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Corps Security in Hope Town: Deliverance (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 5

by S. R. Watson

  “I know I shouldn’t want this. Want you. But I do. I want—”

  I flip her over on her back before she can finish her last statement. She doesn’t have to convince me. My dick has wanted her since the first time I laid eyes on her. “I can only give you tonight, Bleu, but if you want me, I’ll give you the fuck of your life,” I promise.

  She arches her back off the truck while trying to undo the button of her jeans. That’s answer enough for me. “Just one night,” she repeats. I pull her jeans the rest of the way off. I run my finger along the orange mesh that hides her pussy from me. She flinches in anticipation. I can feel her nub behind the thin fabric as I tease her, watching her back arch even more. My own dick is straining to be free. I want to take my time with her and savor every moment, but it’s been too long since I’ve had sex. A personal record for me. She never stood a chance.

  She watches as I rid myself of my jeans, remove a condom from the pocket, and then toss them aside with hers. No underwear to remove. I like going commando—easy access. I have her full attention, so I give my cock a few long strokes. It nearly touches my navel, already beading at the tip with precum. Her eyes widen briefly as she takes in my girth, so I give myself a few more strokes. If I can make her wet without touching her, she will be that much more primed and ready. I make a show of stretching the latex around my engorged length. Bleu lets out a subtle moan of approval, but I hear it.

  My control unravels. To know she wants this just as much as I do is such a fucking turn-on. It takes every ounce of the control I have left not to rip that little piece of fabric from her body. I pull them down her legs quickly. I line myself up with her heat while testing her readiness. She is so damn wet, and it smells so sweet. I slam into her, and she cries out. I still for a second, but she pushes my ass to go deeper.

  “Please don’t stop. Fuck me hard. I want to feel all of you,” she begs. I spread her thighs open to me and begin to fuck her savagely. “Fuck, yes,” she encourages.

  “Damn, Bleu. Your pussy’s so damn good. I’ve wanted this so fucking badly from the moment I saw you in those ass shorts,” I admit. She claws at my back, lifting my shirt until I pull it off. Our rhythm is ravenous. We’re both chasing an orgasm that is building to epic proportions.

  “Deeper,” she pleads as she moves her hands to grip my ass. Fuck, I’m going to come. I drive even deeper, balls deep, just like she asked. My balls slap against the wetness of her dripping pussy, and I don’t know how much longer I can hold on. I slow my strokes just a tad to give it to her slowly but equally as deep. The moment her legs begin to tremble, and her pussy clenches around my cock, I know I’ve found her sweet spot. She fucking explodes around my dick, and my own orgasm is ripped from me. All I can do is hold her tight as we climax together in an earth-shattering finish.

  We both just lie here—spent. That was fucking epic. My dick twitches inside her, but neither of us moves from our embrace. I can feel the moment her breathing evens out. She’s asleep. I would give myself a pat on the back if I could move my arms, so I’ll just give myself a mental one. I fucked the shit out of her and put her to sleep. I roll over just enough to remove the condom and toss it. I pull the blanket over us and pull her to me. I don’t really do cuddling, but for Bleu, I’ll make an exception.

  My brother should be arriving soon. I haven’t seen him in almost a year. His life is the opposite of mine, but we will always be there for each other at the first sign of trouble. He reached out to me about a week ago because he had just learned he might be a father. I might be an uncle. The problem is it was five years ago, and the woman he may have knocked up is just coming forward. She’s not even sure if the kid is his. She gave her son up for adoption when my brother walked out of her life.

  It was an open adoption, but the adoptive parents have since vanished. I told my brother that Axel would be the perfect person to help with his situation. I’ve invited Axel to lunch here at my mother’s place. Tucked in the back corner for privacy, we wait for my brother to arrive.

  Bleu comes over to our table to get our order started. After a little training earlier this morning before the lunch shift, I see my mother is putting her on the fast track of learning. We stayed out until about one in the morning because we fell asleep in the bed of my truck after our romp session. We didn’t discuss it on the drive back here. She went straight to her room and crashed, so I didn’t try to follow. She looks well rested this morning, so that’s good. She sets a glass of water in front of Axel and me before pulling a pad and pen from her waist apron. The apron does little to hide her curves accentuated in those jeans. My dick stirs a little, knowing I was just buried deep between those thighs last night. I don’t know how I ever thought that one time with her would be enough. All I’ve thought about all morning is getting a taste of her pussy. I want to explore her boundaries and push pass the basics of the missionary we got acquainted with last night. Her falling asleep after I punished her pussy is the only thing that saved her from my unquenchable thirst. I’ve never been a one-round type of guy. Especially since there are usually no second chances with me. One night is all I offer—it’s what Bleu and I agreed to—but I’ve changed my mind.

  “Have you gentlemen had a chance to look at the menu?” Bleu asks, successfully interrupting my plaguing thoughts.

  “That quite okay … Bleu,” Axel replies after reading her name tag. “I think Beau and I know the menu by heart. We’re waiting on a couple of guests to arrive before we order, though.”

  “Can I start you off with something to drink besides water instead then?” she asks, unsure of how to proceed.

  “Sure,” I speak up. “Let me get a cup of coffee.”

  “Same,” Axel echoes.

  “Would you like any cream or sugar to go with that?” she asks as she writes out our simple order on her pad. It’s quite endearing. Her nervousness is obvious as she looks back and forth between us. I point at the cream and sugar packets on the table.

  “Oh, right.” She smiles in the way that one does when they’re embarrassed. Red creeps up her neck in its usual fashion. “I’ll be right back with your coffees.”

  As soon as she walks off, my brother, Silas, arrives with a petite blonde. He ushers her toward us when he spots me. I give him a bear hug before shaking the woman’s hand. “It’s nice to see you, ole man,” I joke because he’s four minutes older. That’s right. He’s my carbon copy. Right down to the matching tattoos we decided to get a few years back. Kind of a bonding thing we decided to do when we were both drunk but then actually followed through with—the one thing that binds us through our differences. “Nice to meet you, ma’am. I’m Beau, and this is Axel,” I introduce.

  “Please, call me Jasper,” she corrects. Once we’re all seated, Axel informs them about his company Corps Security and Investigations. He is mid conversation about how he can help them find where the adoptive parents are now located when Bleu arrives with the coffees.

  I watch as she does a double take, looking at my brother in complete shock. I realize that we never got to the “about me” part last night, so I never told her I had a twin. Axel knows my family and so do most people in this town, so I didn’t think about it until now. I watch as she regains her wit enough to proceed with taking orders.

  “Hello. I see we have more guests. I’m Bleu, and I’ll be your waitress today. Would you both like coffee as well?” Jasper and my brother both nod. “I’ll get that for you and be right back to take your orders.”

  Bleu doesn’t take long to bring the coffee. She whips her pen and pad from her apron again and listens attentively as everyone orders. She really is a fast learner. Though I do notice the minute difference from when she first came to the table. She still wears a smile, but it’s forced. She’s upset. She opened up to me last night in more ways than one, and I neglected to tell her something as simple as I have a twin. We promised to share things about ourselves that nobody else knows, and I dropped the ball. I don’t even know why I suggested w
e do that except to encourage her to share what she had been hiding. After the alcohol and screw session, the time to talk had passed. I’ll have to rectify that today.

  When she leaves to put our order in, I find a reason to excuse myself from the table. I find her near the kitchen and pull her in an alcove that is out of sight from the public.

  “Hey. I’m sorry I didn’t get to tell you I had a twin. We kind of fast forwarded things last night,” I explain.

  “It’s fine. Really.” She tries to walk off, but I tug her back because I can tell it’s not fine.

  “Let’s pick up where we left off last night. I’ll fill you in on my life just like I promised.”

  “It’s no big deal, Beau. You—”

  I cut her refusal off the best way I know how. I grab her face and seal my mouth over hers until she opens for me. My tongue dances with hers, each passing moment growing more intense. She is so damn intoxicating. The strawberry smell of her shampoo wafts through the air as I tug on the pigtails she’s wearing once again. I don’t want to let her lips go, but I know I must. Heaven forbid my mother come around this corner.

  “Tonight okay?” There is only one acceptable answer to my question.

  “Okay,” she agrees. I give her one last peck on the lips before returning to the table. First, I’ll help my brother, and then I’ll have more time with Bleu. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t hoping the night ends the same way it did last night—inside Bleu.

  Tonight, my brother surprised me by inviting me to dinner with him and Jasper. They’re heading back to Florida now that they’ve consulted with Axel and given him the information he needs to start the investigation. I couldn’t say no to seeing my brother before he left. Who knows when I’ll see him again. Jasper wanted Mexican food, so we ventured to another local hot spot, but my mind was back here with Bleu. I did not even have a way to call her to let her know I would be running late. I couldn’t have Mother pass her the message either without invoking suspicion. I wouldn’t want to spark hope where there is none. I admit that seeing a woman again is not part of my norm, but I keep telling myself that I’m allowing the exception because my time is split with helping my mother. I don’t have time to find women to occupy my bed every night.

  When I arrive back to my room, I find Bleu sitting on the floor with her legs crossed and her back up against her bed. She is reading a book, so she doesn’t notice me at first. I use this time to take her in. She’s wearing sort of tiny gym shorts with a tank top. Once again, she’s braless. This woman doesn’t even realize how much of a fucking temptation she is without wearing shit like that. The moment my mother invited her to stay here, I never stood a snowball’s chance in hell. My dick is already twitching to be balls deep in her again. Where did she even get the clothes because I’m pretty sure she didn’t buy that at Target yesterday. She finally looks up, startled.

  “Your door was cracked,” I say, willing my cock to calm down. She looks at me only briefly before returning to whatever she’s reading. It’s after nine, so I don’t know if our window of opportunity to talk has passed, but I have to try. “Sorry. Things took a little longer with my brother than I expected, but he’s leaving in the morning.”

  “It’s fine,” she says without looking up. I’m beginning to hate that damn word. Especially since it’s obvious that things are never fine when she says it is. She’s not getting rid of me that easy. I go sit next to her and try to fold my legs like hers in these damn jeans. The keyword being try. I try a few times before I give up. Bleu doubles over in laughter, so making a complete ass out of myself is worth it. It breaks the ice. I snatch her book away, feigning to be hurt that she’s laughing at me.

  “Give me my book back, jerk,” she says, slapping my arm but still giggling.

  “No. Because you’re mean. I can’t fold up like a damn pretzel like you,” I tease. “What are you reading anyway?” I turn the book over to read the title, but she snatches it away.


  “Women and their romance. Those books set women up for unrealistic expectations. I don’t believe in happily ever after.”

  The air in the room changes. I didn’t mean to put a damper on the mood, but her laughter has stopped. “What did you come by for?” she asks finally.

  “Well, I still wanted to talk. I told you—”

  “I’m not holding you to that, Beau. It felt good to get that out. I’d been holding my story in for so long it felt liberating to share and not be judged.” She goes to stand, but I grab her hand.

  “Then please. Give me a chance to do the same.” I surprise even myself. It’s not a ploy. She is so easy to talk to, and I’m not ready to say good night to her. She slowly sits back down.


  “Come.” I stand with a renewed idea to bring her to my room. I tell myself it’s because I have liquor there. A little liquid courage to let someone in. I lead her to my room with her hand in mine.

  I watch her eyes widen as she takes in my personal space. It’s the only indulgence that I allow in my life. My man cave if you will. A 60-inch television occupies one of the walls, and my huge ass bed takes up the other side of the room. Purple silk sheets drape my bed while various sizes of candles add to the ambiance. Okay, it’s more like my sex cave. The plan was to bring women here because multiple trips to the hotels here would raise quite a few eyebrows. I wasn’t exaggerating about my unconquerable sex drive. My reputation here has already taken a beating. I need people to focus on my mother’s new restaurant and not who I’m fucking.

  Bleu immediately heads over to take a seat on the bench under my bay window.

  “This is really nice,” she surmises. “A great space to read. Nice for stargazing too.”

  “I’m afraid I haven’t done either.” I chuckle. I pour myself a glass of whiskey neat and join her. I move some of the pillows to get closer. She gives me her full attention when my leg brushes hers.

  “So here goes nothing,” I say as I throw back my whiskey in a couple of gulps. “I’ll give you the CliffsNotes version of my life. Wouldn’t want to bore you with the details.”

  “You won’t bore me,” she promises.

  “Well, the guy who I was with today at lunch, Axel, is an old friend of my father’s. They served in the Marines together. Axel runs a company named Corps Security, and my father originally followed him here to Hope Town to work for him. My family has business in both oil and hotel chains, but my father initially wanted to make his own way, hence his reason for joining the military in the first place. He didn’t want to conform to the standards that came along with having the family money. One of the biggest obstacles was that they didn’t accept the woman he loved, my mother. Her pedigree wasn’t up to par in their eyes, and they warned him that she was after his money. My father moved to Hope Town with my mother, prepared to start a life here with her.

  Only shortly after they arrived, they discovered she was pregnant with me and my brother. My father had hit a crossroads. He wanted to work hard and provide for his new family but didn’t want to sacrifice the time that would take away from seeing us grow up. He did what he thought was best. He married my mother before bringing her back with him to California to claim his rightful share of the family fortune. Once he was married without a prenup, it didn’t matter what his family thought.”

  Bleu listens attentively, hanging on to my every word. It’s surprisingly easy to talk to her. Refreshing even.

  “Fast forward a few years. As he took on the role as CEO and ran multiple hotel chains, his daily stress trickled onto his family and strained his relationship with my mother until they separated. His family only tolerated her but never accepted her. She moved back to Hope Town because she fell in love with the small town feel. She brought us and our nanny, Rosalita, with us. My father didn’t want to see her go, but he knew he couldn’t stop her. He made sure she was provided for, and he came to visit often.”

  “So the woman you call mother, Rosalita, was actually your
nanny?” Bleu turns so she is facing me now.

  “Yes. I gravitated toward her more than my brother did even as a small child. When my mother died in a car crash when I was six, she became the woman who was my everything. So much so that my father allowed my brother and me to continue to live in Hope Town with her for four more years. We’d already suffered a traumatic loss, and he didn’t want to interrupt our lives even more. He made more effort to be in Hope Town as much as he could, but Rosalita is who I quickly came to identify as my mother. She was my coping mechanism. She didn’t even flinch the first time I called her mother. “

  “I’m so sorry, Beau. She seems like a really good woman. I’m glad you had someone to help you get through such a difficult time.”

  “Yeah. Well, my brother, not so much. He began to act out after a while. By the time we were ten, my father had moved us back with him, but Rosalita stayed behind. She had met a man, and they were planning to get married. I was so mad at her. How could she choose this man over her son? But she didn’t. She visited me when she could, sent for me to spend the summers with her, and never missed a birthday. Silas didn’t have the attachment to her that I did, but she basically acted as a co-parent.”

  Tears are leaking from Bleu’s eyes now. “Please continue,” she encourages. “It’s just I like her even more now.” I grab her hand and give it a squeeze.

  “Well, I went off to college and got an undergrad degree in business, but I knew that life wasn’t for me. I didn’t want to take over the family business and neither did my brother. When my father died and we both got our inheritance, we decided different paths in life. My brother, Silas, bought a yacht where he hosts all these sex-themed cruises for the elite. His business is sex, and he couldn’t be happier. Me, I avoid the limelight like the plague. I have more money than I could spend in two lifetimes, but I chose simplicity and to live with the bare essentials. I help my mother achieve her dream with this place, but even then, she wouldn’t let me go crazy with the spending. Other than that, my money sits in the bank. The people of this town know what I’m worth even though my outside appearance and lifestyle don’t reflect it, so I have to watch closely for the opportunist. I’ve seen firsthand how money changes people, and I don’t want any part of that.”


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