The Big Fella
Page 61
Brown, Mace, 417
Brown, Ruth, 83
Brundidge, Harry T., 98–99, 566
Brundige, Annie Ruth (aunt), 40, 42, 146
Brundige, Ellen (cousin), 42
Brundige, Milton, Jr. (cousin), 146
Brundige, Milton C. (uncle), 40, 146
Buck, Gene, 71
Buffalo Evening News, 255, 370
Burke, Dan, 30
Burns, Edward, 137
Burns, Ken, 177
Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 171
Burt, Eddie, 337
Bush, Donie, 29
Bush, George H. W., 112, 451
Bush, Guy, 174–75, 415–17
Bushel, Hyman, 250
Bushwicks team, 90, 115–17
Bustin’ Babes cap, 366
Byrd, Richard, 227
Calder, Alexander, 172
California Winter League, 433
Colusa Prune Pickers, 352–53
Camerano, Anthony, 453
Camp, Walter, 62
Campbell, Doc, 188
Cannon, Jimmy, 75
Cantor, Eddie, 134
Cappalli, Emilio “Cappy,” 30
Capra, Frank, 438
Carey, Paul, 266, 444, 472
Carideo, Frank, 103
Carkowsky, Frank, 92
Carlin, E. J., 331
carrier pigeons, 105
Carroll, Charles, 94
Carter, Joseph, 405
Caruso, Enrico, 194
Catholic Charities, 45, 99, 280
Catholic Orphanage Building Fund, 358
Catholic Total Abstinence Union, 281
Catholic Youth Organization (CYO), 318, 327, 428
Cauthen, George, 167, 169
CBS radio, 29
Celina Carp, 164
Cerf, Bennett, 451
Cermak, Anton, 174
Céspedes, Yoenis, 77
Chadwick, Henry, 75
Chalmers, Hugh, 66
Chambers, Claude I., 135
Chance, Frank, 400
Chandler, Happy, 444, 472
Chaplin, Charlie, 16, 100, 195, 382, 388
Chapman, John, 81–82
Charles, Brother, 472
Charleston, Oscar, 114
Chenoweth, Bob, 191
Chenoweth, Harold, 191
Chester, Lew, 91
Chicago Cubs, 106, 116, 174–75, 226, 233, 410, 436–37
Chicago Daily News, 374
Chicago Daily Tribune, 246, 277
Chicago Defender, 170, 173
Chicago Topics, 232
Chicago Tribune, 59, 74, 82, 115, 137, 182, 212, 276–78, 373, 397, 449
Chicago White Sox, 106, 203, 321, 400
Christner, Meyers “K.O.,” 147
Christy, Howard Chandler, 253–54
Christy Walsh All America Sport Reels, 222
Christy Walsh Management, 61, 103
Christy Walsh Syndicate, 58, 61, 71–73, 110, 111, 127, 287, 418–20
Cincinnati Reds, 178, 369
Cirone, Bennie, 362, 364, 365, 367
Cirone, Dom, 362–63, 365
Cirone, Joe, 362, 364–65, 367
Cirone, Joe, Jr., 365
Cirone, Nuncie, 362, 365
Cirone, Richard, 365, 367
Cirone, Tony, 367
Citizens’ Military Training Camps, 15–16, 67, 257–58, 412
Clark, Billy, 491
Clarke, Arthur, 77
Class D Interstate League, 161
Clemens, Roger, 116
Cleveland, Grover, 216
Cleveland, Ruth, 216, 226, 230, 234, 236
Cleveland Indians, 19, 81, 105, 211, 320, 384, 453–54
Clinton, Officer, 340
Coakley, Andy, 27, 300–301
Cobb, Bob, 327, 452
Cobb, Ty, 72, 128, 133, 181–82, 220, 252, 256, 300–302, 430, 493
Cochrane, Mickey, 320, 409
Coe, Ward Baldwin, 50
Cole, Bert, 181, 256
Collier’s, 85, 131, 223, 260, 474
Collins, Eddie, 71
Collins, Pat, 184
Combs, Earle, 29, 30, 222–23, 472
communications revolution, 105–8
Conlin, Bill, 336
Connors, Jimmy, 306
Considine, Bob, 45–46, 54–44, 161, 163, 441, 446, 451, 472, 475
Consolidated Laundry team, 363
Consolidated Press Association, 203
consumerism, 101, 219–20
Conway, Jack, 271
Coolidge, Calvin, 107, 112, 188–91, 194–95
Cooper, Gary, 438, 452
Corbett, James J., 106, 297
Corum, Bill, 472
Coyne, Phil, 416–17
crash of 1929, 395–96, 507, 510
Creamer, Robert, 180, 369
Creel Committee, 194
Crosetti, Frank, 320, 472
Cross, Wellington, 205
Crowell, Dean, 103
Crowley, Arthur J., 345, 351–52, 355
Crowley, Father John J., 401, 434
Crowley, Michael H., 345, 351–52
Crowther, Bosley, 458
Cuban All-Stars, 176
Cuban tour (1920), 61, 202, 250
Cuddihy, Bill, 354
Current Opinion, 111
Curtis Management Group (CMG), 235–36
Curtiss Candy Company, 216–19, 223–36
Cutting, Victor, 229, 231–33
Cwieka, Matt, 73, 445
“Daily Ghost, The” (Walsh), 409
Daley, George, 226
Danforth, George A., 189, 191, 200
Daniel, Dan, 80, 286, 473
Darrow, Clarence, 374
Daugherty, Shelby Fell, 54
Davenport, Clay, 494
Davies, Marion, 110–11, 436
Davis, Chris, xix–xx, 310–11
Davis, Rose, 283
Davis, Zachary Taylor, 436
“Declaration of Principles” (Lee), 194
Del Ruth, Roy, 441, 452
DeMille, Cecil B., 192
Dempsey, Jack, 71, 76, 81–82, 101, 107–8, 111, 121, 166, 264, 288, 297, 472
Dennison, Johnny “Dynamo,” 201–2
Denver, 263, 293
Denver Post, 263–64, 303
Depression, 290, 390, 395–97, 404, 407–8, 419, 422, 501, 507–8
DeRose, May Breen, 266–57
DeRose, Peter, 372
Des Moines, 215, 264
Des Moines Register, 264
Detroit Free Press, 64
Detroit News, 286
Detroit Tigers, 19, 28, 181, 256, 408–9, 490
Devaney, Hoseman, 340
Dew Drop Inn (musical), 252, 254
Dewey, Thomas, 441, 472, 475
DeWitt, Bill, Jr., 456
DeWitt, Bill, Sr., 456
Dexter Park, 84, 89–91, 114–17, 342
Diaghilev, Sergei, 194
Dickey, Bill, 438–39
Dickson, Paul, 426
DiMaggio, Joe, 219, 320, 328, 422, 456, 472
Dinneen, Bill, 21–22, 211
Dixon, Dolores, 213, 248–50, 252, 269, 274, 343
DNA Detectives, 183
Dog Heaven (film), 130
Donahay, Joseph L., 120, 124, 140
Donnelly, Frederick, 92
Donohue, Brother Peter, 148, 163
Donohue, John “Jiggs,” 239–42
Donohue family, 239–42, 260
Dooley, James E., 14, 27–28
Dooley, Miss, 355
Douglas, Ann, 100
Doyle, J. E., 296
Drebinger, John, 260, 413, 473
Dreyfuss, Barney, 24
Dubuc, Jean, 28
Dugan, Joe, 115, 171, 222, 342–43, 370, 456, 472
Duino, Mario “Speeder,” 363
Dulaney, Frank, 451, 453
Duncan, Isadora, xxii
Duncan Sisters, 134
Dunedin, James, 290
Dunn, Jack, 153–54, 280, 342, 369
ne, James E., 28
Dunsmuir photograph, 366–67, 379
Durocher, Leo, 426–27, 471
Durslag, Mel, 459
Eastern Colored League, 26, 86
Eastern League, 176
Eckhardt, William F., 225, 231
Ederle, Gertrude, 297
Edison, Thomas, 194
Editor & Publisher, 71, 420
Egan, Ben, 489
Einstein, Albert, 64
El Diario, 79
Elks Club, 84, 214, 321
Ellias, Charlie, 372
Ellias, Juanita Jennings, 372, 378
Emery, John, 320
Empress of Japan (ship), 413
Engel, Joe, 153
Epstein, Mike, 310
Epting, Chris, 462
Equitable Life Assurance Company, 384, 393–94, 396, 421–22
Escobar, Harry, 472
ESPN the Magazine, xxviii
Evans, Billy, 181
Ewing, Buck, 220
Ewing, J. Cal, 319
Fairbanks, Douglas, 134, 388, 436
Farbizo, Charles, 105
Farewell to Sport (Gallico), 272, 290
Farley, James A., 64, 420
Farnsworth, Philo T., 106
Farnsworth, W. S., 204
Farrell, Henry L., 61
Fasano, Vince, 336
Fassig, Oliver, 1
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 257, 440
Federal League, 154, 442
Federer, Roger, 219
Feeney, John, 351–52
Fein, Nat, xxi, 453–55
Fell, Lena Schamberger (aunt), 36, 50, 54, 154–55
Feller, Bob, 455–56
Fenway Park, xxx, 242, 390, 407, 452
Ferrick, Tim, 30
Film Daily, 192
Finding Your Roots, Genealogy Roadshow (PBS series), 183
Firemen’s Park, xxiii, 399–404, 430, 433
Firpo, Luis “Angel,” 82
First National Pictures, 34, 127, 130, 133–34, 294
Fisher, Harrison, 254
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 68, 104
Flaherty, “Dope,” 161
Flanagan, Father Edward J., 197, 218, 449
Flanders, Richard, 469
Flanigan, Howard A., 421
Floto, Otto, 263–66, 303
Foch, Ferdinand, 112
Fools First (film), 254
Forbes, 386
Ford, Henry, xxii, 194, 289
Ford Motor Company, 448–49, 456
Forner, Joe, 23
Foulois, Benjamin, 16
Fourth Estate, The, 66, 68
Fowler, Gene, 265, 439
Fox Movietone, 107, 109, 283
Foxx, Jimmie, 413
Frank, Jerome, 234–35
Frank, Waldo, xxv, xxvii
Frazee, Harry, 101, 389–91
Frederick, Doris, 335–36
Frederick, Jack, 333, 335, 352
Frenzy of Renown, The (Braudy), 108
Fresno, xxiii, 120, 382, 399–404, 431, 433–34
Fresno Athletic Club, 399–400, 433–34
Fresno Bee, 399–401, 404, 464
Fresno Twilight League, 400, 431
Freud, Sigmund, 101, 194
Freudenberger, Magdalena H., 43
Frick, Ford, 28, 79–80, 142, 165, 267, 269, 286, 289, 423–24, 450, 460, 465, 472
Friday magazine, 450
Frisch, Frankie, 180
Fuchs, Emil, 415, 417
Fullerton, Hugh, 212
Gail, Max, 182
Gallico, Paul, 20, 22, 72, 80–81, 83–84, 104, 264, 266–67, 271–72, 276, 290, 423
Garden, Mary, 71
Gardiner, Charles, 145
Garretto, Paulo, xxvii, 171
Gazella, Mike, 29–30
Geffert, Sister Mary Bertille, 449
Gehrig, Christina (mother), 84, 102, 166, 265, 377–78, 413
Gehrig, Eleanor (wife), 413–14, 437, 438–40
Gehrig, Henry Louis “Lou,” xxii–xxiii, 14, 19–20, 25–31, 61–64, 72, 84–87, 91, 102–3, 110, 115, 119–23, 139, 163–67, 170, 184–86, 198, 200, 222, 241, 261–65, 288, 293–300, 318–27, 333–37, 353–58, 362–63, 366, 377, 379, 386–87, 399–403, 407, 412–13, 423, 433–37, 459–64
ALS and, 122, 274, 437
Babe’s friendship with, 121–24, 130
Babe’s rift with, 377–78, 413–14
film Pride of the Yankees and, 437–40
hitting, 122, 408
life story of, 300–301
“luckiest man” speech and, 414, 437
Gehringer, Charlie, 413
George H. Ruth Candy Company, 216–17, 225, 228–33, 445
George H. Ruth v. Katie Ruth, 10, 50–52
Geppi, Paul, 457
ghostwriting, 71–72, 109, 127, 261, 266–67, 286–89, 385, 418, 420, 424
Giasco, George, 86
Gibbons, Mike, xix–xx, 45, 47, 146–47, 369, 465
Gibson, Josh, 314
Gila River Relocation Center, 431–33
Gilbert, Brother, 95, 152–53, 471
Gish, Lillian, 192–93
Glick, Louis, 225, 231–32
Glueck, M. A., 168
Goering, Kevin, 233–34, 550
Golden Gloves, 81
Goldman, Herbert G., 146
Goldwater, Dr. A. L., 198
Goldwyn, Samuel, 437
Gomez, Vernon “Lefty,” 314, 327, 352, 472
Gooch, Johnny, 30
Gordon, Joe, 328
Goren, Herb, 427
Gorfein, Benjamin, 171
Gotham, 182
Gottesburen, “Doc,” 383
Gould, Alan L., 473
GQ, 305
Grable, Betty, 452, 466
Grace, Patricia, 350
Graham, Frank, 95, 179–80, 197–98, 277, 301, 342, 473
Graham, William J., 421
Grange, Red, 79, 297, 368
Greck, Ted, Sr., 425–26
Greenberg, Hank, 471
Greenwood Lake resort, 425, 465
Grieco, Umberto, 120, 140
Griffith, D. W., 71
Grimes, Burleigh, 426
Grove, June, 372
Grove, Lefty, 20, 114, 372
Guardian Angel Home, 185
Gue, Stanley M., 129, 135
Gumbrecht, Hans, 102, 110, 438
Haas, Stephen B., 305
Hagen, Walter, 126
Haggerty, Frank, 471
Halloran, Bernie, 164
Hammond, John, 129
Haney, Fred, 436, 460, 474
Hannigan, Judson, 356
Hano, Arnold, 116, 412, 417
Harder, Mel, 454
Harding, Warren, 112, 210
Harlem Flashes, 471
Harlem Globetrotters, xxii
Harlem River Athletes, 471
Harper, Bryce, 312, 461, 494
Harper’s Magazine, 82
Harridge, Will, 447, 472
Harris, Paul F., 155
Hartford Times, 247
Haskell, Mert, 248
Haupert, Michael, 218, 302, 388–92, 450–51
Havoc, June, 452
Hawaii, 400, 409, 440
Headin’ Home (film), 111, 228–29
Hearst, William Randolph, 75–76, 78, 110–11, 436
Hearst Syndicate, 71, 127, 169–70, 278, 288, 299, 345
Hebrew Orphan Asylum, 104
Heilmann, Harry, 320
Heinz, W. C., 454
Helms Athletic Foundation, 366–67
Hemingway, Ernest, 451
Hennessey, Mr., 152
Heritage Auctions, 366
Herman, Brother, 151
Herrlein, Genevieve (granddaughter), 377–78
Hickok, Lorena, 85
Hidden Game of Baseball, The (Thorn and Palmer), 493
High, Lefty, 152
Highway Act (1921), 219
Hildebrand, George, 210–11
Hilton, Frank, 131–32, 291, 385–87, 392–96r />
Hiroshima Carp team, 433
Hittinger, H. S., 108
Hodges, A. L., 304–5
Hodgson, Claire. See Ruth, Clara Mae Merritt Hodgson
Hodgson, Frank, 253
Hogarth, John, 491
Hollywood, 101, 111, 133–34, 436
Hollywood Stars, 327, 438, 452
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 90
Holmes, Tommy, 91–93, 99–100, 114–17, 386
Holtzman, Jerome, 78, 166, 172, 181, 274, 413
Holway, John, 86, 176–77
Home Run Derby (TV series), 460
Honey, Kathy, 350
Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 399
Hooper, Harry, 333
Hoover, Herbert, 106, 112, 374
Hopkins, Paul, 20
Hopper, Hedda, 64
Horace, 266
Hornsby, Rogers, 72, 128, 207
Hourigan, Ellen (granddaughter), 378
Howard, Tom, 83
How Babe Ruth Makes a Home Run (film), 229
Howley, Dan, 374
Hoyt, Waite, 24, 178–79, 223, 281, 369–70, 415–16, 450, 472
Hubbell, “King” Carl, 415
Huggins, Miller, 29–30, 64, 72, 123, 255–59, 274–79, 285, 385, 407, 410, 420, 424
Hughes, Ed, 450
Hunt, Marshall, 75, 78, 80–81, 133–34, 137, 165–66, 171, 207–8, 214, 244, 249, 269, 274–76, 346
Huston, Tillinghast L’Hommedieu “Cap,” 80, 204, 208, 210, 214, 251, 391, 424
I Cover the Waterfront (Miller), 383
Igoe, Johnny, 61
Ihatetoquitit fish camp, 243, 246
In 1926 (Gumbrecht), 102
“Innocents Abroad” (Kennedy), 261
“In re: George H. Ruth,” 257
Interfaith Charity Game, 457
International Cancer Congress, 448
International Newsreel, 259–60
International News Service, 205, 350
Irvin, Monte, 178
Isaacson, J. J., 201
Ivy, Chris, 366
I Was with Babe Ruth at St. Mary’s (Leisman), 147
Iwata, Harvey, 400, 402
Jack, Beau, 471
Jackson, Shoeless Joe, 307–8, 461
Jacques, Alphonse, 111
James, Bill, xxv, 302–3, 492–93
Japan, 289–90, 400, 403–4, 413–15, 429–30, 433
Japanese Americans, 400–404
internment of, 430–34
Jazz Singer, The (film), 15, 34
Jenkins, Burris, 472
Jenkinson, Bill, 177, 490–92
Jerry Maguire (film), 501
Jeter, Derek, 288
Jewett, Gene, 400
Jewish Daily Forward, 80
John McGraw All-Stars, 61
Johnson, Ban, 71, 181, 203–4, 210–11, 256
Johnson, Sheriff, 140
Johnson, Walter, 22, 64, 72, 217, 220, 430–31
Johnston, Alva, 287, 418
Johnstone, Pat Rattray, 447
Jolley, Frank “Smead,”320
Jolson, Al, 34, 146
Jones, Biff, 64
Jones, Bobby, 81, 472
Jones, Howard, 62, 126, 440
Jones, Tad, 62, 103, 294
Joost, Eddie, 316
Journal of the National Medical Association, 169
Joyce, Bill, 243
Judnich, Walt, 316, 328–29