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Sweet Affection (Truth Book 3)

Page 22

by Henderson, Grace

  I narrow my eyes at Jen. She never told me about a date. She hasn’t dated since anyone since her last mistake two month ago.

  Ryan looks like he’s going to blow steam from his nostrils. The vein in his neck throbs underneath his skin as he steps impatiently towards her.

  “I’m walking with Jen.” He growls out, grabbing her elbow and steering her off down the road. “See you guys later.” He shouts back to us.

  Jen’s deer in headlights look back to me before they disappear round the corner makes me smile to myself. Serves her right. Maybe they’ll sort themselves out now.

  Tyler’s phone beeps and he swipes the screen before cursing and shoving it back in his pocket. “I have to go too.” He looks to me and I jump into action. It’s the least I can do.

  “I can drop you somewhere before I head back to the store?”

  Relief floods his face and he nods. “Thanks. I need my bike. It’s back at your house.”

  “Anyone else coming?” I ask and look round. I see James’ discomfort. He looks between us and shifts between his feet. I know he’d come with us if he didn’t have his car here. But he stays quiet in silent defeat. And I love him all the more for it.

  “Wanna meet me for lunch in a couple of hours?” I say sweetly in his ear.

  “Yes.” He replies quickly, wrapping his arm round my neck and kissing the side of my head. “I’ll come into town. Meet you at one.”

  We all disperse to our car of choice from the three lined up on the side of the street. Tyler doesn’t speak much which is fine by me but I make sure to thank him as I pull up to the house.

  “It means a lot to James and I that you came today.” He looks slightly embarrassed and shrugs it off as nothing.

  “The guy was a dick. He had it comin’.”

  “Is that all it was?”

  He gives me a pointed look that shuts me up immediately. Of course Mr Grumpy Pants doesn’t want to talk about it. I’m getting used to this now. I sigh and give him a tired scowl. “Can you get out my car then please? I have to go.”

  He shoots me a vaguely amused smile and salutes as he opens the door. “I won’t be back tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  While I throw myself into work for the next two hours, any time there’s a pause I find myself thinking about Tyler and where the heck he goes. He’s definitely spent more time away from Stamford than in it over the past few weeks. Or maybe he is in Stamford? I still don’t know what he does for a living. He hasn’t seemed to be lacking money since he’s been here, so he must be working. The man is still a complete mystery. I’m in a daze steaming a dress in the stockroom when James pokes his head round the corner.

  “You ready babe?” I glance at my watch and see that I’ve completely lost track of time.

  I nod and collect my bag from the drawer feeling the hunger pangs remind me I didn’t eat any breakfast.

  “Where are we going?” I ask as he leads me away from his car and down a street behind the store.

  “Just a new little restaurant that’s opened. Cassie and Blake went the other day for dinner and said it was great.”

  Oh, we’re having a proper lunch. I beam up at him and link my arm in his. It’s been ages since we did something like this. The weekend in Yorkshire. Well it feels like ages ago, considering all the shit’s that happened since then.

  We’re shown to a comfy semi-circular booth at the back and James sits down next to me. He leans forward and our elbows brush we’re that close. His aftershave meets my nose and I lean in closer trying to get my fill of it. Guys smelling good is such a turn on for me.

  “Are you smelling me?” The laughter shows in his eyes as I pull my face back so I’m sitting up straight.

  “No I am not.” I say haughtily, then smirk when he raises an eyebrow.

  “Okay. Maybe just a little.” I admit gingerly.

  The waitress comes over and takes our drinks order before leaving us to look at the menu.

  “I can’t believe you three came this morning.” He shakes his head but I sense the slightest hint of admiration in his tone.

  I shrug my shoulder and look back down at my menu. “She would do the same for us. Plus you heard Tyler, he might have actually killed him.”

  James sighs, folding his menu and strokes a hand over his stubble. “So that’s why you came. For Tyler.”

  I watch as something in his face shifts, his mood darkening by the second. I close my menu and put my hand on his thigh.

  “No. I came for Jess. He shouldn’t be allowed to get away with what he did.” I lower my voice and lean in close to him. “And I wanted to see you. It was a very sweet thing you did. Don’t think I don’t know that you organised it all. You got the address and you got the guys together. And I love that you supported me enough to let me knee him in the balls.”

  He grins and his eyes dance across my face. “I never knew that something like that would be so fucking hot but it was.”

  He leans in and kisses me hard. It’s short but fierce and steals the breath from me.

  A cough interrupts just as he pulls away. “What can I get for you both?”

  “I’ll have the grilled tuna please.” I look to James and he answers without taking his eyes off me.

  “Steak, medium rare.”

  I send her a quick glance and half smile in apology before nudging him.

  “Rude. You didn’t even look at her.”

  He smirks and pulls my hand into his lap. “You’re all my eyes want to look at. You’re just too beautiful for your own good.”

  I roll my eyes and send him a withering glance. “You’re such a charmer.”

  “I know.” He grins.

  He sips on his coke still looking at me over his glass.

  “What?” I stare blankly at him.

  He shifts and rubs his palms over his thighs.

  “What’s wrong with you? You look constipated.” I giggle into my glass of cranberry juice.

  “Laurel!” He sighs in exasperation. He’s agitated now for some reason, but it only makes me laugh harder. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

  “Would you just shut-up for a second?” He sounds serious but there’s a small smile curving his lips. He picks up my hand and kisses it gently. “You know how much I love you.”

  Oh, God. Bad news always starts like that doesn’t it?

  I stop laughing and stare at him while he plays with the inside of my wrist. He licks his lips and furrows his brow in concentration. “I’ve never felt like-”

  “One grilled tuna salad.” The waitress comes over interrupting him and he lets my hand go with another sigh. Great timing. I nod and lean back so she can place it in front of me. She reaches over and places his down on the table too, then leaves us in awkward silence.

  Is he going to finish what he was going to say? Do I want him to? He’s closed off now, and although I’m dying to know what it was, I’m also quite relieved that I don’t know. I decide to try once and if the topic of conversation’s over, I won’t carry on asking.

  “What were you going to say? You’ve never felt…?”

  I bite a piece of tuna off my fork, which is amazing, and turn to wait. He looks at me, resigned, and shakes his head. “I was just going to say I don’t feel like I tell you I love you enough. Because I do. I really do.”

  I should be happy at this. But I just get the feeling he’s hiding something from me. I guess it can’t be that bad if he’s still telling me he loves me so I shake off the nagging feeling in the back of my mind and accept it for what it is.

  “You do. And for the record, I love you more.”

  “Not possible, babe.”

  We carry on eating, talking about this and that. It’s relaxed, he’s more relaxed, and it’s nice to have some easy time away from everything else. By the time we finish and he’s walking me back round to work, I’m back in the crazy in love giddy mood I’ve missed, and spend the rest of the afternoon smiling like a nutter.

  Chapter Sixtee


  I lie down on our bed, with my back against the headboard, and watch Laurel while she roots through the wardrobe to find something to wear. It’s the opening of her new store tonight and we’re getting picked up by Blake in a couple of hours.

  She sticks her head inside the closet and I laugh when she picks things out, scrunches her nose up at them then flings them over her shoulder, making a mess on the floor.

  “Why does it take women so long to find something to wear?” I wonder out loud, then regret the words when she stands up straight and narrows her eyes at me.

  “Why does it only take two minutes for you to open your mouth and act like a jackass?” She shoots back at me.

  “Whoa there little firecracker,” I chuckle, “I’m just messing around.” She’s testy tonight, maybe it’s that time of the month. I need to pay more attention to that if this is how she is.

  She sighs, then drops her shoulders and I instantly move my legs off the edge of the bed and pull her down onto me so her knees are either side of my thighs and she’s sitting in my lap. My arms go straight round her hips and I settle my hands in the back pockets of her jeans, cupping her ass. She puts her arms round her neck and kisses me once on the lips.

  “Sorry,” she mumbles against my neck. “I’m just nervous. This is it. What I’ve been working so hard for, and I can’t believe it’s really happening.”

  I run my hands up her back to her neck, and her hands go to my waist and grip the sides of my shirt.

  “Laurel, look at me.” I guide her head so she moves back from me and fixes her eyes on mine. My heart leaps when her big blue eyes show me all the worry and anxiety she’s been holding inside. I don’t know how long she’s been feeling like this, but I don’t like that she’s only just telling me now. I thought we got over that, she knows I’ll always listen if she wants to talk.

  “Babe, tonight is going to be amazing. The store looks fantastic. There’s been so much press and they all have praise for you. Everyone is behind you, including me.” I run my thumb over her cheek and pull her lips to mine.

  “I’m so proud of you.” I whisper against her lips, and her fists tighten at my sides when I nip at her bottom lip with my teeth. She moans softly, and shifts in my lap. My hands move straight to her hips to still her.

  “Don’t.” I warn her playfully. I’m already hard, if she continues to move against me, we won’t be leaving here on time.

  She smiles innocently, and ducks her head to kiss my neck again.

  “Thank you.” She hums against my skin. She wraps her arms around me and I tighten my hands around her back, then rest my cheek against hers. We stay like that for a few minutes, both of us lost in our own thoughts. I don’t know what hers are, but mine? I’m thinking how hard and far I’ve fallen for her in such a short period of time. And whether I’m going to be able to ask her tonight. The box is in my trouser pocket, and I’m so anxious that she’s going to end up finding it. Maybe I should move it to my suit jacket pocket? Shit, I don’t know. I frown and shift her out the way slightly so there’s no way she’ll feel the box.

  “Come on.” I lower my hands and pick her up against me while I stand and walk to the wardrobe. “I’m going to help you pick something.”

  “What?” She looks at me like I’ve grown two heads, horrified and amused all at once.

  “I’ll. Help. You. Pick. Something.” I say loudly and slowly.

  “Dick.” She slaps her hand against my chest, laughing. “I heard you. But what do you know about fashion? You’re a man.”

  “Ouch.” I bang my fist against my heart, pretending she got me. I smile and shrug my shoulder. “Not gonna pretend to know fashion, but I know what I’d want to fuck you in tonight.”

  She rolls hers eyes as she lowers her feet to the floor. “Wow, you sure know how to make a girl feel special.”

  “You love it, babe. Now, move out the way and let me work.” I nudge her out the way with my hip and move closer so I can see her clothes. To be honest, I’m in way too deep but I don’t let on. I flick through her hangers, muttering comments at them all.

  “Too long.”


  “Too informal.”


  “So two years ago.”

  She laughs. Flick.

  “Not low-cut enough.”

  She laughs again. Flick.

  “Totally fuckable.”

  I pick out the hanger with the bright red dress that gets my dick hard just looking at it. It’s got some dirty memories.

  “Why that one?” She asks suspiciously.

  “You wore it to dinner one time.” I shrug, but she doesn’t let me off the hook that easily.


  “And you looked really hot on the way home when you lifted it up and touched yourself right in front of me.” God, that drove me crazy. I see her thinking back and the sly smile creeping on her lips when she remembers.

  “You’re right. I should wear this one.”

  An hour later she steps out the bathroom wearing the one shoulder red dress that puts my mind in the gutter and keeps it there. She started off in the bedroom getting changed with me, but as soon as she began peeling her clothes off, my hands spent too much time trying to ‘help’ and we got a bit distracted.

  “Will it do?” She asks as she smooths her hands down her hips. She’s got that same matching lipstick on that makes her mouth look completely fuckable too.

  I don’t voice those thoughts. Tonight, I’m going for romance.

  “You look beautiful.”

  She smiles her mega-watt smile, and reaches up to kiss my cheek.

  “Thank you.”

  My phone rings and Blake says he and Cassie are outside. He’s driving tonight so I can have a few drinks to celebrate with Laurel. We say goodbye to Judy, who came round to see Laurel and wish her luck. She’s decided to make her own way there because she’s taking Johnathan with her. They went out for coffee, then lunch, then dinner and now I guess they’re kind of seeing each other. We head out to the car and see Blake’s leant against it with his arms crossed in front of his chest. He whistles as he looks Laurel up and down appreciatively and I know he’s doing his best to wind me up. I used to do that to Cassie every time I saw them both together.

  Laurel stands up on her tiptoes to hug him and he kisses her cheek, lingering slightly too long so I punch his arm as hard as I can, before he pulls away laughing.

  “Wife right here, in case you’ve forgotten.” Cassie says playfully through the window, but his laughter fades immediately.

  “She’s got nothing on you, sweetheart.” He says quickly, as we all get in the car.

  “Hey, watch it Richards.” Laurel says as she slaps him round the head from her seat behind him.

  “You tell him, Laurel. That’s my sister you’re talking about, honey.” Cassie slaps him across the head too, and he groans loudly.

  “Can everyone stop hitting my head? Please. How the hell did I get myself into this? I can’t win either way. And can someone please tell me why J has got bright red lipstick on his cheek?”

  “What?” I cry out and crane my neck to look in the mirror.

  “What the fuck, Laurel? Why didn’t you tell me? Your mum’s going to think I’m an idiot. I thought she was laughing at my jokes.” I rub at my cheek as hard as I can, and they all laugh but Blake howls the hardest so I slap him round the head again. He glares at me through the rearview mirror and I chuckle in return, staring him down.

  The drive goes by quickly, but I can tell Laurel’s still worried. I think it’s more the not being in control. She’s been on the phone to Jess several times in the past two hours, but Jess has been patient and eased all of her concerns.

  “Give me your hand.” I’ve opened Laurel’s door for her but she’s plastered her back against the seat and is gripping her clutch in front of like her life depends on it. I don’t know why she’s so nervous.

  “What if no-one’s here

  “They’re here, babe. Jess just told you it’s packed.” She hesitantly offers me her hand and I pull her into my arms before shutting the car door. I put my arm round her shoulders and steer her towards the store.

  “You have no reason to be worried.” I say with certainty. She smiles gratefully up at me, and wraps her arm around my waist.

  “You look hot in this suit.”

  “I do?” I ask and she rolls her eyes at me.

  “Like you don’t know.” The exasperation evident in her voice. I do know, but only because she keeps telling me. I grin, and pull the door to the store wide open.

  She bites her lip as she walks past me swaying her hips and my hand nearly comes out to slap her ass, the tease. I step inside and bang straight into Laurel who’s stopped still in the doorway. I move a small step back and take in the thrum of chatter and laughing coming from around the room. There must be around a hundred people standing around the showroom. The design has come out just the way I planned. It echoes the redesign of the Stamford store to keep consistency, particularly as Laurel wants to open more stores. The plush cream carpet, gold fixtures and fittings, and chandeliers compliment the feature wallpaper that’s doing a great job of highlighting her more exclusive collections. The door hits my back with more people coming through and I guide Laurel to the side so we’re out the way.

  “This is amazing.” She whispers up at me and looks close to tears so I stroke my hands comfortingly down her arms.

  “You’re amazing.” I grin and kiss the side of her head.

  “Isn’t it fantastic?” Jess comes hurrying up to us with a couple of glasses of champagne and her eyes are lit with pure excitement.

  “You’ve done so well, Jess. I think I’m going to cry.” Laurel throws herself into Jess’ arms and squeezes her tightly.

  “We’ve done so well.” They high five each other and start giggling while I watch with amusement. Cassie and Blake come over and continue the congratulations in their own way.


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