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My Hometown

Page 20

by SJD Peterson

  “Ah, so you had forgotten too.” Jimmy let go of Eric’s hand and went to explore their old playground. There wasn’t much left. Other than the walls, there was an old rusty mason jar they’d used for catching crickets, a couple of stumps they’d rolled in to use as stools, and remnants of a plastic bag, the kind they’d used to bring lunch out to their double secret, no cootie girls allowed camp. The memories made Jimmy laugh.

  “Don’t laugh at the poor thing,” Eric chastised lightly and sat down on one of the stumps. “This place hid us from the chore patrol on more than one occasion. Would have probably been a mansion if you hadn’t up and got a good case of the scaredy-cats.”

  “Hey!” Jimmy protested and sat on the other stump. “I was eight, and when things slither up your pant leg at that age, it tends to leave a mark on your nerves. Not to mention your jeans.”

  Eric threw his head back and laughed boisterously. “Funniest thing I ever saw. You jumping up, screaming, trying to get your jeans off and pissing yourself at the same time.”

  “Ha-ha. You promised to never tell anyone.”

  Eric tilted his head, still chuckling, and winked. “Never did.”

  Jimmy smiled back and nodded his head. Eric always kept Jimmy’s secrets. Now that he looked around their childhood fort, it hit him. He’d always trusted Eric with his secrets, and yet as he got older, he’d forgotten how safe they were with his friend and instead kept them to himself. Stupid.

  “I’m sorry,” Jimmy finally said.

  “For what?”

  “For forgetting how safe my secrets were with you. I never should have kept things from you.”

  “We both made that mistake and it nearly cost us dearly. Want to make a vow?”

  Jimmy leaned back slightly. “You are not going to make me cut my palm and swear on blood, are you?”

  “No.” Eric snorted. “I think we can just promise to never keep things from each other again. I trust you to keep it.”

  “I lied, ignored you, and took you for granted, and you still trust me,” Jimmy said in awe.

  Eric went to his knees in front of Jimmy and cupped his face. “Yeah, I do. We both were being stupid, but I believe we’ve both come to realize what we could lose if we aren’t honest.”

  Jimmy’s heart melted. “Want to shake on it?”

  “No,” Eric replied and leaned in until their lips were nearly touching. “I want to seal it with a kiss.”

  They shared slow, lazy kisses. Jimmy pushed off Eric’s Stetson to thread his fingers through Eric’s hair and deepened the kiss. Eric’s warm, strong hands slid up and down Jimmy’s back, it was both soothing and arousing, and when Eric ended the kiss, Jimmy was achingly hard and a little breathless.

  “What time do you have to leave in the morning?”

  “Not until nine, why?”

  “How about I stay at your place tonight?” Eric asked as he continued to place soft kisses to Jimmy’s lips, chin, and jaw.

  “Mmm, I’d like that,” Jimmy responded, chasing those warm lips.

  Eric went to his feet and grabbed Jimmy’s hand, a sly smile curling his mouth. “Hope you don’t have a busy day planned. I don’t suspect I’ll be letting you get much sleep tonight.”

  Jimmy shuddered and allowed Eric to lead him wherever he wanted to go.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  JESUS H. Christ! Jimmy couldn’t remember being this damn excited. He’d left Eric to tend to whatever it was he needed to do so he could rush home. Jimmy had been literally fucking shaking by the time he made it through the front door. The crack in the coat closet door was no longer a crack after his shoulder slammed into it in his haste to get his boots off. Eric’s statement, “I don’t suspect I’ll be letting you get much sleep tonight,” played over and over in his head on his drive home and as he raced up the stairs, taking them two at a time. There was no goddamn way he was going to spend one minute with Eric without relieving a little of the pressure Eric’s kisses and promise had produced. The evening would be over before it even got started, and no way was he going to allow that to happen. Jimmy stripped out of his clothes, set the taps on the shower, and had his fist wrapped around his cock before the water was even hot.

  Two hours later when Jimmy heard a short rap on the front door, before it was even opened, all his preparation was in vain. The moment he saw Eric holding up two longnecks with a wide smile that lit up his dimples, Jimmy’s pulse kicked up and his skin tingled in anticipation.

  “Thought you could use a cold one,” Eric remarked as he set the beers down on the small entry table to pull off his boots.

  “You have no idea,” Jimmy muttered, his throat suddenly dry.

  Eric was dressed in a pair of Wranglers and a tight pale blue T-shirt that showed off the thick muscles of his chest perfectly. Dear God, how many times had he fantasized about making love to Eric? Okay, so not all his fantasies had been about lovemaking, some were downright fucking naughty, dirty, and so, so, hot. Jimmy swallowed hard when Eric strolled into the room. He handed a beer to Jimmy, before twisting off the cap on his.

  Eric snatched up the TV remote before heading over to the couch. “Why don’t you come join me over here,” he suggested as he took a seat and propped his feet up on the coffee table. The smile never left his face as he started clicking through channels, although he never took his eyes off Jimmy.

  And didn’t that beat all. Here Eric looked all calm, the grin screaming not a care in the world. Yet Jimmy’s nerves were zinging nearly as fast as his pulse. He’d been with plenty of men in his life, shouldn’t Eric be the one that was nervous? Jimmy opened his beer and took a long pull before pushing up out of the recliner.

  Eric’s arm instantly went around Jimmy’s shoulder as soon as he took a seat. “What kind of movie are you in the mood for?”

  “Umm….” Eric’s heat, the scent of his freshly washed hair, and the way he was brushing his thumb against Jimmy’s shoulder were short-circuiting his brain. Movie? Who the hell could think about movies? “Whatever you want.”

  “You got any porn on this thing?”

  Jimmy gave him a disbelieving look. “This was my mom and dad’s house! Of course I don’t have porn down here.”

  Eric set the remote aside and brought his beer to his lips. “Ah, so it’s upstairs,” he commented before taking a big gulp of his beer.

  “No, I don’t have any porn.”

  “Hmm. Drink up.”

  Jimmy eyed Eric suspiciously as he tipped his beer up and then nearly choked on it when Eric added, “We’ll make our own.”


  Before Jimmy could wrap his mind around Eric’s suggestion, Eric downed his beer, set the bottle aside, and grabbed Jimmy’s cock. “You going to drink that?” Eric nodded toward Jimmy’s beer.

  Jimmy might have been slow out of the gate, but he caught up fast. “Nope.” He set it aside and pushed up into Eric’s hand. “But you are so not videotaping this.”

  “Aww, why not?” But Eric’s eyes had darkened, and the fact that he had reached over and yanked open Jimmy’s belt, button, and zipper and was shoving his hand inside Jimmy’s jeans showed Eric really didn’t care about the why of it.

  The instant that callused palm connected with Jimmy’s shaft, Jimmy didn’t care either. It was dry and rough and so fucking perfect, Jimmy couldn’t help but thrust up into Eric’s fist. Even though it hadn’t been that long since Jimmy had gotten off, it only took a couple of minutes and he was teetering on the edge of orgasm. He laid his hand over Eric’s. “Wait,” he gritted out and blew a relieved breath when Eric pulled his hand away.

  “Seems you have a hair trigger.” Eric smirked. “You should have done like I did and blew your load in the shower.”

  Jimmy brushed his damp bangs from his forehead. “I did.”

  “Wow, seriously? I’m damn good, ain’t I?”

  Jimmy didn’t respond, but rather snatched up his beer and downed it, doing his best to ignore the smug expression on Eric’s

  “Let’s hope you reload quickly, then.” Eric slid Jimmy’s jeans and boxers down his legs and off.

  With the immediate threat of blowing a nut, Jimmy got hold of his control and his dick. He wrapped his fingers lightly around it and gave it a couple light strokes. “Lucky for me, or rather you, I’ve got a magazine speed loader on this bad boy.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that,” Eric said slyly and then leaned forward and took Jimmy’s cock into his mouth.

  “Jesus!” Jimmy’s hands landed on the back of Eric’s head. For a few heartbeats he stared in awe as Eric bobbed his head. Eric was sucking his dick! Holy fuck, how many times had he dreamed of this over the years? Too many times to count. And why in the hell was he thinking about the past when his present was warm, firm lips working his cock?

  Jimmy threaded his fingers through the silky strands of Eric’s hair, not inhibiting his movements, simply touching and enjoying the sensation and the view.

  Eric teased the underside of Jimmy’s cock with the tip of his tongue, but it was the look in Eric’s lust-filled eyes that caused Jimmy’s breath to hitch. “Damn that feels good.”

  “Tastes good too.” Eric licked the small slit in Jimmy’s cockhead. He rested his chin on Jimmy’s knee, looking up at Jimmy with that same smirk. “Better than I thought it would.”

  Jimmy’s legs were shaking and tension had seeped into his gut as his arousal began to once again spiral toward detonation. “Well, then, by all means, help yourself to more.”

  “Oh, I don’t know.” Eric teased a finger down Jimmy’s wet and pulsing cock. “I kind of like looking at it too. Never been this up close and personal with a dick that wasn’t mine.”

  “Sure you have, you rubbed your dick all over mine. Which was pretty fucking hot, so if you don’t want to continue with lick and suck, how about a little rub and blow?” Jimmy suggested and waggled his brows. He’d really love to have Eric’s mouth back on him, but having Eric naked and getting his hands on all those sweet muscles had its appeal too.

  “Or….” Eric left his thought hanging in the air as he continued to tease his finger up and down Jimmy’s cock.

  The minutes clicked by until Jimmy couldn’t stand it a second longer. “Or what?”

  Eric went to his feet and unbuckled his belt. “Been having these fantasies too long. Driving me crazy with how badly I want to touch you, taste you….” He popped the button on his Wranglers and eased down the zipper before adding, “Fuck you.”

  Jimmy was glad he was sitting down, or Eric’s statement would have knocked him on his ass. However, he recovered quickly—sort of—but his hands were trembling when he pulled off his T-shirt and his legs shaking even harder when he went to his feet to stand buck-ass naked in front of Eric.

  “Let’s take this to my room.”

  Eric tilted his head, his smirk growing to a full-on light-up-his-face smile. “Lead the way.”

  BUZZING FILLED Eric’s ears as he followed Jimmy up the stairs. He was pretty sure it was from the electric zing that was racing through his body. He was excited and nervous in equal measures. He’d fantasized about this for years, but now that it was becoming a reality, yeah, he was a little freaked out. But not enough to turn around and hightail it out of there. Especially not with Jimmy’s firm ass right there at eye level, pulling him along. At the top of the stairs, he couldn’t resist any longer and reached out and grabbed two handfuls of that gorgeous backside and squeezed it hard.


  Jimmy spun around, and Eric took full advantage of Jimmy’s shock. Eric grabbed those firm cheeks again and pulled Jimmy to him. They both hissed when their hard cocks came in contact. The sound quickly morphed to deep rumbling moans that Eric swallowed down as he took Jimmy’s mouth in a blistering kiss.

  Refusing to allow so much as a hairbreadth between them or to end the kiss, Eric somehow managed to awkwardly steer them down the hall and into Jimmy’s bedroom. Eric landed on top of Jimmy as they fell onto the bed, both breathing hard, hands still exploring flesh. The sun was beginning to set, casting the room in shadows. No fucking way was Eric going to miss a second of admiring Jimmy’s gorgeous body. He shifted them till they were the right way in the bed and then reached over and clicked on the bedside lamp.

  Jimmy swiped his index finger over his bottom lip and held it up to show off a small smear of blood. “I think you just evened the score.”

  Eric arched a brow. “I’m about to score all right, but I’m not sure how even it’s going to be. I’m pretty sure, no, I know I’ll end up on top.”

  In a blink of an eye, Jimmy had rolled them, ending with Jimmy on top, straddling Eric’s hips. He sat back and splayed his hands over Eric’s chest, hips rolling. “I don’t know, I think you might like me on top.”

  Eric grabbed Jimmy’s hips in both his hands, ready to roll them again, but the way Jimmy was rubbing his hard cock against Eric’s equally hard cock, creating the perfect friction, he hesitated. Instead, he encouraged Jimmy to continue. The sensual expression on Jimmy’s face, the way his lean muscles flexed and rolled with each movement, the heat, friction, all mingled in sensual delight, and Eric moaned loudly in appreciation.

  Eric slid his hands over to run his fingers along the hard planes of Jimmy’s stomach, upward to knead and massage his pecs, and then back down, pulling a deep satisfied sound from Jimmy when Eric teased the head of Jimmy’s cock.

  “Damn, this feels good, really fucking good,” Eric groaned. He knew it wouldn’t take much and he’d be shooting his load all over his stomach and chest. But he wanted more. So much more. As a knot began to form at the base of his spine, Eric made the split-second decision and rolled them again, ending up between Jimmy’s spread thighs. He leaned down and pressed his lips to Jimmy’s.

  “Let me fuck you,” he murmured. “God, want to fuck you so bad.”

  “Want that too,” Jimmy said as he chased Eric’s lips.

  “You got anything?”

  “Uh….” Jimmy looked up at him and blinked, but he caught on quick enough. “Top drawer.”

  Eric reluctantly pulled his mouth from Jimmy’s. He found a small bottle of lube and uncapped it. He squirted a small amount into his palm, tossed the bottle back in the drawer, and then rubbed his hands together.

  Eric froze. “Fuck, I should have opened the condom first.”

  “I got it.” Jimmy shifted and snatched the condom from the drawer and tore open the package.

  “Teamwork always did work best for us.”

  Jimmy grinned and then sat up a little to roll the condom over the head of Eric’s cock. But, it was all about teamwork so Eric slid his hand down and teased one slick finger against Jimmy’s asshole. Before Jimmy could lie back down, Eric took his mouth again in a deep kiss while he worked his finger into Jimmy. He was rewarded with a deep moan that he swallowed down while feeding his own sounds of pleasure back to Jimmy.

  He finally worked his finger in deep, Jimmy’s ass clamping down on him. “Fuck, you’re tight. Am I hurting you?”

  Jimmy shook his head and fell back onto the bed. He spread his legs wider and began humping a little, bearing down on Eric’s finger.

  Eric’s pulse was racing, the roar of blood in his ears drowning out all other sound. Jimmy was so fucking beyond…. Fuck! Just beyond anything he’d ever seen before. He could easily get off without even touching himself, simply by watching Jimmy fuck himself on Eric’s finger.

  “Fuck, Jimmy. You….You’re…. Just fuck!” he babbled as he worked a second finger into Jimmy, slicking him up real good.

  “My thoughts exactly. Fuck!” Jimmy rolled his hips, his breath growing harsh and his bobbing cock painting its arousal on his flat stomach.

  “You ready?”

  “Ready to feel you deep inside me.” Jimmy’s eyes fluttered closed, and he licked his lips. “C’mon, Eric, fuck me.”

  Eric pulled his fingers free and fisted his cock, guiding it toward Jimmy’s entrance. Jimmy wrapped his le
gs around Eric’s waist and grabbed Eric’s biceps, holding tight. Eric watched Jimmy’s face as he pushed into him. As soon as the head breached Jimmy’s ass, Jimmy squeezed his eyes shut and bit his lower lip. Eric froze as a painful expression crossed Jimmy’s features.

  He started to pull back. “I hurt you. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—”

  Jimmy’s eyes flew open and he grabbed Eric’s ass, halting his movements. “No, just burns a little. It’s been a while.”

  Eric didn’t move, breathing heavily as Jimmy’s ass contracted around the head of his cock. Fuck, he wanted to plow into that hot, tight ass. Wanted to own it, possess it, fuck any memory of any other man right out of Jimmy’s fucking head, but he forced himself to stay still. After Jimmy took a few more deep breaths, Eric could feel Jimmy relax around him.

  “Okay now. Fuck me.”

  The first thrust took him deep, and he gasped when he bottomed out, his balls up snug to Jimmy’s ass. Jimmy grunted and shifted, lifting his legs up even higher. The new angle caused Eric’s dick to hit Jimmy’s sweet spot, and he moaned long and deep. Eric felt the sound all the way down to his toes and his cock twitched.

  “Right there,” Jimmy cried out. “Holy fuck, right there!”

  Jimmy was nearly bent in half and Eric curled over him to run his tongue along Jimmy’s bottom lip and then along his stubbled jaw. It wasn’t until that second—the contact with coarse whiskers—that it set in, but it hit Eric like a ton of bricks. Jimmy wasn’t some soft woman he had to hold back from for fear he’d hurt her. Jimmy was smaller than Eric, but he was a strong son of a bitch. The notion ratcheted Eric’s arousal till his head nearly exploded with pleasure.

  Eric snapped his hips and picked up a hard and fast rhythm. Jimmy was forced to press his palms against the headboard to keep from being fucked through it, but his body was in constant motion, encouraging Eric on.

  “Christ, Jimmy,” Eric gritted out. “Fucking you is better than I ever imagined. So good…. So tight…. Fuck I love it, love you.”


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