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Rage's Redemption

Page 15

by Erin Osborne

  Since everyone left the house, I decide to take a warm bath. It’s not something I get to do very often and I’m going to take full advantage of an empty house while I can. Once the twins get here, it will be nonstop going all the time. If I’m not with them, I’ll be with Kasey so that she’s not feeling some kind of way. We don’t want her to feel left out or unwanted at all.

  Just as I’m going to get in the tub, there’s a knocking on the door. Sighing, I turn the water off and put my robe back on, so I can go see who’s interrupting my quiet time. Before I open the door, I check the peephole to see who it is. Rage would split a gasket if I didn’t check it first. That’s how bad things happen.

  “What’s up Riley?” I ask, opening the door wide.

  “Wanted to come see you. They’re cleaning my room and I need some place to go for a half hour. Can I chill out? Or do you want me to go somewhere else?”

  “No, you’re good. I was just going to hop in a bath. I’ll take a shower instead. Make yourself at home.”

  I waddle back in to the bathroom and turn the shower on. So much for the relaxing bath. But, Riley and I are finally getting back on track and I’m going to make sure we stay that way. So, as quick as I can, I wash up and throw a dress on. Dresses are pretty much all I can wear right now.

  “Why did they decide to clean your room today?” I ask, making my way back out in the living room.

  “I don’t know. I think they said something about painting it when I leave.”

  “What do you mean, ‘when you leave’?” I ask, sitting down on the opposite side of the sectional.

  “I’m not staying here forever Keegan. You have your life here and I need to find my life now. I need to find my place like you did. Darcy is actually going to possibly give me a chance to work in her salon.”

  “That’s great!” I tell her, genuinely happy that she’s making moves to gain her life back.

  “I’m going to do Maddie’s hair tomorrow to see what she thinks. Then, Darcy will decide if I get a spot in her salon.”

  “I know you’ll get it. I remember you doing my hair all the time before I left. You saved me money I didn’t have on haircuts.”

  We sit and talk for a little bit longer before Riley asks me to walk back over to the clubhouse with her. I can understand why she’s hesitant to walk outside alone. I’d probably be the same way as her. Besides, I need to get some exercise. Walking shouldn’t hurt me, and I can rest at the clubhouse for a little bit before I make my way back over here. So, I send a message to Rage letting him know what I’m doing before we head out.

  I’ve been sitting here for a few minutes, waiting to get the energy to walk back to the house. Just as I’m going to get up, Kasey comes running up to me. She’s bouncing up and down and excited about something. I’m not sure what has her in such a tizzy, but I’m about to find out I guess.

  “Mama, you gots to come with me,” she tells me, bouncing on her little feet.

  “Kasey, calm down sweet pea. She’ll get up when she can,” Rage says, coming over to help me.

  “I knows. But I’m so excited!”

  “What’s going on Rage?” I ask, my curiosity getting the better of me.

  “I’m sworn to secrecy.”

  Rage walks me into the game room before stepping back and letting me go in the room alone. As soon as I look around, I know why he’s not coming in with me. The girls have the room decorated in pinks and blues with balloons, streamers, and banners. The plates, cups, and silverware are also in blues in and pinks. Kasey is standing by the table and I can see the excitement shining from her eyes as she stands before the table loaded down with gifts.

  “Mama, looks at all the stuff for the babies. They gots lots of gifts.”

  “Yes, they do” I reply, the tears forming as I waddle farther into the room. “I can’t believe you all put this together for us. Thank you so much!”

  “You’re part of the club firefly. You’re all a part of the family,” Bailey tells me, wrapping me in a hug.

  “Now, it’s time to play some games. Then we’ll eat the food the guys are cooking. After that, we’ll open gifts so that the kids can leave, and we’ll finish the party off,” Skylar tells me.

  “What do you mean?”

  “The other part is a bridal shower hun.”

  “Wow! You guys have blown me away,” I tell everyone. “Thank you so much. I truly needed this today.”

  Everyone gathers around, and Bailey starts the games. We’re laughing so hard that a few times I have to make my way to the bathroom in fear of peeing my pants. I’ve been slowly sliding into a funk and I didn’t know how to tell anyone. Including Rage. This is helping pull me right back out. I still can’t do what I want to do with how big I’m getting, but I’ll be back to normal soon. I have to keep reminding myself of that.

  Bailey even got some cute prizes for the girls that won the games. At one point she pulled a prospect in to clean up some of the debris from the games and I thought he was going to run for the hills at some of the conversations going on around him. Skylar and Darcy were talking about childbirth and the poor guy turned as white as a sheet. I don’t think he’ll be thinking about having kids anytime soon.

  “Are you doing okay?” Riley asks me.

  “Yeah. I’m a little tired, but I’m okay.”

  “Well, how about we have Reagan, Kasey, Zoey, and the rest of the girls help you open the gifts for the baby shower portion of the day?” Bailey asks.

  “That would be a tremendous help,” I answer them.

  “Alright, who wants to help Keegan open the presents for the babies?” Bailey asks the kids.

  All of the little girls shout and jump up before running over to me. They’re so excited and it’s contagious as I find myself catching my second wind. Or maybe it’s the third or fourth one for the day. So, we get busy opening the presents while one of the girls writes down who the gift was from and what it was. When I get to Riley’s gift, I can feel the love and care that she had when she picked out each item. Knowing what I know about her having a baby out there somewhere, my heart breaks more and more. We have to get her baby back for her. One way or another I will do what I have to in order to find her.

  I look at the mound of gifts that have been opened and my tears start again. We have been given everything that a baby could want times two. There’s blankets, pacifiers, toys, diapers, wipes, and so much more. The only thing we don’t have is something from Pops. He gave us a card with a gift card in it along with a note that the rest of our gift will be delivered in the next two weeks or so. I can’t imagine what it’s going to be, but I think I have an idea. Skylar and Bailey have talked about cribs and stuff. So, I’m wondering if he had a nursery set made for us. Looking over at Bailey, I see her nod her head at me. She’s silently letting me know that my train of thought is right. Pops has had us cribs and things for the nursery made. It touches my heart to know that he considers us family enough to do this for Rage and I.

  Everything has been opened for the babies, the guys have taken it all over to the house for us, and we’ve had dinner. The guys did a cookout and the food was amazing. All of it. Now, the little girls are being ushered out to the men with the rest of the kids so that I can open my bridal shower gifts. They decided to forgo the games this time because I am getting tired. Honestly, I don’t care if we take the gifts home and I open them later. But, I can’t do that to everyone here.

  “Keegan, you just sit right where you are, and we’ll bring everything over to you,” Skylar tells me, as Rage is leaning in for a kiss.

  “Are you sure you’re up for this?” he asks me.

  “No. But, they went through the trouble to do this for me, so I’m going to at least open the gifts. I’ll let you know when I’m ready to head home.”

  “Don’t be too long. I don’t like the way you’re lookin’ firefly. You need to rest. I know you’ve been sittin’ down, but it’s not enough. We need to get you in bed with your feet up.”
br />   Rage is such a worry wart. I haven’t had any issues with the pregnancy. I’m just tired quicker and I can’t move around the way I used to be able to. On one hand, it drives me up a wall with how protective he is. But, it shows that he loves the twins and me and only wants the best for us. Kasey is picking up on it too and starting to watch me more and more every day.

  “I love you! Go with the men and I’ll see you soon.”

  “I love you firefly.”

  As soon as my man leaves the room, Darcy brings over her gift to me. Her face is scarlet, and I can’t help but wonder what she got me. Opening the bag, I can already feel my face turning red as well. I pull out several toys in various shapes and sizes, extra batteries, and a nightie that is more string than anything.

  “Oh wow! I don’t know where to even begin! Thank you, Darcy,” I say, putting the items back in the bag and setting it down beside me.

  The girls are making comments over all the gifts I get. Honestly, I don’t know who gave me the most outrageous one today. I’ve gotten everything from edible underwear to a sex swing to hang in the bedroom. There’s a ton of new toys that we can have fun with. Even though I’m not usually one to include toys when I’m in the bedroom, I don’t know that Rage will not want to try some of them out. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

  “Now, usually we’d include more games, but the bride to be is in need of rest. So, we’re not going to do that tonight,” Bailey tells everyone. “So, I’ve already messaged Rage and he’ll be here in a minute to get you Keegan.”

  I nod my head, thankful that he’s coming to get me. Hopefully we can take a truck over to the house because I’m exhausted. Normally, I’d walk, but I don’t know that I can after today. It’s been a long one and I’m ready to fall asleep where I sit right now.

  Riley is standing by my side when Rage walks in the room to get me. Kasey is hot on his heels and I know she’s going to ask me a hundred and one questions because I’m so tired. I love it though, and you’ll never hear me complain. Surprisingly, she takes my hand while my man helps me up and then she takes Riley’s hand. My friend has two plates loaded down with cake and other desserts in her hands for us to take home. Normally, I’m not one to pass up sweets, but I’m too tired to even look at the plates right now.

  “Let’s get you to bed firefly. Tomorrow, you’re not doin’ nothin’. Even if I have to have the girls come over and make sure you stay in bed!” Rage threatens as he leads me outside.

  “I’m not going to argue that point at all babe. I don’t want to move any more. I just want to go to sleep.”

  Rage chuckles, but I know that he’s still going to make sure the girls are at the house tomorrow. They’ll take care of everything I would normally do during the day. And I bet Skylar is already planning on what to make for dinner for us. She’s good like that and we all love her cooking.

  “I’m going to be over in the morning to watch Kasey,” Sami announces, coming up to the passenger side of the truck. “Their vacation starts tomorrow, and she won’t be in school. So, we’ll spend the day together.”

  “Thank you so much Sami,” I tell her, pulling her in for a hug. “If you want to come over tonight, you’re more than welcome.”

  “No. Goose and I are going to the movies and a late dinner.”

  “Okay. Have fun and I’ll see you in the morning.”

  We get to the house and Rage puts me to bed before making sure that Kasey does her nightly routine. This man is amazing and I’m so lucky to have him and his wonderful daughter in my life.

  Chapter Twelve


  A few weeks later

  TONIGHT, I GUESS THE GUYS AND GIRLS are throwing Keegan and I parties before we get married. I can’t believe that tomorrow the love of my life becomes mine in the eyes of the law. Kasey is excited and keeps telling us that she can’t wait until Keegan is really her mama. What more could I ask for?

  I’m not sure exactly what is planned for us tonight, but I’m sure that it’s going to be crazy and we’re going to end up getting in trouble. The same goes for the girls. I’m sure my girl is going to see, and hear, things she wished she didn’t. Especially with Bailey planning the bachelorette party.

  “You ready for tonight?” Grim asks, walking up and sitting at the bar with me.

  “Yeah. I’m not sure what you guys have planned, but I hope Bailey takes it easy on my girl. Things have been rough with her the last week or so.”

  “What do you mean?” he asks, the concern evident on his face.

  “I mean, she’s tired all the time. She can barely move with how big she’s gotten. And, her back hurts so bad. I spend more time rubbin’ it for her than anythin’ else. I’m not complainin’, but I don’t like seeing her in the pain she’s in. It’s to the point that she has a hard time sleepin’ because she can’t get comfortable.”

  “Isn’t there anythin’ they can do to help her?”

  “I don’t know. We go back to the doctor the day after the weddin’. Hell, I don’t even know if we should go through with the weddin’.”

  “Why would you say that?” Bailey asks, her and Whitney walking up to us. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothin’ like what you’re thinkin’ crazy girl,” Grim answers her.

  “Then why wouldn’t you want to have the wedding?” Whitney asks.

  “Keegan isn’t feelin’ all that great. You know how she’s been feelin’ and it’s only gotten worse over the last few days.”

  “Fuck!” Bailey says. “Why doesn’t she tell anyone? We’ll help her out no questions asked.”

  “She knows that. Firefly doesn’t want to feel like a burden to anyone though. Hell, it’s like pullin’ teeth just to get her to let me do anythin’ to help her out.”

  “Okay. So, we’ll change plans.” Whitney responds.

  “Don’t tell her that you’re doin’ that either. It will upset her,” I tell the girls, knowing that they won’t say anything to her.

  “We won’t change much. Just the venue. You guys are going to be going to the strip club. So, we’ll have it here instead. I’m sure you guys would feel safer with us here anyway.”

  “I know I would,” Grim answers, taking a sip of his coffee.

  Bailey gives a playful smack to Grim’s arm before looking upset. We all know it’s nothing more than an act, but it’s funny. That’s something I know I need right now. Whitney is trying to hide her laughter and failing miserably at it.

  “I guess that just means that we get to have the prospects here to watch over us. They’ll get to help us set up. And, they’ll get to watch the male strippers I’ve hired,” Bailey informs Grim.

  “Crazy girl, you’re tryin’ to get me hurt, aren’t you?” Grim asks, turning in his chair to look at his wife.

  “Nope. Just know you’re not going to leave us here alone.”

  “You have a point. Just try to be nice to them. I don’t want to have to get more prospects because you’ve all scarred them for life.”

  “If they can’t handle a few old ladies, do you really want them in the club?” she asks, making a valid point.

  Grim shakes his head and I know that he’s going to give in to her. It was never really a question though. Not when it comes to the comfort and safety of our women. I can already see my President relaxing knowing that they’ll be here instead of some strip club. The girls tell us they’re going to get everything they need to set up for tonight before walking out the door.

  “I’m headin’ home. Need to check on my girls,” I tell Grim.

  “Call if you need anythin’.”

  Walking in the door to the house, I can hear laughter coming from the bedroom. Kasey has been spending time with Keegan in bed. They play, watch movies, read, and paint one another’s nails. Firefly is trying so hard to keep life and normal as possible for our little girl. Every day I fall more and more in love with her for that reason alone.

  Standing in the doorway, I watch my daughter telling Keega
n and Sami a story. She’s being very animated, and her changing voices are over the top. No one notices me watching them until Kasey spins in a circle, almost falling, and I rush in to catch her.

  “Daddy! You scared me,” Kasey tells me, wrapping her little arms around my neck.

  “I’m sorry sweet pea.”

  “Is okay. Did you hear my story?”

  “I caught part of it. What are you talkin’ about?” I ask her, sitting on the end of the bed.

  “Jameson and Zoey. He gots mad because she didn’t want to do what he wanted her to.”

  “Oh. Well, sometimes, he just wants to help protect you all.”

  “We know. It’s just funny. He’s like you and our uncas.”

  The three of us laugh at her description of Jameson. She’s accurate in it. The boys have always been protective over the younger kids and it’s only gotten worse as they’ve gotten older. Hell, in a year we’re about to start having teenagers around here. Anthony will be the first one to hit his teens, but the rest of the kids aren’t far behind him.

  “How are you feelin’ firefly?” I ask, putting my daughter down and walking over to get a kiss.

  “I’m tired. But, that’s nothing new these days. Sami is going to take Kasey to the clubhouse with some of the other kids to play so I can take a nap.”

  “Okay. I’m goin’ to head over to check on a few of the buildin’ sites. And, I think I have to go look at a few houses that are goin’ up for auction. We’re thinkin’ of buyin’ them for more shelter homes.”

  “That’s amazing!” Keegan tells me on a yawn.

  Kissing my girl again, I head out to go to work for a little bit. She needs uninterrupted sleep time if she’s finally comfortable enough to finally get some sleep. Sami and Kasey walk out with me and we all head out. Pulling out my phone, I call over to the clubhouse to send a prospect over to keep an eye on my girl. I don’t want her to be alone if anything happens.

  Today has been long and I’m glad it’s finally over. Going to the job sites wasn’t that bad. I checked in, order materials for the guys to pick up, and made sure the foremen had everything under control. I’ll be back full time once the twins are born, but right now, I need to be there for Keegan. My employees understand this and always ask how things are going.


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