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The Gossip Web

Page 19

by Charters, Chelsea Lynn

  My eyes were brimming with tears as I made my way towards my bedroom. I was eager to lie down before I collapsed into a bawl of emotions on the wood flooring in the hallway, but I didn’t make it. With a loud cry, I gave up and fell to the ground sobbing. I didn’t know what to do, so I simply sat there and cried. As usual, I gave into my emotions….but this time it seemed the best thing to do.


  ERIKA DETECTED MY WAILING FROM THE KITCHEN. She came rushing down the hall, an alarmed expression on her face as if she assumed I was hurt. When she spotted me on the floor, I tried to get up and run away but she stopped me by crouching down and placing a hand on my shoulder.

  “Jade, honey, are you alright?” She asked me gently, her brown eyes studying me closely.

  I shook my head and cried even harder. Why did she have to bother me? Can’t a girl cry in peace?

  “Did something happen with Trace?”

  Then, we both glanced up over at the window as the sound of an engine roaring filled my quiet house. The urge to jump up and catch Trace before he left jolted me, but I let the feeling pass as I watched his car pulled out of my driveway. I didn’t respond to her question, but my face scrunched up in pain and I had to tear my eyes away from the horrible scene. My distress was a dead giveaway.

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  Boy, was she persistent! I hated the way she pretended to be interested in my problems. She was so fake, and I knew that she didn’t give a damn about me---so why did she keep trying? It was so irritating.

  “No!” I spat, finding the strength to rise to my feet. “Just leave me alone, Erika.”

  I stumbled down the hallway to my bedroom, eager to get away from her. After arriving at my door, I realized she was hot on my heels and I sighed as I pushed the door open. I flung my body onto my bed, and after burying my head into a pillow I began to cry again. When I overheard Erika enter my room and sit down on the edge of my bed, I didn‘t flinch. Squeezing my eyes shut tightly, I prayed she would just leave me alone. I was in no mood to deal with her right now.

  She took a deep breath before speaking. “Jade, I know I’m not your favorite person in the world…but if you want to talk about what happened, I’ll listen.”

  “I don’t want to talk about anything with you. Go away,” I exhaled angrily, wiping at my eyes.

  “It might make you feel better,” she offered faintly. It was obvious that she did not detect my abhorrence towards her.

  I groaned and shook my head. “I doubt that, Erika.”

  Erika sighed at my response. “Jade, if you would just give me a chance…” she pleaded.

  “Why?” I shouted, turning around to face her. “Why should I? You don’t give a damn about me, Erika, so stop pretending to!”

  Erika’s jaw dropped at my outburst, and I could see that I offended her. “What? Why would you say something like that, Jade?”

  “Because it’s true! You don‘t care about me!”

  “No, Jade,” Erika said softly. “You’re wrong,”

  “Am I?” I replied hastily.

  “Absolutely. I care about you, Jade. A lot. I don’t understand why you’d think otherwise.”

  I couldn‘t help but laugh. “Just stop the act, Erika. My father’s not here. There’s no sense in wasting such good material.”

  “Excuse me?” She breathed, her brown eyes growing wide. “What on Earth do you mean by that, Jade?”

  I scooted up straight on the bed and glared in her direction, disgusted by her phony manner. “You and I both know that the only reason you put up with me is to get closer to my dad…and his money,” I added coldly.

  Erika‘s jaw dropped and her eyes fell sadly. “Is that really what you think?”

  I rolled my eyes and smirked. “Do you think I’m stupid, Erika?” I asked her.

  “Jade, of course I don’t…” she began, studying me anxiously. “But, what you’re saying…it’s not true. I---”

  “Just stop it!” I interrupted angrily. “It doesn’t matter if I like you or not, Erika. The only reason I put up with you is because you seem to make my father happy,” I told her sharply. “I’d do anything for him…and after seeing the hell my mom put him through, I can’t bear to see him hurt again.”

  “Jade, I know about what happened with your mother, and I’m very sorry that she treated you and your father that way.”

  “So he told you, did he?” I replied angrily. Way to give this bitch her ammunition, Dad.

  “Yes, he did---but if you think I’m trying to replace your mom, Jade…I swear that I’m not.” She took a deep breath before adding, “And I would never hurt your father the way your mother has.”

  “Never say never, Erika,” I replied coolly. Reaching for a pillow, I wrapped my arms around it tightly and buried my head into it’s soft exterior. I kept my face hidden from her view as I said, “Please go away now.”

  “So that’s it then? I can’t change your mind?” She asked me weakly. “You don’t even want to try to be friends?”

  I lifted my head from the pillow and laughed at her suggestion. “Friends? You and I? Please.”

  Erika bit her lip and glanced at the floor. “I just wanted to get to know you, Jade. That’s all I ever wanted from you.” She paused before she asked, “Are you sure that you can’t find a way to get along with me?”

  “No,” I told her firmly. “You can‘t play me like you can my father.”

  Erika responded with a nod, and she didn’t say another word when she stood up from my bed and headed towards my open doorway. I bit my tongue when the guilt began to sink in, but I did my best to ignore it. I frowned, realizing I didn’t care if she felt bad about what I’d just said. It was the truth, whether she wanted to admit to it or not. She could try and convince me till she was blue in the face, but I knew what kind of person she truly was.

  Then, Erika twisted her blonde head to glance back at me, and I noticed that her eyes were red. I immediately wondered why she looked like she was about to cry. Why would my opinion bother her if she was only after my father’s cash? Why would she care what I thought about her?

  “I’m really sorry, Jade. I had no idea that you felt this way about me.” She paused to gaze down at the floor before she added, “I’ll leave you alone now.”

  Erika was true to her word and walked out, closing the door gently behind her. I overheard her footsteps heading down the hall and towards the kitchen where they stopped. I didn’t want to feel guilty, so I pretended I didn’t. All I allowed myself to feel at that moment was anger. I was angry at Trace for lying to me and making me believe we could actually be together, and I was angry at Erika for trying to worm her way into my life and my father’s.

  Why did everything in my life have to go sour? For once, why couldn’t I have the life I wanted? A life where my parents were still happy and together---and always would be. Where I wasn’t a joke or treated like the world’s biggest loser. The sort of life where the guy of my dreams stands up for me and doesn’t let me down.

  I had to face reality. That wasn’t my life and it never would be. My parents were never going to get back together, every one at school would continue to pick on me until I graduated, and Trace…well, I couldn’t count on him anymore could I? I was alone, completely and utterly alone. But perhaps, in a strange way, I was better off by myself. I would never disappoint myself the way everyone else had. No, I didn‘t need anyone, and it was painfully clear that no one needed me.


  THE NEXT MORNING I found my father hunched over the kitchen table. His head was buried in his palms, and déjà vu swept over me as I flashed back to the day Mom left. I realized something horrible must’ve happened, and I panicked and hurried towards him, wondering what was wrong. Had someone in our family died?

  “Dad, are you okay?” I asked him as entered the kitchen.

  His head remained in his hands as he replied, “No, Jade, I’m not okay.”

  I frowned and joined him at the tab
le. Now sitting across from him, I asked, “Why? What happened?”

  “I think I should ask you the same thing,” he said sternly.

  “What? I don’t understand---”

  My father finally raised his head, causing me shut my mouth. I bit my lip when I noticed how furious he seemed, but I was completely oblivious as to the reason why. Until he said her name.

  “I found a note this morning taped to the front door,” he began, his bottom lip quivering. “It was from Erika.”

  “A note?” I replied, surprised.

  It was an odd thing to do---especially for Erika. What could she possibly have to say on paper that she couldn‘t say in person? I instantly recalled our argument from the night before, and I flinched as realization passed over my face. Unfortunately for me, my father noticed it.

  “What happened, Jade? What did you say to her last night?” He asked me angrily, and I was taken aback by his attitude. I knew Erika was his girlfriend and everything, but I was his daughter. I was more important to him than her wasn’t I?

  “Nothing happened, Dad,” I replied stiffly, staring down at my hands.

  “Don’t lie to me, Jade!” He yelled, and he slammed a fist onto the table.

  I jumped in my chair, shocked by the action. Eying him irritably, I asked him “Why are you so upset, Dad? It‘s not that big of a deal!”

  “Oh really? It’s not that big of a deal?” My father shook his head furiously and reached down into his pocket to reveal a blue envelope. I grew tense when he unfold the letter and began to read it.

  “Dear Lucas, I’m sorry but I can’t see you anymore. I love you very much, but I don’t want to make your daughter uncomfortable. Last night, Jade said some things that I just can’t ignore. I never wanted to disrupt her life, and I thought that if I gave her time she would come around…but I don’t think she ever will, Lucas. This is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, and I don’t want to say goodbye to you but I want to do what’s right by Jade. I will never forget you, and you’ll always have a special place in my heart. I love you, Lucas. Goodbye, Erika.”

  My father had trouble reading the end of the letter, and my face grew red with shame when I realized how hurt he was---and that it was all my doing. If only I hadn’t attacked Erika last night. This wasn’t what I’d been trying to accomplish. I was on the verge of apologizing when I shut my mouth quickly. I rolled my eyes and cursed myself for being so naïve. This was what she wanted! For me to feel guilty of pushing her away. Wow, she was so conniving!

  “Dad,” I began smoothly, drawing in a deep breath. “I know you’re upset about Erika, but it’s better this way. She wasn’t right for you.”

  “No, Jade!” My father retorted. “She was perfect for me. Erika was everything I was looking for in a woman. There wasn’t one characteristic she lacked.”

  “She wasn’t perfect!” I replied angrily. “Jesus! You are so blind when it comes to her!”

  “Jade, that’s enough! I will not sit here and listen to you bad mouth Erika! She has been nothing but kind to you.”

  I laughed. “Oh really? And why do you think she acts so interested in me all the time, Dad?”

  He frowned at me. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  I sighed and replied, “Dad, Erika only wanted to get on your good side because it benefited her. It had nothing to do with me.”

  “How so?”

  The anger at my father melted away when I realized how much the truth would upset him. I didn’t want to inform him of the type of woman Erika really was, and what her intentions had been. It would crush him. But if I didn’t tell him now, then he wouldn’t get over her…and that’s exactly what he needed to.

  After taking in a deep breath, I found the courage to say, “Dad, Erika was only dating you for your money.”

  My father did a double take. His jaw dropped at my remark and he mumbled, “What are you talking about, Jade?”

  I shrugged and added, “I’m really sorry, Dad. I didn’t want you to find out this way, but the sooner you hear truth about her the better.”

  He furrowed his brows, the corners of his lips twitching as he stared me down from the other end of the table. Suddenly, his face lost all expression before it flared with rage. I watched my father slam his fists down onto the table again, startling me into recoil.

  “That is enough! Erika is a kind and decent woman! She is not the kind of person you think she is, Jade.”

  I rolled my eyes, figuring he wouldn’t believe me. Why would he? Erika had him wrapped around her finger for so long.

  “Right, Dad. That’s why she has all the free time in the world? To lounge around, or to go shopping? When does she work, huh?”

  My Dad froze, eyeing me closely. “Wait a second…you think Erika doesn’t have a job?”

  “She doesn’t! That’s why she’s after your money, Dad!”

  Then, my father did something odd. He laughed. And laughed, and laughed, and laughed…making me feel stupid.

  “Would you stop laughing at me!” I shouted angrily, crossing my arms.

  My father obeyed me and his laughter ceased. He formed his mouth into a thin line and the amusement in his eyes melted away. “Jade, I want you to listen to me very carefully. Erika is not after my money. She has enough money to last her a lifetime, let alone a few shopping trips.”

  I frowned, confused. “I don’t understand what you mean?”

  He smiled once more and shook his head . “Erika is the CEO of her own company, Jade. She owns a marketing firm in Baywood.”

  My jaw dropped, and I was stunned. Erika, a CEO? I was not expecting that. “Since when?” I asked him promptly, wondering why no one had told me. “Why didn’t Erika ever mention her job to me? Was it a secret or something?”

  “Of course not, Jade!” My father snapped. “Erika never told you about it because she felt compelled to keep her business separate from her personal life. She did not want you to treat her differently because she had money.”

  “I wouldn’t have!” I objected, feeling somewhat insulted. “It wouldn’t have affected my opinion of her one bit.”

  “You say that now, but you don’t understand just how much money Erika possesses.”

  I rose my brows, intrigued by my father’s comment, and I wondered just how much she was worth. “Well? How much are we talking about here, Dad? Is that why you were interested in her?”

  He frowned at me and replied, “No, Jade. Erika’s money has nothing to do with how I feel about her. She’s a wonderful woman---kind and generous.” He paused to gaze steadily at me. “Who do you think paid for your Prom dress and accessories? The bill at the salon?”

  My stomach lurched with shame, and I was forced to glance down at the table. “She did? But I thought you---”

  “Erika wanted to pay for it, Jade,” he interrupted. “I told her she didn’t have to do that, but she insisted. She wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

  I sighed, disgusted with myself for treating Erika so poorly. I had misjudged her, with no evidence to back up my suspicions. Why didn’t I ever just try to get to know her? Why had I always blamed her for trying to take my mother’s place when all she had really tried to do was be my friend? But the real question was, how could I act so cruel to the one person who had always acted genuinely interested in my well-being?

  “I wish you would have told me, Dad. Maybe then---” My voice cracked and I closed my eyes, ashamed by the look my father sent me.

  “Maybe you would have given her a chance?” He finished my sentence for me and I blushed, hating myself for acting so spiteful.

  I nodded and added, “I’m really sorry, Dad. I shouldn’t have mistreated Erika. She didn’t deserve any of it.”

  My father seemed saddened by my apology, and I hoped he knew that I was being sincere. “It doesn’t matter now, Jade. Our relationship is over. She won’t return my calls or texts. There’s nothing more I can do.” He sighed, glancing down at the table. “She’s gone.” I he
ard the sorrow in his voice and noticed how glassy his eyes had become. He was really suffering from losing her.

  “Don’t say that, Dad! There has to be some way to get her back!” I urged him.

  “Jade, she doesn’t want to upset your life any further---She’s made that perfectly clear to me. There’s nothing I can say or do to change her mind. What’s done is done.” He rose from the table then, taking the letter as he went.

  “I have to get ready for work,” he stated, and I knew our discussion was over. “There’s left-over pizza in the fridge from last night. I hope that’ll be alright for breakfast.”

  “It’s fine,” I whispered, not caring about food at that moment. I watched him exit the room with a heavy heart, knowing full well that this was all my fault. How could I have destroyed him this way? He wasn’t going to get over Erika, I was sure of that. He shouldn’t have to! They belonged together and I wasn’t going to stand in their way any longer. Besides, I had no reason to hate her. Apparently I never did.

  No, I had to find a way to get Erika to take my father back, even if it meant I had to beg her on my hands and knees. Standing from the table, I went over to the refrigerator and pulled out the pizza my father had mentioned. I placed two pieces on a paper plate and popped them into the microwave, setting the time for thirty seconds. I stared at them, realizing how distraught my father really was. Under normal circumstances, he would have never allowed pizza for breakfast.

  As I watched the pizza turn round and round, I came up with an idea to save my father’s relationship. It had to work, because if it didn’t and they never got back together, I would never forgive myself for breaking them up. When the microwave’s timer beeped, I prayed for the strength to save them, even if I didn’t have the power to save myself.



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