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Corps Security in Hope Town: Deliverance (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 6

by S. R. Watson

  “We’re alike in that way,” Bleu points out. “My family doesn’t come from money, but I’ve also seen firsthand how money changes people. I walked away from it all. I’m even happier now with just the essentials.”

  I give her a warm smile. I love this about her. Some of the pussy I get is because some women are turned on by money. All they have to know is that I have a shit ton of it, but not Bleu.

  “Hope Town is my second home because Rosalita is here. I’m even thinking of buying a small place to make this my permanent residence. My mother refuses to let me rent a place unless I’m going to buy. She thinks it’s a waste when I have a perfectly good room here. I think she secretly wants to keep an eye on me after my last visit.” I chuckle.

  “Why? What happened during your last visit?” That last comment was more to myself, but now I’ve opened that can of worms, so I might as well put it all out there.

  “I’m not a good man, Bleu. Well, in a relationship sense. I’m actually a dick.”

  “I’ve gotten a glimpse of how generous and kind you are, so I beg to differ.”

  “As you’ve just said, you’ve gotten a glimpse. I like to fuck, Bleu. I have a high sex drive, and I like variety. The last time I was here, I left a trail of heartbroken women in my wake. I tried the commitment shit with one woman who had just moved to town. She didn’t know about my playboy ways from all the summers that I’d visited here. She saw me. She fell in love with me, and I ripped her fucking heart out because I cheated. Women get close, and I bail. That’s what I do. I had to fuck as many women as I could before I left last time to erase the mark Ellen left on my heart. She had gotten the closest. Now I won’t even try the relationship crap. It’s a trap and a set up for failure. I fuck and move on. There is no hope for me.”

  I ease my hand out of Bleu’s. Is she ready to run yet? I just laid all my baggage out for her to see.

  “We aren’t our mistakes, Beau. Our past is just that—our past. Every day is a chance for a new start. I think losing your mother at such an early age may have affected you more than you realize. Have you ever thought that your commitment issues stem from you wanting to leave them before they leave you? It’s normal to—”

  “And now you’re an expert on what’s normal?” I snap at her. I don’t want to listen to her psychobabble bullshit—her attempt to dissect my life. For fuck’s sake, this is why I don’t share my personal shit.

  “I’m not an expert. I’m just reading between the lines.”

  “Well, don’t,” I huff. So much for this night leading to mind-blowing sex. I stand, and she follows suit.

  “You’re doing it again. You chose to let me in, but now that I’m showing you that I see you, you’re pushing me away too.”

  My stomach churns, and I don’t want to hear her words. I don’t want her to analyze and judge me. I have to get her to leave.

  “No offense, but you don’t even have your own shit figured out. You stayed with a man who beat you. How is that love? More than anything, it proves my point about the nonexistence of happily ever after. Fuck and move on!” My voice raises, but I don’t notice until she flinches. Fuck.

  “No offense taken. I hear you loud and clear. I will focus on my own shit like I set out to do before I met you. You win.” She spins on her heel and storms out of my room, but not before I hear her mumble, “Night, dick.”

  She left like I wanted, but I feel hollow. She shared how verbally abusive her fiancé was when he wasn’t physical, and I just took her back to that place. I really am a dick. I need to get away from here for a few days. Fuck her out of my thoughts and then carry on with life as usual until she moves on like she intends to do. Things were never going to work between us anyway. Better it ends now before screwing her one more time.

  1 week later

  Every day is just a little bit harder than the one before. I’m hurt, and I’m angry, and together, the conflicting emotions are draining my will to remain here. I told Rosalita that I’d try to stay until she hired and trained my replacement. It’s the very least I can do as a thank you for her generosity, but each day is a challenge. How did I let Beau sneak past my guard? I promised myself that I’d take a break from men, and after only two days in a new town, I do the exact opposite. I’m angry I let myself fall. I’m angry I let myself hope. He warned me that he could only give me one night, but I didn’t take it at face value. It’s been a week since he’s talked to me. He hasn’t even slept in his room this entire week. I saw him once in passing during my shift a couple of days ago, but he was gone before I could get the nerve to apologize. I crossed the line and gave my unsolicited assessment about his life, and he shut me out.

  I’m taking an order for a table of five when I catch a glimpse of Beau coming down the stairs. It’s like I conjured him up from my thoughts. My heart thuds against my chest. I quickly finish the order so I can catch up to him, but I pause mid stride when I see that he isn’t alone. A petite blonde is sifting through her purse, and he’s obviously waiting for her. She flips her hair, and her face becomes visible. It’s fucking Target girl. You have to be kidding me. He looks up at me, and our eyes meet. I want to look away from the train wreck, but I’m frozen. Beau doesn’t acknowledge me. He whispers something to her before holding the door open for her. I swear I try not to look, but I’m a glutton for punishment. I watch her get in his truck and don’t avert my gaze until they drive away. I want to find a hole to sink my head into, but I have a job to do. When I spin around to put that family’s order in, Rosalita is right there. She doesn’t utter a word, but her knowing look is telling. I’m sure she knows something is off since her son hasn’t been here. She lets me pass, and I’m thankful for her letting things be.

  Today, I turn twenty-one, and I’m alone. All these people around me, and I have no one. I have one hour left on my shift, and I just want a hot bath before crashing early. I’m about to take another order when I hear Rosalita call my name from near the entrance of the restaurant. She waves me over, so I head to see what she needs. I’m not expecting my worst nightmare to be staring me in the eyes. For the second time today, I’m paralyzed. Only this time, it’s from fear. Ethan stands there in a dress shirt and tie, always so put together—a demon in disguise. How in the hell did he find me?

  “Good evening, sweetheart,” he says with a menacing smile. I know it well. I give a small wave, unsure what to do. I don’t want to cause a scene. I’m terrified. “Happy Birthday.”

  Rosalita studies me. She had no idea what today was, but she is finally getting an inkling that I was not expecting to see this person. “Bleu, can I see you in the kitchen for a second?” She smiles over at Ethan, but he isn’t fooled.

  He comes over and grabs my arm. I can feel his fingertips digging into my skin. “She’ll be right there. I have a pretty urgent matter to discuss with her. I came quite a long way. You understand, right?” He doesn’t give her a chance to protest because he is already leading me outside. Once we’re outside, I try to pull away, but he only grips me tighter.

  “Settle the fuck down,” he growls. I see the Mercedes he must have come in, but there is no way I’m getting in the car with him. He will have to kill me in this parking lot. “Do you know what lengths I went through to get to this hick town?”

  “How did you find me?” I’m only half curious. I’m more concerned with buying time until I can figure out how to get away.

  “Your iWatch, dumbass.” He yanks my arm as he pulls me closer to the car. “You know that nifty little ‘Find My Phone’ feature that can find any of our devices?”

  Damn. I forgot that stupid watch was in my backpack. It must have pinged my location. “I’m not leaving with you, Ethan,” I argue as I try even harder to pull away. This ignites his fury. He charges us both to the car and swings me until my back hits the door. I wince in pain.

  “Look here, bitch. I’m afraid that isn’t an option. I’m trying not to embarrass you in front of your new friends peering out the window right now, b
ut we can make this as hard as you want it to be.”

  “Please. I don’t want to be with you. I can’t live like this. It’s over, so just let me go and I promise I won’t say anything.”

  “Say anything about what?” He snarls. “Are you threatening me? Because the way I see it, this is only going down one way, and that’s with your ass in this car.”

  “I’m not threatening you,” I sob. I feel more hopeless than I ever have. I’m sure we have an audience just as he predicted, yet nobody is coming outside to stop this. My tears fall harder at the thought. Just when I’m sure that I won’t win, tires skid through the parking lot. It’s Beau. He is out of his truck within seconds, and damn, does he look pissed.

  He doesn’t give Ethan any warning. He takes one look at me in tears as he charges toward us, and it confirms everything he needs to know. He yanks Ethan from me and punches him in the gut. Ethan doubles over in surprise and, no doubt, pain.

  “Motherfucker.” Ethan grunts. Beau gets in a few more body shots before Rosalita screams at him to stop. I didn’t even realize she had come outside. The police roll up, but Beau still gives Ethan a final punch to the face. He then puts his hands up and backs away as the police get out of the car.

  Ethan calmly wipes the blood from his lip and straightens his tie. He didn’t get to throw one punch, but it serves him right. “I’m glad you’re here, officers. I want to press assault charges against this hooligan who attacked me out of nowhere. I was having a discussion with my fiancée, and he stormed in with his fist. My guess is he is a jealous lover.”

  “That’s not true,” I speak up. “I don’t call you trying to force me to leave with you having a discussion.” I don’t even realize I’m trembling until Rosalita comes up behind me and wraps her arm around me.

  “Is this man your fiancé, ma’am?” one of the officers inquires.

  “Does it even fucking matter? He’s a coward who beats women. He had her against the car, hurting her, when I drove up. You have a whole damn restaurant of witnesses, I’m sure,” Beau seethes.

  “Try to calm down, sir,” the officer warns. Beau paces, giving Ethan death glares, but he just smirks.

  “It’s true,” Rosalita says from my side. I called my son first and then the police. I could tell he was hurting her, and I could tell she didn’t want to go with him.”

  “This is all a misunderstanding, I assure you, officer. My fiancée left me because we had a disagreement. I tracked her to this town and came to get her back where she belongs. I don’t know what lies she fed these people, but they’re meddling in something they know nothing about. I’m a respected surgeon—”

  Beau lifts my shirt, exposing my still healing bruises. I yank my shirt down in embarrassment. Renewed tears follow the tracks of the old ones.

  “Does that look like a misunderstanding to you, officer, because that looks like bruises in various stages of healing to me. A fucking repeat offender. She didn’t need to feed us a lie. Her body bears the proof.” I watch as Beau clenches his fist like he wants to pummel Ethan some more.

  For the first time, Ethan looks afraid. “She’s not worth this. I’m out of here.”

  “Sir, you haven’t been dismissed,” the officer points out. The second officer widens his stance, ready to pounce if need be. “What about the assault charges you mentioned?”

  “Forget about it. He hits like a pussy anyway. I just want to get the hell out of this town and forget she existed. Forget her father exists. Look at her and look at me. I can do better.” His threat about forgetting my father doesn’t go unnoticed. He’s planning to take this out on him just like I feared.

  “Please just let him go. I just want this to be over.” His threat in regards to my father is out of my hands.

  Beau comes up to me and put a hand on my shoulder. “Bleu, no! You can’t let him get away with hurting you. He’ll just come looking for you again. It’s time to stand up and fight back. I’ll be right here by your side.”

  The issues between Beau and me fall away. It means a lot that he dropped whatever he was doing to come rescue me. He’s willing to put aside our differences to stand with me, and it gives me the confidence I need to finally stand up to Ethan.

  “I would like to file charges and give my statement on the history of his abuse,” I speak up.

  “We’ll need you to come down to the station to file an official statement of domestic abuse. An investigation will take place, and then you will both have to appear in court,” the officer explains. I nod my understanding. “Do you have any charges you want to file for tonight’s events?”

  Yeah, he manhandled me a bit, but I just want him gone. I don’t want to give him a reason to hang around town. I will file the necessary charges, but I need him to leave. Plus, I don’t want him to file counter assault charges against Beau in spite.

  “No, sir. I just want him gone. I’ll come down to the station to file the official report for the other stuff.” Beau lets out a frustrated breath.

  “Sir. You’re free to go, but I will recommend this young lady files a restraining order with that report so I wouldn’t bother coming back until summoned.”

  “Big mistake,” Ethan mumbles. “My attorney is going to have a field day with this.” He gets in his rental car and slams the door before peeling out.

  The officers bid us a good night after I arrange to go down to the station first thing in the morning.

  “Why don’t you take her with you tonight, Beau?” Rosalita suggests. A look passes between the two of them that I can’t read. I look around and see several customers had come outside to see what all the fuss was about. It may not be a bad idea to put some distance between me and this place tonight. Especially if Ethan is stupid enough to come back.

  “Yeah, sure,” Beau says. “Get in the truck, Bleu.”

  Beau’s gentle command has me thinking suddenly. Where in the hell are we going? Has Rosalita known where he was the entire time?

  Beau still hasn’t shared where we’re going, but wherever it is, I feel safe. His mouth is tight, and there’s tension in his thick brows. Even while being upset, his profile is something to admire. He is more gorgeous than any man has a right to be, but what you see on the surface is only part of his magnetism. His kindness and heroism make him undeniable. I can’t deny the attraction I feel nor that I’m falling for him.

  I’m lost in thought when his phone hits my lap. “Call your parents, Bleu. It’s time. You can’t keep them in the dark about this.”

  I’m thrown off guard by his audacity. I don’t need a lecture as if I was some child. Why in the heck did he have to interrupt my appreciation of him by being a hard ass?

  “Look. It’s the right thing to do. I’m sure they’re worried sick. I don’t think your dad will have the reaction you fear he will have,” he says more concerned than bossy.

  “How can you be so sure,” I retort.

  “Because they raised a sweet, amazing daughter. Those traits came from somewhere, so give them a chance. It’s selfish not to. Think how much they’re hurting right now if you’re wrong.”

  “Fine.” I huff, but I know he’s right. I quickly dial my father’s number before my nerves can get the best of me.

  “Hello?” The minute I hear my father’s voice, tears run down my face. I miss him and my mother so much. “Hello?” he says again.

  “Hi, Father,” I finally say, not trusting my voice. A lump forms in my throat, but I know I have to push forward.

  “Oh, my God, Bleu. Helen, Bleu is on the phone,” he calls out to my mother. “Where are you, honey? We’ve been worried sick. Ethan told us you took a spa trip, but he finally had to admit you ran off. He said you left everything. That you would be back because you had no way to get money.”

  I can hear the worry in my father’s voice, and I know immediately I was wrong.

  “I have to tell you all something. Can you please put me on speaker so I don’t have to say it twice?” I plead.

sugar. Your mother can hear you. Tell us what’s wrong. What spooked you?”

  I look over at Beau, and he nods in encouragement. I take a deep breath and unleash the sordid story like word vomit, barely even pausing to take a breath. The silence on the end frightens me, but I don’t stop until every minute detail is out in the open. Surprisingly, I don’t full-out cry this time. I feel empowered regardless of my parents’ reaction.

  “It’s what we feared,” my father admits. He apologizes profusely for not seeing the signs sooner and says he’s leaving the practice he has with Jerry and going back to his old one.

  “It’s not your fault. I was the coward. I was scared you would make excuses for him to save your new business relationship. I hate that you have to go back to your old group.” The truth is out, and my worst fear is realized. My father will lose his new practice because of me.

  “I’m so sad you would think that, Bleu. You’re our world. The truth is, things weren’t working out behind the scenes anyway. The money was great, but Ethan wasn’t as silent of a partner as originally agreed. He had too much input in how things were run and that caused a conflict of interest. It’s like I had a boss rather than the autonomy to do as I saw fit with my patients and plans for growth.” My father sighs into the phone. “My old group called for me to come back shortly after you left. It took me leaving for them to realize just how much of an asset I really was. They want to sit down next week to renegotiate what it will take for me to rejoin them. It’s not Beverly Hills, but I already have patients who plan to follow me wherever I move my practice.”


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