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December: A Calendar Gals series novella

Page 6

by Gallie, DL

  Staring into his eyes, I murmur, “Make love to me, Branson.”

  He pauses and stares at me, a jolt of fear courses through me but it was for nothing when he grabs his shirt behind his neck and lifts it over his head, throwing it on top of my nightgown. Lifting my hand, I trace between his pectorals, down his abs, and circle his navel. His skin prickles with goosebumps. My fingers reach his pants and I fumble with his button and fly. He places his hand over mine. “Let me.” Quickly he removes his pants. He’s standing before me in only his boxer briefs, and I can clearly see the outline of his cock—his very hard thick cock—and I lick my lips. Dragging my teeth across my bottom lip, I slide my hand inside his briefs and grip his cock. It throbs beneath my touch, Branson groans. His groan causes my clit to throb and I moan.

  He grins at me and lifts his hand to rub between my legs, my panties dampening at his touch. My pussy zinging to life. Except from Buzz and my hand, she’s seen no male contact in a few months and his fingers are heaven. I can only imagine what his cock is going to feel like.

  Stepping back, I sit on the edge of the bed and scoot up to the top. Lifting my hand, I beckon him toward me with my finger. He kneels on the end of the mattress and gazes down on me. His eyes are ablaze with lust. Skimming my finger across my chest, I circle my nipple, as his eyes track my finger’s movement.

  Raising my leg, he kisses my ankle. Every so slowly, working his way up my leg, he reaches the juncture between my thighs, he breathes in deeply, “MMMMM,” he groans before lowering his lips to my panty-covered pussy and sucking. My hips buck, thrusting myself farther into him. He pulls the material to the side and licks up my slit, circling his tongue over my clit. Again my hips lift off the bed and I moan. Pleasure courses through my body as he continues to lick me; I’m close to coming when suddenly he stops.

  Gripping my panties, he tugs them down my legs. I’m now naked and never in my thirty years have I felt so sexy. “Please, Branson,” I beg.

  He nods at me as he quickly removes his briefs, settling between my legs. He lines his cock up at my entrance, his eyes locked with mine. He slowly enters me, my eyes close at the intrusion. “Open your eyes, baby. I want to see the look in your eyes when I’m fully inside of you.” My eyes snap open and I stare up at him.

  He pushes in, and I struggle to keep my eyes open. Never have I felt so full, he pulls out and gently thrusts back in. He stares down at me as he continues to slide in and out. I want nothing more than to kiss him right now, but my baby bump prevents that. My walls clench around him and I know I’m almost there.

  “I’m close,” I whimper.

  This spurs him on and he increases his thrusts. He grunts. I moan. My hands lift to my chest and when I tug on my nipple, I explode. Crying out as my body tenses, a violent orgasm detonates. My vision blurs and I scream as the final explosion rips through me. Branson freezes, his hips shuddering as he comes inside of me.

  His body stills, his chest heaving. He stares down at me and grins. Pulling out, he collapses next to me and we roll to our sides, facing one another. He cups my cheek and gently kisses me. My eyes close, I wrap my arm around him and kiss him back. Breaking the kiss, I stare at him and smile. For the first time in a long time, I feel free. Happy. Content.

  The moment is broken when the baby kicks. Branson’s eyes pop wide open. “Did he just kick me?”

  “Looks like SHE did,” I reply. Grabbing his hand, I roll to my back and place his palm on my belly. My hand over his as Peanut kicks and kicks.

  “I’ll never get sick of feeling this,” Branson says.

  Turning my head to look up at him, I smile. For a moment I hesitate and then think stuff it. “Branson, I love you.”

  His face lights up. “I love you too, Kasey.”

  Rolling to my side, I kiss him. Pushing up, I straddle him and pull him into a sitting position. We wrap our arms around each other and kiss; our hands roaming each other’s bodies. Between us, I feel his cock twitch. Reaching down, I stroke his cock until he’s hard again. Lifting onto my knees, I sink down on him and begin to rock back and forth. He leans down and takes a nipple into his mouth, my head drops back, and I lose myself to the pleasure. A few thrust later, we both come, murmuring each other’s names into our kiss.

  Easing off Branson, I snuggle into his side; we quietly lie in each other’s arms for a few moments when he suddenly climbs out. Intently, I watch his sexy ass as he bends down and pulls his phone from his pants. He calls the bar and says he won’t be in today. After hanging up, he winks at me and climbs back into bed.

  We spend the day naked, wrapped up in each other. We chat. We make love several times. We laugh. We plan for the future. We are happier than we have been since we lost Kody.

  Later that evening, we eat pizza in bed for dinner and ravish each other for dessert. We blissfully drift off to sleep, wrapped in each other’s embrace, and for the first time in weeks, I don’t have any sexy dreams. I think I’m all sexed out…that is until I wake in the middle of the night ready and raring to go again…poor Branson.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The next morning, I wake before Branson. I stretch and moan, my body aches all over, but I have never felt so invigorated in my entire life. Resting my head on my hand, I watch him sleep for a few moments. Suddenly, I need to pee—joys of pregnancy—and climb out of bed. After using the bathroom, I slip on my panties and his shirt from yesterday and head to the kitchen. Leaving him to sleep a while longer, after all I did ride him hard in the middle of the night…if the chaffing between my thighs is anything to go by.

  After turning the coffee maker on, I lean on the counter and stare out the window and grin. I haven’t been this happy in months. My happy moment is interrupted when two hands wrap around my waist, resting on my bump. Branson nuzzles my ear. “Morning,” he says, his hot breath on my neck causing my body to shiver.

  Spinning around to face him, I drape my arms over his shoulder. “Morning,” I reply, with a super big smile on my face. He lowers his lips to mine and kisses me good morning, his tongue sliding against mine. “Feel free to kiss me like that each and every morning,” I say, rubbing my nose against his.

  “Duly noted,” he says with a nod, his hands slide down my back and my hands grip his naked, taut sexy ass and I squeeze. He returns the squeeze and pulls me closer to him. Slamming his mouth against mine, he kisses me deeply once more. His cock thickens between us, as I circle my hips against his. Before I have time to register what’s happening, he spins me around, bends me gently over the kitchen counter edge, lifts his shirt up, tears my panties off me, and slams his cock into me from behind. I start to laugh, he pauses mid-thrust “Why are you laughing?”

  Looking over my shoulder at him, I grin. “I dreamt about this exact moment a few weeks ago,” I say with a laugh.

  “Well, let's see if I can make it better than you dream.” Before I can process what he said, he pulls out, spins me around, lifts me up, and sits me on the countertop. He pulls me to the edge and slams back into me. Leaning back on my arms, I wrap my ankles around his hips and pull him closer. He increases his thrusts, bending down; he sucks my nipple through his shirt. He nips the bud, and I crash over the edge. “Braaaaaaansoooon!” I scream, as my orgasm tears through my body. He soon follows with a guttural growl.

  He pulls out, lowers me to my feet and stares at me. “I can’t believe this is finally happening. I’ve been enamored with you since the first day I met you back in 2009.”

  “What?” I say, shocked at his words.

  “The day you and Kody met and hooked up, I saw you when you and Chloe first walked into the bar, but Kody got to you first. I’d never seen him so smitten, so happy before, so I kept my feelings to myself.”

  “Wow, I did not know that.” Staring at him, I wonder how life would have been different if we hooked up back then. “You really are a fantastic person, Branson Holmes.” Wrapping my arms around his shoulders, I place my lips against his. Pulling back I purse my lips.
br />   “What’s wrong?”

  “How is everyone going to take this?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, Kody was my fiancé. He’s your brother. I’m having his baby, and now you and I are a thing.” He grins at me and it warms my heart in a way I never thought possible. “What?”

  “You and I are a thing…Never thought that would happen.”

  Pursing my lips again, I frown. “What’s everyone going to think?”

  “Who gives a shit what they think?”


  “No,” he shakes his head, “I don’t give a flying fuck what anyone thinks. You are happy. I’m over the fucking moon happy. Hell, we have Kody’s blessing. His blessing is all that matters in my eyes.”

  “Okay…can we keep it just between us, for now? I want to be in this happy bubble for just a little while longer.”

  Before he can answer, there’s a knock at the door. I look down at what I’m wearing and grimace.

  “You go change and I’ll answer the door.”

  Nodding my head, I walk down the hallway, happier than I have been in a longtime. When I turn back to remind him that he’s naked, I see that he’s slipped on a pair of pants and a shirt from the laundry basket sitting on the table.

  Ten minutes later, I emerge and I see Helen and Randall sitting at the island counter chatting with Branson. I see Branson’s letter from Kody sitting on the countertop, and I know he’s told them what we discovered.

  He must sense my presence because he looks up at me. The look on his face confirms my thoughts about them having read the letter. I’m not sure how I feel about that. I was hoping to keep things between us for now, but I guess Kody is their son. They have a right to know, and I can’t control what Branson does with his letter.

  “Hey, guys,” I say, walking over to them.

  Both Helen and Randall look toward me. They both smile, and as always lately, their eyes drop to my belly. “Look at you, you’re glowing,” Helen coos, as she stands up and walks over to me. Enveloping me in a hug before placing her hands on my belly. “Hey, Peanut. Nanny can’t wait to meet you.”

  Peanut decides to kick at that precise moment and Helen’s face breaks out into the biggest nanny smile I have ever seen. I find myself smiling at seeing the joy on her face. Then I look up and see Branson staring at me, as usual when I see him looking at me, my heart rate accelerates and happiness courses through my veins. I feel guilty all of a sudden, but when he winks at me, all the anguish I just felt disappears.

  Helen sees the wink and she takes my hand in hers and squeezes tightly. Looking to her, she’s grinning back at me—when she winks back at me—I know she knows.

  “You know, don’t you?” I murmur, nerves racing through me with how she’s going to react.

  She nods at me. “I’ve had my suspicions for a while but just now, with that wink, they were confirmed.”

  “I’m sorry,” I somberly say.

  “What are you sorry about, Kasey?”

  “Kody. The baby. Branson. Disappointing you. Everything.”

  A tear cascades down my cheek, Helen wipes it away, cups my cheeks in that loving mom way, and stares at me. “There is nothing to be sorry about.” She pauses and looks to the kitchen. “Branson, make tea for everyone and then come join us in the living room.”

  Helen drags me into the room. We take a seat on the sofa and Randall sits in the recliner. Helen takes my hand in hers again. “Kasey, the first time I met you, you and Branson were goofing around when Randall and I walked in. I thought in that moment Branson had a new girlfriend, that you were a couple.” She places emphasis on you. “I was shocked when Kody introduced you to us as his girlfriend.” We both go silent, remembering that day. “Kasey, there’s always been a connection between you and Branson. So it's not surprising at all that you two are now together.”

  I’m stunned at her reply. “But what about Kody?”

  “What about him?” she nonchalantly replies.

  “He was my fiancé. He’s the father of this little one,” I say rubbing my belly, “What about all that?”

  “What about it? No one can control love, just go with it. Everyone deserves love, Kasey.”

  “Kody used to say that all the time.” I smile as I remember him saying this to Gage last year.

  “He got it from me, my boy did listen to me after all.” We both laugh. “The heart wants what the heart wants, Kasey. Just go with it.” She pauses and looks at me, with a smile, she adds, “Ask yourself this, are you happy with Branson?”

  Nodding my head, I whisper, “Yes.”

  “And did Kody not write two letters saying it was okay to move on? Okay to be happy?” Again I nod my head. “Then go for it. Make my son as happy as you made his brother.”

  “Ohh, Helen,” I cry, tears pouring down my cheeks, again. “I’m sorry, I’m so emotional at the moment. Anything and everything sets the waterworks off. I was so worried you’d think I was a whore and not be happy for us. It's been playing on my mind ever since I realized I had feelings for him. At first, I thought it was just pregnancy hormones, but then we found the letters and we both gave in.” I sniff, “Branson told me you’d be okay with it all. I should have trusted him.”

  “Sweetie, I have eyes. I’ve seen this coming for the last few months. Even Randall noticed.”

  “Really?” I scoff.

  “Yes, dear. Even I saw this coming and I’m a man,” Randall adds with a laugh.

  “We were just waiting for you two to catch up,” Helen confirms.

  “I can’t believe this. I was worried the happy bubble Branson and I have been in was going to pop, but you and Randall have put everything I was worried about at ease. Thank you for understanding. Now I just need to tell my parents.”

  Helen laughs, “Pretty sure they know too. It seems, everyone but you and Branson knew.”

  “I guess so,” I reply, my eyes drift again to Branson and I find myself smiling.

  “Kasey, when you become a parent, you’ll do anything for your children. When we lost Kody, I thought my world was going to crash down around me. Then you told us you were pregnant, I knew all was going to be right in the world.” She wipes a stray tear away. “And then you fell in love with Branson, and once again, everything was perfect.”

  “Ohh, Helen,” I cry again. She wraps her arms around me when I feel Branson sit next to me. Turning to him, I nuzzle into his side and cry happy tears. “I’m sooo happy,” I sob.

  The three of them laugh at me.

  Branson pulls me tighter into his side and kisses the side of my head. After the last tear has fallen, I pull back and gaze at him. “I love you,” I whisper.

  “Love you too,” he says, as he places a kiss on the top of my nose.

  With a smile, I lean back into the couch and rub my belly. This will be okay after all. There is nothing to worry about. Everything will be fine.

  Chapter Fifteen

  …December 7th, 2019

  The last few weeks have passed by in a blur. As Helen assured me, Mom and Dad were more than okay with this new development in my love life. They were thrilled to see their baby girl smiling and happy again. And I am, I’m the happiest I have been since losing Kody.

  Branson and I are now officially a couple, we made it public knowledge at the surprise baby shower Stacey and Branson threw for me at Bin 501. Much to my surprise, there were no ill feelings toward our pairing. Most people had the same assumption as Helen; when they first met us all, they thought that Branson and I were together, not Kody and I. That notion upsets me a little because I loved Kody with everything I had, but as Branson keeps reminding me, ‘its doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks or assumes.’

  It's easy to say that, but I don’t want my actions to tarnish the memory of Kody. Again, Branson assures me that’s not the case, and Kody could tarnish his own reputation without anyone’s assistance. I laugh when he says this to me, but it’s true, Kody marched to the beat of his
own drum and that’s what I loved most about him. His ‘I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks’ attitude.

  Peanut is now due in three weeks, the pregnancy has flown by but at the same time, it’s passed really really slowly. My belly is huge, my toes are no longer visible to me—even when I lean forward—but my sex drive has gone into overdrive and skyrocketed; poor Branson. He hasn’t complained…yet…but I’m pretty confident he’d like a reprieve.

  Lucky for him the last couple of days have been crazy busy with the final preparations for the charity toy drive. I’m really excited for this year’s event. We are much more organized than last year. Once again, Marlee, Chelle, and I make a great team AND Gage rocked as our Santa once again.

  Even though Chelle is working from home since returning from maternity leave, she’s been in most days to assist us. And most days, I get told off for doing too much. Just because I’m the size of a whale doesn’t mean I can’t organize, or assist with the toy drive.

  Today is toy drive day and just like last year, it’s go…go…go. Then I’ll have my last week of work and come the fourteenth, I’ll officially be on maternity leave.

  “Ready to rock?” Looking up, I see Marlee standing in my doorway; she’s glowing and smiling at me.

  “Yep. I just need to grab—”

  “Already got them from the break room.” She holds up my snow peas and salsa. “I seriously don’t know how you can eat this concoction. It’s disgusting.”

  Ungracefully, I stand up and waddle over to her. She’s one of few people in this office who doesn’t laugh at me; her fiancé is the worst of them all. We link arms, step out of my office, and we bump into Gage. His face lights up when he sees Marlee, much like hers does.


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