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Sweet Affection (Truth Book 3)

Page 21

by Henderson, Grace

  “Calm down, I’m coming soon.” I chuckle into the speaker.

  “Um, that’s why I’m ringing. I’m way too sick for visitors, J. But you don’t need to worry, I’ll be fine soon.” She coughs awkwardly down the phone line. “I just need to rest.”

  “Okay, well I’ll just stop by and leave some food with you. I bet you haven’t even been shopping, you still live like a student.”

  “No, don’t. I, um, I don’t want you to catch anything. I’ll be fine.”

  She says it too quickly.

  I’m perceptive, and she’s lying.

  “Right well if you’re sure? You know Laurel’s worried about you.”

  “I know.” She sighs quietly. I carry on to the garage and get in the car. I’m going over there. Something’s up.

  “I better go. And J? Tell her I’ll be fine, yeah? I don’t want her worrying for no reason.”

  “Right. Ring us if you need anything.”

  “I will. See you soon.”

  Sooner than you think. I shouldn’t bother her. She might genuinely just be sick but I can’t stop myself as I put the car into gear and back out the driveway. I won’t be able to concentrate if I don’t anyway.

  After five minutes of wondering whether I’m doing the right thing just showing up, I turn onto her road and thank God immediately I’m a nosy, stubborn asshole. In the distance I see her block of flats and standing outside shouting into the intercom on the wall is a tall, lanky dude with his fists clenched and a huge fucking scowl on his face. He’s waving his hands in the air and kicking the brick wall in front of him.

  I get out and walk closer and he’s yelling at someone to let him in. This is not the kind of company I want her around. She needs to move flats. The guy’s swearing and ranting and then I hear a soft voice muffled through the speaker.


  Wait, is that Jess?

  Shit, I can’t be sure.

  “What the fuck are you looking at?” The prick has the balls to say to me.

  “You. Move along. They obviously don’t wanna let you in.”

  If that’s Jess he’s going to be in big trouble.

  “Why don’t you fuck off, man? This is between me and my girlfriend.”

  “Well your girlfriend obviously doesn’t want you here.” I step forward ready to take this further if he needs me to drive the message home. He levels his stare on me and looks me up and down before I see the resignation glare in his eyes. He knows he’s not going to get anywhere.

  “No pussy is worth this shit.” He mumbles, then kicks the door hard. “You’re not worth this shit.” He directs into the speaker, and stalks back to his car. I stand and watch the gravel fly from under the tyres as he speeds away, and turn my body toward the door. The intercom crackles. Whoever it was, is still there. I can hear her breathing.

  “Jess?” I ask softly and hold my breath. With each silent second that passes, disappointment filters through my veins until the broken, defeated voice chokes out my name. This has got to be bad.

  “Buzz me in. Now.”

  My hand’s pushing the door as soon as it clicks and I take the stairs three at a time to get to the fourth floor as quick as possible.

  I don’t bother knocking. I burst through her front door and scan the room as fast as my eyes will move. It opens straight up into the lounge, and her body’s huddled in the corner. She’s sitting on the floor, and her head’s in her hands, sobbing uncontrollably. Shit, he must have scared the fuck out of her; threatened her. It’s way more than an argument.

  “Jess? What happened?” I walk slowly over to her. She doesn’t answer, but then she wouldn’t be able to the way her body’s heaving anyway.

  I place my hand on her shoulder, and she flinches. Her head’s still in her hands and she shakes it vigorously. “I can’t.” She says roughly in between the ragged breaths her lungs are trying to pull in quickly.

  I crouch down in front of her and reach my hands out to hers, tugging on them and moving the hair that’s fallen forward, behind her ear.

  She slowly lifts her head and when I look past the wet, red, blotchy skin on her cheeks to the black and purple swollen eye that she can’t even fucking open, fire rages through every muscle in my body.

  “He did this?” I bite out through gritted teeth.

  She nods uncertainly, and it takes every ounce of willpower not to punch the wall, but that would only scare her again.


  “Last night. We were just watching T.V, but I was cooking dinner at the same time. Well trying to at least. I got so involved in the programme I forgot there was something in the oven. And it got really burnt. The whole room started getting all smoky, then the fire alarm started going. And I couldn’t reach it. It wouldn’t stop. I tried opening the windows, but it took ages. He just flipped. Told me I was a crap girlfriend. Started yelling. Saying all he wanted was peace and quiet for one night.” She looks down and fiddles with her hands in her lap. “I started yelling back. It didn’t even cross my mind he might hit me. I know I shouldn’t have provoked him, I was pretty bitchy, but I never thought he’d hit me. He gets angry real quickly, but to hurt me?” She sniffs and wipes her eyes with the heel of her hands. “I should have just agreed with him. My mouth just runs away with me sometimes.”

  Fuck, it breaks my heart she thinks this may have something to do with her.

  “You did nothing wrong.” I say adamantly. “You know how much shit Laurel gives me when we argue, you’ve heard us. Real men deal with their anger themselves, they don’t hit the girl. His behaviour can’t be excused by anything. You hear me? It’s not your fault. And you did not deserve this, no matter what you said to him.”

  She nods gently, but she’s still reserved, still sniffling and fiddling with some imaginary fluff on her pajama pants. I can’t tell whether I’ve helped or not. But I continue to squeeze her gently into my side, while my ass is pressed firmly to the ground.

  “Thanks, J.” She says quietly after a good five minutes of deep silence. “I’m feeling much better now. You should get back to work.”

  I don’t want to leave. But I really should get to my client.

  “Okay.” I get up and reach my hand down to help her up. My hand grazes her hip and she lets out a long drawn out hiss that takes the breath from me too. I edge up the side of her top even though she tries to shoo me away, and the side of her stomach is covered in the same purple bruising as her eye.

  “Motherfucker.” I whisper.

  “It’s fine, James. It’s over now. It doesn’t even hurt that much.”

  “How are you this calm? What gives him the right to lay a finger on you?!” My voice has taken on new heights of crazy.

  He’s a dead man.

  “It’s done. I can’t change it. But I’m going to stay away from him.”

  “Yeah you are. But I can’t promise I will.” When he sees me again, he better run like hell. I’m in the mood for punching something. And his face will do just fine.

  “I don’t even want to know what you mean by that. Please don’t make him mad. He might try it again.”

  “He won’t be coming near you ever again.” I say with more venom in my voice than I’ve ever heard before. “You’re gonna be okay?” I ask, before I feel like I can leave.

  She nods, and I kiss her gently on the forehead. “Ring me if you need anything.”

  I get in the car and make a quick phone call to Blake.

  “I need your help.”

  “What’s up?”

  “Where are you?”

  “Offices in Scotgate with Ryan. Just finishing up. Why?”

  I tell him about Jess and his reaction is pretty much the same as mine. Except he uses a few more curse words. I can hear Ryan in the background asking what’s going on. I wait while he relays the story then turns his attention back to the phone.

  “What’s the plan?”

  “He needs to learn a lesson. And I have a feeling we’re gonna be the best teacher
s he could ever hope for. You in?” He agrees with a murmured ‘too fucking right’ and I take a few minutes to rearrange with my client.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I sit in the car, round the corner from the address Jason just gave me. I don’t think he believed my bullshit reason but he owed me one, and he’s got a soft spot for Laurel and Cassie. So to him I’m trustworthy by association.

  The more I think about Jess’ distraught face and the big ass, nasty-looking bruise on her side, the tighter my fists clench and the harder my teeth grind together. By the time I see Blake’s SUV pull up behind me I’m more than ready to get this shit over with. Blake and Ryan get out with similar looks of both distress and determination on their faces. Then a third person gets out too. What the fuck is Tyler doing here? I decide to voice that out loud to Blake.

  “Thought one more couldn’t hurt.” He shrugs, “If anything it’s just gonna make this guy more likely to piss his pants. Now that would be some funny shit.”

  That’s true. I tip my chin at Tyler, and I realise then he’s actually the biggest of all of us. He’s packing some pretty heavy muscle, even more so than Blake. Might be a good thing he’s here.

  “You want him balled up or fucked up? ‘Cause I’m fine with both.” Tyler asks angrily, and as much as I want a smack down, probably not the best way to go.

  “Scared. Crying. Trembling. What the fuck ever. But I don’t wanna be responsible for anyone going to jail.” Tyler snorts and shakes his head. “I love that place.” He says sarcastically, “Nearly had a little sleepover with Officer Jason last week.” My eyes go wide, how the fuck did I not know that? Must have been when I was away.

  He shrugs it off and clenches his fists. I look at the three of them who have all put their game faces on and as soon as jerkface opens his front door to all of us, I know we’re not even going to have to do anything, he already looks like he wants to run.

  He’s more fit and lean than strong muscle, his jeans hang too low, and his ridiculous t-shirt shows the slogan “Sex Instructor – First Lesson Free.”

  What a douchebag.

  He tries to quickly shut the door but I shove my foot against the corner and wear my manic smile. The one that says back the fuck up or I’ll make you eat dirt. He backs into the house.

  Smart move.

  “What do you want? My mates will be here soon.”



  Blake and Tyler step forward crowding him into the wall, with Ryan hanging back slightly. I could have guessed that. He’s probably the most level-headed of all of us. Tyler’s clearly a fists first, thoughts later guy. Me? I’m just sick of people messing with our girls. Cassie and Laurel have both had to deal with their fair share of jerks trying to fuck with them, and just plain fuck them. Now Jess. And I’ve had enough.

  Blake slams his hand against the wall just above the dick’s head, and bends down in his face.

  “What do you think we want?” I want to smile at the disturbing smirk curling his lips. The guy looks between all of us, then his eyes linger on me. His eyes narrow, and I realise he’s remembering my face from the apartment building.

  “I guess this has something to do with that skank Jess. What are you, her brother or something?”

  For someone who has Blake’s face in his, he sure is brave.

  “Or something. You see, you mess with her, you mess with us.” I say bluntly. I shrug, and watch as his eyes go to Blake, then Tyler, then Blake again. He cowers slightly, his body hunching further back against the wall.

  The doorbell chimes and we all shoot a look at each other. Guess he wasn’t kidding about his friends. The guy moves forward to try and push past Blake and Tyler, but I can’t imagine why the hell he thinks they’re gonna let him go. Tyler grabs his shirt and shoves him back against the wall, lifting him up onto the tips of his toes.

  “Repeat after me.” He growls out, “I’m a piece of shit, woman beater, with a stupid little dick…” The guy’s eyes go wide, I can see his hands trembling.

  Not so brave now are you, punk?

  “Do. It.” Tyler shoves him against the wall again, and brings his fist up, pulling it right back in preparation.

  “I’m a piece of shit, woman beater, with a stupid little dick…” His voice shakes and he says it quicker than I’ve ever heard someone talk before. Tyler’s grip on his t-shirt doesn’t loosen. But a slight smile hovers on his lips.

  “If you EVER-”

  “Well, well. What do we have here?”

  No, fuck no.

  That voice is way too damn sweet to be talking here right now. Everyone stills as we turn and look at Laurel, Jen and Cassie, who have just strutted with attitude through the front door. We should have locked it. They can’t be here, I don’t want them to see us like this. I try to meet Laurel’s eyes but she isn’t looking at me. She’s looking straight at the quivering mess behind me.

  Her eyes don’t give much away. There’s just hatred and loathing directed at the loser. Nothing about how she feels about us doing this. Nothing that says we’re okay. She must be pissed.

  “It’s alright Ty, we’ll take it from here.”

  Uh. No?

  Tyler starts to release the guy’s shirt with a big ass grin on his face. Ryan watches them with amusement. Blake smirks at Cassie then trails his eyes down over her butt. Am I the only one that hasn’t gone bat-shit crazy? They can’t honestly be okay with this.

  She tilts her head at the guy, appraising him, looking him over. Her top lip rises.

  Not a smile. More like a snarl.


  My heart pounds heavily against my chest. I know why we’re doing this, but part of me wants to run and hide. They’re all watching us. I should have just let them do it. But sisterhood, and female solidarity, and standing up for what’s right, is why we didn’t. Jess rang me and told me everything after James left. She wanted to come, but I told her we’d sort it.

  Tyler grabs the guy’s arms behind his back then nudges him forward.

  “All yours, abuela.” The guy’s wincing at the tight hold that Tyler has on his wrists, and as soon as I look him in the eye, the anger and disgust pushes all worrying thoughts right out my head.

  “This your girlfriend?” He spits out forcefully, and I actually mean spits. I wipe my cheek with my hand.

  “Nope! That would be my girlfriend!” James’ eyes shine with pride as mine meet his for the first time since I walked in the house.

  “He’s all yours, babe.” He says as he winks and gestures for me to do what I’ve got to do. I don’t even know what I’m gonna do. I feel in way over my head.


  The girls step forward, on either side of me and then I feel stronger, like we could be Charlie’s Angels or Destiny’s Child. Who run the world? Girls!

  The thought empowers me, or rather my knee. It comes straight up to his groin with the force of three women.

  He chokes out a groan, and bends over with his legs bent inwards.

  “Fucking bitch.” He growls out.

  I see James straighten up in my peripheral. He won’t appreciate that.

  Jen rests her hand on his chest to tell him we got this and Cassie moves in front of us.

  One look at her body stiffening and the stance she takes, and I know exactly what she’s going to do. When she got attacked a couple of years ago at Encore, Blake took her to some self-defence classes and she knows how to care of herself now. She pulls her fist back and it connects with his jaw creating that shudderingly loud crack that makes me wince internally. I don’t think she would have actually broken it, but he’s going to have one hell of a bruise.

  He curses and groans, and his head flops forward. He’s a pussy. Beaten up by girls and the only thing that’s holding him up is the grip that Tyler has on his arms.

  I step right up into his face, as close as Blake had been when we walked in. I can feel his heavy breathing against my cheek. His breath sme
lls of cigarettes and the faint tinge of alcohol.

  “Jess deserves better than an asshole like you. Stay. Away. You see her at the bar, you go hit on someone else. You see her walking down the street, you cross the road. Do you understand?” I wait and when he doesn’t reply, I glance at Tyler, who gets my hint immediately and grins.

  He pulls both hands tighter behind the guy’s back making him groan loudly in pain.

  “Answer her.” He growls menacingly into his ear.

  “Y-Yes.” He pants out unevenly, his voice cracking in panic.

  I fold my arms over my chest and watch Tyler as he shoves him back into the wall and squeezes his left hand into his jaw, controlling the movement of his head.

  “You know how small this town is. If I hear that you’ve so much as glanced in her direction, I’ll be back. The only reason you’re not dead right now is because I’m in front of three women. You don’t want to meet me on my own. Because I promise you, I won’t hold back.”

  Tyler lets go of his jaw and the guy drops down to the floor groaning. Tyler doesn’t even know Jess and yet he’s here with us, risking the possibility of getting caught, for her. Or for James. I don’t know which, but I see the faint glimmer of respect in James’ eyes and it fills me with more hope than I’ve had in the past couple of weeks.

  As we all leave the house and congregate further round the corner in the next road, I could laugh at how many of us there are here. But that’s what good friends do. They come together if one’s in need, and I’m thankful I have such amazing friends that stand up for each other.

  “He better stay away now.” I mumble as we reach the cars.

  “He will. You girls are scary when you get together.” Ryan pretends to shudder, and Blake pulls Cassie to him. “My own little Lara Croft.”

  Cassie rolls her eyes, and scoffs.” Why do men have this obsession with Lara?”

  “I can think of two very big reasons, actually.” Tyler wiggles his eyebrows and I let out a groan of disgust when everyone laughs.

  “Right I better go. I have a lunch date to get ready for. I’ll walk home Laurel. It’ll only take me ten minutes.”


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