Nine Lives: My time as the West's top spy inside al-Qaeda
Page 51
Israel 8, 86–7, 190, 261, 262, 381; see also Jerusalem
Italy 28
Izetbegovic´, Alija 32, 37fn
Jabhat al-Nusra 123fn, 341fn, 342, 391
and Syria 362, 363, 365
and Uighurs 350, 355–6
Jalalabad 57, 64–6, 84–5
Jamaat-e-Islami 57
Jemma Islamiya 80fn
Jerusalem 60, 66, 68, 86–7, 90, 393
Jesus Christ 68, 87, 89fn, 341
jihad 4–5, 9, 15, 18, 120–3
and Afghanistan 57, 58–62, 69–70
and al-Awlaki 290–2
and al-Baluchi 334
and Bin Laden 67–8
and Bosnia 22–47
and Egypt 339–40
and Europe 399–401
and evolution 395–6
and funds 172–4, 175
and gangs 232fn
and al-Ghamdi 85–8
and ideology 402–3
and Iraq 265–6
and ISIS 338–9
and Jordan 212–13
and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed 129–30
and London 161–6
and al-Muhajir 90–1
and Peshawar 53, 55–6
and the Philippines 73–81
and prophecies 383–4
and al-Qaeda 391
and recruits 111–13
and Russia 200–1
and al-Suri 125–6, 218–23
and Syria 340–2, 368–71
and Uighurs 342–56
Jordan 206, 207, 208, 211–13
al-Juhani, Abdulaziz 93
al-Julani, Abu Mohammed 341fn, 391
Jund al-Aqsa 365
Jundullah 312–13
Jurisprudence of Blood, The (al-Muhajir’s book) 213fn, 214fn, 267, 397
Kabul 190–5
Kamal, Omar 3–4
Kamal, Yasser 3–4, 272–5, 277–80, 283–4, 289, 295–6
and fatwah 331, 376
Kamel, Mohamed Mostafa 146, 149
Kandahar 92–7
Kelly, Ray 259, 262fn
Kenya 116–17, 118, 119, 126
Khabab al-Masri, Abu 83, 88, 187–9, 237, 374
and disks 128–9, 137–8, 143, 147
and poison gas 216–17
and training 98–107, 132–3, 134–6
and al-Zarqawi 207, 214
Khalis, Younes 64
Khan, Mohammad Sidique 308
Khatami, Mohammad 410
al-Khattab, Ibn 49, 50, 51, 99, 196, 201
Khawarij (dissenters) 405
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah 379, 380
Khorasani 360
Khurasan, see Afghanistan
Koran 9–10, 11, 41, 89, 401–3; see also hadith
KSM, see Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh
al-Kurdi, Abu Said 54, 58, 199, 200–1
Kuwait 10–11, 74–6
al-Kuwaiti, Farouq 58, 59, 60, 65–6, 71, 73
and the Philippines 80
Lebanon 7–8
Lewis, Bernard 378, 382
Libby, Scooter 323
al-Libi, Abu al-Harith 44
al-Libi, Abu Leith 105fn
al-Libi, Abu Yahya 80fn, 328–31, 333–4
al-Libi, Ibn Sheikh 129, 130, 155
Libya 394
Libyan Islamic Fighting Group 119–20
Lindsay, Germaine 308
London 113–15, 148–53, 161–6, 169–70
and bombings 307, 309
see also Finsbury Park Mosque
al-Madani, Mohammed 27, 43fn, 151–2, 156, 166
and 9/11 235, 236
al-Maghrabi, Ayyoub 44–5
Mahdi 68, 86–7, 89–90, 91, 379
and Arab Spring 339
and ISIS 384
and Syria 340–1
Mahfouz, Naguib 166–7
Majeed, Abdul 348–9, 351, 355
al-Maki, Abu Abdullah 60, 71, 72, 118
al-Malahem Media 369
al-Maliki, Nouri 338
al-Maqdisi, Abu Mohammed 206, 207
martyrdom 4–5, 24, 112, 115, 165
Maskhadov, Aslan 201
Masoud, Ahmed Shah 70–1, 73, 190
al-Masri, Abd al-Aziz 104fn, 105
al-Masri, Abu Ayyub 336
al-Masri, Abu Bakr 133, 394
al-Masri, Abu Hafs 65, 66, 97, 115, 185–6, 191
and 9/11 234–5, 236, 238, 239, 240
and USA 222–3
al-Masri, Abu Hamza, see Hamza al-Masri, Abu
al-Masri, Abu Khabab, see Khabab al-Masri, Abu
Maute (jihadi group) 81fn
May, Theresa 397
Mecca 18–19, 379–80
MI5: 145–7, 149, 150–1, 152–5, 166–8
and Abu Hamza 160
and Abu Muslim 309–10
and citizenship 171, 172
and communications 204
and fundraising 173–4, 175
and hostages 293–4
and Iraq 298–9
and ISI 228–9
and Olympic Games 231–2
and Pakistan 210–12
and poison gas plot 254–6, 258, 261
and psychology 244–7, 299–302
and Russia 198–9, 202–3
and training 181–3
MI6: 2, 3, 5, 145–7, 153–5
and al-Baluchi 310–11
and Bahrain 247–8, 275–6, 285, 288
and hostages 294
and leak that ended Dean’s spy career 318, 319–26
and Abu Yahya al-Libi 327–8
and 9/11 236–8, 239, 241
and Pakistan 211
and poison gas plot 254–6, 258–9, 261, 262–3
al-Mihdar, Abu Hassan 150
al-Mihdhar, Khalid 44fn
Milestones (Qutb) 18–19
MILF, see Moro Islamic Liberation Front
Millennium plot 212
Mohammad Bin Salman, Crown Prince 404
Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh 42–4, 46–7, 53, 81, 129–30, 240
Mohanidi, Capt Ali 138, 140
Moheddin, see al-Durrani, Moheddin
Molenbeek 163, 401
monarchies 409
Mongol Empire 121, 122
Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) 73–4, 76–7, 78, 79, 80
Moscow bombings 196, 197, 198–9, 200–3
Moussaoui, Zacarias 240–1
Mubarak, Hosni 31, 50, 85, 341
Mubtakkar 216–18, 237, 265, 274, 394
and plots 251–64, 278–80, 316–17, 322
Mueller, Kayla 390
al-Muhajir, Sheikh Abu Abdullah 61–2, 90–2, 121, 213, 267, 387
al-Muhajiroun 161fn
mujahideen 16, 24, 26, 27, 31–2, 33fn, 41
and Chechnya 50
Murad Beg 191–3
Musharraf, Gen Pervez 224fn
Muslim, Abu 295–8, 303–7, 309–10, 374–5
Muslim Brotherhood 17–18
Mutamaen, Abdul Shukoor 230–1, 232
Nagata, Gen Michael K. 396
al-Nahhas, Labib 397
Nairobi bombing 116–17, 118, 119, 126
Nasser, Gamal Abdel 19, 380
nerve agents 105
nicotine 102–3, 304–7
9/11 attacks 3, 42, 220fn, 238–42, 356
and plot 222–4, 234–8
1979 events 378–82
North-West Frontier Province 54
Northern Alliance 190, 192, 194, 237fn
Nooh, Abdul Nassir 76, 81
al-Nuami, Col 141, 144
nuclear weapons 104–5, 241
al-Nusra, see Jabhat al-Nusra
Obama, Barack 336
Olympic Games 229–33
Omar, Mohammed 51–2
Omar, Mullah 54, 72, 218fn
al-Omari, Abdul Aziz 223, 257fn
OMON (militia units) 200
al-Oteibi, Juheiman 379
Ottoman Empire 30fn, 386
al-Ouda, Salman 20
Pakistan 4, 26, 101–2, 210–12, 380
and al-Qaeda 2
and Taliban 70
see also Inter-Services Intelligence; Peshawar
Palestine 8, 12; see also Hamas
Paris attacks 395, 400
Patrushev, Nikolai 197
Peshawar 53–6, 82–3, 128–9
Philby, Harry St John 170fn
Philippines, the 42–3, 73–81
Plame, Valerie 323
pledge, see bayat
poison gas 102, 105–6, 133–5, 188; see also Mubtakkar
politics 408
prisons 400
propaganda 395
prophecies, see hadith
Putin, Vladimir 198, 199, 200, 201–3
al-Qaeda 1–2, 4, 155, 167, 336, 390–3
and Afghanistan 57, 72–3, 92–3, 192–5
and Bosnia 44
and Britain 308
and camps 204–6
and funding 311–12
and hadith 89–92, 383–4, 403–4, 405–6
and ideology 378, 388–9, 397–8
and intelligence 178–80, 185–6
and Iran 275–6
and Iraq 268
and jihad 86
and leaders 314–15
and Abu Khabab al-Masri 62
and 9/11 237–8, 239, 240, 242
and Pakistan 225–8
and Saudi Arabia 257, 270–1
and suicide bombings 116–19
and Taliban 218
and terrorism 122–3
and USA 260
and al-Zarqawi 295
and Abu Zubaydah 55
see also Bin Laden, Osama
Qassem, Gen Naim 410
Qatada al-Filistini, Abu 152, 155–6, 157–8, 159–61, 164
and capture 243–4
and Chechnya 199–200, 201
and lectures 242
and prison 314
and al-Zarqawi 293
Qatar 107–8, 136–43
Quin, Mary 160
Qutb, Sayyid 11–12, 13, 18–20, 30–1, 378
and jihad 86
and the West 169–70
Rabbani, Burhanuddin 70
al-Rabia, Hamza 274, 275, 276, 279, 287fn, 309
racism 163
radicalization 398, 400
Rafsanjani, Akbar Hashemi 410
Rahman, Abdur 341–2
Rahman, Sheikh Omar Abdel (‘blind Sheikh’) 28fn
al-Rahman, Sheikh Abd (jihadi in Iraq) 314
rape, ISIS carrying out 389–90
al-Raymi, Qasim 44fn
redemption 400
refugees 408
Reid, Richard 187fn
right-wing extremism 398
al-Rigi, Abdul Maliq 312, 336fn
Russia 47, 51fn, 53fn, 381, 393
and Chechnya 196–203
Sadat, Anwar 381
Saddam Hussein 8, 10–11, 64, 222, 260, 381
Saddam Hussein, Qusay 266
Sahel 394
Salafism 17, 18, 163, 398–9, 402
satellite phones 204
Saudi Arabia 1, 6–7, 10–11, 67, 404
and Bin Laden 63–4, 85, 242
and Iran 410
and Islam 12–14
and jihad 46
and poison gas plot 263–4
and al-Qaeda 257, 270–1
and terrorism 379–80
see also House of Saud
Sayyaf, Abu 81fn
Sayyid Imam 158fn
Scotland 176–8
al-Scotlandi, Abu Abdullah 129fn, 376
Serbs 25–6, 28–9, 33–41
Servan-Schreiber, Franklin 232
7/7 bombings 308, 309
Shaaban, Anwar 27–8, 37, 44–5
al-Shamrani, Sheikh Abu Ayoub 30–1, 121
al-Sheikh, Abu Issa 342
Shia Islam 7, 8, 10, 376, 383, 409–10
and Bahrain 247
and Iran 378–9
and Iraq 267–8, 314
and ISIS 388
Shukrijmah, Adnan 205fn
slavery 389–90
Somalia 20, 41, 64, 394
Srebrenica 33
Sudan 50, 64, 85
Suez Canal 339
suicide bombings 101–2, 115, 116–19, 126, 155
and Iraq 266–7
and Israel 190
Sunni Islam 7, 8–9, 10, 376, 383, 409–10
and Bahrain 247, 250
and Caliphate 30fn
and Iraq 334, 338
and Mahdi 68fn
and militancy 379
and Syria 341
Supporters of Sharia (SOS) 159
al-Suri, Abu Burhan 62fn, 218–23, 237
al-Suri, Abu Musab 123–5, 314–15
Suri, Marwan 308
Suskind, Ron 317, 320–2, 329
Swift Sword, see al-Ayeri, Yusuf
Syria 4, 123, 277, 361–72, 373, 394, 395
and Dabiq 385
and jihad 340–2
and al-Qaeda 391
and sectarianism 410
and Uighurs 351–2, 355–6
see also Islamic State in Iraq and Syria
takfiris 31, 388
Taliban 20, 54–5, 70–3, 109, 308–9
and Bin Laden 123–4, 126
and Kabul 190, 191
and Olympic Games 230–3
and al-Qaeda 218
and Uighurs 350, 356
Tanweer, Shehzad 308
Tanzania bombing 116–17
TATP 188–90, 395
technology 394–5, 407–8
Tenet, George 212, 238fn, 241fn, 259
terrorism 116–21, 122–3, 160, 377, 382
and ideology 396–7
and kidnappings 292–4
and Russia 196, 197–9, 200–3
and al-Suri 218–21
and technology 395
see also counter-terrorism; 9/11 attacks; 7/7 bombings; suicide bombings
Tooting Circle 163, 164, 165, 401
Trump, Donald 393
Tsarnaev, Tamerlan 384fn
Tumturk, Seyit 349–51, 355
al-Tunisi, Abu Nassim 99, 103, 104, 112, 133, 134–5, 217
and imprisonment 375–6
Tunisia 376
Turkey 344–5, 347–51, 360–1
Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) 343
Uighurs 342–56, 393
Umayyad dynasty 68, 87fn, 120fn
United States of America (USA) 3, 5, 10–11, 15, 20, 43
and air strikes 374, 375
and Bahrain 287–9
and Bin Laden 63–4, 95, 110–11
and embassy bombings 116–17, 118, 119, 125, 126, 130
and fatwah 264–5
and al-Ghamdi 88
and Infinite Reach 127
and Iraq 222–3, 265–6, 310–11
and al-Qaeda 28fn, 260
and Saudi Arabia 67
and Syria 367, 373
see also 9/11 attacks; CIA; World Trade Center
Vanguard 86, 89–90, 121
videos 292–3, 294, 407
Vozuc´a, Battle of 34, 38–40
al-Wabil, Abdullah 49fn
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) 104, 135, 220, 237fn, 241, 264–5
Women, jihadi attitudes towards 16, 23–4, 249, 293
and ISIS sex slavery 389–90
and the Taliban 191, 230, 232
World Trade Center 62–3, 239; see also 9/11 attacks
Xinjiang, see Uighurs
Yazid, Mustafa Abu 65fn
Yazidis 388, 389, 405
Yeltsin, Boris 198, 199fn, 202
Yemen 111–12, 146–7, 149–50, 155fn, 160, 277
and jihad 340
and al-Qaeda 391, 393
Yousef, Ramzi 62–3, 81
al-Zarqawi, Abu Musab 206–9, 210, 211–14, 217–8fn, 313–14
and funding 311–12
and hadith 384
and hostages 292–5
and Iraq 266–8, 270
al-Zawahiri, Ayman 19fn, 50–1, 52–3, 64, 380, 381
and ISI 336–7
> and ISIS 367fn
and al-Nusra 391
and poison gas plot 260–1
and al-Suri 219
and al-Zarqawi 270
Zazi, Najibullah 308fn
Zerkani, Khalid 400–1
Zia ul Haq 380
Zubaydah, Abu 44, 55–6, 82–3, 107, 199, 203
and French attacks 139, 140, 141
Zyklon-B 106, 254
A Oneworld Book
Published by Oneworld Publications Ltd, 2018
This ebook published 2018
Copyright © Aimen Dean, Paul Cruickshank and Tim Lister 2018
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