peppered Jimmy’s face with soft kisses while he fought to catch his breath. “I think you’re going to have to rethink the never getting out of bed thingy.” He chuckled. “We made a hell of a mess.”

  “Just think of it as lubrication for the festivities,” Jimmy teased.

  Eric leaned back and looked down at Jimmy and smiled. “You are a fucking nut, you do realize that, don’t you?”

  “Yup, an insatiable one, and trust me, now that I’ve had a little taste of this gorgeous fucking body, insatiable is an understatement. You got a problem with that?”

  Eric kissed Jimmy’s nose. “Nope, but I’m thinking round two would be more fun beneath the hot spray of a shower. C’mon.”

  Eric started to roll off Jimmy, but Jimmy stopped him. “One more kiss?”

  “One more? Hell, you can have as many as you want or need. Never loved kissing anyone like I do you,” Eric said.

  “I’ve never loved anyone like I do you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “SO WHAT am I supposed to call him?”

  Eric looked over his shoulder at his little brother’s perplexed expression, his hand still beneath the hen he was collecting eggs from. “It’s a hen, a girl, you know? Hence these,” he replied and held up the eggs.

  “No, you moron, I was talking about Jimmy.”

  Eric carefully placed the eggs in the basket and cocked his head at Josh. It was his turn to be perplexed. “What do you mean?”

  Josh shoved his hands in his pockets, looking uncomfortable, his gaze averted. “I’m having a really hard time with… well…. I’ve always looked up to you both as brothers and now…. Do I introduce him as your boyfriend? And if you get married, will he be like my brother-in-law, and if so, what the hell do I call him then? Your husband?”

  “Whoa, wait a minute. No one said a damn thing about marriage.” He loved Jimmy, but marriage? No fucking way. He didn’t want to get married. Not that he had an issue with anyone who wanted to tie the knot, but it wasn’t for him and he damn sure didn’t need a piece of paper defining his and Jimmy’s relationship.

  “Okay, that’s a relief, but…. Shit! I don’t know, Eric. You and him together, it’s just really fucking weird.”

  Eric hadn’t even thought about how his and Jimmy’s new relationship would affect his little brother or the rest of his family for that matter. Hell, he was still trying to figure it out himself. Considering Josh had grown up with Jimmy, loved and respected him, Eric hadn’t thought Josh would have an issue with Eric being in a relationship with Jimmy.

  “I wouldn’t have pegged you for someone who would have an issue with same-sex couples.”

  “I don’t. I mean, I’m catching some shit from some of the guys at school, but they can go piss up a rope for all I care. I don’t have a problem with Jimmy, it’s….” He rolled his hand in a gesture of “help me out here.”

  Eric stayed silent. He had no idea what Josh was trying to say.

  Josh scrubbed his hand over his head and huffed out a breath, finally meeting Eric’s gaze. “It’s not the gay part that bothers me. It’s that I’m having a difficult time coming to terms with the fact that you are. I never knew. I mean, you are a legendary heartbreaker when it comes to the ladies.”

  “I’m not gay, Josh.”

  Josh gave him a disbelieving look.

  “I know that sounds weird considering the fact that I’m with Jimmy. I really need to quit saying that like there is something wrong with it. It’s just new to me too. Hell, maybe I am, I don’t fucking know, Josh. It’s not like I’ve been lying to myself all these years. My feelings for Jimmy just kind of changed over time. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy being with women, or at least I have in the past, but with Jimmy, it’s…. Well, it’s…. Ugh! It just is.”

  “Okay, well I feel better. See you later,” Josh said and turned to leave.

  “Hey! Wait a minute. What do you mean you feel better?”

  Josh turned, a large smile on his face. “I thought you’d been lying to me all these years. It’s still weird thinking about you two as a couple, but hey, I’ll get used to it. But for now I think I’ll stick to calling him Jimmy and introducing him as our bud. See you later.”

  Eric stared at Josh’s retreating form. He had no idea what the hell had just happened, but obviously he’d said the right thing to put Josh at ease.

  JIMMY TOOK the two glasses of sweet tea out to the porch and held one out to Eric. Eric continued to stare, unblinking, seemingly oblivious to Jimmy’s presence. “Earth to Mr. Halter.”

  Eric jumped. “Oh, thanks,” he said, accepting the tea.

  “Looks like something’s weighing heavy on your mind,” Jimmy surmised as he took the rocking chair next to Eric.

  “No, not really.” Eric took a sip of his tea and set it on the small table between them. He then ran his hands down his thighs. “I was talking to Josh this morning. It was weird.”

  “Well, he is only sixteen; it’s mandatory to be weird at that age.”

  “I guess.” Eric shrugged. “It’s just weird. He wasn’t upset at me for being with you, he just felt betrayed because he thought I’d been lying to him all these years about my sexuality. I explained it as best I could, that I hadn’t been lying to him, and that was it. He was all cool after that.”

  Jimmy took a big gulp of his tea, his throat suddenly dry. It wasn’t Eric’s words that had Jimmy’s nerves jumping up and down, but the perplexed expression on Eric’s face as he went back to staring toward the barn.

  “That’s a good thing, isn’t it?” Jimmy asked hesitantly.

  “Yeah, sure. I just found it odd, is all. I guess I never really thought about what other people would think. Well, not people, people, but my family.”

  “Yeah, because your family are not people,” Jimmy teased, trying to lessen the frown on Eric’s face.

  Eric gave him an aggrieved look. “Shut up, you know what I meant. Josh was the first person to say anything. My mom and dad are acting like nothing happened, Scott hasn’t said a word, neither have any of the hands. Hell, I haven’t even heard from Hank, Phillip, or Garrett. Do they know, and if they do, why haven’t they

  “Maybe they need time for it to sink in.”

  Eric downed the rest of his tea and set the glass aside. “I don’t want to think about it any more right now. Makes my head hurt.” He went to his feet and held out his hand. “Let’s go for a walk.”

  Jimmy set his glass down as well and took Eric’s hand. He’d assumed Eric was just going to help him up, but to Jimmy’s delight, he entwined their fingers.

  They walked past the barn, down the small two-track, toward the back of the property in silence. Eric might have said he didn’t want to talk about it, but his marred brow visible beneath his Stetson spoke otherwise. Jimmy understood what Eric was dealing with. Even though he’d had the support of his family and wasn’t ever going to hide who he was, it had still been scary as hell coming out to his peers. He’d gotten some shit, but mainly from kids who didn’t know him and their opinions had no bearing on Jimmy or his feelings.

  The only thing Jimmy could do was support Eric. Have his back like he always had. When Eric was ready to talk, he’d be there, but in the meantime Jimmy would have to be patient and give Eric the time to deal with it in his own way.

  Jimmy had assumed they’d head to the pond, but when Eric headed for the tree line to the right, he had to ask, “Where are we going?”

  “If you have to ask, you’ve definitely been gone away from home too long.”

  “What?” he asked in confusion.

  Eric shook his head and smirked. “They say the mind is the first thing to go.”


  Hand in hand, they wove their way through the trees, down a small gulley, and when they made their way up the other side, Jimmy’s eyes went wide. “Holy shit! I forgot all about this place.”

  “It’s been a long time.”

  Jimmy took in the piled logs, the walls of their old fort still standing, but the roof made of pine branches was long gone. “Jesus, how old were we when we built this thing? Like eight?”

  “Yeah, about that.” Eric grinned. “I stumbled across it a couple months ago.”


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