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Tangles and Temptation

Page 9

by India-Jean Louwe

  “Do not say you are retiring yet, Eris. This ceremony is being held in your honor. It would not do for you to displease the Gods in such an offensive manner.” The queen quickly latched onto his arm and expertly maneuvered him in the opposite direction he had been headed. He peered over his shoulder at the doorway dolefully. There was no polite way to extract himself now. He sighed.

  The grinning woman seemed to be unaware of his lack of conversation and chattered on. “Sappho seems to be in high spirits. It is good he shows his support through his presence at this banquet. It would surely please the Gods and add favor to your forthcoming venture.”

  Eris watched as his brother grabbed yet another serf wench willing enough to handle his drunken gropes and submerged his head directly into her bosom. He had no illusions as to his brother’s presence here tonight. It had nothing to do with lending support to his venture. Sappho was never one to shy away from duty. While he did not consider Eris a brother anymore, he still had his duty as gladiator to consider. And his brother would never allow that duty to be interfered with by anything.

  As if sensing Eris’s thoughtful gaze, Sappho drew his face back from his nuzzling of the woman’s breasts and looked up. He pushed the wench off his lap and made his way, stumbling and staggering, toward them. Eris sighed again. This confrontation could not be avoided. The best he could do was to attempt to keep it as civil as possible. And judging from his brother’s staggered steps, he did not hold much hope.

  Sappho arrived with a cloud full of intoxicating wine fumes. He raised the vassal he drank from and gave them a mocking salute. “So, brother, it seems it will be you who will leave first. May your enemy defeat you soundly and leave your rancid entrails for the picking of vicious vultures. And may a more worthy successor fill your useless place.”

  Eris stiffened as a number of the surrounding guests, upon hearing his brother’s loud insults, turned toward them with undisguised interest. While the elite guests showed restraint and held their tongues, the slaves immediately began to whisper to each other.

  The queen laughed and interceded. “Such a successor does not exist. Whom the Gods have graced with their blessings with the mark of the snake let no man turn asunder.”

  Sappho appeared about to rebuke, but thankfully somehow within his hazy brain seemed to recognize the person who addressed him. He smiled broadly. “Greetings, Vasiliki Akantha. You look particularly ravishing tonight. Would it be presumptuous of me to beg an invitation to assist in your retirement tonight? I have a tremendous deal of ardor that begs release.”

  The guests turned back to their own conversations. It was widely known and accepted that the queen took a number of sexual partners to her bed. And if the king did not protest her actions, none other would offer offense. Vasiliki Akantha laughed delightfully. “We shall see if you are still able to stand on your own two feet at the end of this affair before making plans. However, if you find you are, then feel free to approach me later. I have always a vacant spot for an amorous man.”

  Sappho nodded and turned his attention back to Eris. Eris stiffened. His brother was not done. “I do not understand why it is you who must venture out on this errand. Surely there have been no clear signs that the beast is of your territory. Where I to make a safe guess, I would estimate the enemy to be mine. More than one witness has volunteered that it takes refuge in the mountains, my territory, after an attack.”

  Eris relaxed slightly. This was not an expected question. In fact, were he in a similar position, he would have also questioned. The gladiators relished the chance to fight. Each longed for every battle to be his. He answered logically, “It is not the territory in which the beast retires that has brought on this decision, but whence it comes from. There are an equal number of witnesses who attest to the beast advancing from the plantations of their respective villages and cities, my territory. The gladiator holds responsibility for where the threat ventures forth from, not where it retreats.”

  The queen interjected, “The snake is also the first line of defense, and thus it would make sense that this is where the first line of attack would come from. History has dictated as much.”

  Sappho ignored the interference and eyed Eris coldly. “Oh, that is not the difficulty to which I refer.” Eris held himself erect and defensive once again. He should have expected Sappho would not ask such a seemingly innocent question of him. He narrowed his eyes.

  Sappho swallowed an unhealthy dose from his vassal, splashing wine liberally over his chin and tunic front, and continued. “What I wish to know is why you would want to venture this soon after making a claim on your mate? Surely she should not be left so soon to twirl twine between her fingers at your premature absence. Or have you already lost appetite in that quarter?”

  Eris bristled. “If you refuse to regard me as brother that is your prerogative. But you will still address me as a fellow gladiator before our queen. And my relations with my chosen mate are of no consequence to you. Kyra is not to be included in our discussions.”

  Sappho guffawed. “Not be included?” He bellowed in laughter. “Bah. One with such apparent lusty appetites will never sit idly by while you travel the far reaches of our beloved Greece. Oh, she will be included—when she crawls into my bed begging for the release you are unable to accommodate.”

  As Eris grabbed his brother’s tunic in a tight fist, the queen chuckled in humor. “What a splendidly tangled triangle exists within our household. A brother wishes to have her but has her not, while the other brother has her but wishes her not. Undoubtedly, this must be a tale that shall be recorded on the walls of history.”

  Ignoring the queen’s ill-timed humor, Eris spat in Sappho’s face. “For one thing, if inability to perform manly duties is your weakness, then do not equate the same with me. I would remind you that it was her apparent starving for sexual pleasure under your care which has resulted in my subsequent introduction to her. Furthermore, Kyra will be accompanying me on my errand.”

  Before Sappho could argue the wisdom of including woman on a man’s errand, a brittle voice inquired from behind him. “And where shall I be accompanying you? I do not recall giving my permission to such an endeavor.”

  “Oh. What a coup. The sinful spider who continues to spin her destructive web while her two helpless captives are left tearing at each other’s throats. Were I in possession of the wisdom you have shown, I would have invited the brothers together to my bed earlier. Who would have guessed that the sting of the scorpion pitted against the strike of a snake would have proved quite so entertaining? Good evening to you, dear Kyra. You have graced us with your presence in that impeccable timing you seem to possess.”

  Kyra kept her gaze steadfastly locked with Eris as she responded to the one who had addressed her, “Good evening to you, Vasiliki Akantha. And I shall say simply that I acknowledge your introductory words, as I remain uncertain as to whether it was compliment or insult.”

  The older woman laughed joyfully. “Well, my dear, that would depend on one’s consequent position in this intricate play you have instigated. And since my part in it is not altogether a grievous one, I shall declare myself a firm admirer of your clever ruse, thus making my statement complimentary.”

  Kyra answered curtly, “Then I thank you, my Queen.”

  Eris reached past Sappho and grasped her hand. “Come, I have been awaiting your arrival. Our meal has already cooled.”

  Kyra yanked her hand out of his grasp. “Pray, answer my question first. Where is it I shall be accompanying you?”

  Lowering his voice to a hiss meant only for her ears, Eris’s tone was a clear warning. “Kyra, I wish not to speak of this now. This is not a matter pertaining to you.”

  “What right have you to dictate my movements? You would not discuss with me a matter I am clearly the subject of? You shall explain now.”

  The queen, ever seeking the merriment of entertainment, interjected, “The snake seeks to remove you from the wanting clutches of the scorpion. Come
now, Kyra. There has to be some matter of consequence for your actions of pitting one against the other. Did you not think they would come to blows?”

  Kyra froze. Her voice left her in a broken whisper. “What have I done?”

  Eris winced as he watched stark pain flitter across Kyra’s features as color drained from her face. He pulled her away more forcefully. “Before you allow confusion and annoyance to seize control of your senses, let us adjourn to our awaiting dinner.”

  As he led her away, Sappho gritted out, “The blame is not yours to bear. That is the sole responsibly of the devious snake. Do not trust him, Kyra.” He turned quickly and strode off.

  The queen, however, had no wish to miss any further drama. She stared at the couple with undisguised curiosity. She, of course, found a rather unconventional way to defuse the situation. She aired a question that succeeded in redirecting Kyra’s mind. Unfortunately it was not a subject Eris was ready to discuss with her. “Have you told her of the enlightenment you have gained from the youth you battled? She should find the information useful pertaining to her past, should she not?”

  Eris grasped Kyra once again. This time his hold bore no room for escape. “Come, Kyra. Our meal waits.” His physical intention was clear. He headed straight for the huge dining table set outside in the palace courtyard. His internal intention, to once again redirect her mind, would not be as easy. It would be better if he chose to answer with only half truths, if only for her own protection. He knew the feelings he harbored toward the people of Pandora. There was no telling what her reaction might be. At the very worst, she could demand immediate return to her home. And he was not ready to release her. For some reason he had not had his fill of her. He craved more of her sweet essence, her unbridled passion. There was no explanation for his abrupt demand to have her accompany him on his errand other then plain possessiveness. Never before had he had such an overpowering urge to have someone all to himself. He would not share her again.

  * * * *

  Kyra sat still as the queen’s words sank slowly, painfully in. She glanced at Sappho across the crowded courtyard. Although he tried to hide it with boisterous laughter and clumsy groping at passing serfs, the undeniable taint of grief and pain shadowed his features. He may be unsteady on his feet at present, but whatever he had sought to drown out by his overindulgent consumption could not be dulled. It did not hide his hurt.

  Kyra looked at Eris directly before her. He sat strong and stubbornly erect, but his eyes, too, held the element of hurt. Her body began to tremble as torrents of remorse filled her. She had been blinded to all but her own selfish needs, wants. She had brought hurt and pain to two brothers. She could find no words to make this situation better.

  She stared down, but her eyes saw nothing of the feast laid before her. Her mind remained focused inward. Too much had been insinuated in such a short span of time, but not enough had been truly revealed. Where had Eris planned on taking her? How detrimental was the feud caused by her hand between the brothers? What had the young lad revealed about her past? And Eris wanted her. This did not suit Kyra, at least not yet. She still had not come to terms with the implications of the tale she had heard, the images she had seen. She was not yet willing to surrender herself to a beast, a cold creature that may just as easily turn on her.

  As she pondered on which question to ask first, she became aware that none of the other occupants of the table partook of the meal. In fact, they seemed to be awaiting her. Their platters lay heaped with tasty morsels, untouched, while their goblets appeared empty. The question that fell from her lips was not any of the ones wandering through her mind. “Why do they appear to be awaiting us, Eris?”

  “They await us as is customary at such a ceremony, Kyra. Here.” He cut of a piece of meat and held it to her lips. “Eat, and they shall follow suit.”

  She did not part her lips to accept the morsel. “I do not recognize the meat you offer. The texture is somewhat dark and dry in appearance.”

  Eris lowered his hand and answered her calmly, “This is the meat of the animal that has been sacrificed at the altar to the Gods preceding my venture on the morning. This offering was made in order to gain their favor in the difficult endeavor that lay ahead.”

  Kyra frowned uncertainly. “I am not familiar with this custom. Why does the meat you offer me appear different from the meat piled upon the other platters? What is it you offer me? And more importantly, why do you offer it to me? Would it not be sufficient for you to partake of this offering as it is, after all, you who will be undertaking this journey?”

  “Had you seen fit to grace us with your presence earlier rather than at this late hour, you would have witnessed the sacrifice being made.” Eris sighed heavily as she remained steadfastly silent. “The people offer the sacrifice of a ram to the Gods, begging their favor as the venture I shall depart on tomorrow will mean either the life or death of each and every one of them. The offal has been burnt and offered to the Gods. Now all that remains is for us to partake of the meat. This meat does indeed differ, as this is the heart of the ram.”

  As Kyra made to argue, he gently placed his finger, greasy from the juices of the meat he had held, over her lips, silencing her. “I must eat the first piece of the meat as it is me who shall be heading the party that shall set out to seek the creature that plagues the shores of the cities close to us and plunders and burns the villages. You shall eat from it because you are my beast’s chosen mate and thus the primary source of blessings on this venture.”

  Kyra stared at the meat upon the platter with a sour expression. The many eyes still regarded them steadily. Softly, she pleaded, “Although I have nothing against this ritual your people perform, and despite your choosing of me as your beast’s mate having been something outside my control—and strongly against my wishes—I really do not believe I will be able to swallow down the ghastly organ you feed me.”

  Eris studied her closely. His eyes softened as he calmly wiped his hands clean with a piece of freshly baked bread and broke off a piece of meat from the roasted leg upon his platter. “Accept instead this offering, as it is acceptable to me.”

  Kyra sighed in relief. She did not wish to offer insult to these people who had opened their home to her, but she knew to become violently ill and discard the offering her stomach viewed as offensive would be even more insulting. She opened her mouth and accepted the meat of the leg instead. As she chewed on the juicy, well-seasoned and prepared red meat, the others around the table broke out into a loud cheer. They quickly turned their attentions to their own platters and rumbling stomachs. Kyra swallowed quickly and reached for her goblet.

  Eris beat her to it. He held it to her lips as he whispered, “I thank you, Kyra. This is new to you, and I appreciate the gesture.”

  She swallowed down the wine. It was well matured and unaltered by the addition of water. She throat burned, so she simply nodded.

  As Eris focused on his own meal, he continued to explain, “The ritual is held prior to our people going into battle. We need the aid of the Gods. There is a strong suspicion that the threat that approaches us is of Cronus himself. Each generation sees seven beasts spewed forth from Tartarus, each seeking entry to our lands, each to be met by one of our gladiators. The king has ordered my departure at first light. The time has come for me to make my stand, the first of this generation of gladiators against Cronus. I am to seek out this menace and dispense of it before it rears its ugly head in our beloved city.” He chewed slowly and leaned back in his chair. “Please forgive my rudeness. You look extremely pleasing to the eye tonight. The wait was well worth it.” His eyes devoured an appreciative path across the bare skin displayed above the low-cut gown.

  Kyra first blinked at the sudden abrupt change in subject then blushed as his hungry eyes feasted upon her skin, heating her instantly. “Thank you. The queen has been most generous.”

  Eris leaned forward and whispered huskily in her ear, “The gown only decorates what is already true
beauty. You look utterly ravishing tonight.”

  Kyra cleared her throat. She recalled the Eris she had first met, playful and mischievous. It was good to note that it was not an extinct characteristic. He was a man who had not forgotten the boy within him. This aspect of his personality fascinated her. The thought of his manly hardness intermingled with playful boyishness would lead to great adventures in the bedroom. This thought excited her. But she could not allow herself to be whisked away on a dreamy tide. There were matters that needed clearing up. “Your compliment is appreciated, but right now I would like to know where it is you implied I shall be accompanying you.”

  Eris leaned back and reached for his goblet. “There were no implications, simply a fact.” He swirled the deep-red contents leisurely as his lips lifted at the corners. “You shall accompany me on my errand tomorrow.”

  Kyra choked over the grape that had slid down her stunned throat. She blinked back tears as it lodged itself in her chest. Her voice left her somewhat hoarsely. “Is that an accepted custom here? Are the women permitted to engage in battle?”

  Eris watched as her face grew distinctly redder at each passing moment. He reached out and thumped her soundly on the back, dislodging the errant grape. “You will not be forced to battle in the battlefield, Kyra. However, there shall remain other areas you may, of course, show your unique feminine prowess.” Quickly, before she could cut him off with a biting remark from her wicked tongue, he added, “On completion of my errand, I shall also escort you to the place that has been connected to your name. Before you ask for the name of this place, I shall beg of you your patience. Nothing is certain. Shall we simply travel to the place and see whether your memories are returned?”

  She nodded reluctantly. There was no sense in demanding answers. The knowledge of her past was not life threatening. But this errand Eris was embarking on was. That had to take precedence now. “It is vitally important I come to know my birthright. I shall accept your conditions. But pray, make haste in your defeat of this beast.”


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