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Your Man Chose Me

Page 13

by Racquel Williams

  “Baby, please hold on. I got you, baby girl, I got you. Please, God, I can’t lose her.”



  See, bitches think shit is a game, until you pop off on them, showing them this is not the motherfucking movies. This was real life. I was not playing any games when it came down to my baby daddy. I loved that nigga’s dirty drawers, and there’s was no way I was goin’ let a bitch walk in and snatch him up.

  It didn’t make a difference that the bitch who took my man was none other than the old stupid-ass bitch I clothed and fed. I provided a roof over her head and let that broke bitch sleep in my bed. See, Tiana thought that she was untouchable, but she was wrong. The minute she decided to start fucking with my nigga, she crossed the fucking line.

  I was determined to end this bitch’s life today. See, this bitch was so caught up in herself that she didn’t notice that I was following her the minute she left her house. I watched as she pulled up to the Ashton Gardens venue. Jealousy spewed through my veins; this was my man and I should have been the one walking up those stairs. I shook that feeling off quickly. It was what it was.

  I waited a few minutes, then I snuck in. Everyone was too busy laughing and talking; they didn’t notice when little ol’ me walked past them. I glanced at the front where everyone was sitting. I didn’t see her. My sixth sense kicked in and I thought the dressing room may be the place she was at.

  I was about to walk in when I heard voices. I recognized them right away; it was Tiana, and Anthony’s bitch-ass mother. Seeing that two-faced bitch warmed up with Anthony’s ho only angered me more. I hid behind the curtains and waited for her to leave.

  I stood there for a minute watching as she glowed. She thought she was getting ready to marry my man, but I had other news for her. You should’ve seen that bitch’s face when I pointed the gun at her. I almost busted out laughing at how pathetic this bitch looked.

  Without wasting any more time, I fired two shots at her. I watched as she fell. I paused for a second, but quickly turned around and ran out. I spotted a door on the side. I pushed it, and was happy it was not locked. There was an alley directly behind the building. I quickly disappeared down there without bringing any kind of attention to myself.

  I finally made it to my car, and jumped in. I was trembling, but I was determined not to get caught. I slowly pulled off to the next street. I heard police cars’ sirens coming toward me. I panicked, and I slowed down.

  They sped past me. I let out a long sigh and pulled off. I needed to get this gun up off me, so I started thinking of a good place that I could get rid of it. That’s when it popped in my head: Chattahoochee River was only about twenty or twenty-five minutes away from me.

  I jumped on I-20 West and made my way to dump this gun. I parked and looked around, to see if any nosey motherfucker was looking. The coast was clear, so I got the gun from up under my seat. I grabbed an old shirt that I had on the back seat. I wiped it down carefully; then, I wrapped it in the old shirt, got out of my car, and walked to the edge of the river and threw it as hard as I could. I then walked calmly back to my car and pulled off.



  I was losing lots of blood and, to be honest, a bitch was scared I wasn’t gonna make it. I whispered a prayer to God as I barely squeezed Micah’s hand.

  “Hurry the fuck up,” he yelled to the EMT workers.

  I wanted to tell him to calm down, but I was too weak and I couldn’t get the words out. I closed my eyes as they rushed me into the ambulance.

  “Do you know what happened here?” I heard a policeman asked Micah.

  “Yo, my girl is fighting for her life and you think I’m worried about answering your fucking questions? Get out of my way.”

  “You need to calm down now, sir. I understand this is a difficult time, but this is a criminal investigation and I need to gather information. Officer Bell, please seal off the area and don’t allow anyone to leave the premises.”

  “Man, fuck all that, just make sure y’all save my baby’s life.”

  The entire ride to the hospital I kept praying with everything in me. I refused to die when I had a baby to take care of. There was no way I was going out without a fight.

  The ambulance sped down the highway as Micah held on to my hand and kept talking to me. I was in too much pain to pay full attention to everything he was saying. I did make out: “God, I swear whoever did this shit to her goin’ pay,” he said in between his sobs.

  I wanted to hold him, to comfort him, but fuck that. I was fighting for my life and couldn’t focus on no nigga.



  I made my way back to the east side, and that’s when it hit me: I couldn’t go home. I was scared. If the police were looking for me, that’s the first place they would go. I knew I shot her ass, but I wasn’t sure she was dead. I knew if she made it, her old police ass would snitch on me. I was getting agitated, because I didn’t come up with an escape plan.

  I couldn’t think straight. I needed a fucking drink for real, something to calm my nerves. I grabbed my pack of cigarettes, and I snatched one out of the box. I drove to Mama’s house even though I didn’t want to deal with this bitch; but, shit, I didn’t have anyone else to turn to.

  I rang the doorbell and nervously waited, all while looking around. I wasn’t sure if the police had been here.

  “What the hell you ringing down my damn bell like that for?” She swung the door open.

  I pushed her out of the way and walked inside. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with this bitch.

  “Well, excuse me; you must think this is our shit. Nah, this my house and I would love for you to call before you pop up over here. Shit, I could’ve had company. Plus, the last time I saw your ass, you cussed me out like a dog.”

  “Isn’t your old ass tired of fucking?” I asked sarcastically.

  “Watch yo’ damn mouth,” she scolded, still holding the door wide open.

  “Did the police come here? And shut the damn door,” I yelled.

  “Why would the police come here?” She looked at me. “What kind of trouble have you managed to get yourself in?” She stepped closer to me.

  “Don’t you look at me like that. Just answer my damn question: did the police come here, bitch?”

  “Ain’t nobody come here, but I tell you what: if you know yo’ ass in trouble, you need to leave up out my shit. I ’ont need no police snooping ’round here.”

  “Man, shut up already. You ain’t say all that shit when yo’ ass was bouncing checks left to right. Who help yo’ ass pay off that shit? Yes, that was me. So get off your fucking high horse. I need a place to crash for a few days.”

  I walked away from her. This bitch had my nerves on the edge. I walked in the kitchen and started searching the cabinets. I saw a bottle of Paul Masson. I didn’t like that cheap shit, but it would do for now. I put the bottle to my head and drank. The cheap liquor stung my throat as I swallowed. I leaned against the counter as the liquor hit my body. I put the bottle back and walked into her back room. I was tired and distraught; I just wanted to lie down. As soon as my head hit the bed, I heard her hollering.

  “Ayana, come here,” I heard Mama holler.

  What the fuck her drunk ass wants now? I thought as I got up off the mattress that was on the floor. I didn’t have to ask why she was calling me; as soon as I entered the living room, my eyes landed on the breaking news on the television.

  “There was a shooting at the Ashton Gardens all-inclusive wedding venue in Atlanta. There was a wedding taking place at the time of the shooting and the bride was shot by an unknown assailant. The victim was identified as college student Tiana Caldwell. She is listed in critical but stable condition and now being treated at Grady Memorial Hospital.”

  I stood in a trance with my mouth wide open! The bitch is still alive, I thought as I stared at the television screen. How can that be? I shot her at point-blank

  “Isn’t that our Tiana? Who the hell would do such a terrible thing on her wedding day? I wonder if her mama heard about this.”

  “No, Mother, correction: that is your Tiana. I don’t fuck with that snake-ass bitch,” I said before I walked away.

  “Jealousy is gonna kill you, little girl,” she hollered behind me.

  I didn’t respond. I walked back into the room and flopped down on the dingy-ass mattress. Tears started to flow heavily. I was so angry at myself for not making sure that bitch was dead. I couldn’t believe I left her breathing. Now my freedom was in jeopardy.

  I thought about running, but where the fuck was I going to run to? I didn’t even have enough money to buy food. The other day I tried using the card that Ant and I shared and the account was closed. That nigga took everything from me. This angered me. I started crying harder.

  I meant to kill Anthony’s prize bitch, but instead the bitch was still breathing. I couldn’t take it. I held my chest as a sharp pain hit me. I fell onto the bed and just broke down.



  Six weeks later

  I was finally being discharged from the hospital. I was too ready to go. I sat on the bed waiting for Micah to pick me up. I was ready to hold my little man, and tell him how much I loved him and missed him. I also wanted some real food. I was sick of this mush the hospital served. I was looking forward to just starting over with my life.

  I couldn’t believe I still couldn’t remember what the hell happened that day. I was shot in my arm and my chest, but I bumped my head when I fell to the ground. That caused my temporary memory loss. I did hope the doctors were right because I needed to remember what the hell happened to me and soon.

  I heard the door to my hospital room door open. “It’s about time you show your face. You know I hate waiting,” I complained.

  “Good morning, Miss Caldwell,” the overzealous Detective Robinson said as he walked into the room with a dumbass look plastered across his face.

  “What do you want again? I told you over and over I don’t remember what happened at all.”

  “Well, I know, but the doctor also said your memory loss is temporary, so I am just checking to see if anything popped up since the last time we spoke.”

  I was about to respond, but Micah walked in as soon as I opened my mouth.

  “Damn, this guy is everywhere. Do you know him?” the detective asked sarcastically.

  “Yes, this is my fiancé, Micah.”

  I knew he was trying to be an asshole.

  “Really? Last time I saw him he was at this same hospital with another woman who was also shot. I am starting to think he’s the one the shooter, or shooters, are after,” he said sarcastically.

  “Detective Mr. Fuck Nigga, I think it’s time you leave the room.”

  “Miss Caldwell, you seem like a smart young lady. I suggest you get rid of this guy right here. I promise you, he is bad news and you don’t need to get caught up in his illegal activities. Here’s my card. Call me as soon as you remember anything.” He placed the card on the table, shot Micah a dirty look, then walked out the door.

  I looked at Micah. I noticed his dark skin tone was now a dark red and his nose was flaring up. “Yo, I have no idea what that dude problem is. He got it out for me.”

  “Hmmm,” was all I managed to say. This was definitely not the life I wanted. I never got myself caught up in no kind of bullshit. I was pissed the fuck off, and didn’t feel like pretending like shit was sweet.

  * * *

  The entire ride to the house was spent in silence. He had the music on, and Plies’s voice blasted through the speakers. As much as I loved Plies’s music, I was in no mood to hear any music. All kind of thoughts ran through my head. Especially what the detective said earlier. I knew Micah told me that he left that old life alone, but I couldn’t help but wonder if he was telling the truth. I also wondered if his old ways had anything to do with me getting shot. Tears welled up in my eyes. “Micah, can I ask you a question?”

  “Yeah, whaddup?”

  “Why is this detective after you like that? If you left the streets, like you claim, why is he so determined to bring you down?” I looked at him with every bit of seriousness I could muster up.

  “Man, come on with all that,” he said with an attitude.

  “Don’t be catching a damn attitude with me! Just answer the question,” I barked back. I may have been feeling sick, but I damn sure wasn’t no pushover.

  “Man, this fuck nigga mad ’cause he been trying for years to charge us with some bullshit. But it’s like e’ery-time he try he end up empty, so he make it his business to harass us. I am done with them streets, yo, so don’t come at me with no shit just ’cause that fuck nigga put that shit in yo’ head.”

  “I don’t know who you think you are talking to like that. But I suggest you tone that shit down. I ain’t one of them bitches out in them streets. I’m just fucking asking because it seem like it’s personal with him,” I snapped on his ass.

  “All this fucking attitude you giving me is for what? My only concern is to find out who the fuck shot you. All that extra shit is in the motherfucking way. That’s what your ass should be worried about also. Not about some irrelevant-ass nigga.”

  This nigga done lost his mind, I thought as I turned my head toward the window. He was behaving like I wasn’t concerned with who the fuck shot me. Shit, I’d been racking my damn brain to remember. But each time I ended up drawing a blank.

  We got home and I waited for him to park. I was happy to be home after being gone for so long. I couldn’t wait to jump in the shower so I could wash the hospital scent off of me.

  “Let me help you.” He walked to my side of the car and opened the door.

  “I got it,” I said with an attitude.

  He threw his hand up in the air and walked to the other side. I took my time to get out of the car. I was feeling a little dizzy and weak. I used my little strength, walked to the door, and pushed it because it was half open. I wondered why the door was open, but before I could ask him, I got my answer. “Surprise,” a bunch of people yelled.

  I noticed it was his mother and his family. They had a WELCOME HOME banner posted on the wall. I smiled and greeted everyone, even though I would have preferred that no one was here.

  I instantly spotted my little man across the room. Before I could move his mother walked toward me. “Here go a seat. Sit down, baby,” she demanded, holding my baby in one hand. I sat on the chair and she handed him to me. I held him tight in my arms, like it was the first time. Tears started to flow. I missed him so much: his smell, and that smile that he gave me.

  “He miss his mama,” Miss Debra whispered in my ear.

  “Thank you so much for taking care of my little man. I missed him so much.” I smiled at her.

  “Child, it’s my pleasure. My grandbaby and his nana had a ball. I wouldn’t trade these moments for anything.”

  As I listened to her talk about her grandson, the bitch who gave me life ran across my mind. I wondered where her ass was at. Did she know her only child almost died and, if she did, did she care?

  Baby Micah started crying, which interrupted my thoughts. “Hey, li’l man, do you know yo’ mama loves you with everything in me?” I kissed him on his forehead and put him close to my bosom and rocked him.

  We ate, laughed, and talked for another two hours. By 3:00 p.m., everybody was gone. His mother was the last one to walk out the door; she’s stayed behind to clean up the kitchen.

  “Just know I am a phone call away. Call me if you need anything. I know you are my son’s fiancée, but you are also my daughter.” She hugged me and walked out.

  “Thank you. I appreciate you.”

  After she was gone, I got up and walked slowly up the stairs. My baby was fast asleep; I guessed he was worn out from all the partying that took place.

  I needed a hot bubble bath to ease my mind. As soon as I got into my ro
om, I heard Micah enter the house. I was about to get into the shower when he walked into the room. I was still irritated with him, so I kept my distance.

  I grabbed my clothes and walked into the bathroom. The water pounded on my sore body, but it didn’t hurt. Instead I welcomed the warmness. I closed my eyes and washed from head to toe. I blocked everything out of my mind and, for those few minutes, I had no thoughts. I enjoyed the simple things such as bathing.

  I dried off and oiled my body down with Africa’s Best Herbal Oil. The fragrance from the oil soothed me in a way I can’t explain. I got dressed and walked out of the bathroom. Micah sat on the edge of the bed with his head down. I tried to walk past him, but before I could do so, he grabbed my arm.

  “Let go of me.” I tried to snatch my arm away from him.

  “Nah, B, sit your ass down and listen to me,” he demanded.

  I looked at him, and peeped the seriousness written across his face. I sat on the bed, unwillingly, but I knew there was no way he was gonna allow me to move.

  He sat beside me and took my hand into his. “I know you’re angry with me and I can’t blame you. But, B, I want you to know that I didn’t lie to you. I gave these streets up for you, ma. I know what that detective is trying to do, but I need you to believe me. I’m your man and I need you to trust me.” He stared in my eyes.

  I didn’t really know what to believe. I didn’t feel like fighting and I couldn’t accuse him until I had proof. I reached over and hugged him and busted out crying. All I wanted was to be happy. I was tired of rainy days.

  He held me tight while he rubbed my hair. No words were needed. There was complete silence as I cleansed my soul.

  He finally let me go and leaned me back on the bed. He then slipped up under my nightgown. He slid my underwear off and dug his face into my pussy. My body trembled as his tongue made a connection with my clit. I remembered how much I missed him making love to me. He sucked my pussy like it was his last supper. I held his head down as my legs trembled and I came into his mouth.


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