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Your Man Chose Me

Page 14

by Racquel Williams

  I wanted to fuck him, but he didn’t want to. “Nah, B, let’s just hold each other tonight.”

  I was kind of in my feelings when he refused to give me the dick, but I understood. I went into my son’s room and stood there staring at him in the crib. I was happy that God saw it fit to spare my life. I loved him since the day he was conceived. My heart started to hurt as the thoughts of me getting shot sank my heart. I wiped the tears and bent down to kiss him. “Mommy loves you, baby boy,” I said as I pulled the covers over him.



  After hiding at my mama’s house for days, I was starting to get bored. The bitch was also plucking my nerves. She kept asking for fucking money to buy alcohol like I was the fucking bank.

  “Ma, what the hell I look like, the bank? Every day you got your damn hands out,” I snapped.

  “You lying up in my shit without paying rent. Shit, you ain’t going to disrespect me in my shit. Ayana, I swear, I didn’t raise you like this. I may not be the world’s greatest mother, but I damn sure wasn’t the worse. But it’s like you have this resentment toward me.”

  “Bitch, please, you can keep that performance for a bitch who gives two fucks about what you saying. Yo’ ass should be happy to help me out. Remember when I used to help you out when I was younger? When you was too fucking drunk to get up and do anything? I was the bitch who got up and cleaned up, made sure you ate. Now you want to act all high and mighty. I’m going to get out of your shit, but don’t you ever fucking call me for anything. You hear me?” I looked at her, shook my head, and walked away. I thought about knocking that bitch’s head off, but instead I walked out the door, slamming it behind me.

  “Ayana,” that bitch started to say, but I didn’t want to hear nothing from that bitch.

  I got into my car and immediately broke down. How could my own mother treat me like this? I knew this bitch never liked me since I was young. She chose Tiana’s ass over me and this was the reason why I hated her so much.

  I rested my head on the steering wheel as tears flowed down my face. I was angry and hurt that Anthony dogged me out. I missed my damn kids. A few months ago I had it all, but how did all this happen? How did I lose everything in the blink of an eye, all because of this one bitch? I should have killed her ass. I sat out there for a good ten minutes before I took a glance back at Mama’s house. There was no way I’d ever go back there. I didn’t give a fuck if that bitch was dead. It was over and done with for me. I had nobody to rely on in this world but me, and I was going to make it work.

  * * *

  I was up bright and early. Today was the hearing for me to get my girls back and, as much as I hated their daddy, I knew I needed my girls. They were the only ones who gave a fuck about me. Plus, I needed them back so I could put Anthony’s ass on child support. This nigga thought he was goin’ to take care of this bitch and her motherfucking child and not worry about me and mine. He had this game all the way fucked up, because as soon as I got my girls back his ass was going to come up off major paper. I knew he had some money saved up and I wanted half of everything for me and my girls.

  I got dressed in a cute dress. I put my hair up in a bun. I was trying to look my best even though I was tired and I felt like shit.

  I walked into the juvenile courtroom. Water gathered in my mouth as I walked toward the front. I didn’t have a lawyer; it was just me. I noticed the bitch who took my babies; she was seated on the right side flipping through papers. My first instinct was to run up on this bitch, but I quickly dismissed that idea.

  “All rise. The Honorable Judge Graham is presiding. Your Honor, this is a removal hearing. The State of Georgia versus Ayana Beasly.”

  “Thank you. Please be seated,” Judge Graham said.

  “Your Honor, I am Attorney Steward, representing the Department of Human Services for the State of Georgia. The defendant’s children were removed from the home because someone filed a complaint with DFACS. When the workers arrived at the home, they witnessed deplorable conditions the children were living in. The kids were then removed from the home and put into the custody of the state. We ask that the children remain with the state until the mother can prove they are safe with her. We will also be looking at the other parent or family members that can provide care for the children.”

  “Miss Beasly, talk to me. What is going on with your living situation?”

  I took a deep breath. “Your Honor, I’m a single mother and even though I don’t have no help, I do the best I can for my children. Your Honor, the workers came to the house right when I was getting ready to clean up the house, and they assumed that was how my children were living.”

  “Well, Miss Beasly, the welfare of the children is very important and we can’t allow them to live in deplorable conditions. Do you have an attorney?”

  “No, Your Honor.”

  “The court will appoint an attorney if you can’t afford one. Also an attorney will be assigned to the children. You will need to follow the orders of the court and the Department of Human Services. From one mother to another, you need to step your game up and do what you need to do, so you can get your children back. Where is the father of the children?”

  I wanted to say, “Chasing pussy,” but I didn’t. “Your Honor, he is not involved in his kids’ lives.”

  “Well, you will need to provide his name and contact information if you have it. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes, Your Honor.”

  “Well, I am setting a date for the next hearing for September tenth, at ten a.m. This will give the state enough time to investigate these allegations filed against you. At that time I will consider releasing to the children to you if there is no proof against you, and only if you cooperate fully with the workers and do what you’re supposed to do. Court is adjourned.”

  I sank down in the chair. The words of this bitch echoed in my head. I hadn’t seen my children since the day they took them and now this bitch was telling me I had to prove some shit to them. Who the fuck did these bitches think they were? I carried these fucking children for nine fucking months. I took care of them.

  I felt so sick inside. I barely managed to grab my purse and walk out of the courtroom in a daze. I walked hurriedly to my car and got in. I banged my head against the steering wheel as I let out my frustration. “God, I can’t live without my kids. I need them. I need Ant to come back home. Please, God, I’m begging you,” I cried.

  After wallowing into self-pity, I finally pulled off.

  I opened the door to my apartment. I looked around to see if anyone has been there, but there was no sign of anyone. The smell of rotten food hit my nose. I glanced over at the kitchen and noticed the pile of dishes. I threw my purse on the ground and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed the bottle of gin I had in the kitchen. There was no need to look for a glass. I put the bottle to my head. I needed it bad.



  Adjusting back to life was kind of hard. The pain was unbearable at times. I would pretend like everything was fine in the daytime. But at night I would suffer silently. Also I was scared, because I had no idea who shot me and I believed they might come back if they were aware that I made it. Micah also was acting paranoid. He stayed armed and he often displayed his frustration, because he had no idea who shot me.

  “Babe, listen, I wish we could move on from all of this,” I said as he lay in the bed with his back turned to me.

  “What you talkin’ ’bout?”

  “I see how distant you’ve become ever since I came home. I mean, you barely talk to me and you walk around here high and armed. I mean, you have a little boy who needs his daddy to play with him. You also have a woman who is lonely and needs her man. I’m hurting too, especially because I can’t remember shit.”

  He sat up in the bed, then turned around to face me. His eyes were bloodshot. “I’m yo’ motherfucking man, and I couldn’t protect you. How the fuck you think this shit makes
me feel? A fucking coward shot you while I was in the same building. I got niggas in the streets putting a bounty up. I need to know which one of the fuck niggas violated you like this. And when I find out, I’m going to torture that motherfucker, the bitch who gave birth to him, down to the fucking babies related to him,” he spoke through clenched teeth, with his fist balled up.

  This coldness and his words sent chills up my spine. “Micah, I don’t want to lose you. I need to know as bad as you do, but it’s not going to help anything if you get locked up or dead,” I tried to comfort him.

  “Nah, fuck that, ma. These country niggas done violated you and that means death to everyone and all involved.” He got up and stormed out of the room.

  I laid my head back on the pillow. If only I could remember who the fuck did this to me, then most of our stress would be over.

  * * *

  I was determined to marry Micah even after everything that went down. At first I was angry, but I quickly came to my senses. Ain’t nobody perfect and, truth was, I didn’t want a perfect man. I wanted a man who loved me and respected me. I had no doubt he loved me and I wasn’t gonna waste another minute.

  “Babe, do you want us to go to the courthouse and get married?” I quizzed him as we sat at the table eating breakfast.

  “Why would we do that? Shit all we got to do is set a new date. Everybody still got their outfit and shit. All you need to do is buy you another gown.”

  Oh, shit, I forgot. I got shot in my gown. “You’re right. Well, let’s set it for two weeks from now. I will hit up the chick from Events By Ebonee and get her to make so new plans. I might have to throw her a few extra dollars since it’s so sudden.”

  “It don’t matter what it is. Money ain’t an issue. Lemme know if you need me to do anything.”

  I smiled at him; my baby was a gangsta with a touch of softness. “I got it, babe. Also I want to go back to school next semester. We need to find a good daycare for Baby Micah.”

  “Oh, shit now! We need to do a background check and everything. The way these motherfuckers be hurting these kids and shit. I’m telling you, T, I will fuck up a nigga or a bitch when it comes down to my seed.”

  “Who you telling? I ’ont like drama, but I swear I will beat a bitch ass quick. Is it safe to say Baby Micah has some crazy parents?” I busted out laughing.

  “Call it what you want! I’m dead-ass serious.”

  We continued eating breakfast. Then he helped me clean the kitchen up. We were alone because his mama had the baby. I definitely welcomed the little bit of free time alone with my man. Micah got quiet, and stared out in space.

  “Hey, boo, let me ask you a question. You think Ayana had anything with you getting shot? I mean this shit happened right after she lost the kids.” He looked up at me.

  I sat there quiet for a few minutes, letting his words sink in. “To be honest with you, I suspect her ass, but I know Ayana. She talks all that shit, but I don’t think she would be that bold to run up in a place where people were who may recognize her. So I quickly dismiss it.”

  “Just thinking. None of this shit don’t add up! You’re not in the streets and you don’t have any enemies. If a nigga were after me, I’m always in the streets. They wouldn’t wait to do something to you. You ain’t got no beef so it’s strange, that’s all.”

  I agreed with what he was saying. I wasn’t in the streets. I mean, a few bitches didn’t like me, but it wasn’t nothing major. They knew I didn’t address lower-level bitches so they stayed their distance. I thought whoever shot me had a connection to Micah. I didn’t say anything though because he was already too riled up and I didn’t want to throw gas on fire!

  I twisted and turned all night! I was feeling anxious and nervous. Months ago, I was ready to marry my man and tragedy struck. I just hoped this time nothing crazy happened. Micah and I both decided to have security posted at the two entrances. I also chose a different location. Even though I didn’t remember what went down, I still didn’t want to go back there. I was afraid that I may have a panic attack.

  We found a great spot to have the wedding: Vecoma at the Yellow River, out in Snellville. The first day I saw that venue, I knew it was perfect. The weather was great so their outside setup was perfect for the ceremony and then their air-conditioned hall was definitely what we needed.

  I ordered another wedding dress from the same company, but a different style. I didn’t want anything that would remind me of that horrible day. I got my hair pinned up and my girl Ken, from Ken Hall, did my makeup. I was already beautiful, but after she was done, I was hottttt.

  Before I left the house, I closed my room door and got on my knees. I asked God to protect me, to keep me away from my enemies. Tears flowed as I had a personal talk with God. I wiped my tears and got up.

  I felt refreshed and ready! Most of my life was filled with pain and struggles. Today was a new day for me. I was ready to start a brand new life, one that was filled with happiness and love. “No more pain,” I mumbled as I took one last glance at myself in the mirror.

  I exited the limo and walked toward the entrance. Micah’s mom was beside me. I looked over at this woman; she was everything I needed in a mother. She took my hand and squeezed it. I thought she sensed my nervousness.

  The music was blasting! It seemed like déjà vu, only this time I decided not to go in the fitting room. I was a little paranoid because I had no idea who was out to get me.

  I greeted a lot of people in the hallway. Most of them I really didn’t know; they were Micah’s guests. “You ready?” his mom asked me.

  “Yes, I’m ready.” I swallowed hard and walked slowly down the aisle. I could see Micah far ahead. I smiled as I got closer. In front of me was the world’s sexiest man. He looked fine in some street clothes, but he was sexy as hell in that tux. That haircut and his deep dimples complemented his dark ivory complexion. He stared deep into my eyes as I reached the altar and took my position beside him.

  The ceremony was well on its way. Before you knew it, we were man and wife. I proudly tongued my man down in front of everyone. My anxiety level was low, because everything happened without incident.

  The rest of the evening was spent dancing, eating, and just having a great time. I was happy as I danced the night away with my love. I would occasionally sneak off to pop a kiss on my baby’s cheek. Micah walked off to go rap with his boy. My feet were hurting from standing so long in those six-inch heels. I had a pair of flats tucked off in the corner. I decided it was time to change out; no need to try to be cute then end up with corns on my toes. I finished switching shoes when I noticed a brown-skinned chick in a tight red gown approaching me. I had never met her so I assumed she was either a relative of his or a close family friend. As she got closer, I noticed her smile turn to an evil grin. I stared at her, because I did not know her and wasn’t sure what she wanted.

  “Well, well, well! So you the bitch he decided to settle down with.” This two-dollar ho caught me off guard.

  “And who might you be, bitch? Let me guess: one of the bitches he done fucked and you can’t get over the fact that he decided to settle down with li’l ol’ me? Bitch, I advise you to run along and find you another bitch to play with! ’Cause I guarantee this is not what you want,” I spat as I took a step closer to this stupid bitch!

  “Ha-ha.” She clapped. “That was cute, but don’t you feel special ’cause he put a ring on it. Trust me, he will be back up in this pussy.” She patted her front.

  I lunged toward that bitch, but someone walked up behind me and grabbed my hand. “No need to do that, ma. Yo, what the fuck you doing up in my wife’s face like this?” It was Micah.

  “We were having a friendly girls’ chat. I was letting her know how much you love eating my pussy.”

  “Yo, B, you talking recklessly right now! Get the fuck outta here before I throw yo’ ass out. Don’t you ever get in my wife’s face like this again. Bitch, I said get the fuck out.” He grabbed her arm and pulled her tow
ard the door.

  I let out a long sigh. The nerve of this bitch.

  Micah’s mother walked up to me. “Listen, baby, don’t you ever come off your throne to address these lower-level bitches. You are now a wife, so wear your crown proudly. There are gonna be bitches who gonna tell you your man fucking them, but what is the point of them telling you after the fact? I know, they tell you so you can get mad and leave him so they can get him. Don’t fall for the foolery. My son loves you.”

  I stood there taking in everything she was saying. It threw me off how blunt she was. However, I got the message she was conveying to me.

  “Come on, let’s party. I am pretty sure my son dealt with the little leech.”

  We both walked on to the dancing floor. I tried to dance, but my mind raced back to what that bitch told me. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn’t notice when Micah walked up on me. “Let me get this dance, beautiful.” My man held me tight as we danced slowly to Sade’s mellow tune, “No Ordinary Love.”

  I threw the bouquet and some chick caught it. We then said our good-byes and ran to the limo; we were going to get dressed so we could catch a Delta flight to Jamaica. I’d never been there before so I was looking forward to this mini vacation.

  Micah’s mother and my baby accompanied us to the airport. I was kind of sad leaving him behind, but I knew he was in good hands. I kissed him, and his daddy hugged him; then we were out.

  * * *

  If I do say so myself, Jamaica is a beautiful island. This was my first time there, and from the minute we stepped off the plane, it was pure enjoyment. We stayed at the Sandals Negril Beach Resort and Spa. After checking into our room, we took a shower and changed into more comfortable outfits. We then went to the area where the restaurant was located. We had dinner, drank wine, and then went swimming in the pool.


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