The Big Fella
Page 62
Kahn, James E., 142, 463, 472
Kamiyama, Frank, 401–2
Kamm, Willie, 321
Kansas City, 167–71, 184–86, 192–93, 215–16
Kansas City Monarchs, 177, 314
Kansas City Orphan Boys’ Home, 185
Kansas City Post, 167–68, 185
Kansas City Star, 168
Kaplan, K.O. Phil, 91
Kaufman, Father Thomas H., 458, 465, 467, 475
KDKA radio, 105, 298
Kearns, Jack “Doc,” 71, 288
Keaton, Buster, 126, 436
KECA radio, 473
Keil-Shamieh, Doris, 271
Keith circuit, 202, 205, 290
Keller, Helen, 126
Kelley, Wylie Wells, 321
Kelly, Jimmy, 211
Kelly, John J., 340
Kemp, Abe, 295–97, 312–13, 321, 323, 325, 352
Kenfield, John, 230
Kennedy, John B., 85, 123, 131, 184, 260–61, 385, 387
KFRC radio, 298
KGP radio, 297
Kieran, John, xxv, 80, 103, 473
Kilthau, Ray, 443
Kinder, Dr. Edward H., 339–41, 343, 346–47, 349–50
Kinder, Helen R. See Ruth, Mary Ellen Woodford “Helen”
King, Dr. Edward, 271–72, 406
King of Kings (film), 192
Klepfer, Mike, 470
Klindt, Carl, 382–83, 396–97
Knights of Columbus, 26, 84, 297, 466
Koenig, Mark, 29, 175, 472
Koufax, Sandy, 116, 309
Krichell, Paul, 269–70
Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 164, 171
KYA radio, 297
Landers, A. R., 188–89, 199
Landis, Kenesaw Mountain, 24, 60, 128, 170, 183, 196, 202–5, 208, 211, 255–57, 277, 371
Lane, F. C., 493
Lanham Act (1946), 234
Lardner, Ring, 80
LaRitz, Tom, 312
Larsen, Don, 321
Lary, Lyn, 400
Laryngoscope, 448
Latimer, Amos “Loudmouth,” 173–74
Laudati, Peter, 14, 27
Laval, Claude C. “Pop,” 401
Laval, Elizabeth, 401
Lawrence, Jack, 139
Lazzeri, Tony, 29, 320–21, 372
Lee, Ivy, 192, 194
Lee, Margery, 205–7, 212
Lee, Mary Custis, 2
Lee, Robert E., 2
Lee, Spike, 182–83
Lefebvre, Jim, 310, 313
Leisman, Louis “Fats,” 147–48
Lemon, Bob, 454
Lenglen, Suzanne, 368
Leo Durocher (Dickson), 426
Leonard, Bennie, 126
Levine, Charles A., 189
Lewis, Duffy, 417
Lewis, Ed “the Strangler,” 111
Liberty, 111, 217
Liddy, Sylvester J., 225
Lieb, Fred, 46, 80, 172, 181, 209, 252, 280, 282, 451, 472
Lima, Ohio, 141, 163–66
Lima Beans, 164–65
Lima Morning Star and Republican-Gazette, 141, 165
Lima News (Ohio), 141, 163, 166
Lincoln, Abraham, 4
Lincoln Evening Journal, 187, 191
Lincoln Giants, 26
Lincoln Star, 218
Lindbergh, Charles, xxii, 15–16, 107, 109, 189, 286, 303, 462, 476
Linthicum, Jesse, 153, 369
Lippmann, Walter, 175–76
Lipsyte, Robert, 267
Little Leagues, 471
Lloyd, Harold, 64, 104–5, 463, 474
Lloyd, John Henry, 114
Loden, Daniel, 49–50, 52
Lois, George, 220, 470
London Daily Mirror, 74
Long Beach, 127–29, 193, 460–63
Look, 427, 474
“Loretta,” 425, 465–66
Los Angeles, 435–39, 458–59, 463–64
Los Angeles Angels, 436, 438, 459–60
Los Angeles Dodgers, 459–60
Los Angeles Examiner, 436
Los Angeles Express, 65
Los Angeles Herald, 65, 66, 473
Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, 459
Los Angeles Herald Express, 473
Los Angeles Times, xix, 133–34, 276, 435–36, 458–60
Love, James, 224
Lowenstein, Melvyn, 444, 472
Lucas, Red, 415–16
Lumb, “Baby” Annette, 129–30
Lyons, Joseph, 139–40
Lyons, Leonard, 290
Lytton, Giles, 368
Maas, Aline, 449–50
Macbeth, W. J., 204
Macfadden, Bernarr, 58, 78–79, 195–96, 292–93, 447
Mack, Connie, 103, 413–14, 448
MacPhail, Larry, 422, 442
Maisel, Fritz, 153
Major League Baseball Players Association, 135
Mann, Arthur, 23
Manning, Peyton, 219
Man Nobody Knows, The (Barton), 192
Mantle, Mickey, xxviii, 220, 290, 422, 460, 470
Margino, Thomas, 92
Marie, Queen of Romania, 112, 289
Maris, Roger, 135, 299
Marquard, Rube, 270
Marsh, Will H., 128
Martens, Chris, 378
Martin, Billy, 320
Martin, Speed, 383
Martin de Porres, St., 266
Maryland State Archives, 39, 42
Marysville, 331–36, 358–59, 447
Marysville Appeal-Democrat, 332–33, 337, 359
Marysville Giants, 331–33, 335–38, 352–54
Masterson, Bat, 264
Mathewson, Christy “Matty,” 65, 116
Matsumoto, Takizo, 400, 414
Matthias, Brother. See Boutilier, Martin Leo
Mays, Willie, 460
McCarthy, Joe, xxix, 410, 412–13
McCarthy, Johanna Woodford (sister-in-law), 356
McComas, Louis E., 2
McCormack, John, 132
McCormick, Robert, 74
McCrillis, John, 214
McFarland, Bill, 338
McGeehan, W. O. “Bill,” 80, 100, 267, 268, 284, 292
McGillivary, Frank, 149
McGinley, Bishop John E., 434
McGovern, Artie, 126, 133, 137, 341, 376
McGraw, John, 60, 64, 72, 103, 179, 220, 251, 258
McIntyre, Nora, 377, 439
McKechnie, Bill, 415
McKinney, Jack, 472, 475
McKinney, Paul, 472, 475
McLaughlin, H. L., 199
McNally, Mike “Minooka,” 281
McNamee, Graham, 106–7
McNamee, Jan (grandniece), 48, 183
McNeff, Rosemary, 166
McPherson, Aimee Semple, 286
McTavish, Emily Caton, 94
M’Donald, Jack, 242
Meadows, Ford, 153
Meany, Tom, 113, 407
Meet John Doe (film), 438
Melon, R. M., 198
Mencken, H. L., 1–3, 9, 42
Merchant, George, 317
Merchant, Larry, 267
Merrill, Bradford, 71
Merritt, Carrie Lou (mother-in-law), 255, 371
Merritt, Frank, 210, 230
Metzler, Alex, 400
Meusel, Bob, 29, 179, 181, 203, 208, 256, 273, 436, 438–39, 472
Meusel, Irish, 436
Mexican League, 442
Miljus, Johnny, 29, 30
Miller, Gus, 417
Miller, Marvin, 135
Miller, Max, 383
Milmore, John F., 347
Minneapolis Tribune, 85
Minnesota Daily Star, 112
Mission Reds, 318, 327
Miss Lonelyhearts (West), 79
Mitchell, Dale, 454
Mix, Tom, 134
Moale, Frank V., 50
Moberly, Mary Margaret Ruth “Mamie” (sister), 3, 8, 41–42, 45, 47–49, 98–99, 146–47, 157–59, 457, 465–66
Mock, George M., 217
Moore, A. Harry, 87
Moore, Al, 115
Moore, CeCe, 183
Mor, Jean, 149
Morrisette, Bill, 152, 153
Mother Knows Best (movie), 130
Motion Picture News, 101
Motion Picture World, 34
Mount Saint Joseph (St. Joe), 152–53, 155, 162, 471
Muehlebach Field, 184
Murray, Jim, xix
My Dad, the Babe (Pirone), 377
“My Lost City” (Fitzgerald), 104
My Luke and I (Gehrig and Durso), 413
Nakagawa, John, 400, 402–3
Nakagawa, Kerry Yo, 402–3
Nathan, Alan M., 304–5, 309
National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum, xx–xxiv, xxix, 172, 177–78, 184, 211, 267, 388, 434, 463, 467
National Basketball Association (NBA), 306
National Football League, 27, 307
National Guard, 258
National Hockey League, 306
National League, 178, 277, 321, 415, 423–24, 436
National Portrait Gallery, xxvii, 171
Navin, Frank, 181, 408–9
Navin Field, 28, 181, 490
NBC radio, 26, 29, 105, 107, 297
Negro Leagues, 26, 60, 86–87, 91–92, 173–78, 400, 403, 433, 471
Neil, Edward J., 121, 123, 301
Newark Eagles, 178
Newark farm team, 409–10, 442
New Haven Colonials, 176–77
New Jersey State Athletic Commission, 120
newspapering, golden age of, 76–83, 105–8, 110
newsreels, 107, 109, 128, 185, 228–29, 422
New York American, 139, 204, 221, 258, 260, 271, 281, 283, 288, 343
New York City Police Auxiliary, 259
New York City Police Reserves, 290–91
New York Clipper, 75
New York Cubans, 177
New York Daily Mirror, 78, 137, 268, 271, 278, 467
New York Daily News, 16, 20, 22, 58, 74–84, 104, 125–26, 133–34, 244, 249, 276–77, 279, 343, 346, 405–6, 423, 446, 472
New Yorker, xxv, xxvii, 69, 93, 103, 109, 192, 269–70, 276, 287, 418, 429–30
New York Evening Graphic, 58, 78–79, 134, 195–96, 268, 273, 283
New York Evening Journal, 28, 79, 260, 269, 276, 280, 288–89
New York Evening Post, 279, 282
New York Evening World, 23, 28, 77
New York Foundling Hospital, 355
New York Giants, 115, 178–80, 220, 287, 490
New York Herald-Tribune, xxvi, 125, 265–66, 274, 290, 453
New York Journal, 75–76, 279
New York Journal-American, 471
New York Mirror, 61
New York Post, 75, 138, 252, 290
New York State Legislature, 228
New York State Supreme Court, 356
New York Sun, 179, 290, 406, 427
New York Sunday News, 246, 274
New York Telegram, 15, 59, 276, 280, 286
New York Times, xxv, 16, 19–20, 22, 74, 81, 85, 89–90, 103, 117, 126, 139, 165, 187, 191, 200, 210, 241, 256, 260, 267, 276, 305, 341, 388, 395–96, 405–6, 413–14, 422, 427, 444, 458, 471, 491–92
New York Tribune, 76, 80, 100, 204
New York World, xxvii, 19, 75, 101, 171, 226, 252, 279, 286, 290, 384
New York Yankees, 78, 106, 153, 161–62, 268, 320
Babe bought by, 389–90, 489
Babe honored by, with retirement of No. 3, 453–56
Babe released to Braves by, 413, 415, 489
Babe’s contracts and, 132–39, 208–9, 213, 218, 265, 384, 386
Babe’s pitching and, 116
Babe’s retirement and, 423, 442–43
Babe suspended by, 203–4, 208
Babe’s value to, 388–92, 451
death of Babe and, 444–47, 468–72, 476
death of Babe and, 40th anniversary, 378–79
seasons: (1920), 78, 323, 390–91; (1921), 105, 204; (1922), 208, 210–12, 323; (1923), 250–51, 391; (1924), 255–56, 259; (1925), 121–22, 269, 273–75, 285, 390, 392; (1926), 16, 390, 392; (1927), xxii, 18–22, 104, 106, 265, 303, 338, 392; (1928), 28; (1929), 400, 404–7; (1930), 407, 410; (1931), 407–8, 410; (1932), 408; (1933), 408; (1934), xxix, 410–13; (1936), 424; (1941), 327; (1947), 328–29; (1950), 422; (2004), 477
World Series: (1921), 105, 204, 208; (1922), 179; (1926), 124; (1927), 14–15, 24, 28–30; (1928), 341–42; (1932), 175–75; (1936), 424; (1947), 329
New York Yankees, The (Graham), 179–80
Nicholau, George, 333, 336–38, 358
Nightingale, Florence, 368
Nilsson, Anna Q., 34, 127
Nisei Baseball Research Project, 403
Nixon, Richard, 225
No Cheering in the Press Box (Holtzman), 78, 181
Norfolk Daily News, 189
Northcliffe, Lord, 74
Notre Dame, 82, 126, 294, 381
Oakland Oaks, 318–22, 384
Oakland Post-Enquirer, 295–97
Oakland Tribune, 319, 321, 331, 467
O’Brien, Father J. T., 36
Ochart, Jason, 309, 311–14
O’Donnell, Francis, 199–200
O’Doul, Frank “Lefty,” 296, 321, 323, 363, 413, 436
O’Dwyer, William, 472
Ogden, Utah, 293–94
Ogden Standard-Examiner, 293
Okrent, Daniel, 117
O’Leary, Charlie, 22
O’Leary, Dan, 321, 362
Olen, Henry, 82
Omaha, xxiii, 187–93, 197–202, 449
Omaha Bee, 189
Omaha Morning Bee, 191
Omaha World-Herald, 191, 201–2
O’Malley, Walter, 459
On Base + Slugging (OPS), 493
O’Neill, Buck, 177, 314
O’Neill, Steve, 269
O’Neill, Tim, 14, 27, 30–32
“One Life: Babe Ruth” exhibit, xxvii
Orr, Bobby, 306
Orsatti, Ernie, 436
Orser, Bruce, 491
Ott, Mel, 428
Pacific Coast League (PCL), 66, 316–21, 327, 338, 382, 384, 400, 433, 438, 452
Padgett, Tommy, 161
Page, Brother Thomas More, 147, 150
Page, Clarence, 182–83
Paige, Satchel, 177, 449
Paige, Woody, 264
Painter, Doc, 372
Painter, Eleanor, 372
Palm Beach Post, 348
Palmer, Bee, 283
Palmer, Jim, 222
Palmer, Pete, 493–94
Pantages theater chain, 106, 127–30, 383
Parker, Dan, 61, 137–39, 473
Parsons, Louella, 64, 452, 463
Pasquel, Jorge, 442
Patrick, Frank, 104
Patrick, Lester, 104
Patterson, Dorothy, 439
Patterson, Joe, 58, 74–79, 81–83, 137, 274, 276–77, 285–86, 292
Paul, Brother, 47, 145, 150, 153–54, 161, 273, 281
Payne, G. Logan, 361–62
Payne, Phil, 249
Peavy, Preston, 313
Pegler, Westbrook, 46–48, 59, 70, 95–96, 135–36, 138, 150–51, 155, 162, 175, 245, 267, 373, 408, 472, 475
People of California v. George Herman Ruth, 131, 134–35
Perfect Records, 110
Peri, John, 332
Perry, Alice, 336, 354
Perry, Clyde “Brud,” 336
Perry, Clyde “Tub,” 336–38, 352–54, 363
Perry, Dr. J. Edward, 169
Perry, Earl “Duke,” 363–64
Perry, Emory C., 444, 451, 453, 472
Perry, Steve, 352
Pershing, John J., 67, 112, 257–58, 440
Philadelphia Athletics, 20, 106, 115–16, 407
Philadelphia Inquirer, 405
Philadelphia Phillies, 115, 156
Philadelphia Warriors, 464
Phillips, John, 164–65
photography, 81–83, 111–14, 455
r /> Photoplay, 65
Pickford, Mary, 388, 436
Piercy, Bill, 203
Pindell, Harvey, 147
Pindell, William, 147
Pinelli, Babe, 321
Pinsky, Robert, 368
Pipp, Wally, 122, 263
Pippen, Rodger, 11, 154, 457–58
Pippin, Harry (cousin), 171
Pirone, Dorothy Ruth “Dot” (daughter), xxvii–xxviii, 28–30, 58, 182, 235, 249, 260, 268, 271, 339, 359, 425, 442
adopted by Babe and Claire, 373, 375–79
Babe’s marital problems and, 284, 339
biological parents of, 356–57, 377, 378
birth of, 211–13, 245–46
death of Babe and, 393–94, 465–66, 468–69
death of Helen and, 344, 347, 350, 354–57, 377, 395
farm and, 242–43, 247, 255
memoir of, 425, 443
Pittsburgh Courier, 87, 167, 170, 172
Pittsburgh Pirates, 14, 28–30, 287, 415–17
Pittsburgh Press, 416
Pizzo, Joe, 364
Platner, Linn, 383
Play Ball with Babe Ruth (instructional shorts), 222
Plimpster, William, 40
Plumeri, Joe, 26, 32, 86
Poe, Judge, 5
Police Athletic League, 428
Polo Grounds, 72, 79, 82, 105, 172, 179, 210, 251, 428
Popular Science, 111
Popular Science Monthly, 305
Portland Bears, 452
Posey, Buster, 219
Povich, Shirley, 21, 286–87, 303–4
Prajadhipok, King of Siam, 112
Price, Eleanor, 405, 406
Price, George, 405, 406
Pride of the Yankees, The (film), xxvii, 437–40
Prohibition, 23–24, 64, 102, 194, 243, 317, 342, 373, 389
Propaganda (Bernays), 193–94
Providence Evening Bulletin, 28, 31
Providence Gold Bugs, 27, 30–31
Providence Grays, 13–14, 16, 18, 24, 27–28, 154
Providence Journal, 14, 17, 27, 31
public relations, 108–11, 192–97
Pujols, Albert, 305
Pulitzer, Joseph, 75
Punch, The, 66–67, 69
Pyle, C. C. “Cash and Carry,” 368
Quaker Oats, 198, 221, 419
Quinn, Father Edward J., 280–85, 291–92
Radcliffe, Theodore Roosevelt “Double Duty,” 177
radio, 83, 105–9, 297–99, 419, 456
Radio Digest, 108
Rainbow Angling Club, 128, 130, 193
Randazzo, Tom, Sr., 363–64
Randazzo, Tom, Jr., 364
Rathbun, Mark, xxiv
Rattray, Esther Lensgraf, 334–35
Rattray, John W., 332, 334–35, 359, 447
Raub, Joanne Perry, 353–54
Rawlings, Johnny, 179–80, 436
Raycraft, R. C., 241
Reagan, Ronald, 314
Reardon, Beans, 361
Redding, Cannonball Dick, 86–87, 92, 114, 177
Reese, Jimmy, 321
Register-Pajaronian, 326
Reid, Roy, 129
Rendon, Carolyn, 340, 377
Rennie, Rud, 472
Reser, Harry, 14