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The Gossip Web

Page 20

by Charters, Chelsea Lynn

  I WAS A COMPLETE MESS AT SCHOOL. I couldn’t concentrate; all I thought about was Erika and how poorly I had misjudged her. What was wrong with me? Just because she was pretty I had treated her like garbage---placed her in the same category as Gloria and her drones. I never got the chance to know who Erika really was, and I couldn’t believe how easily envy could warp my mind. I thought about Trace too, feeling lonesome when he didn’t wait for me before class. Even though I was angry at him, I couldn’t deny the fact that I missed him.

  After lunch I texted Heidi to meet me at our locker, eager to tell her of what happened the night before. Between ending it with Trace and destroying my father’s relationship, my heart was rushing with so many emotions. I needed to tell someone and get it all off my chest before I imploded. She was the only person I could confide in, and I prayed that after I told her I would feel better.

  Thankfully, Heidi received my text right after class and met me as soon as she possibly could. Five minutes passed by before I spotted her honey head. She was almost running down the hall, brushing past students left and right as she hurried towards our locker. I noticed the anxious expression on her face and brightened at the thought of her worrying about me. It felt good to be worried about.

  “Jade, are you okay?” Heidi asked hastily, after joining me at our locker. “Your text said it was urgent? What happened?”

  I couldn’t hold it in any longer. As I attempted to answer Heidi’s question I started to cry. My face crumpled up and I covered my eyes, bawling as I slumped against the locker door. I struggled with my emotions, not having the strength to speak. All I could do was cry.

  “Jade?” Heidi whispered my name sympathetically before I felt her arms curl around me protectively. She brought my head against her shoulder and stroked my hair kindly, providing just the comfort I needed.

  “What’s wrong, huh?” She asked. “Why are you crying?”

  “I’ve ruined everything, Heidi! Trace is gone, and I broke up my father’s relationship…everything is all my fault!” I sighed and wiped at my eyes. “I don’t know who I am anymore.”

  “What are you talking about?” Heidi asked me worriedly. “What happened with Trace?”

  I didn’t get the chance to answer her question. Just as I opened my mouth to speak, I spotted Gloria and Camille on the opposite end of the hall making an obvious beeline for me. With a loud groan, I pulled out of Heidi’s embrace just as the evil girls approached us. They intruded on our conversation without an invitation, smirking arrogantly as they both gave us the once-over.

  Gloria studied me very closely, and her blue eyes darkened before she asked, “What’s wrong, Jade? Did Trace finally kick you to the curb?”

  “Awh, poor little Jade…” Camille giggled nastily and crossed her arms.

  “Yeah, how sad.” The corners of Gloria’s pretty mouth lifted into a smile as she added, “It’s about time Trace opened his eyes and dumped you.”

  “Back off, Gloria!” Heidi spat, trying to edge her body in front of mine. “You two leave Jade alone. Or else.”

  “Or else what?” Camille asked arrogantly. “What are you going to do, Heidi?”

  Heidi grinned and set her bag on the floor near the wall of lockers. She approached Camille menacingly and said, “I’ll tear out all that beautiful hair you’ve got, Camille. When I’m through with you, you’ll be as bald as a cue-ball. I hope you’ve got some wigs on hand.”

  Camille frowned and took a step back, eyeing Heidi fearfully. “Don’t you dare touch my hair!”

  Gloria smirked at her friend’s terror. “Oh, Camille, don’t be such a pussy! She won’t do it. She doesn’t have the guts!”

  Heidi smiled at her and replied, “You wanna bet, Gloria? I would love to scratch up that pretty little face of yours.”

  “Touchy, touchy.” After rolling her eyes at Heidi, Gloria laughed. She ignored her threat and gazed back at me once more. “Jade, have you been crying?” She asked me with a smile. “Your eyes are all red and swollen.”

  “It must be true then,” Camille spoke up and edged out of Heidi’s reach. Flipping her brown hair anxiously, she added, “I knew Trace would never pick her over you, Gloria!”

  “Of course he wouldn’t,” Gloria stated wickedly. “He’s a smart guy…” She gave me a wink before whispering, “He wouldn’t waste his time on someone as pathetic as her. ”

  Camille laughed, and Gloria followed along with her---the cruel pitch of their voices stinging at my ears. I could feel Heidi tense up next to me, and I knew she wanted to deal with them her way. As much as I wanted her to, I decided that it wasn’t her job to fight my battles. I placed a cold hand on her shoulder, preventing her from attacking. Heidi glanced at me worriedly, and I could tell she was confused. I shook my head and smiled at her before I glanced back at Gloria and Camille.

  While I listened to them laugh at my misfortune, I felt my timid persona melt away. I forgot everything; how popular they were and how beautiful. All I saw before me were a couple of nasty, horrid girls who needed to be put in their places. I thought of Trace, knowing full well that whatever happened between us, he would never date Gloria again. She was evil, and even if I had lost him, she hadn’t won.

  “That’s enough!” I shouted loudly, surprising everyone…including myself. Before I knew what I was doing I stood only a few feet away from Gloria, my eyes narrowed at her like daggers. “I’m sick and tired of listening to you, Gloria! Shut up!”

  “Excuse me?” She asked me hotly, her face glowing with anger.

  I was aware that a crowd had begun to form around us, but I didn’t care. It was finally my turn to give Gloria a dose of her own medicine, ever if it was long overdue. I ignored the stares and whispers from all the other nosy students; I was intent on putting the bitch in her place before I lost my nerve.

  “You heard me!” I yelled back.

  Gloria whipped her blonde hair behind her back conceitedly and smoothed down her tight pink t-shirt. She gave me the once-over and frowned. “You better watch yourself, Jade.”

  “No, Gloria. You better watch yourself!” I spat angrily. I eyed her closely and added, “I know Gloria! I know everything!”

  “You know what?” She laughed mockingly. “What could you possibly know, you useless little dweeb?”

  I ignored her insult and kept at it. “Trace told me all about dumping you for me. He chose me over you, and that’s why you’ve been bullying me all these years! It had nothing to do with me being geeky or unpopular. You were just jealous that he wanted to be with me and not you!”

  Camille gasped loudly, and I watched Gloria’s face turn cherry red. She took a short step towards me, glaring down into my eyes as she spat, “Don’t flatter yourself. You aren’t worth being jealous over, Jade.” Her blue eyes flashed suddenly and I saw it; I saw the jealousy within them.

  “What’s wrong, Gloria?” I shouted, my hands shaking with anger. “Are you afraid that Trace will never love you the way he loves me?”

  “He does not!” Gloria countered, her lip quivering. “Trace doesn’t love you!” She looked completely terrified at that moment. It was an awesome sight to see.

  After the mention of his name, I saw him. He was standing at the edge of hall watching as the scene unfolded. For a moment I locked eyes with him, and I knew he could feel the anger etched in mine. I quickly tore my eyes off of Trace as I remembered my current battle.

  Gazing back at Gloria, I replied, “Why don’t you go ask him yourself?” I nudged my head in his direction, and she spun around to stare at him.

  She stared over at Trace for a minute or so before she turned back around to face me. After giving me a cold smile, Gloria spat, “Fine. I will.”

  I (and the rest of the crowd) watched as Gloria marched down the hall towards him, students parting like the red sea to make way for her. When she met up with Trace, I couldn’t hear what was being said, but by the sight of her hand motions I could tell she was livid. Then, Gloria seemed to calm
down a bit, and I watched as she tried to embrace him…but Trace pushed her away. Gloria yelled a few obscenities at him before she brought her hand up and struck him hard in the face.

  Everyone’s jaw dropped from shock when Gloria started punching Trace in the arm, bursting into tears a few seconds later. Camille rushed towards her best friend, trying to break up the crowd in the process. She grabbed hold of Gloria’s arm and pulled her off of Trace, and the two of them fled out of sight. People were whispering and laughing, and finally it was at Gloria’s expense.

  Gloria really was the pathetic one, and now everyone was aware. Although, the student body wasn’t the greatest at holding the populars accountable for their behavior, and in a few days they would return to worshipping her again. Oh well. Not my problem. I sighed, overwhelmed by the argument, and turned to glance at Heidi. I noticed that she was studying me closely.

  “What?” I asked her sharply, ignoring the whisper of my name as it echoed around me.

  “I’m just surprised, that’s all. What you said about Gloria…was that true?”

  I nodded. “The whole truth and nothing but it.”

  “And Trace? What about him?” Heidi inquired with a frown.

  I finally got the opportunity to tell Heidi all about my fight with Trace, and how he had kept the truth about Gloria from me for so long. She listened openly, asking a few questions here and there. Not once did she scold me from turning him away, and I was glad she didn’t.

  After I finished clueing her in, I asked, “Well? Can you believe it?”

  “Actually, I’m not surprised by Gloria’s part in all this. It makes perfect sense now why she was so cruel towards you,” she replied.

  “Yeah. It was done out of stupid jealousy,” I muttered hotly.

  Heidi placed her hand on my shoulder and looked to Trace, cleverly changing the subject. “I know you’re upset with Trace for keeping vital information from you, but just look at the poor guy, Jade. He’s a mess.“

  I swallowed the lump in my throat and stubbornly glanced over at him. Trace was slumped against the wall, watching me from the other end of the hall. Heidi had it right; he did look like a mess. His hair was more tangled than usual, and he seemed paler. I lowered my head and closed my eyes, praying that he would go away for my sake. I just couldn’t deal with him right now. When I opened them, I found he had gone, and my heart ached with shame.

  “Jade, you need to talk to him---before it’s too late,” Heidi whispered, patting me gently on the back.

  “Why should I?” I snapped, avoiding her knowing stare.

  “Because you love him,” she told me simply. “And if you don’t talk to Trace soon, you’re going to lose him.”

  I opened my mouth to counter her accusation, but no words came out. I couldn’t lie, not to her. Feeling my eyes well with tears, I whispered, “I do, Heidi. I really do love him.”

  “I know you do, Jade. That’s why you have to fix things between the two of you,” she told me sternly.

  “But he---” I started to say.

  Heidi shook her head swiftly, interrupting me. “No, it doesn’t matter what he did, Jade. Trace loves you just as much as you love him. You two have both gone through some serious shit to be together.” She placed direct emphasis on the word both, and I knew she was right. I hadn’t made things easy for Trace either.

  Giving me a sweet smile, she added, “Now, don’t you think it’s time you two get your happily ever after?”

  I smiled back and pulled her into a tight hug, realizing that was just what I needed to hear.

  “Thank you, Heidi,” I whispered into her curly hair.

  “No problem. That’s what best friends are for,” she replied softly. When Heidi ended the hug, she turned me around and pushed me in the direction of his class. As I stared down the hall, I knew what I had to do.

  “Go get him, tiger!” Heidi called after me as I started running down the hall. I waved a goodbye as I hurried to make things right with boy I would forever love.

  Trace had English this period, and I knew just where to find him. I stopped a few feet away from Mrs. Eckeridge’s class, and my stomach fluttered with butterflies when I spotted Trace standing just outside the classroom door. He was hunched over like he had been earlier, and his dark brown hair was covering his eyes. I took a step towards him, debating what to say. Should I apologize? Beg him to forgive me for pushing him away? I decided that no words could express what I was truly feeling at that moment in time. Instead, I would wisely demonstrate my feelings rather than try and explain them.

  When I took stride towards Trace, I noticed his face light up at the sight of me. His expression of joy was pleasing, and just as he opened his mouth to speak I pulled him against me and locked my lips with his. Trace’s body jolted in surprise from the kiss, but it only took a second before he grew limp and he kissed me back. I didn’t want our mouths to part, but all good things must come to an end eventually, and I moved my head away to stare into his blue eyes.

  “Jade? What---” he began to ask, but I silenced him with another kiss.

  “You don’t need to say anything, Trace,” I told him firmly. He seemed confused, and just as he was about to ask me another question, I whispered, “I love you, Trace Gibson.”

  Trace smiled, his cheeks turning rosy. “I love you too, Jade.”

  I hugged him, burying my head against his chest. “That’s all that matters. Nothing else.”

  My head was so close to his chest that I overheard his heart pounding away. It was beating so rapidly that I was afraid it was going to leap out of him.

  “Are you sure, Jade?” He asked me shakily.

  “Yes, I’m very sure.” I lifted my head up to kiss his cheek before I added, “I can’t live without you, Trace. I’ve been through it before and it’s torture.”

  “I know.” He toyed with my hair and asked, “But after what happened earlier…are you sure you can forgive me?”

  I grabbed hold of his right hand and whispered, “What’s past is past. I don’t want to dwell on it anymore.”

  He smiled and replied, “Neither do I.”

  “Good. I want us to start over, Trace. No Gloria, no lies. Just you and I, together forever.”

  Trace lifted a brow, a sly grin creeping onto his face. “Together forever?“

  I blushed and pinched his arm. “You know what I mean!”

  “Yeah, I think I do,” he exhaled softly, his blue eyes dancing as he bent down to kiss my lips.

  We stayed there for what seemed like blissful eternity, until the warning bell rang and caused us to drop our embrace. He kissed me once more, soft and slow, and I smiled as he reached for my hand to kiss it also.

  “I’ll meet you in the parking lot after school,” Trace told me with a smile. “Don’t forget.”

  I nodded and retuned the smile as I said, “Okay.”

  “See you later, Jewels.”

  He gave me one last kiss before he vanished behind his classroom door, and I hurried to my own class, praying there wouldn’t be a tardy slip form for me to fill out when I got there. As I ran through the halls in a daze (ignorant to the various stares from the nosy students around me) I thought about everything I had gone through to get to this moment.

  Sure, it had been tough and painful at times, but not once did I ever really give up on Trace. I had doubted him---hated him even---but my heart had always been with him. It was true when they said you can’t fool your own heart, because no matter how hard I tried to justify pushing him away, he was always in my mind and in my heart.

  But none of that mattered now. All that did matter was the two of us, and for once I wasn’t going to worry or fear for the worst. Jade Cannon was just going to live her life and be happy.


  BUT I COULDN’T CELEBRATE JUST YET---there was still one more thing left for me to do. I had to visit Erika and apologize, and persuade her to take back my dad. I prayed all afternoon while I sat in my last class, hoping that she would fo
rgive me for insulting her the other day. I knew it was a long shot, though. Erika might not want to see me after what happened, and there was a good chance she resented me (I wouldn’t blame her if she did)…but even if I was afraid to face her, I had to try and make it up to her and my dad.

  After third period, I met Trace in the parking lot and greeted him with a kiss. My bothersome thoughts were erased for just a moment, and all I concentrated on was the blissful sensation when he kissed me back. It was a magical feeling…and every time he kissed me, it felt like the first time.

  When our kiss ended, Trace pulled away and replied happily, “I can get used to this everyday.”

  I smiled and said, “You better…because I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Good,” he replied with a smile. Then, Trace pulled me into a tight hug and whispered, “Thank you for giving me another chance, Jade. I won’t screw up this time. I promise.”

  “I know you won’t, Trace,” I whispered back. “Because if you do, I’ll kill you.”

  “Psycho,” he laughed, and dropped his hold on me. “How about I give you a ride home?”

  I shook my head. “I can’t go home, Trace…” my voice fell and I bit my lip, looking off as I thought about what I needed to do. “There’s someplace I’ve got to stop by first,” I told him, rather mysteriously.

  Trace shrugged. “Okay? That’s fine, Jade. I’ll take you wherever you need to go. Come on.” He motioned for me to follow him to his car and I did, grateful that he hadn’t asked me any questions. I was too ashamed to tell him what I’d done.

  When we arrived at his bright red sports car, he opened the passenger door for me before asking “So, where are we going anyway?”

  “Erika’s house,” I replied, and I hopped onto the empty seat. He shut my door, and I waited for him to join me inside the car.

  “Your Dad’s girlfriend, Erika?” He asked me after he had sat down in the driver’s seat. Trace seemed puzzled, but the expression vanished when he noticed how stiff I grown. He didn’t pry, and I was relieved. I just couldn’t find the strength to tell him what happened, and I was afraid that when I did, he would give me the same disappointing look my father had.


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