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Bachelor for Hire (Bachelor Auction #1)

Page 7

by Charlene Sands

  “I’m here trying to protect you. I can’t let my guard down.”

  “No one knows we’re here. You’ve covered all the bases. I feel safe when I’m with you and don’t forget, we’re on a date.”

  A grunt tumbled out of his throat. “You always sleep with a man on the first date?”

  “I’d hardly slept with a guy on the last date, Code.”

  His gaze burned into her. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying it’s been a long time since I met anyone…special enough.”

  She held his stare as he absorbed what she was saying. She wasn’t a Hollywood bimbo, sleeping with all her leading men. She rarely dated and when she did, it was with the utmost discretion. She’d never had a really long term relationship before. She’d never wanted a man like that. And now, she found Cody nearly irresistible. Maybe his detached attitude was getting to her. Or maybe he was someone she needed to get out of her system. But her head was pounding now, screaming at her with the truth. There were no maybes about it. She’d left the possibilities of being with Cody Matthews years ago to pursue her dreams. It wasn’t rocket science. And now, she was here with him, engaging in a staring match and she so desperately needed to know if she’d made a mistake leaving him all those years ago.

  “I’m nothing special, sweetheart.”

  She longed for his arms to wrap around her. For him to cradle her and make her feel safe inside, to make her feel special and wanted and treasured a little bit. She’d spent her entire young life, feeling unworthy of love. And now that she had a chance to be with this man she valued and respected, for this small amount of time, she wanted to take the risk. “You are. To me,” she said softly.

  He sighed and his expression tightened. “Ah, Hayley, how am I supposed to walk away from that?”

  His hands came to her face. He cradled her head and positioned his mouth over hers and kissed her deeply. She savored the moment, his kiss blowing her away. It was hot and needy and demanding. As if he’d had all this hunger packed up tight, stored away in a vault never to be touched, and now it was unleashed, blasted wide open in a flurry of passion. Not even the most celebrated leading man could give her a better, more all-consuming kiss.

  No one compared to Code.

  He broke off the kiss and spoke in a whisper of breath over her lips. “If we do this, there’s no going back. There’s no undoing it. We’ll have to live with the consequences.”

  “I know, Cody.”

  “You’re willing to be mine this entire weekend?”

  It was such a sweet way of putting it. It only confirmed that she’d be a fool not to follow through. They could have a few blissful days. “All yours. And you’ll be mine.”

  He took a visible hard swallow and nodded his head. Did most women have this much trouble convincing a man to make love to her? She didn’t think so. But Code wasn’t just any man.

  “Hang on,” he said, rising from the bed.

  “Where are you going?” Her voice bordered on a shriek as she lifted up. He was halfway out the door.

  “Stay right there,” he said. “Don’t move a pretty little muscle. I’m gonna do a thorough check of the house and put some safeguards in place. For both of us.”

  When he returned moments later, his shirt and shoes were off, the fading light streaming in touching upon arms made of steel and a sun bronzed rippled chest.

  Telling her without a doubt, he was well worth the wait.


  “You’re perfect, Hayley Dawn.”

  Code’s voice was a deep rasp, his tone reverent as he gazed at her lying naked on the bed. He hadn’t touched her yet, except with his eyes. She’d undressed for him and even now, as he did nothing but stare at her, she felt no shyness or shame. Because the way he was looking at her gave her confidence and filled her heart with joy.

  “I’ve dreamt of finishing what we’d started that day in the barn,” he said, tracing his finger along the line of her jaw.

  He brushed his mouth over hers and a whimper emerged from her throat as anticipation grew. Then he lowered down on the bed and angled his body toward her, his chest meshed against her right side. Skin to skin now, she ached for more and held her breath, her heart pounding. She turned her head toward him.

  His eyes were gleaming, all that darkness filled with light now. His hand came out to cup her breast. The roughness and strength, mellowed with tenderness put a hitch in her throat. “Oh, Code.”

  “You’re so damn soft,” he whispered, flicking his thumb over her nipple. “I knew you’d feel this way. Creamy and smooth.”

  “You’ve touched me before.” Her memory of that day was sharp and vivid in her mind. Often, she’d dream of him too, whipping off the remainder of her clothes and making love to her. They’d only gotten halfway there, before they’d been interrupted. And that interruption had led to her fleeing, so fearful of giving her heart to Code. So afraid that what she was beginning to feel for him would make her stay, but eventually hurt her in the end.

  “But not like this, sweetness. Not with the freedom I have now.” He squeezed her breast gently, making his point. Heat traveled south and her quick breaths escalated faster and faster. “You thought we were just friends, but we were much more.”

  Any protest she might have given in her own defense was stifled by his next kiss. He drew her in, lifting her hips, bringing her even closer and using his god-given prowess to part her lips and drive his tongue into her mouth. She fell apart then, easily, rapidly, giving in to his fire, his passion. His hands roamed her body now, caressing every curve, every inch of her, his fingertips grazing her skin bringing goose bumps and thrills. Owning her in a way no man ever had.

  And she thought she’d bought him.

  She put her hands across the ripped planes of his chest. He was massive, compared to her, and strong and all that strength now was under her fingertips. Her palms absorbed his rock-like firmness and the heat emanating from his skin. She moved over his chest and when she brought her mouth to his collarbone and kissed him there, he swore an oath that made her smile even as her limbs trembled. “I’m almost ready, Code,” she managed.

  He rose above her then and shook his head. “Babe, you’re nowhere near ready.”

  Pinning her arms above her head, he locked her wrists with one hand and continued his assault. His kisses drove her nearly insane while he used his one free hand to massage her breasts and tickle her torso. Then he moved south and his hand laid claim to the apex of her legs. His palm grazed her between her thighs and she rocketed up from the bed.

  “Oh!” Her moan echoed against the walls.

  “Easy now.” He reassured her as he began to slowly drive her wild, stroking her with the pad of his finger and whispering endearments she could barely comprehend. Sensations ripped through her like a sharp needle of pleasure.

  He stopped kissing her and moved his mouth to her breast. She could only toss her head back and enjoy the pulsing spasms whipping through her in waves now, as he worked her body into a fiery frenzy. Her hips rose and fell. She was in rhythm to his stroking, her body in cadence to his flaming caresses.

  “I…can’t…take…much… more,” she whimpered.

  “Hang on to me, babe. Hang on. Just a minute more.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, clinging to him for dear life as he hit her sweet spot. Her toes curled, her hips arched, and a rainbow of bright colors flashed before her eyes. Her orgasm brought a loud string of whimpers, pleas that broke from her lips and carried through the room.

  “That’s it, babe. That’s it.” He was murmuring, kissing her now along the base of her throat. “Oh, man, Hayles. Oh, man.”

  He was shivering, too.

  Seeing him affected was the beautiful nudge she needed to catapult her to the top. It was the best and brightest orgasm of her life. And before she came down fully, Code began shedding his jeans. The sight of his healthy arousal brought new tingles to her sated body.

  He gave her
a look filled with such blatant hunger, his eyes gleaming dark as coal, his body still trembling, she was mesmerized. Nodding her head, giving him the go ahead filled her with new anticipation. How often she’d dreamt of this, of being with the one man who’d never wanted anything from her. The one man who had always cared for her and protected her.

  “Come to me, Code,” she whispered, longing for their joining.

  He sheathed himself with protection and gently spread her legs. “I won’t hurt you,” he said.

  “I know.” She trusted him. She had always trusted him.

  And then he came up over her and pressed forward, easing himself inside her. Her skin stretched to accommodate him and he kissed her, nipping at her lips in loving bites as he moved further forward. “So good,” he said reverently.

  “Mmm.” She agreed, loving the feel of Code above her, surrounding her, and being inside her. “So damn good.”

  His chuckle rumbled over her and he kissed her more soundly now and moved deeper inside her until she was consumed by him. And then he began to thrust, a slow, steady tempo that brought her along and allowed her to absorb every single sensation fully.

  Code’s kisses bruised her lips. His palms rubbed her breasts. His hands cupped her buttocks and squeezed. He did everything imaginable to bring her total and immeasurable pleasure.

  He rocked her hard now. His undulations bold and steady, his grunts of enjoyment a delight to her ears. He was in the zone, his expression intense, his eyes closed. She watched him without pause, making love to her, and it was as heady a turn-on as anything she’d ever encountered.

  He drew out the pleasure and the bed creaked as he took her on a ride she would always remember. A sensual, lusty, no holds barred ride that brought her to the peak of climax again. Her nipples hardened to round, rosy nubs, her lips parted, and her body became one with his.

  They moved together, pulsing and beating and rising up, up.

  “Babe,” he called out, lifting her hips to meet his.

  And their release came at the exact same moment.

  Two bodies colliding in spasms of pleasure.

  Code opened his eyes and stared at her.

  She stared back, unable to break the connection. It was shockingly exquisite. And then Code lowered down and rolled to her side, a huge sigh wringing from his lips as he pulled her close and kissed her hair, her temples, her chin. “You okay?”

  Oh, man, was she okay. She’d never had sex like this before. “I’m fabulous.”

  He nodded, seeming relieved.

  “It was amazing, Code.” He was amazing, unselfish and generous to a fault. A woman knew when a man put her first, and Code had done that and then some.

  “Man,” he said, shaking his head, a slow smile emerging. “Oh, man.”

  “Is that the equivalent to ‘Oh, Lordy?’” A favorite expression in the O’Malley household.

  He smiled. “Don’t know about that, babe. I think in this case, it means I’m a lucky guy.”

  “You think so?” she asked softly.

  “Right about now, I’m damn glad you bought me in that auction.”

  She laid her head back against the pillow. “Yeah, me, too.”

  He kissed her breasts lightly and then covered her up. “I’m gonna shower and do a check of the house, one more time.”

  “You’re leaving me?”

  His brows lifted as if a thought struck. “Unless you want to catch a shower?”

  Her breath caught in her throat. Images of water raining down and a naked, glorious Code washing her back filled her head. “Sounds interesting.”

  “It can be a whole lot more than interesting, babe.”

  He rose from the bed and put out his hand. “Your choice.”

  “Well, I could use some freshening up.”

  Then she rose, mindless of her nude state and walked straight into his arms.


  Shower sex with Code was an experience in itself. Hayley drew on a clean blouse, her body still tingling from the man who’d initiated her into a whole new world. Under his tutelage, she mastered positions that she never would’ve imagined. Code was strong and had no trouble making them fit together in that small shower stall. Just thinking about him gripping her behind, wrapping her legs around his waist and driving into her until her cries mingled with the slush of warm water raining down was enough to make her bones melt all over again.

  She donned her jeans and zipped them up. An ache between her legs had her grinding her teeth together. She was sore, but it was well worth it. She hadn’t felt this alive in a long time. She hadn’t felt this happy either.

  Warning bells rang in her head. She couldn’t put much stock into what was happening between her and Cody. This was a weekend fling. It was what they’d both agreed upon. Since when had she stopped living in the moment? Heck, it had always been her trademark. She could do this. She could enjoy being with Code for the next few days without getting all clingy. She knew they were worlds apart in every other way and Code wasn’t looking for love anymore than she was. Eventually, someone would be discarded, and it couldn’t be her. She couldn’t risk it. Besides, she was due back on the set in three weeks. She had people depending on her. Contracts to fulfill and a life back in California.

  She tucked her blouse into her jeans and left the bedroom. She found Code at the kitchen table, dressed in clean clothes, his hair still damp and pushed off his face, munching on a cinnamon roll. He gave her a sheepish grin. “Sex always makes me hungry.”

  The comment stuck like a knife. “I wouldn’t know.”

  His chair scraped back and he stood, reaching for her. His grasp was long and fast enough to snag her before she backed away. “Sorry. That came out wrong.” He rocked her in his arms. “Who’d have guessed gorgeous Hayley Dawn didn’t have a slew of boyfriends back home.”

  “I don’t.”

  “Not that you couldn’t, I would imagine.”

  “I use discretion. It’s hard to know if a guy is really interested in me or my fame. Because of that, and because I’m not looking for anyone, I don’t have a lot of experience.”

  “I know. I’m sorry I said what I did. It sounded callous. Forgive me?”

  He seemed genuinely contrite. She nodded, finding it easy forgive him. She couldn’t deny that his comment had immediately flashed images of all the women Code might’ve slept with and it unsettled her. For the moment. “You’re forgiven.”

  “Good. Want a cinnamon roll? Mindy Sue makes them like nobody else.”

  “Thanks.” She plucked one from the bakery box on the table and sat down. “I’m glad Mindy Sue found her calling, Code. I know you were friends in school, but I didn’t know her well.” She bit down on the cinnamon roll. “Oh, yum.”

  “Yeah, tell me about it. Delicious, right?”

  She nodded and dove in for another bite. “I always thought we might’ve scarred her that day she walked in on us in your uncle’s barn.”

  Code stopped mid-bite and stared into her eyes. If Mindy Sue hadn’t interrupted them, maybe things would’ve turned out differently between her and Cody. There was no way of knowing. But yet, that day they’d almost made love in his uncle’s barn had left an impression on her that had lasted all this time. She’d always thought of Code as her good friend, until that day, when he’d suddenly become much more. So, for her, it had been a good thing that they’d been interrupted. It had left her with no obstacles to pursue her dream and no way for her to be hurt. But Code had been hurt and she was truly sorry about that.

  “Maybe, I shouldn’t have brought it up,” she said to Code’s silence.

  “No, it’s okay. The truth is, Mindy Sue’s not as fragile as people think. She’s got a good head on her shoulders and after you took off, we had us a nice talk about the birds and the bees.”

  “Really?” She couldn’t imagine it.

  He polished off his cinnamon roll and chewed thoughtfully. “Yeah.”

  “Were you angry with me that day?”r />
  “Because you ran out on me and the next thing I know, you’re hopping a plane to California? Damn right, I was pissed. I thought we had something special. I cared for you more than I let on. And finally, it seemed that we were connecting. Back then, I’d do anything for you.”

  “I knew that, but it also worried me. I mean, I counted on you as a good friend and going from friends to more…I don’t know. When I got that offer, I just had to leave. I think…never mind. I’m sorry that I hurt you.”

  He shrugged. “I was a kid, and so were you. I got over it, Hayley.”

  Yet, she’d wondered why he’d left town so abruptly afterward, to join the Army. Had he been pursuing his dream, too?

  “Besides, it makes this weekend all the better,” he said, wrapping his hand around her neck and bringing her mouth to his in a beautiful kiss sweetened by the sugary taste of cinnamon.

  She opened her eyes to his smiling face. “What?”

  “Was I a fool to think we could live here together and not—” He shook his head.

  “Not what?” she asked. “Be attracted to each other? Be able to control ourselves?”

  “Screw like bunnies in heat…”

  “Code!” She swatted at him and met with granite as he blocked her attack with his forearm. “Sorry, there’s just something about you that brings out the devil in me. Don’t say you don’t like it.”

  She couldn’t. So far this day had been incredible. With his urging, she crawled onto his lap. He tucked her safely into his arms and then kissed her silly until the sun went down.


  The next morning, Hayley woke up on a mattress in front of the fireplace, the sheets surrounding her displaced. Code was gone. And she stared into the embers still warm from the fire Code had built last night. It had been chilly, the house growing colder by the minute and she and Code had bedded down together in front of the fire.

  As romantic a setting as it was, Code refused to make love to her again. “You need your rest,” he’d said. “And you’re walking funny, so I’m guessing you’re sore.”


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