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Tangles and Temptation

Page 10

by India-Jean Louwe

  Eris answered curtly, “Your past is vitally important. The snake has marked you as mine, but what if you already belong to another?”

  For no certain reason, the statement left a bitter taste in Kyra’s mouth. She could not deny she still had a deep physical attraction for him. She also could not deny that she could not bear to lose him before fully satisfying her craving for him. She continued to sip at her goblet as her appetite fled. Unfortunately, the rich spirits did nothing to fill the hollow emptiness of uncertainty that overpowered her.

  * * * *

  Seven gladiators, huge and dominating, gathered in the counseling chamber with the king. Eris sank gratefully into his seat. The night’s procession had gone on longer than anticipated due to his mate’s tardiness. Thankfully the furnishing had been constructed with just them in mind. Everything, from the overly large chairs and table to the preposterously huge cutlery, was specially designed, masculine. The first order of the night, the pouring of wine, had been quickly seen to by the slave girls before they, too, beat a hasty retreat. He nodded his greeting as Vasilis Amyntas gulped down his drink in a single swig and reached for his own goblet laid on the table close to him. From here on they would serve themselves. No one would be permitted entrance to this meeting.

  The king’s voice rang out, boisterous in authority. “My fellow protectors of our prestigious realm, Argos, esteemed Gladiators of the House Andromeda, I bid you seat yourselves and make comfort as we plot our strategy for the venture ahead.” He raised his goblet and saluted the room as a whole. “As you all are aware, Eris, Erpo—the snake—will leave us at first light. His duty shall not be an easy one, but riddled with danger and the added task of first rooting out this elusive menace. I have ordered this action be taken due to the nearing of the attacks to our shores. I propose that we venture forth and seek out this threat in our backyard, before it is upon our doorstep and we are forced to fend our women and children.” He sat down and sipped of his wine before adding, “This decision was solely mine to make, yet I have gathered you here tonight to hear any objections. You are the princes of this realm and have my ear regarding any concerns pertaining to its rulership. Speak now if there is any among you who does not comply with the decision I have undertaken.”

  The men nodded in agreement but remained quiet. Eris suspected they heralded the decision. No one wanted the beast upon their shores. While they were confident of their elite team emerging the victors, they did not relish the idea of their women and children coming under any threat. Causalities were always a possibility.

  Sappho spoke quietly from his seat, “I would ask to accompany the men leaving to search out this creature.” He raised his hand as the king made to answer. “With all respect, sire, I wish to deliver my reasoning behind such a request before you render a decision.”

  The king nodded, and the table fell silent as they focused on him. Sappho wet his throat before continuing. “We have proof that the creatures retires to the mountains, my realm. I know that according to the ancient scrolls the recipient of that challenge should be the defender from whence it emerges. In this case it would be the plantations. However, seeing as never before has a gladiator had to leave the realm in order to seek the enemy from Cronus, as the creature has always come to us directly, it shows he is indeed changing his strategy by calling out our defender, thereby leaving the safety of his home and fellow gladiators. I propose that we also change with the times. I shall be able to seek out the creature where it retires. Instead of Eris having to await its next attack, which I must add, he would have no idea the destination of such an attack beyond mere speculation, I can arouse this beast from its unassuming slumber and lure it to the plantations, to Eris. The effort of the search would be halved, and the time that a great number of our army’s absence from their duty protecting the city would be drastically reduced.”

  Eris stared at his brother. He had overcome his drunken stupor, somehow managing to drain his wine-logged brain, and spoke with the clarity of a sober man. Eris narrowed his eyes in speculation. Had the drunken act merely been a ruse? All evidence pointed to just that.

  The king chose that moment to respond, “I believe you bring a vital stratagem to the table, Sappho, Skorpio—the scorpion. Indeed, by all accounts the power of Cronus has not only changed, but his support has also gained momentum. But however relevant your plot may be, the challenged one is still your brother, Eris. Ultimately, it is only he who can make that decision, for this is now his errand.”

  All eyes turned to Eris. He scowled. Sappho had been calculating and wise. He had set up for himself an audience that would not be denied. Furthermore, any dismissal of his proposal would have to have sound reasoning. Personal strife would not be tolerated. “I take the offer made by Sappho, Skorpio—the scorpion—under the closest consideration. However, I must vote against it.”

  Before he could get a chance to verbalize his reasons for the dismissal of the offer, Sappho leapt up in anger. “You make a decision such as this rather hastily. Allow not your personal afflictions to alter your reasoning.”

  Eris nodded calmly and raised his hand, stalling the king’s interruption. “The speed at which I take this decision does not lighten it in any respect. The venture remains mine, the challenge to the snake. Therefore, all fall under my responsibility—the lives of the men I take into battle with me. I shall take no more than twenty of the fifty offered, thus ensuring the continued protection of the city.” He leaned back in his chair as he addressed his brother. “The beast can only be defeated by my beast, the snake. It has been proven through history that interference from the wrong gladiator can be detrimental, yet you propose to enter its lair, disturb its slumber, and lure it to me. Your plan may appear to be easy, but it is nothing more than a death sentence—yours. I will not have your death on my conscience.”

  Sappho was furious. It was clear in the daggers he stared at Eris. The king spoke to Sappho in a calming voice, “Eris has decided and denied your involvement, as is his right. While your plan did sound rational, it is nevertheless punched with as many holes as the sieve through which our wine is purified. I must admit I shall not willingly lose a valuable gladiator due to speculation and random hope.” He refilled his goblet. “Now, if there are no more objections, shall we toast our first gladiator as he rides out to meet the enemy of this generation?”

  As cheers of approval greeted his question, he raised his goblet. “A toast. To Erpo, the snake. May his feet and fighting hands be guided by the Gods, and may he emerge victor.”

  A deafening chorus followed. “To Erpo, the snake.” The men gulped their drinks down lustily. They took turns thumping Eris on the back and wishing him success. All except Sappho. He remained sullen, stubbornly rooted to his seat.

  Vasilis Amyntas dismissed the men on a merry note. “Now follow your lances and find your bedmates for the night. I am sure they are already overcome with yearning.” The gladiators drifted away with eager expressions.

  Eris smiled as they exited. They each wished the battle that lay ahead was their own, and would thrust and plunder their bed partner mercilessly tonight, seeking release of their bitter disappointment and impatience at awaiting their respective turns for battle. He eyed Sappho as he stepped over the threshold. While his brother was adamant, he was also loyal to his duty. He would never consider disobeying the king and following Eris. He sighed. That was one less matter to concern himself with. He would not allow Sappho to place his life in danger heedlessly.

  “Eris, a word before you leave.”

  The king’s command stopped him in his tracks. “Of course, sire. Nothing but barrenness awaits me in my bed.”

  Vasilis Amyntas laughed and patted him on the back sympathetically. “Perhaps that is a blessing in disguise. It will ensure you a night’s sound rest before your early departure. As for myself, I plan on finding a welcoming wench to slake my thirst. The queen, it appears, has other plans for the night. Come, have this drink with me.”

e reached out and splashed wine in two goblets. Eris watched his king closely. The man appeared, on the surface, frivolous and playful, but Eris had seen firsthand the wisdom of his king. His appearance was for naught but show, and only the unaware were convinced by it. It was part of a delicate stratagem that kept his subjects ignorantly clueless about the real man beneath the elaborate crown. The banquet held tonight was proof enough to anyone with half a brain. It was not overly extravagant. No flagrant feasting of the flesh or overindulgence of spirits had been encouraged. Rather, the king had dismissed everyone promptly, allowing each the sanctity of his or her own chamber. But what truly astounded Eris was the lack of caring with regards to his wife’s open transgressions. In fact, it appeared as though she had the blessings of her spouse in that regard. He did not feel comfortable prying into the personal life of his king, so he held his tongue and plied it with liquor instead.

  Vasilis Amyntas finally broke the silence. “I am not overly pleased with the antagonism that exists between you and Sappho. I would prefer the battles be restricted to enemies.”

  “As would I, sire. Unfortunately, I predict a slow recovery from him. He harbored quite a tender spot for Kyra, which I unwittingly crushed. But were the choice up to me alone I would have not chosen her, or least not with such haste.”

  The king sputtered over the wine he had just sipped. “Such a thing is not possible. Here is a bit of advice, Eris. You have chosen, be it with your beast, your lance, or your heart, but the choice has been made. The sooner you accept it, the sooner things will begin to fall into place. Fighting the wiles of an enticing woman would prove a futile endeavor, trust me.”

  Eris looked at the older man in speculation. “You speak from experience? I would think you would guard your property with a sterner hand.” The words were out before he could stop them. Fortunately the king took no offense.

  “Had I married the choice of my heart, indeed, I would have done just that. However, as king and leader to my people, my choices are limited. Be thankful you are awarded freedom in the choosing of your mate. I will confess to you what I have not to anyone else—a man’s lance finds difficulty in rising for another once he had tasted the one that is made especially for him.”

  Eris pondered the king’s words. It explained much but not all. If he had been forced to enter marriage to someone he held no feelings for, his lance would have surely wandered before long. At least the royal couple still maintained a healthy degree of physical attraction between them, if their frequent groping was any indication, no matter their individual transgressions. “I shall take your words under advisement. However, at present my main concern is my duty.”

  Vasilis Amyntas thumped him hard soundly on his back. “The juices flow and blood pumps with anticipation within you already. That is a good sign. But I would caution you, however, Eris. Cronus must not be underestimated. His supporters have greatly increased in numbers. They have instated themselves in lofty positions, seeking to overthrow leaders and turn the hierarchy of the Gods’ worshippers into disarray, total chaos. Do not trust anyone you meet on your path, no matter the elevation of his position.” His voice suddenly held a spark of steel, “Trust no one.”

  Eris nodded. “I will not disappoint you or the people of Argos, sire. You have heard my pledge on the day of my instatement as a guardian, a gladiator of the House of Andromeda. Nothing has altered my resolve.”

  The king nodded in satisfaction, “Even I would have not easily trusted the very gladiators who protect our city, except for the blessings sent down straight from the glorious heavens. Your markings set you apart and warrant the trust of me and the Gods. You are the princes of Argos. And I shall place my trust and faith in you seven with my life.”

  Eris was humbled by the magnitude of trust and confidence thrust upon his shoulders. His voice resonated with conviction. “I shall not fail you, sire.”

  “Good. Now that we have resolved that matter, I wish to question the wisdom of allowing Kyra to accompany you on your mission. Surely her safety will be compromised. Would she not be better secured within our walls? Besides that, she is as good as a weapon, a tool that can easily be wielded against you, Eris. Will you not reconsider your decision?”

  Eris also believed it unwise to allow her inclusion in the party leaving tomorrow. He answered truthfully, “Her absence by my side would serve as an equal weapon against me. My mind would not be at rest. Discounting locking her within the towers, away from the tongues of gossiping women and the hands of groping men, I find I have no other choice. She goes where I go.”

  Vasilis Amyntas nodded gravely. “Then so be it. But bear in mind as you find respite in your dreams tonight, you are possessive of your mate. The words you have just uttered came not from the forked tongue of your beast but from the noble one of the man—you.”

  Eris left with the king’s words resonating in his mind. And true to the king’s prediction, they lingered in his thoughts even after sleep had claimed his tired body.

  * * * *

  The very moment the meeting of the gladiators was in progress, Kyra slumped gratefully on her bed. She raised herself on propped elbows at a disturbance at the doorway.

  “May I come in for a moment, Kyra? I will not dither overlong, as I have a rather pressing engagement awaiting my heated body.” The queen entered the chamber at Kyra’s nod of admission.

  “It is good that you have come to divert my mind, Vasiliki Akantha. I can find no respite in sleep. I think only of the adventure that I must face tomorrow. My heart thumps fiercely in my breast with equal parts of anticipation and hesitation.”

  The queen approached the kline in which Kyra lay. She reached forward and smoothed the sheets around her breasts reverently as she whispered, “Alas, I bring no diversion, Kyra. I come to speak of the deed itself.”

  Kyra sighed. Finally, she nodded. “There is none else to speak with anyway. The slave girls have driven me to the point of insanity with their mindless chatter and speculation.” She grabbed the older woman’s hand in a fierce grip. “Oh. I had almost forgotten. I must thank you for the provision of clothing you have had them prepare for my journeys. My mind had been so overcome with worrisome thoughts and unrealistic expectations, I had given no thought to clothes, or rather my lack thereof.”

  The queen patted her hand and waved away her gratitude. “It is nothing I cannot do without. Now tell me, have you had occasion to peruse some of the night wear I have had included? They would be sure to set a man’s blood boiling and his lance throbbing.”

  Kyra blushed. “Indeed, long and strong enough to warrant the immediate discarding of those garments.”

  The queen laughed. “Agreed. But, Kyra, the reason I sought you out was to inquire about the sacrificial meat. I have heard rumor that you did not partake of the heart as is custom.”

  “It is not rumor but fact. I find I am impartial to the eating of such an organ.” She pursed her lips in distaste. “However, Eris has been most understanding and exchanged the piece of meat for one more preferable to me.”

  Smiling cunningly, the queen teased, “Most understanding indeed. Would you not then agree that he is a man of patience and tolerance and not simply governed by a harsh, violent beast? You must bear in mind he disregarded convention in the exchanging of the meats. He did it for your sake.”

  Kyra nodded. “He is a man. I admit as much, as it is blatantly clear in his fine, masculine figure. That is not where my concern lies. My concern instead lies in the wakening of his beast, specifically in the bed chamber. Were it to raise its head once again, I am not certain I shall be brave and unafraid.”

  The queen tittered in sympathy. “Mayhap instead of fearing fear itself, you should embrace that fear. And replace the word ‘uncertainty’ with ‘mystery.’ Surely a little mystery and trembling in the limbs would add to the splendor of your joining.”

  Shivering slightly as she recalled the image she had seen on the temple wall, she agreed. “Perhaps.”

yra, I would advise you, if I may. You are young and naïve yet. Your main focus is on blissful dreams of forever and bubbles of love. Put that aside for now. Place your attention on the moment. Savor what is before you before you fetter and spoil it prematurely with overpresumptuous fears and highly placed expectations. Allow your body the freedom and release it craves. If the heart is meant to follow suit, then nothing shall halt their joining.”

  Kyra pondered the words carefully. “I understand and accept your words with gratitude.”

  Smooth, slender fingers reached out and cupped her chin gently. “Youth is such a precious yet unappreciated commodity. I would remind you of one thing, though. Were it simply love you sought, you would have found it in the starry eyes of the brother—Sappho. But you wish not that, do you? You yearn for the love of one who poses more of a challenge, a man who may, in any event, turn around and reject you.”

  Kyra’s lips pouted. “And I would remind you that the choice was never mine to begin with.”

  With eyebrows raised in mock disbelief, the elder woman patted her cheek, a patronizing act. “Seek refuge within the shadows of deceit if you will, but I believe your mind was made up the moment you met Eris. It was Eris right from the beginning.”

  Shrugging nonchalantly, Kyra grinned. “He did grab at something within me, what exactly I know not. However, when I find the answer to that I shall be able to label what I feel for the man. All I know is that tremors and delicious shivers run through my heated body each time I encounter him. And it has been so from the very beginning.” Her lips tilted mischievously. “For now, I am comfortable simply having him lust after my forbidden fruits while I, on the other hand, allow my fruits the chance to mature and ripen.”


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