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Rage's Redemption

Page 14

by Erin Osborne

  Riley looks up at me to see how serious I am. Once she sees the determination on my face, she knows she has no choice in the matter. I grab her clothes and lead the way to the bathroom she has in her room. I’m not giving her any excuse, so I even turn on the water and get it to the temperature I know she likes. As soon as she steps foot in the bathroom, I stand in front of the closed door, so she can’t get out and wait for her to get in. Then I move to sit on the toilet and keep her company while she washes up and lets the hot water run over her body. I bet it’s soothing her muscles with the way she’s just standing there letting the water cascade over her.

  “You don’t have to sit in here with me,” she says.

  “I know I don’t. But you need to hear some things and there’s no time like the present,” I begin. “First and foremost, I’m sorry that I ever doubted you. You’ve never given me any reason to believe that you were truly going to work with my dad and the motherfucker that wanted to kidnap me. Can you forgive me?”

  “There’s nothing to forgive. I should’ve told you a long time ago.”

  “Now, I’m sorry that you got kidnapped and abused the way you did because of me.”

  “It wasn’t because of you,” she interrupts me. “It’s because I didn’t follow his orders and I’ve been looking into something. Keegan, I had a baby after you took off. The baby is no part of Sam, but he found out and managed to take my little girl out of the hospital before I knew what was happening. She’s about to turn one and I have no clue what she even looks like. I want her back so bad and he’s threatened me, so I haven’t looked real close until I got here. I was going to talk to Gage about helping me find her.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” I ask, astonishment lacing my voice.

  “I didn’t know how to tell you.”

  “The next thing we need to talk about is getting you in to talk to someone. I saw a little bit of what they did to you Riley and I’m so sorry.”

  “I already planned on finding someone. Please don’t pity me. I don’t want that from you. You’re my sister and I just need you to have my back and work our way back to getting where we were.”

  “I don’t pity you. I think that you’re one of the strongest people I know, and I just want to help you get even stronger.”

  “I’m ready to get out. So, dinner at your house tonight?” she asks me, climbing into the towel I’m holding for her.

  “Yeah. You don’t really have a choice in the matter.”

  “Rage won’t care?”

  “I don’t really care if he likes it or not. He’s been a moody asshole the last few days.”

  Riley laughs at my description of Rage. I’ve missed talking like this with her, acting like there’s nothing wrong in our private little world. Today, we start getting back to that. So, we head over to my house with Kasey, blare the music, dance around the kitchen while making dinner. I’m not doing all that much dancing, but we’re all having so much fun it doesn’t really matter.

  This is how Rage finds us as he walks through the door with Wood and Gage a few hours later. He watches us for a few minutes before making his way over to me. There’s a smile on his face and I can once again she the love shining from his eyes. Our life is finally getting back on track and I couldn’t be happier.

  Chapter Ten


  THE LAST FEW DAYS I’VE BEEN in to see Sam. He’s tied to the rafters in one of the rooms in the basement just like Riley and I were tied up. Someone has stripped him completely and I know the first thing I’m going to do to him when I get the go ahead from Grim. Hopefully it’s soon because I’m getting itchy to release this pent-up aggression.

  “Rage, are you ready to finally get your hands on this scumbag?” Grim asks, walking in the door behind me.

  “I’m more than ready. There’s so much I need to do to him for Keegan, Riley, myself, and more importantly my daughter.”

  “Let me get the guys in here and you can give him your worst.”

  Within a few minutes, every member we can possibly fit in this room is standing behind me. Tank has brought in an assortment of tools and torture devices for me to use. I turn to Blade for my first mission though.

  “Blade, I need your dullest one man,” I let him know, holding out my hand to see what he’s going to hand me.

  “Here you go. Been savin’ this one for a special occasion. This one seems like the perfect one.”

  I take the blade that he’s just handed me, and I move closer to Sam. He’s going to scream like a little bitch. I’m not going to let him pass out. As soon as he does, we’ll wake him back up. This twatwaffle is going to feel every ounce of pain I want to inflict on him.

  “So, you never seem to get your hands dirty. Can you Sam?” I begin. “And I know my President flat out told you that you didn’t have any balls. So, let’s make that a reality.”

  Without another word, I begin to separate his balls from his body. Every single man in this room is cringing and groaning from watching what I’m doing. A few actually look like they might get sick. Sam is screaming like the bitch he is. I’m not giving him a break though. As soon as he starts to pass out, I stop until he’s alert and start again.

  I made sure that there was a doctor that does work for the club every now and then present so that Sam wouldn’t die before I was done with him. Nodding to him after a minute, I want him to stop the bleeding as much as possible, so he doesn’t die from blood loss when there’s so much more pain for him to feel. I’m not playing with this fucker and all the mental torture my girl suffered at his hands. She had to run and hide for most of her life because of him. Then to witness what the douche canoe ordered to be done to Riley and her child. I will be finding out where her son or daughter is. Once Keegan finds out about it, she’ll make sure that as many people as possible help find the missing child.

  Using the same blade, I begin to slice tiny cuts all over his body. Riley was cut with huge blades all over her body. Sam needs to feel what she felt. As soon as I think that he’s got enough cuts in his skin, I take a handful of salt and rub it into as many as I can. Screams and moans rip from Sam no matter how hard he tries to act tough and hold it in.

  “I need a small break,” I announce. “Anyone else want a go at him?”

  Glock and Tank both step up. I’ll stay in the room, but I need to sit down for a second. I’m still in pain and this is taking more out of me than what I thought it would. Blade and Cage stand next to me in case I need help. Closing my eyes, I think of more ways I can torture this man. I’m listening to the sounds of Glock, Tank, and whoever else getting their hit’s in while they can. There are so many things I want to do to him, but there’s not going to be enough time to do them all. So, I’ll do what I can in the little amount of time I’m given.

  “Rage, we might have a problem,” a prospect says, coming in the room we’re in.

  “What’s that?” I ask, puzzled.

  “Keegan wants to come get a hit or two in.”

  I look around the room at my brothers. Normally we wouldn’t even consider doing something like this. However, after the time and pain my girl has endured, I’m going to give her this. After nodding at the prospect, I stand so that I can be the first-person firefly sees. She cautiously enters the room and finds me immediately. I nod to her and hold my hand out. After she takes my hand, I pull her into my body so she can’t see past me.

  “We’ve already had fun with him firefly. You need to prepare yourself for what you see. It’s not pretty,” I warn her.

  “I know. It’s nothing that he doesn’t deserve. I’m just sorry that my dad isn’t feeling the same pain he is.”

  Looking into her eyes, I try to gauge what’s going through her mind right now. There’s no hesitation, no fear, nothing that’s going to make me change my mind right now. The only things I see are pure hatred, disgust, and pain for whatever she has learned happened to Riley and myself. I ask if she’s ready and there’s no hesitation before she nods.

/>   Stepping to the side, I watch her reaction as she takes in Sam’s appearance for the first time. My girl is strong as fuck as she takes step after step towards him. I see her grab a hammer on her way over to him and I’m intrigued as to what she has going through her mind right now. We don’t have to wait long though.

  “How dare you prey on young girls, you sick fuck!” she yells. “You will never touch another girl again!”

  Before any of us can do anything, Keegan starts hitting Sam anywhere she can with the hammer in her hand. I let her go until I can see her getting tired. Then I know that she’s had enough, and I need to stop her. As I pull her into my arms, I see the tears flowing down her face and the pain etched in her eyes. My girl has had enough and I’m going to take her home now. These motherfuckers can finish him off. I want to be the one to end him, but Keegan needs me more right now.

  “Pres, I’m out. My girl needs me more than endin’ this cocksucker. Make him fuckin’ pay!” I grit out before making my way towards the door.

  “You got it brother. Anythin’ in mind you want done to him?” Grim asks me.

  “Yeah. I think he needs to burn for the pain he caused all those other little girls,” I tell him, motioning my head towards the torch sitting on the bench where I left it. “And check his back for tattoos. There’s no way he’s doin’ this shit alone.”

  “Got it. Get firefly home and we’ll let you know when it’s done.”

  Once we’re out the door, Keegan lets go of me and looks me in the eyes. She’s searching for something and no matter what I do, she’ll find what she’s looking for. Keegan is the only person I know that can read me and know exactly what I’m thinking and feeling without me letting on to anything.

  “Go back in there babe,” she tells me. “I know you want to be the one to end him. Finish it for me so I know without a doubt that it’s done.”

  “No…” I start to say.

  “Please. Do it for me. I need to know that he’s dead and never going to hurt another person as long as we live. That there’s never going to be a chance for him to come after our daughter. You will make sure that doesn’t happen. Go back in there. I’ll go with the other girls and wait for you to get done. I’ll be fine.”

  My girl had to bring up the one thing guaranteed to make me go back in that room. No motherfucker will ever get his dirty, grimy hands on our daughter. I will gut a cocksucker before that happens. Kissing Keegan, I walk back in the room to the screams of Sam. Blade and Pops are working him over and I can just imagine what they’re doing to him.

  “What’s up?” Grim asks me.

  “Keegan wants me to be the one to finish him off. She knows that I’ll make sure this motherfucker won’t ever be able to touch our daughter.”

  “Step in when you want to then,” Grim tells me.

  I remove my cut and shirt before letting Pops and Blade know that I’ll be taking back over. Walking around the asshole that has haunted my girl’s dreams for way to long, I think about what I want to do to him next. Pausing at his back, I see that he does in fact have ink. It’s small and what the Soulless Bastards used to wear when they were still around. I call attention to this and the men all move in closer to him. Especially Cage, Joker, and Grim.

  “Looks like we didn’t get all of them,” Grim says, picking up a bottle of alcohol before walking to his back.

  Pointing out the small tattoo, I watch as my President pours a liberal amount of alcohol over Sam’s back. Knowing what comes next, I make sure to light the torch where Sam can see. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know what we’re going to do. Sam starts moving around as much as he can to try to get as far away from me as he can. Honestly, he can’t go very far. We made sure of that.

  Walking around Sam, I let the torch get closer and closer to his body. There’s no way he can’t feel the heat from it. Sam is really starting to squirm now. I’m not one to feel pain for those that like to torture and beat on others. When it comes to Sam, I really have nothing but hatred and rage to feel. Not only has he preyed on little girls, but he’s been tracking and trying to get my girl since she was little.

  Putting the torch to his body, I watch the flames take off from the alcohol Grim poured on his body. The flames go down his back. I stand there mesmerized as I listen to his screams. The guys are standing there watching right along with me. Especially those involved personally with what happened with the Soulless Bastards. They fucked with Skylar and Bailey at one point or another.

  After what seems like forever, we douse the flames just after Sam’s screams have faded. I’m not sure if he passed out from the pain or if he’s dead. I nod my head at the doc and he checks him. It takes him a minute, but he tells us he can feel a pulse very faintly. I’m not going to let him die like this though. So, I pull my gun and point it at his head. I’m covered in splatter, but it’s worth it to be able to tell my girl that he’s finally gone and has nothing to worry about anymore.

  Before going to get cleaned up, I text Bailey to make sure my girl was okay. Once I got the response, I ran up to shower in Cage and Joker’s room so that neither one of my girls would see me looking the way I did. That’s something I don’t ever want to have to explain to our daughter. And, I don’t need Keegan to see me covered in Sam’s blood. It’s bad enough that she was down there and got her hands dirty. My only concern is that I’ll be able to tell her that it’s over with. Now, we just need to look into what role he played with the Soulless Bastards and how many more there are out there.

  Finally cleaned up, I go in search of my girls. I need the calm that they bring me and the peace that I find in their arms. Kasey and Keegan are sitting on one of the couches in the main room, talking about something. My daughter is the first one to notice me and I see her push off the couch and run towards me. I brace myself to catch her flying body as she launches herself at me. Keegan just remains seated, watching the two of us. I can’t say that I blame her as it’s getting harder and harder for her to move around.

  After giving my daughter hugs and kisses, I make my way over to Keegan. Sitting down next to her, I whisper that she no longer has anything to worry about. Firefly’s entire body sags in relief as I relay the information to her. She closes her eyes and I can see a few tears slipping out. This time, I know they’re tears of so many different emotions and there’s nothing I can really do except for be there for the love of my life.

  Chapter Eleven


  THIS MORNING THE GIRLS CAME pounding on my door. I guess they decided to have a baby shower and bridal shower all rolled into one for Keegan. There’s no way in hell I’m missing this. So, I got ready to go and we went shopping.

  “What are you getting for her, Riley?” Skylar asks me.

  “I’m getting a little bit of everything. The things I wish I got to use on my baby girl,” I respond without thinking.

  “Did you lose a child?” she asks.

  “In a way.”

  Skylar thankfully lets the subject drop as I begin to load my cart with things. I grab a few blankets, bottles, pajamas, onesies, diapers and wipes, along with little bottles of everything they’ll need to wash the babies and make them smell amazing. Damn I wish I got to smell that with my daughter. I can’t let myself go down that road though. Not today. When I’m alone later on, I can think about the what-ifs and where my little peanut is. That’s all I have. I didn’t even get a chance to see her after I had her.

  “When we’re done here, we’re going back to the adult store for some bridal shower gifts. Keegan better have a good sense of humor!” Bailey tells us all.

  I glance over at Darcy and see her face turning a few shades of red. We had to sneak her here because Keegan doesn’t know what the girls planned for her. They want to surprise her after the hell she’s been through with Rage and I being kidnapped and because she’s at the point in her pregnancy that she’s absolutely miserable. Still, she’s trying to do everything for everyone around her. Me included.

�Riley, I know that we don’t know one another,” Darcy says coming up to me. “But, I’d like to change that. I know there’s a history between you and Riley and I’m here for you whenever you need me.”

  “Thank you, Darcy. That means a lot to me. I’m not sure that I’m staying in the area though. Now that the threat is gone, I can leave here and start to rebuild my life. Figure out who I’m meant to be.”

  “What were you doing before you came here?” she asks me, truly wanting to get to know me.

  “I was a hair dresser. I did it all. Hair, manicures, pedicures, and I was thinking about going to school for massages as well.”

  “Are you shitting me?” she asks, incredulous. “I need a stylist at my salon. Would you be willing to move to Dander Falls and work for me?”

  “You don’t know anything about my work. How can you offer me a job?” I ask, not wanting to believe a job just landed in my lap.

  “I don’t mean to interrupt, but I need a cut and color done. I’d be willing to be a guinea pig,” Maddie says, looking between the two of us.

  “That works for me if you want to do it,” Darcy says, looking hopeful.

  “I can do it. What color are you thinking?”

  “I want to go dark blond again. That’s usually what Darcy does for me. I need it done again.”

  We make arrangements for me to do Maddie’s hair tomorrow afternoon. Darcy wasn’t planning on spending the night, but now she’s going to. I guess this means that eventually the guys will be showing up. The two men that follow her around are never far behind her. I bet they’re pissed they haven’t figured out where she is already.


  I’m not sure what the girls are planning, but I know them good enough to know that they’re up to something. This morning they all left bright and early. Now, Rage and Kasey are acting strange. I’m so uncomfortable that I can’t even pretend to care though. It seems like overnight I blew up to the size of a small house. With having almost three months left in this pregnancy, I’m sure that I’ll be the size of a house with garage by the time the twins get here.


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