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Bachelor for Hire (Bachelor Auction #1)

Page 8

by Charlene Sands

  She’d flushed bright red from his observation. He’d been right, of course. But curling up next to Code in the middle of the night wasn’t easy. He’d been aroused and long after she should’ve been asleep, she’d heard him get out of bed and enter the shower.

  The sound of snorts and whinnies coming from outside reached her ears. What the heck? She bolted up from the warmth of the bed and listened again. She wasn’t mistaken.

  “Code,” she called out.

  He walked into the room, holding a mug of coffee in his hand. “Morning, sleepyhead.” He handed her the cup. “It’s black.”

  “Black is fine. Am I dreaming, or am I hearing horses?”

  He smiled, looking sharp and fresh in Wranglers and a plaid shirt. At times, he really did appear the rancher. “You’re not dreaming.”


  “Uncle Brand brought them over at dawn.”


  “It’s part of our date, remember? You want to learn how to ride.”

  “I do.” She grinned. “You are resourceful.”

  “Uncle Brand offered, since it was on your list of things to do. And he never minds a morning ride. He brought a mare and a gelding. Salt and Pepper. They’re out back.”

  “Can I see them?” She rose, straddling the mattress balancing the cup in her hand. His big old T-shirt doubling for a nightgown hung from her shoulders and Code’s gaze riveted down to linger on her bare legs. “S-oon as I get dressed, that is.”

  “Sure thing.” He lifted his lids to look her in the face. “You’re even beautiful first thing in the morning.”

  Heat rushed up her throat. She should be used to compliments by now. She was lavished with them back home, but she never put too much stock in them. It was the culture to bestow praise on celebrities. Yet with Code, it meant something. “My hair is a wild mess and I’m hardly dressed—”

  “Exactly,” he interrupted, giving her a wide smile before walking out of the room.

  Hayley rushed into the bedroom and quickly put on her clothes, old jeans and a cozy bottle green sweater, suitable for riding lessons. She put on her socks and tall boots that would be more appropriate for a nightclub than the ranch, but they were all she’d brought along.

  She polished off her coffee and then strode into the kitchen. Code was busy dishing up eggs and toast. “Nothing fancy,” he said, bringing both dishes to the table. “You’ll need some nourishment before going out.”

  “Thanks. Next time, I’ll help with the cooking.”

  His eyes narrowed. “You saying there’s something wrong with my eggs?”

  God, they looked awfully runny, but she didn’t want to criticize. He’d already admitted to her he was horrible in the kitchen. She sat down and scooted her chair in. “I’m saying, thank you. But tomorrow, I’ll cook. Fair is fair.”

  He grunted and kept his eyes trained on her until she’d consumed every last bite of his undercooked eggs. He’d made short work of practically inhaling his own breakfast in seconds flat.

  “I’ll clean up a little later,” she said. “I’m anxious to see the horses.”

  Taking her hand, he led her out the back door. Code scanned the entire grounds, his body language alert and cautious, making sure for the third time this morning the area was safe, while she focused her attention on the pair of horses tied to a post behind the house.

  “Wow, they’re beautiful. Let me guess,” she said walking a little closer to them. “This one is Salt.” She pointed to a stunning white mare with varying undertones of gold. Then she turned toward the other horse. “And this handsome man is Pepper.” The gelding coat’s was smooth as black velvet. Both horses looked well-cared for and groomed.

  “Very good,” he said. “You can tell a mare from a gelding.”

  She chuckled. “I’ve been able to do that for quite a while.”

  Code came up behind her, wrapped his arms around her shoulders and cradled her against his body. His lips brushed her throat in light kisses. “For a split second last night, I was wishing I was a gelding, too.”

  She angled her face toward him, taking in his rugged scent. “You didn’t get much sleep, did you?”

  He didn’t answer.

  She let her head fall back to rest just under his chin. “Tonight, I’ll make sure we get loads of sleep,” she said.

  A groan pulled from his throat. “Good thing these horses are already saddled up or I’d be dragging you back into the house right about now.”

  “Yeah, good thing.” She didn’t even try to sound excited. He looked incredibly handsome in a black Stetson and jeans today.

  Code backed away from her and cleared his throat. “First rule, don’t ever stand behind a horse. You never know when they might buck.”

  “Got it.”

  “Next rule, think of the horse as you would a pet. They respond to kindness and sweet talk. They’re smart animals and they need affection. But once you’re in the saddle, you need to show them you’re the boss. There’s a fine balance to maintain and if you do it, the horse can be your best friend. I won’t go into saddling just yet. There’s time for that. Let’s teach you how to ride first.”


  “Are you afraid of horses?”

  “I don’t think so. I know, it weird since I lived in a ranching town for most of my young life, but I’ve never been around horses. I don’t fear them.”

  “That’s good. The animal can pick up on fear and uncertainty. Salty here is an older mare. She’s not known to be feisty. Why don’t you make friends with her?”

  He stroked the side of the mare’s shoulder and nodded for Hayley to do the same. She splayed her hand flat on the animal and moved her palm down. “She’s not as soft as she looks. Her coat is kind of bristly.”

  “Horsehair is coarse but when groomed their coats shine under the sunlight.”

  Salt turned her head, giving her a nod. Hayley touched her face and laughed quietly. “She is sweet.”

  “She loves attention.”

  “Here,” Code said, reaching into a saddlebag. “Make her your friend for life.” He handed her three long thin carrots. “Just put it near her mouth, she’ll do the rest.”

  She inched one carrot close to Salt’s mouth. “Here you go, girl.”

  The horse’s lips parted and the carrot was chewed up instantly. In less than a minute, Salt had all three carrots guzzled down and turned her head to Hayley. “She wants more.” She stroked the old girl’s shoulder again.

  Code was making nice to Pepper now, giving him a fair share of carrots as well. “She’d eat the entire feedbag if we let her. She’s had enough.”

  Code went on to explain the finer points of the bridle and bits, reins and straps and what they all did. She absorbed most of what he was saying, listening to the deep timbre of his voice, the simple way he stated things made it easy to understand. Once he adjusted the bridles and set the reins in place, Code turned to her. “Ready to get on?”


  “Okay, put your left boot into the stirrup and swing your right leg over the saddle. I’ll give you a boost up.”

  The horse was tall and Hayley put one foot into the stirrup and stretched her arm up grabbing for the saddle horn and missing. Code seated his hand underneath her butt and caught her before she fell back, giving her the shove she needed. The impetus was enough to get her leg up and over the saddle and she grasped the saddle horn, finding herself atop a horse for the first time in her life.

  “That was the most fun I’ve had all morning,” Code said, his eyes twinkling. “Now sit yourself in the center of the saddle. It’s easier on the horse’s back and makes for a more comfortable ride.”

  She wiggled a bit to center herself. “Like this.”

  “Exactly like that. Here,” he said, giving her the reins. “Hold onto these, while I saddle up.”

  He was atop his mount in seconds and nudged Pepper closer. “You look good on a horse, darlin’.”

.” She glanced down from her perch. Now she knew what they meant by the saying, sitting tall in the saddle. It was a long way down. It wasn’t overly warm today yet the sun shined bright. Hatless, her hair was thick enough to protect her head. She reached into her front pocket, pulled out her sunglasses and put them on. Better.

  “And now you look like a Hollywood starlet,” Code said, without sarcasm.

  She couldn’t afford any wrinkle lines. She was playing a twenty-year old in her next film. “You call them like you see them.”

  “Always have, sweetheart. Hang onto the reins and stay centered. Salt will follow Pepper. If you need to stop, use one rein on each side to pull back. Same thing, if you need to turn, angle one rein toward the way you want to go.”

  “Got it.”

  “We’ll take it slow. Enjoy the ride.”

  The horses ambled down a path that led toward the cropping of trees. Code wouldn’t take her anywhere near Uncle Brand’s house. They headed in the opposite direction. Salt kept in line with Pepper, keeping just half a length behind. It was peaceful and quiet in the backwoods of the property.

  “How many acres does your uncle own?” she asked.

  “I think there’s over a hundred, but only half the land is fit for ranching. These backwoods don’t count for much.”

  “The scenery is pretty.”

  He turned his head to gaze at her. “From where I’m sitting, the scenery is outstanding.”

  “You flirting with me, cowboy?”

  “Maybe, is it working?”

  “You had your chance last night,” she said, only halfway teasing.

  He pulled up on the reins and Salt came to a stop the moment she was neck and neck with Pepper. He gave her a stern look. “I don’t take advantage of women, Hayley.”

  God, she knew that. It was silly for her ego to be bruised. She knew Code had suffered as much as she had not making love last night. Giving him grief over it wasn’t fair. “I know, Code. Believe me if I thought you did, I wouldn’t be here with you.”

  He studied her a moment. And then gave his head a nod. “Alright.”

  It was just that they had so little time together. Their date was over on Sunday and she had no clue where they’d go from here. She had to be on a studio soundstage in three weeks. Her stomach ached at the thought. She used to live in the moment, wild and carefree, but, as she’d gotten older, she found she wanted more stability. She wanted to know what was around the next turn for her. Code was a guy from her past. He wasn’t in her future.

  Her belly cramped again. She made a face.

  “What’s wrong?” Code asked.

  “I, um, I don’t think the eggs agreed with me.” She fibbed. They’d been awful, but they weren’t the cause of her discomfort.

  “We can head back.”

  “No, I’ll be fine. I don’t want to go back just yet. You still have more to teach me.”

  A devil of a smile broke from his lips and he rasped. “That much is very true.”

  The implications made her nerves sizzle, her heartbeats soar, and the pain in her belly suddenly vanish.

  Chapter Five

  Code still wasn’t taking any chances with Hayley’s safety and scoured the area thoroughly, looking for any markings that may prove suspicious before he dismounted, ready to give Hayley a rest. He chose a clearing surrounded by trees, an alcove of seclusion. They were completely out of sight from the outside world. He hoped like hell what they’d left behind at her grandmother’s house was nothing but a few childish pranks. He didn’t want Hayley put through any anguish or fear. The ride so far had been peaceful and he wanted her to enjoy the day.

  She’d paid enough for it.

  Code wasn’t bitter about Hayley’s intrusion in his life anymore. Fact was, he was enjoying spending time with her. Except for the rodent intruder from yesterday, the rest of the time they’d spent together had been uneventful by bodyguard standards and well, pretty damn amazing by regular guy beds Hollywood starlet standards.

  He sauntered over to her. “Ready to dismount?”

  Hayley gave the ground a serious look. “It’s a long way down, Code.”

  “I’ve got you, sweetheart. Just put the very tip of her your boot in the stirrup so you don’t get hung up and swing your right leg around and slide on down. I promise to catch you.”

  “You mean before I fall?”

  But she did as he instructed and he caught a bundle of sweet-smelling woman in his arms and gently lowered her until her boots touched the ground. She let go a big sigh of relief and, with hands on her shoulders, he pivoted her around to face him. “There, you see, all in one piece.”

  “Thanks to you.”

  “It just takes practice. Everyone’s a little awkward at first.”

  Her breasts were brushing his shirt, her gorgeous green eyes piercing his. Everything male inside him stirred. He blinked a few times, to get a grip. Hayley was the kind of woman a man wanted to bed, over and over again. His lust was nearly a tangible thing and he swallowed hard, unable to think straight. His mind was clouding up with thoughts of taking that saddle blanket and laying her down in the privacy of this secret place.

  “Code, it’s okay.”

  “What’s okay?” he asked, irritated at himself and coming off gruff.

  She roped her arms around his neck and her womanly scent wafted to his nostrils again. She was as feminine a woman as a man would ever meet, but it was more with Hayley.

  “This thing we have between us,” she said. “It’s pretty strong.”

  Her honesty killed him. She put words to his feelings. But it was just about sex. It had to be. That was why he’d made that brash comment about getting hungry after sex. He’d wanted to make a point with her, to say it wasn’t meaningful. To say she was like the other women in his life. Nothing was further than the truth and his stupid statement had backfired.

  She waited for him to say something, but he had no words.

  Her eyes bright and too damned knowing, she lifted on tiptoes, pressed her lips to his and, before he could react, before he could crush his mouth to hers, she unlatched her arms and wiggled past him. He muttered a curse, then grabbed up the blanket and a saddlebag filled with snacks.

  She stood in the center of the clearing, where sunshine beamed down, warming the cooler woodsy air. “Can I help with something?”

  He tossed her the blanket. “You can set this down.”

  Then he walked the horses to a shaded area and tethered them to a low lying branch of an Aspen tree. When he returned, she was sitting cross-legged on the blanket. He lowered down beside her and dug into the saddlebag. “Coffee should still be hot.”

  “Sounds good.”

  He pulled out a thermos and handed it to her.


  “Welcome. You’re doing pretty good, Hayley. How’s it feel riding a horse?” He took his own thermos out and sipped from it.

  “I love it. It’s something I’ve always wanted to try.”

  “You mean, you’ve never been tempted to take a lesson? You never had a movie role that required you riding a horse?”

  “No to the movie role and you should know that. According to Uncle Brand, you’ve seen every one of my films.” Her lips twitched.

  “Uncle Brand has a big mouth.”

  She put a hand on his arm and chuckled. “I’m flattered, Code.”

  He shrugged and she went on. “I guess I’ve always associated riding with Montana. I figured it’s the place I should learn. Not that they don’t have riding stables and equestrian centers where I live. They do and they are beautiful, but this is what I wanted.” A stray strand of hair fell onto her face and she tucked it behind her ear. “To be here in a simple setting. With no complications. No one looking over my shoulder or snapping photos.”

  “Your life sure has changed.”

  “Yeah, it’s crazy most of the time. I have people.”


  “Yeah, you know people who take car
e of things for me. An agent, a manager, a hairdresser, a stylist. Sometimes it’s too much. Sometimes, all I want is to be alone with my thoughts. So this…this is heaven to me, Code. Being here with you is like a dream.”

  It was beginning to feel like a fucking dream to him, too. Part of him wanted to push her away, gather in his burgeoning emotions, and keep a safe distance for both of their sakes. But it was too late for that now. Because the other part of him wanted to be with her every damn second of the day and night for the short time they had together and to hell with the consequences. That part of him was winning the battle.

  “What about you, Code? What’s your story? Why are you really here and not working with your partner?”

  “It’s a long, sad story, sweetheart.” He began shaking his head. “Don’t want to ruin the day.”

  “I’m willing to listen, Code. If you ever feel like…well, like you need a friend.”

  He joined their hands and kissed her knuckles, one at a time. “I’ll remember that.”

  “What was it like in the Army?”

  “Hell, most of the time. Afghanistan in the summer is a joy beyond words, especially when you’re on a training mission in a hundred and twenty degrees. But, we did good work there, and I came out without a dent, so I consider myself lucky. Not everyone is that fortunate.”

  “Why did you join up? I’d never heard you speak of it.”

  “Well, you knew I wasn’t going to college. And after graduation, I didn’t want to be at loose ends. Back then, Uncle Brand had more help on the ranch so I knew I wouldn’t be abandoning him. I guess I needed to expand my horizons some, see what I was cut out for. I thought the Army and me would be a good fit. And it was.”

  “Because you’re a natural born protector.”

  “You give me too much credit.”

  “I don’t think so, Code. I think you give one hundred percent to any job you take.”

  “Debatable.” He wasn’t going there with Hayley. He’d been honest with her. He didn’t want to spoil this near perfect day. “One thing’s for sure, you’re pretty talented yourself. You have acting chops that blow me away.” He rubbed the soft skin over her hand, stroking her with his thumb. “It’s true. I have seen all of your movies. So, was your move to Hollywood everything you’d hoped?”


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